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本文(IEC 60489-3-1988 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services part 3 receivers for A3E or F3E emissions《移动业务中用的无线电设备的测量方法 第3部分 对A3E或F3E发射的接收机》.pdf)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IEC 60489-3-1988 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services part 3 receivers for A3E or F3E emissions《移动业务中用的无线电设备的测量方法 第3部分 对A3E或F3E发射的接收机》.pdf

1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD I EC 60489-3 1988 AMENDMENT 1 1999-04 Amendment 1 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services - Part 3: Receivers employing A3E, F3E or G3E emissions Amendement 1 Mthodes de mesure applicables au matriel de radiocommunication utilis dans les services

2、 mobiles - Partie 3: Rcepteurs conGus pour les missions A3E, F3E ou G3E O IEC 1999 - Copyright - all rights reserved Intemational Eiectrotechnical Commission Telefax: +41 22 919 0300 3, rue de Varemb Geneva, Switzerland IEC web site http:/ e-mail: Commission Electrotechnique I

3、nternationale PRICECODE s International Eiectrotechnical Commission MemnyHaponHan 3nenipoiexrecai HOMHCCHR O For price, see current catalogue -2- 60489-3 Amend.1 O IEC:1999(E) FOREWORD This amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 102: Equipment used in radio communications for mobile

4、services and for satellite communication systems. The text of this amendment is based on the following documents: FDIS I Report on voting I 102/42/FDIS I 10250RVD I Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. A

5、bilingual version of this amendment may be published at a later date. Amend the title of this standard on the cover page, the title page and on pages, 7 and 11 as follows: METHODS OF MEASUREMENT FOR RADIO EQUIPMENT USED IN THE MOBILE SERVICES - Part 3: Receivers employing A3E, F3E or G3E emissions P

6、age 3 CONTENTS Replace the title of clause 7 by the following: 7 Sensitivity Insert after clause 14, the title of the following new clause 15: 15 Expander characteristics Re-number the existing clauses 15 to 21 as clauses 76 to 22, respectively. Delete the title of the current clause 22. Replace the

7、 title of the current clause 23 by the title of new clause 23: 23 Receiver output power . Re-number clause 24 as clause 25. Delete the title of clause 25. Add the title of the following new clause 36: 36 Impulsive-noise tolerance (integral antenna) 60489-3 Amend. 1 O IEC:1999(E) Page 3 Delete the ap

8、pendices F to L inclusive. Add the following new annexes: Annex M - Rayleigh fading simulators . Annex N - Accuracy for diversity receiver sensitivity measurement . -3- Page 7 PREFACE Add, on page 9, after 489-1 (1983), the following: Amendment 1 (1986) Amendment 2 1) Insert, before 489-6 (1987) the

9、 following: IEC 60489-2 (1991): Part 2: Transmitters employing A3E, F3E and G3E emissions Amendment 11) Add the following footnote, referring to both amendment 2 of IEC 60489- 1 and amendment 1 of IEC 60489-2: Add, under 489-6 (1987) the following: ITU-T Recommendation 0.41 (1 9/94): Psophometer for

10、 use on telephone-type circuits. Page 11 SECTION ONE - GENERAL 1 Scope Replace the text of this clause by the following: This standard refers specifically to mobile radio receivers having audio-frequency bandwidths generally not exceeding 10 kHz for the reception of voice and other types of signals,

11、 using: a) angle modulation (frequency modulation (FSE)/phase modulation (G3E), or b) double-sideband amplitude modulation with full carrier (A3E). This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60489-1. The supplementary terms and definitions and the conditions of measurement set fort

12、h in this standard are intended for type tests and may also be used for acceptance tests. l) TO be Dublished. -4- 60489-3 Amend.1 O IEC:1999(E) Page 21 5.1 0.1 Replace the text of this subclause by fhe following: Limitation of the audio-frequency band Because some properties, for example noise and a

13、udio-frequency harmonic distortion, depend upon the audio-frequency bandwidth, reproducible results can be obtained only when the band of audio-frequencies occupied by the demodulated signal is restricted to specified limits. This restriction may be accomplished by means of a band-limiting filter pr

14、eceding any audio- frequency measuring device and adapted to the type of signals to be transmitted. The filter may be incorporated within the measuring equipment. When measuring residual hum and noise, only the low-pass portion of the filter should be specified. In the case of speech transmission, t

15、he filter shall be in accordance with the psophometric filter described in ITU-T Recommendation 0.41 (see table 1). Table 1 - Characteristics of the pcophometric filter Frequency Hz 16,66 50 1 O0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 o00 1200 1400 1600 1800 2 O00 2 500 3 O00 3 500 4 O00 4 500 5 O00 6 O0

