1、 NORME INTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONAL STANDARD 62020Edition 1.12003-11Petit appareillage lectrique Contrleurs disolement courant diffrentiel rsiduel (RCM) pour usages domestiques et analogues Electrical accessories Residual current monitors for household and similar uses (RCMs) Numro de rfrence R
2、eference number CEI/IEC 62020:1998+A1:2003 Edition 1:1998 consolide par lamendement 1:2003 Edition 1:1998 consolidated with amendment 1:2003 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
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16、hnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-NORME INTERNATIONALE CEIIECINTERNATIONAL STANDARD 62020Edition 1.12003-11Petit appareillage lectrique Contrleurs disolement courant diffrentiel rsiduel (RCM) pour
17、usages domestiques et analogues Electrical accessories Residual current monitors for household and similar uses (RCMs) Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur For price, see current catalogue IEC 2003 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne pe
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19、 photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, SwitzerlandTelephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: inmailiec.ch Web: www.iec.ch XD Commission Electrotechni
20、que InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission CODE PRIX PRICE CODE Edition 1:1998 consolide par lamendement 1:2003 Edition 1:1998 consolidated with amendment 1:2003 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction o
21、r networking permitted without license from IHS-,- 2 62020 CEI:1998+A1:2003 SOMMAIRE AVANT-PROPOS 10 INTRODUCTION.14 1 Domaine dapplication.16 2 Rfrences normatives .16 3 Dfinitions 20 3.1 Dfinitions relatives aux courants circulant entre les parties actives et la terre20 3.2 Dfinitions relatives la
22、limentation dun RCM .20 3.3 Dfinitions relatives au fonctionnement et aux fonctions des contrleurs disolement courant diffrentiel rsiduel 22 3.4 Dfinitions relatives aux valeurs et aux domaines des grandeurs dalimentation 24 3.5 Dfinitions relatives aux valeurs et aux domaines des grandeurs dinfluen
23、ce 26 3.6 Dfinitions relatives aux bornes .28 3.7 Conditions de fonctionnement30 3.8 Essais .30 4 Classification 32 4.1 Selon le mode de fonctionnement 32 4.2 Selon le type dinstallation32 4.3 Selon le nombre de voies de courant .32 4.4 Selon les possibilits de rglage du courant diffrentiel rsiduel
24、de fonctionnement32 4.5 Selon la temporisation (en prsence dun courant diffrentiel) 32 4.6 Suivant la protection contre les influences externes .32 4.7 Suivant la mthode de montage.32 4.8 Suivant le mode de connexion .32 4.9 Selon le type de connexion du conducteur de charge .34 4.10 Selon le moyen
25、dindication du dfaut 34 4.11 Selon la possibilit de slectivit en direction entre les courants diffrentiels rsiduels de dfaut provenant du ct alimentation et ceux provenant du ct charge .34 5 Caractristiques des RCM 34 5.1 Enumration des caractristiques 34 5.2 Valeurs assignes et autres caractristiqu
26、es36 5.3 Valeurs normales et prfrentielles 38 5.4 Coordination avec les dispositifs de protection contre les courts-circuits (DPCC) (applicable seulement aux RCM classifis selon 4.9.2)42 6 Marques et autres indications sur le produit 42 7 Conditions normales de fonctionnement en service et dinstalla
27、tion .46 7.1 Conditions normales 46 7.2 Conditions dinstallation .46 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-62020 IEC:1998+A1:2003 3 CONTENTS FOREWORD.11 INTRODUCTION.1
28、5 1 Scope.17 2 Normative references17 3 Definitions 21 3.1 Definitions relating to currents flowing from live parts to earth 21 3.2 Definitions relating to the energization of an RCM 21 3.3 Definitions relating to the operation and to the functions of residual current monitors 23 3.4 Definitions rel
29、ating to values and ranges of energizing quantities .25 3.5 Definitions relating to values and ranges of influencing quantities.27 3.6 Definitions relating to terminals29 3.7 Conditions of operation31 3.8 Test.31 4 Classification 33 4.1 According to the method of operation.33 4.2 According to the ty
30、pe of installation33 4.3 According to the number of current paths.33 4.4 According to the ability to adjust the residual operating current.33 4.5 According to the possibility of adjusting the time-delay .33 4.6 According to the protection against external influences 33 4.7 According to the method of
31、 mounting .33 4.8 According to the method of connection.33 4.9 According to the type of connection of the load conductors.35 4.10 According to fault indicating means35 4.11 According to ability to directionally discriminate between supply side and load side residual currents 35 5 Characteristics of
