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本文(浙江省2019年高考英语二轮复习完形填空模拟检测(六)夹叙夹议文(C卷)训练.doc)为本站会员(eastlab115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1完形填空模拟检测(六) 夹叙夹议文 (C 卷)(共 2篇,限时 35分钟)AThere were times when I wanted to be a fashion designer, a model, or a rock star but I gave up halfway. The one thing I _1_ was drawing.Thats why this “100 Days of _2_” project was both such a joy and a _3_. The rule I set was _4_ one self portrait drawing a da

2、y for 100 days. _5_ my own advice, I wanted to achieve something. Not only did I get a sketchbook to keep forever _6_ this project, but I also drew some valuable _7_, got a little better with my work ethic (职业道德) and improved my skills from it. _8_, I proved to myself that I could do it.In our selfi

3、eobsessed (痴迷于自拍的 ) _9_, we take pictures of our faces all the time without finding out the _10_ of “self” and seeing what we could learn. I quickly realized that I had never looked at my _11_ so carefully. By about day 20, I got a good sense of what I _12_ looked like. My face was familiar to me in

4、stead of just the _13_ in the mirror.I also got _14_ of looking at myself. So I wanted to draw something other than my face. The _15_ 40 days were very hard. All I could do was telling myself never to give up. I _16_ eventually! Although things are not _17_, Im still proud I finished this project.Th

5、is project was a good _18_ that if I set my mind on something and if Im _19_ about it I can do it. And if I can do this, what else cant I _20_?语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 “我”给自己设定了一个目标:连续 100天每天为自己画一幅画像。在实现这一目标的过程中, “我”收获颇多。1A.referred to Bstuck toCturned to Dapproved of解析:选 B 根据空前的“There were times when I wan

6、ted to be a fashion designer, a model, or a rock star but I gave up halfway.”(有好多次“我”想当时装设计师、模特或者摇滚明星,但“我”都中途放弃了)可知,此处表示“我”唯一坚持(stuck to)的一件事就是绘画。2A.Self Love BSelf PityCTrue Love DTrue Dream解析:选 A 根据下文提到的“我”连续 100天每天给自己画一幅画像可知,本次项2目的主题是“100 Days of Self Love” ,即“爱自己一百天” 。故选 A项。3A.wonder BchanceCcha

7、llenge Dsuccess解析:选 C 根据第一段提到的“我”唯一坚持的一件事是绘画并结合下文可知,此处表示这个“爱自己一百天”的绘画项目既是一个乐趣也是一个挑战(challenge)的原因。乐趣是因为画画是“我”的爱好;挑战是因为要连续 100天为自己画画像。wonder“奇迹,惊奇” ;chance“机会,可能性” 。4A.reliable BuniqueCstrict Dsimple解析:选 D 根据下文中的“one self portrait drawing a day for 100 days”可推知, “我”为自己设定的规则很简单(simple)。5A.Receiving BF

8、ollowingCBreaking DGiving解析:选 B “我”听从自己的建议想取得一些成就。follow ones advice“听从某人的建议”为固定搭配,故选 B。6A.from behind Brather thanCout of Dacross from解析:选 C 由于这个项目, “我”不仅得到了一本可永久保留的素描薄,而且获取了一些有价值的经验(lessons),加强了“我”的职业道德,从中提高了技能。out of“由于”符合语境。7A.conclusions BmottosClessons Dnotes解析:选 C 参见上题解析。lesson“经验,教训”符合语境。con

9、clusion“结论” ;motto“格言,箴言” ;note“注释,记录,笔记” 。8A.Additionally BThusCInstead DApparently解析:选 A 此外, “我”向自己证明了“我”能做成。故选择表示递进关系的Additionally“此外” 。9A.atmosphere BcultureCphenomenon Dtradition解析:选 B 此处表示在我们痴迷于自拍的文化(culture)中。atmosphere“气氛,氛围” ;phenomenon“现象” ;tradition“传统” 。10A.concept BpurposeCfact Dmeaning