16、0 Relative weighting dB -85,O -63,O -41 ,O -21 ,o -1 0,6 -6,3 -3,6 -2,o -0,9 O +0,6 +l ,o O -0,9 -1,7 -2,4 -3,O -4,2 -5,6 -8,5 -1 5,O -25,O -36,O -43,O Limit dB - 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 O (reference) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 - STD-IEC b0487-3-ENGL 1788 II 4q487L 0704178 TT7 1$1 60489-3 Amend. 1 O IEC:1999

17、(E) -5- Page 23 6.4 Radio-frequency coupling device (RFCD) Replace the text of this subclause by the following: The measurements described in this standard are applicable to receivers having either antenna terminals or an integral antenna. Measurements of the radio-frequency parameter of receivers h

18、aving an integral antenna are performed in a test site or in an RFCD. See IEC 60489-1, annex A, for details of these. Page 25 SECTION THREE - METHOD OF MEASUREMENT FOR RECEIVERS EQUIPPED WITH SUITABLE ANTENNA TERMINALS Replace the title and text of clause 7 by the following: 7 Sensitivity 7.1 Measur

19、ed usable sensitivity (MUS) 7.1.1 Definition Level of the input signal at a specified frequency with specified modulation which will result in the standard signal-to-noise ratio (see 3.3) at the output of the receiver. 7.1.2 Method of measurement a) Connect the equipment as illustrated in figure 3.

20、b) Apply the standard input signal to the receiver input terminals. c) Adjust the receiver volume control to obtain the reference output level (see 3.1.2). Record this level. d) Adjust the input-signal level to produce the standard signal-to-noise ratio. Record this level. e) If the audio output lev

21、el obtained in d) is more than 3 dB below the level recorded in step c), this fact should be recorded. The input-signal level at which the audio output level has fallen by 3 dB should be recorded. f) The measured usable sensitivity is the level recorded in step d). It is expressed as follows: the me

22、asured usable sensitivity for a + N+ N+D ratio of 12 dB is VV or dB (pV). 7.2 Specified usable sensitivity (SUS) 7.2.1 Definition Level of the input signal specified by the regulatory authority, manufacturer or customer at the specified input-signal frequency (see 5.5) with standard modulation (see

23、5.6) which results in a signal-to-noise ratio, equal to or greater than the standard signal-to-noise ratio. NOTE - To make meaningful measurements, the specified input-signal level should be chosen taking into account the dispersion of the sensitivities of various equipment in defined environmental

24、conditions. STD-IEC bU487-3-ENGL 1988 W 4844873 0704L79 733 Modulation frequency Hz dB Reference value -6- 60489-3 Amend.1 O IEC:1999(E) 300 500 1 O00 2 O00 3000 3 400 +10,5 +6,0 O -6,O -9,5 -1 0,6 Page 27 8 Acceptable radio-frequency displacement Replace the text of this clause by the following: 8.

25、1 Definition Change of input-signal frequency that is required to restore the standard signal-to-noise ratio after an increase of the input-signal level by 6 dB from the sensitivity (SUS or MUS). The acceptable radio-frequency displacement is then the smaller of the two possible radio- frequency dis

26、placements. NOTE - Radio-frequency displacement is an absolute value and an increase in the displacement is to move the radio-frequency away from the nominal frequency. 8.2 Method of measurement Connect the equipment as illustrated in figure 3. Apply the standard input signal to the receiver input t

27、erminals. Adjust the receiver gain control to obtain the reference output level (see 3.1.2). Record this level. Adjust the input-signal level to produce the standard signal-to-noise ratio or the sensitivity (SUS). Record this level. Increase the input signal level in step d) by 6 dB and then increas

28、e the input signal frequency until the standard signal-to-noise ratio is again obtained. Record this frequency. Repeat step e) for input signal frequencies below the standard input-signal frequency. 8.3 Presentation of results a) Calculate and record the differences between the standard input-signal

29、 frequency of the receiver and each of the frequencies recorded in steps e) and f), respectively. b) The acceptable radio-frequency displacement (SUS or MUS) is the smaller of the two values in step a). c) Record the standard input-signal frequency. Page 29 10.3 Presentation of results Replace the e

30、xisting subclause by the following: Plot the values recorded in step e), in decibels relative to the level at 1 kHz, on the linear ordinate of a graph, and the modulating frequency on the logarithmic abscissa. Calculate the audio-frequency response deviations from reference audio-frequency response,

31、 in decibels, taking the deviation at 1 O00 Hz equal to O dB. The deviation from the reference audio-frequency response, having de-emphasis of -6 dB/octave, shall be calculated according to the data listed in the table below, unless otherwise specified in the equipment specification. STD.IEC b0487-3

32、-ENGL 1988 = qB44891 0704200 I85 H 60489-3 Amend. 1 O IEC:1999(E) -7- Page 35 Figure 5 Replace, in figure 5, “Reference Sensitivity with “Sensitivity (SUS or MUS)“. Page 41 Insert the following new clause before the current clause 15: 15 Expander characteristics This measurement is applicable to rec

