1、 IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 3.0 2015-02 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques Power quality measurement methods Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-30: Techniques dessai et de mesure Mthodes de mesure de la q
2、ualit de lalimentation IEC 61000-4-30:2015-02(en-fr) BASIC EMC PUBLICATION PUBLICATION FONDAMENTALE EN CEM colour inside THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2015 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or u
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20、 NORME INTERNATIONALE Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques Power quality measurement methods Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 4-30: Techniques dessai et de mesure Mthodes de mesure de la qualit de lalimentation INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMM
21、ISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 33.100.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-2223-2 BASIC EMC PUBLICATION PUBLICATION FONDAMENTALE EN CEM Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Marque dpose de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale Warning! Make sure that you
22、 obtained this publication from an authorized distributor. Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agr. colour inside 2 IEC 61000-4-30:2015 IEC 2015 CONTENTS FOREWORD 7 INTRODUCTION 9 1 Scope . 10 2 Normative references 10 3 Terms and definitions 1
23、1 4 General . 16 4.1 Classes of measurement . 16 4.2 Organization of the measurements 17 4.3 Electrical values to be measured . 17 4.4 Measurement aggregation over time intervals 17 4.5 Measurement aggregation algorithm 18 4.5.1 Requirements 18 4.5.2 150/180-cycle aggregation . 18 4.5.3 10-min aggre
24、gation 18 4.5.4 2-hour aggregation . 20 4.6 Time-clock uncertainty 21 4.7 Flagging concept 21 5 Power quality parameters 21 5.1 Power frequency . 21 5.1.1 Measurement method . 21 5.1.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 22 5.1.3 Measurement evaluation 22 5.1.4 Aggregation . 22 5.2 Magnitude
25、 of the supply voltage 22 5.2.1 Measurement method . 22 5.2.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 22 5.2.3 Measurement evaluation 23 5.2.4 Aggregation . 23 5.3 Flicker 23 5.3.1 Measurement method . 23 5.3.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 23 5.3.3 Measurement evaluation 23 5.3.4
26、Aggregation . 23 5.4 Supply voltage dips and swells 24 5.4.1 Measurement method . 24 5.4.2 Detection and evaluation of a voltage dip . 24 5.4.3 Detection and evaluation of a voltage swell 25 5.4.4 Calculation of a sliding reference voltage . 26 5.4.5 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 26 5.
27、5 Voltage interruptions . 26 5.5.1 Measurement method . 26 5.5.2 Evaluation of a voltage interruption 27 5.5.3 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 27 5.5.4 Aggregation . 27 5.6 Transient voltages 27 5.7 Supply voltage unbalance . 27 IEC 61000-4-30:2015 IEC 2015 3 5.7.1 Measurement method . 2
28、7 5.7.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 28 5.7.3 Measurement evaluation 28 5.7.4 Aggregation . 29 5.8 Voltage harmonics 29 5.8.1 Measurement method . 29 5.8.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 29 5.8.3 Measurement evaluation 30 5.8.4 Aggregation . 30 5.9 Voltage interharmonics
29、. 30 5.9.1 Measurement method . 30 5.9.2 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 30 5.9.3 Evaluation 30 5.9.4 Aggregation . 30 5.10 Mains signalling voltage on the supply voltage 31 5.10.1 General 31 5.10.2 Measurement method . 31 5.10.3 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 31 5.10.4 Aggr
30、egation . 31 5.11 Rapid voltage change (RVC) . 31 5.11.1 General 31 5.11.2 RVC event detection 32 5.11.3 RVC event evaluation . 33 5.11.4Measurement uncertainty . 34 5.12 Underdeviation and overdeviation . 34 5.13 Current . 34 5.13.1 General 34 5.13.2 Magnitude of current 35 5.13.3 Current recording
31、 . 35 5.13.4 Harmonic currents 36 5.13.5 Interharmonic currents . 36 5.13.6 Current unbalance . 36 6 Performance verification 36 Annex A (informative) Power quality measurements Issues and guidelines 39 A.1 General 39 A.2 Installation precautions . 39 A.2.1 General 39 A.2.2 Test leads 39 A.2.3 Guard
32、ing of live parts . 40 A.2.4 Monitor placement 40 A.2.5 Earthing . 41 A.2.6 Interference . 41 A.3 Transducers 41 A.3.1 General 41 A.3.2 Signal levels 42 A.3.3 Frequency response of transducers 43 A.3.4 Transducers for measuring transients . 43 A.4 Transient voltages and currents 44 4 IEC 61000-4-30:
33、2015 IEC 2015 A.4.1 General 44 A.4.2 Terms and definitions . 44 A.4.3 Frequency and amplitude characteristics of a.c. mains transients . 44 A.4.4 Transient voltage detection 45 A.4.5 Transient voltage evaluation . 46 A.4.6 Effect of surge protective devices on transient measurements 46 A.5 Voltage d
34、ip characteristics 46 A.5.1 General 46 A.5.2 Rapidly updated r.m.s values . 47 A.5.3 Phase angle/point-on-wave 47 A.5.4 Voltage dip unbalance 47 A.5.5 Phase shift during voltage dip 48 A.5.6 Missing voltage 48 A.5.7 Distortion during voltage dip . 48 A.5.8 Other characteristics and references 48 Ann
35、ex B (informative) Power quality measurement Guidance for applications 49 B.1 Contractual applications of power quality measurements . 49 B.1.1 General 49 B.1.2 General considerations 49 B.1.3 Specific considerations 50 B.2 Statistical survey applications . 53 B.2.1 General 53 B.2.2 Considerations .
