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本文(IEC 62843-2013 Standard for N times 64 kilobit per second optical fiber interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment《远程保护和多路复用器设备间的N次64每秒千位光纤接口标准》.pdf)为本站会员(wealthynice100)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IEC 62843-2013 Standard for N times 64 kilobit per second optical fiber interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment《远程保护和多路复用器设备间的N次64每秒千位光纤接口标准》.pdf

1、 IEC 62843 Edition 1.0 2013-01 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Standard for N times 64 kilobit per second optical fiber interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment IEC62843:2013(E)IEEE StdC37.94-2002IEEE Std C37.94THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2002 IEEE All rights reserved

2、. IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent any IECNational Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work.International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate inthis preparation. IEEE Standards documen

3、ts are developed within IEEE Societies and Standards Coordinating Committeesof the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. IEEE develops its standards through aconsensus development process, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints andinterests to achieve the fin

4、al product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of IEEE and serve withoutcompensation. While IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in theconsensus development process, IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of anyof the information cont

5、ained in its standards. Use of IEEE Standards documents is wholly voluntary. IEEEdocuments are made available for use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers (see http:/ for more information).IEC collaborates closely with IEEE in accordance with cond

6、itions determined by agreement between thetwo organizations. 2) The formal decisions of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an internationalconsensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from allinterested IEC National Committees.

7、 The formal decisions of IEEE on technical matters, once consensuswithin IEEE Societies and Standards Coordinating Committees has been reached, is determined by abalanced ballot of materially interested parties who indicate interest in reviewing the proposed standard.Final approval of the IEEE stand

8、ards document is given by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA)Standards Board.3) IEC/IEEE Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IECNational Committees/IEEE Societies in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that thetechnical

9、 content of IEC/IEEE Publications is accurate, IEC or IEEE cannot be held responsible for the wayin which they are used or for any misinterpretation by any end user.4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications(including IEC/IEEE Publica

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11、 Independent certification bodies provideconformity assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC and IEEE arenot responsible for any services carried out by independent certification bodies.6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publica

12、tion.7) No liability shall attach to IEC or IEEE or their directors, employees, servants or agents including individualexperts and members of technical committees and IEC National Committees, or volunteers of IEEESocieties and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (

13、IEEE-SA)Standards Board, for any personal injury, property damage or other damage of any nature whatsoever,whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the publication,use of, or reliance upon, this IEC/IEEE Publication or any other IEC or IEEE Publicat

14、ions. Published by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights IEC 62843:2013(E)IEEE Std C37.94-20028) Attention is drawn to the normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publicationsis indispensable for the correct application of this publication.9) At

15、tention is drawn to the possibility that implementation of this IEC/IEEE Publication may require use ofmaterial covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to theexistence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. IEC or IEEE shall not

16、 be held responsiblefor identifying Essential Patent Claims for which a license may be required, for conducting inquiries into thelegal validity or scope of Patent Claims or determining whether any licensing terms or conditions providedin connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any,

17、or in any licensing agreements arereasonable or non-discriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of thevalidity of any patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.International Standard IEC 62843/IEEE Std C37.94-

18、2002 has been processed through IECtechnical committee 57: Power systems management and associated informationexchange, under the IEC/IEEE Dual Logo Agreement.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found i

19、n the reporton voting indicated in the above table. The IEC Technical Committee and IEEE Technical Committee have decided that thecontents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on theIEC web site under “http:/“ in the data related to the specific

20、 publication.At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended.IEEE Std FDIS Report on votingC37.94-2002 57/1258/FDIS 57/1290/RVDPublished by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEC 62843:2013(E) viiIEEE Std C37.94-2002IEE

21、E Standard for N Times 64Kilobit Per Second Optical Fiber Interfaces Between Teleprotectionand Multiplexer EquipmentSponsorPower System Relaying Committeeand Power System Communications Committeeof theIEEE Power Engineering SocietyApproved 21 January 2003American National Standards InstituteApproved

22、 12 September 2002IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: An optical interface for use between teleprotection and digital multiplexer equipment thatcan operate at a data rate of N times 64 kilobit per second where N = 1, 212 is described.Requirements for both physical connection and the communications timi

23、ng are also included.Keywords: alarm indication signal, bit error rate, cyclic redundancy check, loss of frame, loss ofsignal, multimode optical fiber, multiplexer,remote defect indication, teleprotection, unit intervalPublished by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.viii IEC

24、 62843:2013(E)IEEE Std C37.94-2002IEEE Introduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE C37.94-2002, IEEE Standard for N times 64 Kilobit per Second Optical FiberInterfaces between Teleprotection and Multiplexer Equipment.)Existing interface standards between teleprotection equipment and multiplex

25、ers are electrical only. Theselow-energy signal interfaces are susceptible to intra-substation electromagnetic interference (EMI). The useof dedicated optical fibers for the intra-substation communication links between teleprotection equipmentand multiplexers eliminates the data corruption common to

26、 electrical connections.Published by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEC 62843:2013(E) 1IEEE Std C37.94-2002Standard for N Times 64Kilobit Per Second Optical Fiber Interfaces Between Teleprotectionand Multiplexer Equipment1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis standard describes the in

27、terconnection details for N, where N = 1, 212, times 64 kilobit per secondconnections of teleprotection equipment to digital multiplexers using optical fiber. Requirements for bothphysical connection and the communications timing are also included.1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this standard is to allow

28、the interconnection of different vendors teleprotection equipmentwith different vendors multiplexer equipment, without any restriction on the content of theN times 64 kilobit per second data using up to 2 km of 50 or 62.5 micrometer multimode optical fiber.2. ReferencesThe following standard contain