10、3解析:选 D 我们一直拍自己的脸,却没有发现“自己”的意义(meaning)。concept“概念” ;purpose“目的” ;fact“事实” 。11A.head BaspectCface Dphoto解析:选 C “我”很快意识到“我”从未这么仔细地看过自己的脸(face)。12A.actually BcompletelyCnaturally Dpresently解析:选 A 到大约第 20天时, “我”对自己事实上长什么样子有了很好的判断力。actually“事实上,实际上”符合语境。completely“完全地” ;naturally“自然地” ;presently“目前” 。13

11、A.appearance BbuildCimage Doutline解析:选 C “我”熟悉了自己的脸,它不再仅仅是镜子中的映像(image)。appearance“外表,外貌” ;build“体格,体形” ;outline“外形,轮廓” 。14A.tired BashamedCaware Dfree解析:选 A 根据下文中的“So I wanted to draw something other than my face.”可知, “我”也厌倦了看自己的这张脸。get tired of doing sth.“对做某事感到厌倦”为固定用法。15A.first BnextCmiddle Dlas

12、t解析:选 D 根据下文中的“All I could do was telling myself never to give up.”可推知,最后的(last)40 天是很艰难的。 it Btook itChad it Dmade it解析:选 D 根据下文“Im still proud I finished this project”可知, “我”最终获得了成功。make it“获得成功”符合语境。get it“明白” 。17A.reasonable BperfectCsatisfactory Dproper解析:选 B 虽然事情不是很完美(perfect),但“我”仍然为自己

13、能完成这个项目感到自豪。reasonable“合乎情理的” ;proper“合适的,恰当的” 。18A.example BrewardCgift Dreminder解析:选 D 这个项目很好地提醒了“我”如果“我”下定决心做某件事情,并且如4果“我”对它着迷(crazy),那么“我”就能做成。reminder“起提醒作用的东西”符合语境。example“例子,榜样” ;reward“回报,奖赏” ;gift“礼物,天赋” 。19A.crazy BanxiousCconcerned Dsensitive解析:选 A 参见上题解析。crazy“狂热的,着迷的” 。20A.overcome Bacc

14、omplishCconduct Ddesire解析:选 B 如果“我”做成了这件事情,还有其他什么事情“我”不能做到呢?accomplish“完成,实现”符合语境。overcome“克服(困难),战胜” ;conduct“指导,管理” ;desire“渴望” 。BA man, a woman and a child are telling a tree their troubles.“How can I do what others say, ” asked the child, “and_1_ be me?” “Look at me, ” said the tree.“I _2_ in th

15、e wind, move downwards in the rain, yet I always _3_ myself, a tree.”The man said, “I cant _4_ my life.” “Look at me, ”said the tree.“I change every _5_ from green to brown to green again, from shoots to flowers to _6_ leaves.Yet I always remain myself, a tree.”“I cant love any more, ” said the woma

16、n.“With my love, I have _7_ all that I have.” “Look at me, ” said the tree.“There are birds in my _8_, moss (苔藓) and ladybugs _9_ on my bark (树皮)They may take what I _10_, but not what I am.”Whether we know it or not, we are like the tree.Only our pride hangs on to a(n)_11_ sense of self, wanting to

17、 keep everything, refusing to _12_ advice or spiritual direction.What we do doesnt matter; how we do it is what _13_.Change and growth is as _14_ as the sun coming up every morning and sinking every night._15_ what is inside you and listen to what your _16_ tells you.Why not just for today, _17_ onc

18、e more to a place that exists outside yourself without your own or others_18_?We can easily _19_ a child who is afraid of the dark; but the real tragedy (悲剧) of life is that men are afraid of the _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一个男人、一个女人和一个孩子分别向一棵大树述说自己的疑难,大树以自己的经验一一作答,教他们怎么做人、怎样生活。51A.already BthusCstill Dins