36、 53 B.2.3 Power quality indices . 54 B.2.4 Monitoring objectives . 54 B.2.5 Economic aspects of power quality surveys 54 B.3 Locations and types of surveys . 56 B.3.1 Monitoring locations . 56 B.3.2 Pre-monitoring site surveys 56 B.3.3 Customer side site survey 56 B.3.4 Network side survey . 56 B.4
37、Connections and quantities to measure . 57 B.4.1 Equipment connection options 57 B.4.2 Priorities: Quantities to measure. 57 B.4.3 Current monitoring . 58 B.5 Selecting the monitoring thresholds and monitoring period 58 B.5.1 Monitoring thresholds . 58 B.5.2 Monitoring period . 58 B.6 Statistical an
38、alysis of the measured data . 59 B.6.1 General 59 B.6.2 Indices . 59 B.7 Trouble-shooting applications 59 B.7.1 General 59 B.7.2 Power quality signatures 59 Annex C (informative) Conducted emissions in the 2 kHz to 150 kHz range 61 C.1 General 61 C.2 Measurement method 2 kHz to 9 kHz . 61 C.3 Measur
39、ement method 9kHz to 150 kHz . 62 IEC 61000-4-30:2015 IEC 2015 5 C.4 Measurement range and measurement uncertainty 63 C.5 Aggregation 63 Annex D (informative) Underdeviation and overdeviation 64 D.1 General 64 D.2 Measurement method 64 D.3 Measurement uncertainty and measuring range . 64 D.4 Aggrega
40、tion 64 Annex E (informative) Class B Measurement Methods 66 E.1 Background for Class B . 66 E.2 Class B Measurement aggregation over time intervals 66 E.3 Class B Measurement aggregation algorithm 66 E.4 Class B Real time clock (RTC) uncertainty . 66 E.4.1 General 66 E.4.2 Class B Frequency Measure
41、ment method . 66 E.4.3 Class B Frequency Measurement uncertainty . 66 E.4.4 Class B Frequency Measurement evaluation . 67 E.4.5 Class B Magnitude of the supply Measurement method . 67 E.4.6 Class B Magnitude of the supply Measurement uncertainty and measuring range 67 E.5 Class B Flicker . 67 E.5.1
42、General 67 E.5.2 Class B Supply voltage dips and swells Measurement method 67 E.6 Class B Voltage interruptions . 67 E.6.1 General 67 E.6.2 Class B Supply voltage unbalance Measurement method 67 E.6.3 Class B Supply voltage unbalance Uncertainty 67 E.6.4 Class B Voltage harmonics Measurement method
43、. 67 E.6.5 Class B Voltage harmonics Measurement uncertainty and range 67 E.6.6 Class B Voltage interharmonics Measurement method 68 E.6.7 Class B Voltage interharmonics Measurement uncertainty and range . 68 E.6.8 Class B Mains signalling voltage Measurement method 68 E.6.9 Class B Mains signalling
44、 voltage Measurement uncertainty and range . 68 E.6.10 Class B Current Measurement method 68 E.6.11 Class B Current Measurement uncertainty and range 68 Bibliography . 69 Figure 1 Measurement chain 17 Figure 2 Synchronization of aggregation intervals for Class A. 19 Figure 3 Synchronization of aggre
45、gation intervals for Class S: parameters for which gaps are not permitted 20 Figure 4 Synchronization of aggregation intervals for Class S: parameters for which gaps are permitted (see 4.5.2) 20 Figure 5 Example of supply voltage unbalance uncertainty . 28 Figure 6 RVC event: example of a change in
46、r.m.s voltage that results in an RVC event 33 Figure 7 Not an RVC event: example of a change in r.m.s voltage that does not result in an RVC event because the dip threshold is exceeded 34 6 IEC 61000-4-30:2015 IEC 2015 Figure A.1 Frequency spectrum of typical representative transient test waveforms
47、. 45 Table 1 Summary of requirements (see subclauses for actual requirements) 37 IEC 61000-4-30:2015 IEC 2015 7 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques Power quality measurement methods FOREWORD 1) The Internationa
48、l Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic f
49、ields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested
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