1、ACI 336.1-01 supersedes ACI 336.1-98 and became effective October 31, 2001.Copyright 2001, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by anymeans, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic ormechanical device, p
2、rinted, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission inwriting is obtained from the copyright proprietors.336.1-1Specification for the Constructionof Drilled PiersACI 336.1-01This specification covers re
3、quirements for drilled pier construction. Itincludes delivery, handling, and storage of the casing, excavation, soil test-ing, placing of concrete and reinforcing steel, and inspection. Drilled piersare sometimes called drilled shafts, caissons, or bored piles.Keywords: bored pile; caisson; concrete
4、; drilled pier; foundation; placing;reinforced concrete; reinforcement; slurry; soil; specification; test; tolerance.FOREWORDF1. This foreword is included for explanatory purposesonly. It does not form a part of Specification ACI 336.1.F2. ACI Specification ACI 336.1 is a Reference Specifica-tion to
5、 be used by incorporation in its entirety in the projectspecifications. Individual sections, articles, or paragraphsshall not be copied into the Project Specifications, becausetaking them out of context may change their meanings. Ifsections or parts of ACI Specification 336.1 are copied intoproject
6、specifications or any other document, they shall notbe referred to as ACI Specifications, because the specifica-tion has been altered.F3. A statement such as the following will serve to makeACI Specification 336.1 a part of the Project Specifications:Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requ
7、irementsof ACI 336.1-00 published by the American Concrete Insti-tute, Farmington Hills, Mich., except as modified by theseContract Documents.F4. Responsibilities for project participants must be de-fined in the project specifications. ACI Specification 336.1defines responsibilities solely for the C
8、ontractor and definesspecific conditions when the Contractor is to take directionfrom the Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer.F5. Each technical section of ACI Specification 336.1 iswritten in the Three-Part Section Format of the ConstructionSpecifications Institute, as adapted for ACI requi
9、rements.The language is imperative and terse.F6. Checklists do not form a part of ReferenceSpecification ACI 336.1. Checklists are to assist the specifierin properly choosing and specifying any necessaryrequirements for the Project Specifications.CONTENTSForeword, p. 336.1-1Section 1General requirem
10、ents, p. 336.1-21.1Scope1.2Definitions1.3Reference standards 1.4Standards-producing organizations 1.5Standard units1.6Project conditions1.7Quality assurance1.8Submittals by the ContractorSection 2Products, p. 336.1-42.1General2.2Steel casing and liner2.3Reinforcing steel2.4Concrete2.5Sand-cement gro
11、ut2.6Controlled slurrySection 3Execution, p. 336.1-53.1Tolerances3.2Dry method3.3Steel casing and liner3.4Reinforcing steel3.5Concrete3.6Casing withdrawal3.7Slurry displacement method3.8Placement of anchorage embedmentsReported by ACI Committee 336Clyde N. Baker, Jr. Shraddhakar Harsh John F. Seiden
12、stickerPrabodh V. Banavalkar Edward S. Hoffman Bryan P. SweeneyJoseph A. Bohinsky Javier F. Horvilleur Dan R. StoppenhagenM. T. Davisson Rodrigo Salgado Samuel S. WhiteRonald W. Harris Harold R. Sandberg Edward J. Ulrich, Jr.ChairmanHugh S. LacySecretaryACI STANDARD 336.1-2Preface to specification c
13、hecklists, p. 336.1-9Mandatory requirements checklist, p. 336.1-10Optional requirements checklist, p. 336.1-11Submittal checklist, p. 336.1-22SECTION 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1.1Scope1.1.1 This Reference Specification covers requirements fordrilled pier construction and applies to drilled piers of 30 in
14、.(750 mm) diameter and larger. The Contractor shall submitproposed installation methods to the Owners Representa-tive-Geotechnical Engineer. Methods compatible with thedesign intent, as determined by the Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer, will be accepted. Methods that arenot compatible wi
15、th the design intent will be rejected.1.1.2 The provisions of this Specification shall govern, un-less otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. In caseof conflicting requirements, the Contract Documents shallgovern. Conflicting requirements shall be submitted to theOwners Representative for re
16、solution.1.2DefinitionsThe following definitions cover the meanings of certainwords and terms used in this Reference Specification.Accept, accepted, acceptable, acceptabilityAdequateor satisfactory as determined by the Owners Representativeor Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer.Anchorage emb
17、edmentEmbedment of the anchoragesystem, such as anchor bolts or threaded rods, used to fastenstructural components to the piers.Bearing stratumThe soil or rock stratum that carriesthe load transferred to it by a drilled pier.BellAn enlargement at the bottom of the pier for thepurpose of spreading th