33、eivers intended for the reception of angle-modulated signals. 15.1 Expander overall amplitude characteristics 15.1.1 Definition Relationship between the deviation of the received carrier, at one frequency, and the audio level or the receiver output. 15.1.2 Method of measurement a) Connect a radio-fr

34、equency signal source to the input of the receiver. b) Modulate the radio-frequency signal source with an audio-frequency tone of 1 kHz to obtain 25 % of the maximum permissible frequency (or phase) deviation. c) Measure the audio level at the receiver output. This is the reference level d) Change t

35、he frequency deviation which is specified by users and manufacturers, and measure the audio level at the receiver output. e) Calculate the relative level at the receiver output, using the reference value obtained in step c), for each frequency deviation measured in step d). 15.2 Expander attack and

36、recovery time 15.2.1 Definitions Expander attack time is the time between the instant when a step increase of carrier frequency deviation is applied and the instant when the audio level at the receiver output rises to a value equal to 0,75 times the new steady-state value. Expander recovery time is

37、the time between the instant when a step decrease of the carrier frequency deviation is applied and the instant when the audio level at the receiver output falls to a value equal to 13 times the new steady-state value. 15.2.2 Method of measurement a) Connect a radio-frequency signal source to the in

38、put of the receiver. b) Modulate the radio-frequency signal source with an audio tone frequency of 2 kHz to obtain 25 % of the maximum permissible frequency (or phase) deviation. c) Measure the audio level at the receiver output. d) Change the deviation of the radio-frequency signal source to 50 % o

39、f the maximum permissible frequency (or phase) deviation. e) Measure the level at receiver output. Note the result. -8- 60489-3 Amend.1 O IEC:l999(E) f) Switch the deviation from 50 Yo to 25 o/o within 100 ps and measure the time for the audio level of the speaker input to fall to 1,5 times the valu

40、e recorded in step c). Record this time as the recovery time. g) Switch the deviation from 25 % to 50 Yo within 100 ps and measure the time taken for the audio level at the receiver output to rise 0,75 times of the value recorded in step e). Record this time as the attack time. Page 41 15 Impulsive

41、noise Renumber this clause as clause 16. 15.2.1 Definition Replace the text of this subclause by the following. The subclause number becomes 16.2.1. Ability of a receiver to prevent impulsive noise from degrading the desired response at the output of the receiver. It is expressed as the ratio of a)

42、the median level of spectrum amplitude of the impulsive noise that causes a wanted signal, which is 3 dB in excess of the sensitivity (SUS or MUS), to restore the standard signal-to- noise ratio at the receiver output terminals to b) the wanted signal level (sensitivity (SUS) plus 3 dB) or the sensi

43、tivity (MUS) (the wanted signal level is the sensitivity (MUS) plus 3 dB). . Page 43 15.2.2 Method of measurement Replace, in this subclause, the number of which becomes 16.2.2 according to the new numbering, Note 1 by the following: NOTE 1 - The value of the sensitivity (SUS or MUS) determined in 7

44、.1.2 or defined in 7.2.1 is required for this measurement. Replace c) of 15.2.2 by the following: c) In the absence of the impulsive noise, apply the standard input signal to terminal A and B of the combining network (see 5.3). Reduce its level to obtain the sensitivity (SUS or MUS) at the input of

45、the receiver. 15.2.3 Presentation of result In the new 16.2.3, replace twice “reference sensitivity with “sensitivity (SUS or MUS)“. STD-IEC bOV81-3-ENGL 1988 I4844871 0709202 258 U 60489-3 Amend. 1 O lEC:1999(E) -9- Page 45 16 Selectivity Replace the text of this clause by the following. The new cl

46、ause number becomes 77 17.1 General Selectivity is the ability of the receiver to discriminate between wanted and unwanted input signals. The methods of measurement described in this clause deal only with interference that degrades the receiver output signal due to the simultaneous presence of a wan

47、ted and an unwanted input-signal. It is to be noted, however, that unwanted signals may also be objectionable when the wanted signal is not present. The methods of measurement are described in a manner which allows the limit for the selectivity of the receiver to be expressed either as a) the ratio

48、of the level of the unwanted input signal to the level of the wanted signal, which is set to the SUS (see 7.2) plus 3 dB; this is expressed as “selectivity (SUS)“; or b) the ratio of the level of the unwanted input signal level to the value of the sensitivity (MUS) (see 7.1), the wanted signal being

49、 set 3 dB above the value of the MUS; this is expressed as “selectivity (MUS)“. Figure 11 illustrates the two methods. -,-,-Unwanted signal level I h ?! I I 1 Selectivity (SUS) -+- Wanted signal level sensitivity _ -L-Specified usable - - - Selectivity measurement using specified usable sensitivity -,-,- Unwanted signal level - -r- Wanted signal level II 3 dB usable Sensitivity Selectivity measurement using measured usable sensitivity Figure 11 - Illustration of selectivity (SUS and MUS) These two methods of measurement are intended to co

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