32、RCMs .35 5.1 Summary of characteristics35 5.2 Rated quantities and other characteristics37 5.3 Standard and preferred values.39 5.4 Coordination with short-circuit protective devices (SCPDs) (only valid for RCMs classified according to 4.9.2) .43 6 Marking and other product information 43 7 Standard
33、 conditions for operation in service and for installation.47 7.1 Standard conditions .47 7.2 Conditions of installation47 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,- 4 6202
34、0 CEI:1998+A1:2003 8 Prescriptions de construction et de fonctionnement.46 8.1 Conception mcanique 46 8.2 Protection contre les chocs lectriques 58 8.3 Proprits dilectriques .58 8.4 Echauffement 60 8.5 Caractristiques de fonctionnement .60 8.6 Slectivit directionnelle 60 8.7 Endurance fonctionnelle
35、60 8.8 Capacit de tenue aux courants de court-circuit .62 8.9 Rsistance aux impacts mcaniques62 8.10 Rsistance la chaleur62 8.11 Rsistance la chaleur anormale et au feu62 8.12 Dispositif de contrle .62 8.13 Fonctionnement correct des RCM dans la plage de la tension dalimentation64 8.14 Comportement
36、des RCM en cas de surintensit dans le circuit principal.64 8.15 Tenue des RCM aux activations indsirables dues aux ondes de courant causes par des ondes de surtension 64 8.16 Comportement du RCM en cas dun courant de dfaut la terre comprenant une composante continue 64 8.17 Fiabilit .64 8.18 Compati
37、bilit lectromagntique (base sur la CEI 61543).64 8.19 Raccordement dun transformateur de courant externe (TC).68 9 Essais 68 9.1 Gnralits68 9.2 Conditions dessais70 9.3 Vrification de lindlbilit du marquage .72 9.4 Vrification de la sret des vis, des parties transportant le courant et des connexions
38、 72 9.5 Vrification de la sret des bornes pour conducteurs externes .74 9.6 Vrification de la protection contre les chocs lectriques76 9.7 Essai des proprits dilectriques78 9.8 Essais dchauffement.84 9.9 Vrification de la caractristique de fonctionnement.86 9.10 Vrification de lendurance en fonction
39、nement .92 9.11 Vrification de la capacit de tenue en court-circuit94 9.12 Vrification de la rsistance aux impacts mcaniques 104 9.13 Vrification de rsistance la chaleur108 9.14 Vrification de rsistance la chaleur anormale et au feu 110 9.15 Vrification du fonctionnement du dispositif de contrle aux
40、 limites de la tension assigne112 9.16 Vrification des valeurs limites du courant de non-fonctionnement en cas de surintensit112 9.17 Vrification de la rsistance aux fonctionnements intempestifs dus une onde de surtension 116 9.18 Vrification de la rsistance de lisolation une onde de surtension .116
41、 9.19 Vrification du fonctionnement correct aux courants diffrentiels rsiduels avec composante continue.118 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-62020 IEC:1998+A1:200
42、3 5 8 Requirements for construction and operation 47 8.1 Mechanical design .47 8.2 Protection against electric shock59 8.3 Dielectric properties.59 8.4 Temperature rise .61 8.5 Operating characteristic.61 8.6 Directional discrimination.61 8.7 Operational endurance 61 8.8 Performance at short-circuit
43、 currents .63 8.9 Resistance to mechanical impact .63 8.10 Resistance to heat.63 8.11 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire .63 8.12 Test device63 8.13 Correct operation of RCMs within the supply voltage range 65 8.14 Behaviour of RCMs in case of overcurrents in the main circuit65 8.15 Resistance
44、of RCMs to unwanted tripping due to current surges caused by impulse voltages65 8.16 Behaviour of RCMs in case of earth fault currents comprising d.c. components.65 8.17 Reliability.65 8.18 Electromagnetic compatibility (based on IEC 61543) 65 8.19 Connection of an external current transformer (CT)6
45、9 9 Tests 69 9.1 General .69 9.2 Test conditions 71 9.3 Test of indelibility of marking .73 9.4 Test of reliability of screws, current-carrying parts and connections73 9.5 Test of reliability of terminals for external conductors .75 9.6 Verification of protection against electric shock 77 9.7 Test o
46、f dielectric properties79 9.8 Test of temperature rise.85 9.9 Verification of the operating characteristics 87 9.10 Verification of operational endurance .93 9.11 Verification of short-circuit withstand capability 95 9.12 Verification of resistance to mechanical impact 105 9.13 Test of resistance to
47、 heat 109 9.14 Test of resistance to abnormal heat and to fire.111 9.15 Verification of the operation of the test device at the limits of rated voltage.113 9.16 Verification of limiting values of the non-operating current under overcurrent conditions113 9.17 Verification of resistance against unwant
48、ed operation due to current surges caused by impulse voltages .117 9.18 Verification of resistance of the insulation against impulse voltages117 9.19 Verification of the correct operation at residual currents with d.c. components119 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,- 6 62020 CEI:1
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