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本文(IEC TR 61055-1-1991 Measurement techniques and operational adjustments of broadcast VTRs part 1 operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VTRs《广播磁带录像机的测量技术和操作调节 第1部分 模似复合广播磁带录像机的操作.pdf)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IEC TR 61055-1-1991 Measurement techniques and operational adjustments of broadcast VTRs part 1 operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VTRs《广播磁带录像机的测量技术和操作调节 第1部分 模似复合广播磁带录像机的操作.pdf

1、- .J IEC I1055 PT*I 9L 4844891 OLL7050 2 RAPPORT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL REPORT . CE1 IEC 1055-.1 Premire dition First edition 1991 -05 Techniques de mesures et rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion Partie 1: Rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion analogiques com

2、posites Measurement techniques and operational adjustments of broadcast VTRs Part 1: Operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VTRs Numro de rfrence Reference number CEIIIEC 1055-1 : 1991 IEC 1055 PT81 71 Rvision de ia prsente publication Lc contenu technique des publications de la C E

3、 I est cws- tamment revu par la Commission afin dassurer quil reflte bien ltat achiel de ia technique. Les renseigncments relatifs ce travail de rvision, ltablissement des ditions rvises et aux mises jour peuvent Etm obtenus auph des Comits nationaux de ia C E I et en consultant les documents ci-des

4、sous: BulietLidelaCEI Annuairedela CE1 Catalogue des publications de ia C E I Publi annuellanent Terminologie En a qui concerne la terminologie gnraie, le lecteur SC reportera la hblication 50 de la CEI: Vocabulak Elcctrotachnique International 0. qui est tablie mus fome de chapitres - ia Pubkation

5、617 de la C E I Symbolw graphiques pour schmas. Les symboies et signes contenus dans la pdeente publication ont t soit - - I E C Publidon 617: Graphical symbols for diagrams. nie symbols and signs contained in the present pubkation haw either been taken from IEC Publications 27 or 617. or have ban b

6、pacifiscay. approved for the plilpose ofthis pubiicatiion IE C publications prepared by the same Technical Committee The attention of nders is drawn to the back cover, which lists IEC publications issucd by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication. IEC LO55 PT*L 71 W 484487

7、1 OLL7052 b RAPPORT i TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL REPORT CE1 IEC 1055=1 Premire dition First edition 1991-05 Techniques de mesures et rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion Partie 1: Rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion analogiques composites Measurement techniques

8、and operational adjustments of broadcast VTRs Part 1: Operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VT Rs Bureau Centml de ta Commission Electrotechnique Inteinahde 3. rue de VanmibB QeneVe, Suisse CODE PRIX PRICECODE v Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Elecrotechnic

9、al Commission IEC 3055 PT* ce dernier type denregistrement nest pas recommand pour les changes internationaux, mais il est largement rpandu pour les reportages lectroniques. Ces trois sections ont t tablies la suite des tudes du groupe spcialis6 G2MES. Lannexe A dcrit les prcautions prendre lors de

10、la manipulation des bandes talons si lon veut conserver ces bandes la prcision necessaire aux rglages. On a mentionne dans la bibliographie (annexe B) la documentation fournie par les orga- nisme internationaux qui tudient la normalisation de lenregistrement magnetique de la tlvision, notamment les

11、normes de lUER et les publications de la CEI. IEC 1055 PT*I 71 m 4844871 0117Obo 5 m 1055-1 0 IEC -9- INTRODUCTION This technical report describes the operational alignment procedures which are peculiar to VTRs of the types used in television production and which are recommended for adoption within

12、the EBU. It is important for these machines to be aligned according to clearly defined criteria so that recorded tapes will conform to the standards and to avoid compati- bility problems during international programme exchanges. These recommendations are based on the results of investigations conduc

13、ted by EBU Sub-group 62 (Television tape-recording). Section 1, concerning transverse-track VTRs, comprises the corresponding passages of EBU document Tech. 3219 (published in 1976) suitably up-dated. Sections 2 and 3 are concerned with B-format and C-format VTRs using 25.4 mm tape. Section 4 is con