18、e load over a larger area.CasingA permanent or temporary steel cylinder used toresist earth and water pressures, to serve as a concrete form,and to protect personnel.Contract DocumentsDocuments, including theProject Drawings and Project Specifications, covering therequired Work.ContractorThe person,
19、 firm, or corporation with whomthe Owner enters into an agreement for construction of theWork.Controlled slurrySlurry that is controlled to conformto specified properties.Cut-offThe top of a pier, a level surface at the elevationshown on the Contract Drawings.Drilled pierA foundation element, with o
20、r without anenlarged bearing area, extended downward by drillingthrough earth materials, water, or both, to an acceptable de-sign depth and filled with structural concrete.Dry methodMethod of pier installation in which con-crete is placed in the dry and where casing may be used tomaintain sidewall s
21、tability.End bearingWhere load is supported at the bottom ofthe pier.InspectionObservation of construction, equipment, andmaterials used therein, and actual subsurface conditions that,along with related construction engineering decisions madeby the Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer, en-abl
22、es the Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer torender a professional opinion on expected foundation perfor-mance and the Contractors conformance with the ContractDocuments.LinerA cylindrical form of pier design diameter havingthe tensile strength to withstand internal concrete pressuresand not
23、 designed for external earth and water pressures; usedinside an oversized temporary casing to prevent possibleconcrete contamination when temporary casing is removed.OwnerCorporation, association, partnership, individu-al, public body, or authority with whom the Contractor en-ters into agreement and
24、 for whom the Work is provided. Owners RepresentativeArchitect, Structural Engi-neer, or Geotechnical Engineer authorized to act on behalf ofthe Owner.Owners Representative-Geotechnical EngineerGeotechnical engineer specifically authorized to carry outthe responsibilities defined in this Reference S
25、pecification.PigDevice inserted into a tremie or pump pipe to sepa-rate the concrete from the pier excavation fluid inside thepipe.Probe holeA 1.6 to 2.5 in. (40 to 63 mm) diameter holeusually drilled by air percussion methods to a required depthbelow the pier bottom. The geotechnical engineer feels
26、 theprobe hole wall by lowering and raising a hooked rod. Thesize and amount of seams found enables the determination ofthe soundness of the soil formation.Project DrawingsThe drawings that, along withProject Specifications, complete the descriptive informationfor constructing the Work required or r
27、eferred to in the Con-tract Documents.Project SpecificationsThe written documents thatspecify requirements for a project in accordance with the ser-vice parameters and other specific criteria established by theOwner.Reference SpecificationA specification that, by citingin the Contract Documents, bec
28、omes a reference standard forthe Contractor to use in the construction of a project togetherwith other project requirements.Side-resistanceFriction developed along the side of adrilled pier that transmits vertical forces to the surroundingsoil or rock.Slurry displacement methodMethod of drilling, co
29、n-creting, or drilling and concreting in which controlled slurryconsisting of water, with or without additives such as bento-nite, attapulgite, or polymer, is used to stabilize the hole; theslurry may be used to maintain the stability of the uncaseddrilled pier hole to allow concrete placement when
30、waterseepage into a drilled pier hole is too severe to permit con-creting in the dry, or both.SubmittedGiven to the Owners Representative forappropriate action.Testing agencyPerson, firm, or corporation retained toperform required tests on the contract construction materialsSPECIFICATION FOR THE CON
31、STRUCTION OF DRILLED PIERS 336.1-3and to document conformance with the Contract Documentsand with the construction engineering decisions made by theOwners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer.Tremie methodProcedure for placing concrete under-water or slurry using a watertight steel pipe or tube to p
32、laceconcrete without washing out cement fines.WorkThe entire construction or separately identifiableparts thereof that are required to be furnished under the Con-tract Documents. Work is the result of performing services,furnishing labor, and furnishing and incorporating materialsand equipment into
33、the construction in accordance with theContract Documents.1.3Reference standards1.3.1 GeneralStandards of ACI, ASTM, AWS, and APIreferred to in this Reference Specification are listed withtheir serial designation, including year of adoption or revi-sion, and are part of this Reference Specification.