19、tead解析:选 C 根据下文大树对小孩问题的回答,即保留自己的本色可知,此处小孩向大树提问的是“我怎样才能既听从别人的话,又仍然还是我自己” ,故 still在此符合语境。2A.tremble BbendCwave Dfight解析:选 B “我”在风中折腰(bend),在雨里低垂,但是“我”一直还是自己, “我”仍旧是一棵树。3A.remain BpolishCchange Ddetermine解析:选 A 参见上题解析。另外,第三段中的“Yet I always remain myself”也是提示。remain“依然”符合语境。polish“润色,擦亮” ;change“改变” ;de

20、termine“决定” 。4A.promote BadvanceCimprove Dtransform解析:选 D 根据下文中的“change”可知,此处应选择与之含义相近的 transform,此处表示这个男人向大树述说自己不能改变生活。5A.time BseasonCday Dterm解析:选 B 根据下文中的“from green to brown to green again, from shoots to flowers to _6_leaves”可知,树会随季节变化而变化,体现了一种自然的变化规律,故选 season。6A.rotten BgoldenCbroken Dfallen

21、解析:选 D 树随季节变化而变化,主要体现在树叶上由青葱,变得枯黄,再回到青葱,从发芽到开花再到落叶。fallen leaves“落叶 ”。rotten“腐烂的” ;golden“金黄色的” ;broken“损坏的” 。7A.given away Bgiven outCtaken away Dgot through解析:选 A “我”已倾尽所有,不能再爱了。give away“赠送,赠给” ,符合语境。give out“分发” ;take away“拿走” ;get through“通过,度过,完成工作” 。8A.roots Bbranches6Cspirit Dworld解析:选 B 根据下

22、文中的“on my bark(树皮)”可知,这里指的是树的具体部位,并根据语境可知,此处指鸟落在树枝上(branches)。9A.relying BfocusingCliving Dplacing解析:选 C 结合常识可知,苔藓和瓢虫附在树皮上,以树皮为养料。live on“靠吃维持生命,靠生活” 。10A.bear BproduceChave Ddesert解析:选 C 根据上文提到的鸟在这棵树上栖息,苔藓和瓢虫附在树皮上并以树皮为养料可知,此处想要表达的是它们带走了树所拥有(have)的。故选 C项。11A.transparent BspecialCfalse Dauthentic解析:选

23、 C 根据下文提到的想留下所有的东西可知,此处应是指一种错误的(false)自我意识。12A.understand BevaluateCprovide Dfollow解析:选 D 根据语境可知,想留下所有的东西,拒绝听从别人的意见或者精神上的指引。follow“遵循,听从”符合语境。13A.cares BcountsChelps Ddistinguishes解析:选 B 我们做什么并不重要,我们怎样去做才是重要的。根据上文中的matter“要紧”可知,count“重要,有价值”符合语境。14A.natural BfunCsplendid Dfantastic解析:选 A 根据下文中的“as t

24、he sun coming up every morning and sinking every night”可知,这里指的是改变与成长对我们来说就像太阳每天都朝升夕落一样正常(natural)。splendid“辉煌的” ;fantastic“不可思议的” 。15A.Go with BGo overCLook after DLook up解析:选 A 根据语境可知,跟着自己的内心走,倾听心灵深处的忠告。go with“陪同;和一道去”符合语境。go over“复习,检查” ;look after“照顾” ;look 7up“向上看,查阅” 。16A.dream BfutureCpast Dh

25、eart解析:选 D 参见上题解析。17A.set out Bput outChold up Dput off解析:选 A 根据空后的“to a place”可知,set out“出发,开始”符合语境。put out“熄灭” ;hold up“举起,支撑” ;put off“推迟,脱掉” 。18A.criticism BtestCjudgement Dapplause解析:选 C 根据上文中的“_15_what is inside you . tells you”可知,此处指不用在乎自己或别人的评价(judgement)。19A.forget BencourageCrescue Dforgive解析:选 D 根据语境可知,我们能轻易地谅解(forgive)一个害怕黑暗的孩子,但人生真正的悲剧却是成人害怕光明。20A.dark BtruthCgrowth Dlight解析:选 D 根据 but可知前后句之间存在转折关系,且根据上文中的“is afraid of the dark”可知,此处应选 dark的反义词 light。8

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