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IEC TR3 61000-2-1-1990 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) part 2 environment section 1 description of the environment electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted distu.pdf

1、RAPPORT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL REPORT CE1 IEC 1000-2-1 Premire dition First edition 1990-05 Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 2: Environ nement Section 1 : Description de lenvironnement - Environnement lectromagntique pour les perturbations conduites basse frquence et ia transmission de signaux

2、 sur les rseaux publics dalimentation Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 2: Environment Section 1: Description of the environment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems Numro de rfrence Reference number CEI/IEC 1000-

3、2-1: 1990 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Validit de la prsente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la CE1 est cons- tamment revu par la CE1 a

4、fin quil reflte ltat actuel de la technique. Des renseignements relatifs la date de reconfirmation de la publication sont disponibles auprs du Bureau Central de la CEI. Les renseignements relatifs ces rvisions, ltablis- sement des ditions rvises et aux amendements peuvent tre obtenus auprs des Comit

5、s nationaux de la CE1 et dans les documents ci-dessous: Bulletin de la CE1 Annuaire de la CE1 Publi annuellement Catalogue des publications de la CE1 Publi annuellement et mis jour rgulirement Terminologie En ce qui concerne ia terminologie gnrale, le lecteur se reportera la CE1 50: Vocabulaire Elec

6、trotechnique Inter- national (VEI), qui se prsente sous forme de chapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini. Des dtails complets sur le VE1 peuvent tre obtenus sur demande. Voir galement le dictionnaire multilingue de la CEI. Les termes et dfinitions figurant dans la prsente publi- cation ont t

7、 soit tirs du VEI, soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Symboles graphiques et littraux Pour les symboles graphiques, les symboles littraux et les signes dusage gnral approuvs par la CEI, le lecteur consultera: - la CE1 21: Symboles littraux utiliser en lectrotechnique; - la CE

8、1 411: Symboles graphiques utilisables sur le matriel. Index, relev et compilation des feuilles individuelles; - la CE1 617: Symboles graphiques pour schmas: et pour les appareils lectromdicaux, - la CE1 878: Symboles graphiques pour quipements lectriques en pratique mdicale. Les symboles et signes

9、contenus dans la prsente publi- cation ont t soit tirs de la CE1 27, de la CE1 417, de la CE1 617 et/ou de la CE1 878, soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Publications de la CE1 tablies par le mme comit dtudes Lattention du lecteur est attire sur les listes figurant la fin de

10、cette publication, qui numrent les publications de la CE1 prpares par le comit dtudes qui a tabli la prsente publication. Validity of this publication The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Infor

11、mation relating to the date of the reconfirmation of the publication is available from the IEC Central Office. Information on the revision work, the issue of revised editions and amendments may be obtained from IEC National Committees and from the following IEC sources: IEC Bulletin IEC Yearbook Cat

12、alogue of IEC publications Published yearly Published yearly with regular updates Ter mi no logy For general terminology, readers are referred to IEC 50: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV), which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field. Full details

13、 of the IEV will be supplied on request. See also the IEC Multilingual Dictionary. The terms and definitions contained in the present publi- cation have either been taken from the IEV or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication. Graphical and letter symbols For graphical s

14、ymbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the IEC for general use, readers are referred to publications: - IEC 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; - IEC 417: Graphical symbols for use on equip- ment. Index, survey and compilation of the single sheets: - IEC 617: Graphical

15、symbols for diagrams; and for medical electrical equipment, - equipment in medical practice. IEC 878: Graphical symbols for ebctromedical The symbols and signs contained in the present publi- cation have either been taken from IEC 27, IEC 417, IEC 617 and/or IEC 878, or have been specifically appro-

16、 ved for the purpose of this publication. IEC publications prepared by the same technical committee The attention of readers is drawn to the end pages of this publication which list the IEC publications issued by the technical committee which has prepared the present publication. Copyright Internati

17、onal Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-RAPPORT TECHNIQUE CE1 IEC TECHNICAL REPORT 1000-2-1 Premire dition First edition 1990-05 Compatibilit lectromagntique (CEM) Partie 2: Environnemen

18、t Section 1 : Description de lenvironnement - Environnement lectromagntique pour les perturbations conduites basse frquence et la transmission de signaux sur les rseaux publics dalimentation Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 2: Environ ment Section 1: Description of the environment - Electrom

19、agnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems 0 CE1 1990 Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved Auune pare de cette publicaikm ne pew tre repmduite ni No pari of Ws publleaon may be reproduced orutllized In any utH

20、lse SOM qdqw forme que ca wk et par aucun procd. onn or by any means, electmnlc o( naochanlcal. krdUdW lecunkpe ou m6canique. y cotnptfs la photocopie et les photooopylng and mlcrofikn. wimout pedsslon In d,% mlwdllms. sans IamnrJ Bun de Iodneur. trom me pubiisher. Bureau Centrai de ia Commission Ue

21、ctrotechnk(ue Intemationaie 3. rue de Varemb Genve, Cuisse T CODE PRIX PRI E COE Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical Commission Mettayxapoman 3neicrpoiexwsecnan HOMHCCMR Pourprlx. volr catalogue en vigueur For prke. see current catalogue Copyright International

22、Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2- SOMMAIRE 1000-2-1 O CE1 Pages AVANT-PROPOS 4 INTRODUCTION . 6 Articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Domaine d?application . Rfrences normatives . Dfin

23、itions Ncessit de spcifier des niveaux de compatibilit lectromagntique Harmoniques . Interharmoniques Fluctuations de tension Creux de tension et coupures brves . Dsquilibre de tension . Transmission de signaux sur le rseau Variation de frquence de l?alimentation Composantes continues (A l?tude) 8 8