34、 ACI standardsACI 117-90 Standard Specifications for Toler-ances for Concrete Construction andMaterialsACI 301-99 Specifications for Structural Con-crete1.3.1.2 ASTM standardsA 36/A 36M-97a Specification for Carbon StructuralSteelA 283/A 283M-97 Specification for Low and Interme-diate Strengt
35、h Carbon Steel PlatesA 615/A 615M-96a Specification for Deformed andPlain Billet-Steel Bars for ConcreteReinforcementA 616/A 616M-96a Specification for Rail-Steel De-formed and Plain Bars for ConcreteReinforcementA 617/A 617M-96a Specification for Axle-Steel De-formed and Plain Bars for ConcreteRein
36、forcementA 706/A 706M-96b Specification for Low-Alloy SteelDeformed and Plain Bars for Con-crete ReinforcementA 929/A 929M-97 Specification for Steel Sheet, Metal-lic Coated by the Hot-Dip Processfor Corrugated Steel PipeC 31/C 31M-00 Standard Practice for Making andCuring Concrete Test Specimens in
37、the FieldC 39-96 Test Method for CompressiveStrength of Cylindrical ConcreteSpecimensC 94/C 94M-98c Specification for Ready-MixedConcreteC 143/C 143M-98 Test Method for Slump of HydraulicCement ConcreteC 150-98 Specification for Portland CementC 494-98a Specification for Chemical Admix-tures for Con
38、creteC 1017/C 1017M-98 Specification for Chemical Admix-tures for Use in Producing FlowingConcreteC 1064-86 Test Method for Temperature of(Revised 1993)Freshly Mixed Port-land Cement ConcreteD 4380-84 Test Method for Density of Bentonite(Revised 1993) SlurriesD 4381-84 Test Method for Sand Content b
39、y(Revised 1993) Volume of Bentonite SlurriesD 4972-95a Test Method for pH of Soils1.3.1.3 API standardsRP13 B-1(1990) Standard Procedures for Field Test-ing Water-Based Drilling Fluids1.3.1.4 AWS standardsD1.1-96 Structural Welding CodeSteelD1.4-92 Structural Welding CodeReinforc-ing Steel1.4Standar
40、ds-producing organizationsAbbreviations for and complete names and addresses oforganizations issuing documents referred to in this Refer-ence Specification are listed:American Concrete Institute (ACI)P.O. Box 9094Farmington Hills, Mich. 48333-9094American Petroleum Institute (API)Production Departme
41、nt211 N. Ervay, Suite 1700Dallas, Tex. 75201American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)100 Barr Harbor DriveWest Conshohocken, Pa. 19428American Welding Society (AWS)550 NW LeJeune RoadMiami, Fla. 331261.5Standard unitsThe values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded asthe standard. SI
42、 units given in parenthesis are for informa-tional purposes only. 1.6Project conditionsThe Contractor shall perform the following items listed in1.6.1 through Examination of siteDetermine any constraints to the work presented by the ex-isting surface conditions and report them to the Own
43、ersRepresentative.1.6.2 Subsurface dataReview the subsurface investigation results. Discover anddocument any substantial difference between actual subsur-ACI STANDARD 336.1-4face conditions and those reported. Notify the Owners Rep-resentative in writing within 48 hours of such discovery.1.6.3 Exist
44、ing underground utilitiesLocate in the field all existing underground structures andutilities. Determine if there are conflicts with the Work. Re-port any conflicts to the Owners Representative. Ceasework in this area until the conflicts are resolved.1.6.4 Preconstruction conferencesAttend all preco
45、nstruction conferences required by theContract Documents.1.7Quality assurance1.7.1 Owners Representative-Geotechnical EngineerThe Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engineer willprovide inspection of the drilled-pier construction. ThisSpecification provides that construction engineering deci-sions w
46、ill be made by the Owners Representative-Geotech-nical Engineer during the course of the Work as unknown orunforeseen conditions are encountered. At the completion ofthe Work, the Owners Representative-Geotechnical Engi-neer will determine the acceptability of the pier installationwithin the terms a
47、nd conditions of the Contract Documentsand his or her construction engineering decisions.1.7.2 ContractorThe Contractor shall:a. Provide site supervisor and drillers, each with a mini-mum of 3 years of acceptable experience in installing similartypes of drilled piers. If an installation method is sp
48、ecified,experience with this method is required;b. Schedule and provide time and means for the OwnersRepresentative-Geotechnical Engineer to inspect eachdrilled pier before concreting;c. Provide the Testing Agency the means and opportunityto take samples and make tests;d. Submit a program to the Own
49、er for quality control;e. Submit a detailed description of field procedures forpier construction, whether a wet or dry method is to be used,including procedures for excavation, dewatering, slurrytype, and source and casing withdrawal, if applicable; andf. Perform all excavation or concrete work in the presenceof the Owners Representative.1.7.3 Testing Agency1.7.3.1 The Testing Agency will perform required testson construction materials to check conformance with theContract Documents. Required tests on conc
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