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本文(IEC 61029-2-6-1993 Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools part 2 particular requirements for diamond drills with water supply《移动式电动工具的安全 第2-6部分 注水金刚石钻的特殊要求》.pdf)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IEC 61029-2-6-1993 Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools part 2 particular requirements for diamond drills with water supply《移动式电动工具的安全 第2-6部分 注水金刚石钻的特殊要求》.pdf

1、IEC 1029 PT*Z-6 93 m 4844891 0526372 325 m NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 1029-2-6 Premire dition First edition 1993-03 Scurit des mach i nes-ou t i I s lectriques semi-fixes Partie 2: Rgles particulires pour les foreuses bton Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tool

2、s Part 2: Particular requirements for diamond drills with water supply Numro de rfrence Reference number CEMEC 1029-2-6: 1993 IEC LO29 PT*2-b 93 m Rvision de la prsente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la C E I est cons- tamment revu par la Commission afin dassurer quil refkte bi

3、en ltat actuel de la technique. Les renseignements relatifs ce travail de revision, ltablissement des ditions rvises et aux mises jour pcuvcnt tre obtenus auprhs des Comits nationaux de la CE1 et cn consultant les documents ci-dessous: Bulletin de la C E I Annuaire de la C E I Catalogue des publicat

4、ions de la C E I Publi annuellement Terminologie En ce qui concerne la terminologie gbnrale. le Iccieur se reportera la Publication 50 de la C E I : Vocabulaire Electro- technique International (VEI), qui est tablie sous forme de chapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini. lIndex gnral tant pub

5、li sparment. Des dutails complets sur IC VE1 peuvent tre obtenus sur demande. Les termes et dfinitions figurant dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris du VEI, soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Symboles graphiques et littraux Pour les symboles graphiques, symboles litt

6、raux et signes dusage gnral approuvs par la C E I, le lecteur consultera: - la Publication 27 de la C E I : Symboles littraux utiliser en lectrotechnique; - la Publication 617 de la C EI: Symboles graphiques pour schmas. Les symboles et signes contenus dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris d

7、es Publications 27 ou 617 de la C E I. soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Publications de la CE I tablies par le mme Comit dEtudes Lattention du lecteur est attire sur le deuxibme feuillet de la couverture, qui numre les publications de la C E I prparkes par le Comit dEtudes

8、qui a tabli la prsente publication. 4644695 0526373 Sbl m Revision of this publication nie technical content of I E C publications is kept under con- stant review by the I E C, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information on the work of revision, the issue of revised edi-

9、fions and amendment sheets may be obtained from IEC National Committees and from the following I E C sources: . I E C Bullelin I E C Yearbook Catalogue of I E C Publications Published yearly Terminology For general terminology, readers are referred to I E C Publi- cation 50: International Elecmtechn

10、ical Vocabulary (EV), which is issued in the forin of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field, the General Index being published as a separate booklet. Full details of the IEV will be supplied on request. The terms and definitions contained in the present publication have either been ta

11、ken from the IEV or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication. Graphical and letter symbols For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the I E C for general use, readers are referred to: - I E C Publication 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical te

12、chnology: - I E C Publication 617: Graphical symbols for diagrams. The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken froni IEC Publications 27 or 617, or have been specifically alqmved for the purpose of this publication. I E C publications prepared by the same Techni

13、cal Committee The attention of readers is drawn to the back cover, which lists I EC publications issued by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication. IEC 1029 PT*Z-b 93 4844891 0526374 IT8 NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 1029=2=6 Premire dition First edit

14、ion 1993-03 Scurit des mach i nes-ou ti Is lectriques semi-f xes Partie 2: Rgles particulires pour les foreuses bton Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools Part 2: Particular requirements for diamond drills with water supply Commission Eiectrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIX Interna

15、tional Electrotechnicai Commission PRICE CODE J MemayHaponHan 3nenrporemwqecnaR HOMHCCWR Pour ph. voir cetdogue en v - notes: petits caractbres romains; Les temes dfinis larticle 2 figurent en caractbres gras. 2 Les paragraphes, notes et les figures complmentaires ceux de la premire partie, sont num

16、rots partir de 101. IEC 3029 PT*2-6 93 m 4844893 0526378 843 m DIS 61 F(C0)89 1029-2-6 O IEC:I 993 -5- INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Report on Voting . 61 F(C0)97 SAFETY OF TRANSPORTABLE MOTOR-OPERATED ELECTRIC TOOLS 5 Part 2: Particular requirements for diamond drills with water supply

17、FOREWORD CL 1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization

18、in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. Inter

19、national, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordanbe with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. 2) The

20、 formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with. 3) They have the

21、 form of recommendations for international use published in the form of standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. 4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International Standards tran

22、sparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter. This part of International Standard IEC 1029 has been prepared by subcommittee 61 F

23、: Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools, of IEC technical committee 61 : Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. The text of this part is based on the following documents: Full information on the voting for the approval of this part can be found in the report on voting ind