24、 10 12 14 20 26 30 34 36 40 42 Figures . 44 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1000-2-1 O IEC -3- CONTENTS Page FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Clause 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

25、11 12 Scope Normative references Definitions Purpose of specifying electromagnetic compatibility levels . Harmonics Interhamonics Voltage fluctuations . Voltage dips and short supply intemptions . Voltage unbalance . Mains signalling Power frequency variation D.C. components (Under consideration) Fi

26、gures . 5 7 9 9 11 13 15 21 27 31 35 37 41 43 44 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1000-2-1 O CE1 -4- Rgle des Six Mois 77(BC)26 COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTER

27、NATIONALE Rapport de vote Procdure des Deux Mois Rapport de vote 77(BC)30 77( BC)32 77(BC)34 CMPAT BI LITE LECTROMAGNTIQUE (CEM) Partie 2: Environnement Section 1 : Description de lenvironnement - Environnement lectromagntique pour les perturbations conduites basse frquence et la transmission de sig

28、naux sur les rseaux publics dalimentation AVANT-PROPOS 1) Les dcisions ou accords officiels de la CE1 en ce qui concerne les questions techniques, prpars par des Comits dEtudes o sont reprsents tous les Comits nationaux sintressant ces questions, expriment dans la plus grande mesure possible un acco

29、rd international sur les sujets examins. 2) Ces dcisions constituent des recommandations internationales et sont agres comme telles par les Comits nationaux. 3) Dans le but dencourager lunification internationale, la CE1 exprime le voeu que tous les Comits nationaux adoptent dans leurs rgles nationa

30、les le texte de la recommandation de la CEI, dans la mesure o les conditions nationales le permettent. Toute divergence entre la recommandation de la CE1 et la Rgle nationale correspondante doit, dans la mesure du possible, Qtre indique en termes clairs dans cette dernire. La prsente section de la C

31、E1 1000-2, qui a le statut de rapport technique, a t tablie par le Comit dEtudes no 77: Compatibilit lectromagntique entre les matriels lectriques y compris les rseaux. Le texte de cette section est issu des documents suivants: Les rapports de vote indiqus dans le tableau ci-dessus donnent toute inf

32、ormation sur les votes ayant abouti lapprobation de cette section. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1000-2-1 O IEC -5- INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION

33、 * Six Months Rule Report on Voting Two Months Procedure Report on Voting 77(C0)26 77(C0)30 77(C0)32 77(C0)34 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) Part 2: Environment Section 1 : Description of the environment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in pu

34、blic power supply systems FOREWORD 1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on

35、the subjects dealt with. 2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of the IEC recommend

36、ation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter. This section of IEC 1000-2, which has the status of a technical report, has

37、been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 77: Electromagnetic compatibility between electrical equipment including networks. The text of this section is based on the following documents: Full information on the voting for the approval of this section can be found in the Voting Reports indicated i

38、n the above table. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-La -6- INTRODUCTION 1000-2-1 O CE1 EI 1000 est publie sous forme de plusieurs parties con.Jrmment la structu

39、re suivante: Partie 1 : Gnralits Considrations gnrales (introduction, principes fondamentaux) Dfinitions, terminologie Partie 2: Environnement Description de lenvironnement Classification de lenvironnement Niveaux de compatibilit Partie 3: Limites Li mi tes dmission Limites dimmunit (dans la mesure

40、o elles ne relvent pas des comits de produits) Partie 4: Techniques dessai et de mesure Techniques de mesure Techniques dessai Partie 5: Guides dinstallation et dattnuation Guides dinstallation Mthodes et dispositifs dattnuation Partie 9: Divers Chaque partie est son tour subdivise en sections qui s

41、eront publies soit comme Normes internationales, soit comme Rapports techniques. Ces normes et rapports seront publis chronologiquement et numrots en consquence. La prsente section est un Rapport technique destin servir de document de rfrence pour celles des parties de ia CEi 1000 qui indiquent des

42、valeurs de niveau de compatibilit, par exemple ta CE1 1000-2-2. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1000-2-1 O IEC -7- INTRODUCTION IEC 1000 is published in separa

43、te parts according to the following structure: Part 1: General General considerations (introduction, fundamental principles) Definitions, terminology Pari 2: Environment Description of the environment Classification of the environment Compatibility levels Pari 3: Limits Emission limits Immunity limi

44、ts (in so far as they do not fall under the responsibility of the product committees) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques Measurement techniques Testing techniques Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines Installation guidelines Mitigation methods and devices Part 9: Miscellaneous Each

45、part is further subdivided into sections which can be published either as International Standards or Technical reports. These standards and reports will be published in chronological order and numbered accordingly. This section is a Technical Report serving as a reference document for those associat

46、ed parts of IEC 1 O00 that give values of compatibility level, for example IEC 1000-2-2. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8- 1000-2-1 O CE1 COMPATIBILIT LECTROM

47、AGNTIQUE (CEM) Partie 2: Environnement Section 1 : Description de lenvironnement - Environnement lectromagntique pour les perturbations conduites basse frquence et la transmission de signaux sur les rseaux publics dalimentation 1 Domaine dapplication La prsente section de la CE1 1000-2 traite des pe

48、rturbations conduites dans la gamme de frquence qui stend jusqu 10 kHz. Cette gamme est largie pour les systmes de transmission de signaux sur le rseau. Dautres sections donnent des valeurs numriques de niveaux de compatibilit selon les niveaux de tension des rseaux. Cette section ne traite pas de lapplication des niveaux de compatibilit pour dterminer, par exemple les niveaux tolrables de perturbations que pourraient pr

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