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1、1Module 2 Unit 1 Wheres the bird FunctionEnquire and describe the position of objects.GrammarAll students understand : Wheres the bird ? Its in / on / under my hat .All students can use : Wheres the bird ? Its in / on / under my hat .Words where ( wheres = where is ) , in , on , under , hat .语言知识目标P

2、ronunciation Cognize the pronunciation of /h /Listening Wheres the bird ? Its in / on / under my hat .Speaking Its in / on / under my hat .Reading Wheres the bird ? Its in / on / under my hat .Writing Visual cognizance: hat on in under语言技能目标Using All students can use “It s in / on /under ” , and can

3、 describe the position of the objects.Learning strategy To get the students involved in using the key sentences and participate in the activities positively.Emotional attitude Students can make a good cooperation in the activities.Task Draw a picture and describe the position of objects.Teaching imp

4、ortant and difficulty points :Teaching Importance Students can describe the position of objects.Teaching Difficulty To use “in / on / under ”correctly.Teaching process :Step One : Warming up1.GreetingT:How are you today? 2.Say a chant.T : Lets say a chant.(Im a cat )【设计意图】通过 chant 引出本节课的词汇 hat。2Step

5、 Two: Presentation1.Teach the new word : hat T: Whats this ? Its a hat. 走向学生让他们带着帽子感受。然后板书 hat。2.T:Look at a picture. This is a hat , and whats this ? S :a cat , a bag ,a girl and a magicianT: What are they doing ? Lets have a look.(播放 chant动画)【设计意图】学生观察图片理解 chant内容。4.Learn the chant.1)Read after te

6、acher2)Read it together.3) Say the chant with a cat , a bag and a hat.【设计意图】 充分听读,让学生感知并学会 chant, 最后老师拿实物让大家说 chant。5. Cognize the words “in” & “on”T: Look a ball (把球的小图案粘在黑板上) Its in my hat.(粘帽子 ,并且体现球 in的位置) 板书:Its in my hat同样的方式呈现 on。T:Look a pencil ! Its in my hat. Look the pencil! Its on my hat

7、.【设计意图】老师在前面做示范,然后走向学生让他们放东西在帽子上面或者里面,练习说 Its in / on your hat.6.Say the chant and do the actions together.(以上环节控制在 7分钟内)Step Three : Presentation1.呈现 Panpan的图【设计意图】由 chant中的魔术师来引出 Panpan 也是一个魔术师,并且问大家 Panpan变的是什么呢?2.Listen and watch the text , then answer the question : Panpan 变了什么? S : birdT:他变了几次

8、?都变到哪了?Lets watch again.【设计意图】通过听课文,引导大家回答小鸟的位置。当学生说出 inOn句子时,出示 Its in /on your hat句子卡片。并引出新词 under。3.Teach the new word “under”【设计意图】通过单词卡片教授 under,领读,点读后,黑板呈现球和帽子的位置,并出现 under板书。4.Learn a chant about in / on / under.1)Listen and do.2) I say , you say and do the actions3)Say it together.Chant : in

9、 in in my hand , on on on my hand , under under under my hand, now lets say , in on under.【设计意图】让学生用手的位置感受 in on under。4.Panpan 每次变魔术时都是怎么问的呢? Lets watch it again.S: Wheres the bird?Teach the new word “wheres” and play whisper game.【设计意图】学生理解 Wheres the bird? 句式,并通过传话游戏练习该句型。35.Read the text after C

10、D twice. (Pay close attention to state of the students learning )6.Read it by themselves.7.Read it in groups. One group one picture.8.Let one or two students come to the front to show the text.9.Let all students show the text.【设计意图】让学生充分听读课文,进一步感知和理解。足够的听读练习, 可以初步表演课文。(以上环节控制在 20分钟内)Step Four : Prod

11、uction.Guessing game.【设计意图】两人背靠背猜物品的位置。老师示范后,学生小组合作,两人一组,猜物品的位置。根据实际情况练习问答。Step Five: Summary and homework.1. Summary.Make the students sum up what they have learned today. 【设计意图】总结归纳能加深学生对本课知识的整体印象。2.Homework.用 in on under 来描述你身边物品的位置。数量不限。【设计意图】作业设计有助于学生对课堂所学的巩固和加深,并有助于把语言活动扩展到课外活动,为学生巩固语言知识和发展语言技能提供机会。Blackboard designModule 2 Unit 1Wheres the bird ?onIts in my hat.under4

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