24、icated in the above table. This part 2 is to be used in conjunction with the first edition of IEC 1029-1. This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 1029-1, so as to convert it into the IEC Standard: Safety requirements for transportable diamond drills with. water supply. W

25、here a particular subclause of part 1 is not mentioned in this part 2, that subclause applies as far as is reasonable. Where this standard states “addition“, “modification“ or “replacement“, the relevant text in part 1 is to be adapted accordingly. c NOTES 1 The following print types are used: t - r

26、equirements: in roman type; - test specifications: in italic type; - The terms defined in clause 2 are printed in bold typeface. notes: in small roman type 2 Subclauses, notes and figures which are additional to those in part 1 are numbered starting from 101. 1 Domaine dapplication Larticle de la pr

27、emire partie est applicable avec lexception suivante: 1 .I Modification: Remplacer le premier alina par: La prsente Norme internationale sapplique aux foreuses a bton semi-fixes quipes dun foret dun diamtre ne dpassant pas 250 mm. NOTE - Pour les machines quipes dun foret dun diamhtre suprieur 250 m

28、m, des prescriptions complmentaires sont ltude. 2 Dflnltlons Larticle de la premire partie est applicable avec les exceptions suivantes: 2.21 Remplacement: charge normale: Charge obtenue quand ioutil fonctionne dune faon continue, le couple appliqu larbre tant tel que la puissance en watts est gale

29、la puissance assigne. 2.101 foreuse beton: Outil avec alimentation deau conu pour forer la pierre ou le bton. Elle est place sur une tte de forage et cet ensemble est fix au matriau forer au moyen de goujons, dispositif vide ou tout autre dispositif appropri. 3 Prescription gnrale Larticle de la pre

30、mire partie est applicable. 4 Gneralits sur les essals Larticle de la premire partie est applicable. 5 Caracterlstlques nomlnales Larticle de la premire partie est applicable. 6 Ciasslficatlon Larticle de la premire partie est applicable, IEC LO29 PT*2-b 93 M 4844871 052b379 7T W -6- 1029-2-6 O CEI:

31、1993 SCURIT DES MACHINES-OUTILS LECTRIQUES SEMI-FIXES Partie 2: Rgles particulires pour les foreuses bton * P * c - I IEC LO27 PTM2-6 73 W 4844873 O526380 4TL W 1029-2-6 O IEC:1993 -7- SAFETY OF TRANSPORTABLE MOTOR-OPERATED ELECTRIC TOOLS . Part 2: Particular requirements for diamond drills with wat

32、er supply i c 1 Scope This clause of pari 1 is applicable except as follows: 1.1 Modification: Replace the first paragraph by: This International Standard applies to transportable diamond drills with water supply having a core bit diameter of not more than 250 mm. NOTE - For tools having core bits w

33、ith a diameter of more than 250 mm, additional requirements are un- der consideration. 2 Definitions This clause of pari 1 is applicable except as follows: 2.21 Replacement: normal load: Load obtained when the tool is operating continuously, the torque applied to the spindle being such that the inpu

34、t, in watts, is equal to the rated input. 2.101 diamond drill: Tool with water supply designed to drill stone and concrete. It is fixed to a drill stand and this unit is attached to the material to be drilled by means of dow- els, vacuum or other suitable devices. 3 General requirement This clause o

35、f part 1 is applicable. 4 General notes on tests This clause of pari 1 is applicable. 5 Rating This clause of pari 1 is applicable. 6 Classification This clause of pari 1 is applicable. IEC LO29 PT*Z-b 93 W 48411891 52b381i 33 W I 029-2-6 O CEI:1993 -a- 7 Marques et indlcations Larticle de la premir

36、e partie est applicable avec les exceptions suivantes: 7.2 Addition: Les foreuses bton doivent comporter une tiquette fixe sur loutil prcisant les indications suivantes: - en cas de perage avec le foret situ au-dessus de la pice, un dispositif de rcup- ration deau doit - le raccordement au rseau doi

37、t tre effectu en utilisant un dispositif courant diffrentiel rsiduel ou un transformateur disolement de la classe II. 7.1 3 Addition: La notice dinstructions doit contenir les indications suivantes: - dfinition prcise de la bonne utilisation de loutil; - fixation du bti de la machine la pice travail

38、ler; - utilisation correcte des dispositifs de rcupration deau; - utilisation correcte du dispositif courant diffrentiel rsiduel incluant son contrle priodique; - branchement correct de loutil la prise de courant extrieure avec plot de mise la terre pour les outils de classe I. 8 Protection contre l

39、es chocs lectriques Larticle de ia premire partie est applicable. 9 Dmarrage Larticle de la premire partie est applicable. 10 Puissance et courant Larticle de ia premire partie est applicable. 11 Echauffements Larticle de la premire partie est applicable. 12 Courant de fulte Larticle de ia premire partie est applicable. z i L E

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