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1、 1Module 2 Unit 2 It will rain in Beijing1教学目标 1. Reading, listening and understanding the text.2. Use the sentence: What will the weather be like? It will . to describe the cities weather.3. Can do a weather report with the important Sentence.2学情分析 六年级的学生,在学习本课时之前,他们已经学习过表示天气的单词,但是因为久未接触,可能有所遗忘,所以在

2、导入阶段复习了这些天气单词。六年级的孩子比较难调动学习积极性,所以本课采用了很多方法去激发学生的兴趣,比如猜一猜,引用了他们感兴趣的明星来创设情境等。3重点难点 Describe the cities weather in the future with the sentence “What will the weather be like? It will.”4教学过程 活动 1【导入】一.warming up 1. Greeting. (问候)2. Listening to a song. (听歌曲说单词)T: First, lets listen to a song, whats the

3、 song about?Ss: Its about the weather.T: What weather did you hear?Ss: cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny.3. Say the weather with the pictures.(图文结合,看图说出单词)T: (The words are flying away) whats happening? Wheres the wards? Lets 2have a look, wow, theres a magic ball, lets listen to the magic ball.(Say the w

4、eather and you can find the words)T: Whats the weather?Ss: 活动 2【讲授】Presentation 1. Listening and understanding the text.(听音回答问题 ,理解文本,以文本为载体呈现新句型)T: Whats the weather like today? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Tomorrow our friends EXO will have a concert tour, where are they going to go?Ss:

5、 They are going to go to Xian,Beijing,Dalian,Guangzhou and Harbin.T: What will the weather be like in Xian/Beijing/Dalian/Guangzhou and Harbin? lets listen and answer.It will rain in Beijing.It will snow in Harbin.It will be sunny in Dalian.It will be hot in Guangzhou.It will be windy in Xian.T: Ple

6、ase put the pictures on the map.T: Read the ask and answer.2. Watch the video.(播放微课,区分“It will” ”It will be.”T: Read the five sentences and find the difference between “It will” and “It will be.”3. Practice about “It will.”and “It will be.”(“It will”与“It will be.”的练习)4. Listen and read the text.(听读文

7、本)活动 3【练习】Practise 31.T: Exo know the five cities weather ,they want to know the other cities weather, can you help them? If you can, you can have a gift.2. Practice with “What will the weather be like? It will.”.Ask and answer.活动 4【活动】Expanding. 1. T: You did a very good job. These are the cities w

8、eather, if we add the beginning, and the ending, do you know what this is? This is the weather report. Lets listen to the weather report.(通过刚才的句型练习,添加开头和结尾过度到天气播报,呈现天气播报思维导图)2. Show the weather report.(展示天气播报)T: Can you do a weather report? Lets read the tips.3. Group work.(小组合作,播报天气播报)4. Do a weather report.活动 5【导入】The ending. Listen to song.阳光总在风雨后

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