14、cerned with U-matic H machines using 19 mm tape; this type of recording is not recommended for international exchanges but it is in widespread use for ENG. These three sections have been written following studies by Specialist Group G2/MES. . Annex A describes the precautions to be taken whilst hand

15、ling reference tapes if they are to retain the accuracy needed for alignment purposes. A bibliography (annex B) lists documents issued by the international organizations Involved in the standardization of magnetic television recording; in particular, it includes the relevant EBU standards and IEC pu

16、blications. 1 - IEC 3055 PT*3 93 4844893 0337063 7 H -10- , 1055-1 0 CE1 TECHNIQUES DE MESURES ET RGLAGES EN EXPLOITATION DES MAGNTOSCOPES DE RADIODIFFUSION Partie 1 : Rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion analogiques composites SECTION O: GENERALITES 0.1 Domaine dapplication Le

17、 prsent rapport technique dfinit les rglages en exploitation des magntoscopes de radiodiffusion analogiques composites. SECTION 1 : REGLAGE DES MAGNETOSCOPES A PISTES TRANSVERSALES 1 .I Le but de la bande de rglage est de rendre la vrification du magntoscope aussi Simple que possible; on a donc grou

18、p diffrents signaux en une seule image de faon pouvoir faire plusieurs vrifications en observant dune part limage, et dautre part le signal affich sur lcran dun oscilloscope de profil. Bande de rglage de lUER La figure 1 montre la forme des signaux observes avant enregistrement. La moiti supe- rieur

19、e de limage est constitue du signal dinsertion prvu par le CCIR pour la ligne 330, rpt sur chaque ligne: barre de luminance, impulsion 2T en sinus carr et escalier de luminance cinq paliers avec sous-porteuse superpose. La moiti infrieure de limage est constitue de barres de couleur du type 100/0/75

20、/0*. La piste audio porte des annonces alternativement en franais et en anglais, interrompues par une tonalit 1 O00 Hz au niveau de rfrence de 100 nWb/m eff. La piste,dordres est vierge. Le support utilis est une bande Scotch 400 de caractristiques moyennes, livre en bobines dassez grande longueur.

21、On prvoit que les organismes de radiodiffusion ia couperont en tronons plus courts utiliss pour le rglage et quils pourront meme coller ces tronons de petites longueurs de la bande quils utilisent normalement (voir article 1.3). Le texte complet des spcifications de WER applicable la bande de rglage

22、 pour magntoscopes pistes transversales figure dans le document Tech. 3084 de lUER i*. Pour les Ubikateurs du Royaume-Uni, les barres de couleur sont du type 10010/100/0. Les chies entre croches se rapportent la Mbliographie, annexe B, page (io. * IEC 1055 PT*1 91 E 4844891 O1170b2 9 10551 0 IEC -11

23、 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AND OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS OF BROADCAST VTRs Part 1 : Operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VTRs SECTION O: GENERAL 0.1 Scope This technical report defines operational adjustments on analogue composite broadcast VTRs. SECTION 1 : OPERATIONAL ALIGNMENT OF

24、TRANSVERSE-TRACK VTRS 1.1 BU alignment tape The purpose of the alignment tape is to make the checking of the machine as easy as possible and, to this end, a split picture was chosen so that a multiple check could be made on picture and waveform monitor displays. The waveforms of the signals before r

25、ecording are depicted in figure 1. The upper half of the picture consists of the CCIR insertion signal, as specified for line 330, repeated on each line: luminance bar, 2T sine-squared pulse and 5-riser luminance staircase with superimposed sub-carrier. The lower half of the picture consists of a 10

26、0/0/75/0 colour-bar signal The sound track carries alternating French and English announcements interrupted by 1 O00 Hz tone at the reference level of 100 nWb/m r.m.s. There is no recording on the cue track. The tape used is Scotch 400 with average characteristics. It is supplied in rather long sect

27、ions and it is anticipated that broadcasting organizations will cut them into short pieces for alignment purposes and will perhaps splice short lengths of their normal video tape stock onto these (see clause 1.3). The complete EBU specifications of the alignment tape for transverse track VTRs appear in EBU document Tech. 3084 I - United Kingdom users have a 100/0/10010 coiour-bar signai. The figures in square brackets refer to the bibliography, annex B, page 61. *

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