29、s provisions, which through reference in this text constitute provisions of thisstandard. At the time of this publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on this stardard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplyin

30、g the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of the IEC and ISO maintainregisters of currently valid International Standards.IEC-60874-10-1 (1997-06) Connectors for optical fibres and cables Part 10-1: Detail specification for fibreoptic connector type BFOC/2.5 terminated to

31、multimode fibre type A1.11IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131, 3, ruede Varemb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/Suisse (http:/ IEC publications are also available in the United Statesfrom the Sales De

32、partment, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.Published by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.2 IEC 62843:2013(E)IEEE Std C37.94-20023. Definitions and acronyms3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this standard, the f

33、ollowing terms and definitions apply. The IEEE AuthoritativeDictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition B2 2, should be used for terms not defined in thisclause.3.1.1 jitter: A term used to describe perturbations in the timing of data bit transitions when the frequency ofthe perturbations is

34、 greater than 10 Hz.3.1.2 multimode optical fiber: An optical fiber that has a relatively large core, in which light bounces offthe walls of the core. This results in multiple signal paths through the fiber, which limits the maximumsignaling rate more and more as the fiber length increases.3.1.3 mul

35、tiplexer equipment: A device that allows the transmission of a number of different signalssimultaneously over a single channel or transmission facility.3.1.4 teleprotection equipment: Equipment that provides the interface between the protective relay and acommunications circuit.3.1.5 unit interval (

36、UI): Time duration equal to the reciprocal of the bit rate.3.1.6 wander: A term used to describe perturbations in the timing of data bit transitions when the frequencyof the perturbations is less than 10 Hz.3.2 AcronymsBER bit error rateCRC cyclic redundancy checkLOS loss of signalLOF loss of framep

37、pm parts per millionRDI remote defect indication4. Frame structureThe frame structure is designed to allow the passage of information in packet format from the multiplexer tothe teleprotection equipment and from the teleprotection to the multiplexer equipment. The format waschosen so:a) The frame is

38、 a valid International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) recommendation G.704pattern from the standpoint of framing and data rate. However, the data structure is not a standarddata format.b) The bit pattern would have approximately equal ones and zeroes (for transmission through ac-coupled optical ci

39、rcuits).c) The frame would have an easily detected bit pattern for frame synchronization.d) The frame structure is identical in both directions. The frame is the same size and format regardlessof the number of 64 kilobit per second timeslots being utilized. 2The numbers in brackets correspond to tho

40、se in the bibliography in Annex C.Published by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEC 62843:2013(E) 3IEEE Std C37.94-2002The frame is 256 bits and is repeated at a frame rate of 8000 Hz. The resultant bit rate is 2048 kilobit per second. The frame consists of three sections:

41、 the header, the overhead data, and the channel data arranged as shownin Figure 1.4.1 HeaderThe 16-bit header is a unique bit pattern to allow the receiver to synchronize to the 256-bit frame. Theheader is 16 bits with the following format.a b c d e f g h 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1The first eight bits a, b, c,

42、 d, e, f, g, h form one of two patterns that alternate with every other frame. This isdone to ensure compliance with ITU-T recommendation G.704. The two patterns are:Pattern 1: a b c d e f g h = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1Pattern 2: a b c d e f g h = 1 1 y 1 1 1 1 1y = Yellow Alarm bit = 0 for normal; = 1 if re

43、ceiving bad signal (LOS declared)The second eight bits are 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 in every frameThe receiver shall acquire frame sync by pattern matching to 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1Figure 1Frame structurePublished by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All rights reserved.4 IEC 62843:2013(E)IEEE Std C37.94-

44、20024.2 Overhead dataThis 48-bit section includes bits for providing information between the multiplexer and teleprotectionequipment. Each data bit is followed by its complement (for 24 actual bits of information). The datacurrently assigned comprise:Data bit Definitionp,q,r,s One or zero data that

45、depend upon the value of N used, where N = 1 to 12.(p = most-significant-bit)e.g., 0,0,0,1 for N = 10,0,1,0 for N = 21,1,0,0, for N = 124.3 Channel dataThis 192-bit section comprises 96 data bits, with each data bit followed by its complement. The first N times 8 data bits carry the N times 64 kilob

46、it per second (kbit/s) data.The remaining 96 (N times 8) data bits are set to 1.4.4 Path frame alignmentNote that the standard does not require multiplexer equipment to provide end-to-end frame alignments; i.e.,there is no requirement that a frames first data bit D1 at the source site appears as a f

47、rames first data bit D1at the destination site.5. Communication failure scenarios5.1 Loss of signal (LOS)It is important that a low-level signal (e.g., from a deteriorating optical fiber) does not result in garbled datafor more than a few milliseconds. The receiver shall declare LOS within 1 ms afte

48、r receiving two or more errors in eight consecutive framingpatterns.The receiver shall clear LOS upon receiving eight consecutive correct framing patterns.5.2 Signal failure actionsDuring LOS condition at its optical receive port, the teleprotection equipment shall:Change the “Yellow” bit in the tra

49、nsmitted optical output frames from “0” to “1”.During LOS condition at its optical receive port, the multiplexer shall:Replace the data bits over the higher order communications link with “All Ones,” which is commonlyreferred to as Alarm Indication Signal or AIS.Change the “Yellow” bit in the transmitted optical output frames from “0” to “1”.During the loss of the higher order communications link, the multiplexer shall:Replace the data bits in the transmitted optical output frames with “All Ones.”Published by IEC under license from IEEE. 2003 IEEE. All

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