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1、 LEAD AUTHOR: Robert Van Der Like, CEM, CSDP, LEED AP, The Cadmus GroupCONTRIBUTING AUTHOR: Peggy Meehan, High nulloon CommuninulltionsPUBLISHED BY:nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnullnullnull L Street, null Suite nullnullnullashington, Dnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnul

2、lnullnullnullThe Paidnullromnullanullngsnulluide to Green Enullsting nullinullings has been made possibnull through the enullorts onullmany dedinullted nullnullnteers, stanull members, and others in the nullGnull nullmmunitynullThe Paidnullromnullanullngsnulluide to Green Enullsting nullinullings dr

3、anulling nulls managed and impnullmented by nullGnull stanull and nullnsunullants and innulluded renullenulland suggestions by Green Pernullrmannull Contranulling Think Tank partinullpants, innulludingnull Doug nullookman PubnullnullSonulltions, nullnnullAnnull SnullCanullnullnull, LEED AP Enullipso

4、, LLCnullerry Drummond, CEM, CEP Siemens nullinulling Tenullnonullgies, nullnnullLarry Eisenberg Los Angenulls Community Conullege D istrinull nullLACCDnullMenullssa Ganullaghernullogers nullnullnullGreen nullinulling CounnullnullDoug Gatnulln nullnullnullGreen nullinulling CounnullnullRanullenullGu

5、tter nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnullnullason Hartke nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnullnullute Henning TACnullenninullr Henry, Mnull, LEED AP nullDC null aturanullResournulls Denullnse CounnullnullEminull nullupp nullnullnullGreen nullinulling CounnullnullAri nullobb, LEED AP Sie

6、mens nullinulling Tenullnonullgies, nullnnullChris Ladner enullnull ntegrationnullonathan Maganullner Cnullnt on Cnullmate nullnitiatinullnulleinullManulleis, CEM, Pnullnull Trane CommernullanullSystemsManonullRaathor nullohnson Contronull, nullnnullnullunullo Ronull, CEM, Cnullnull, CSDP, LEED AP T

7、he Cadmus Group nullnnullRuss Rudy Metroponulltan Energy CenterConulln Sandinullr TACnullistin Simmons nullnullnullGreen nullinulling CounnullnullArah Snulluur Cnullnt on Cnullmate nullnitiatinullnullen Sidebottom, CEM, LEED AP nullohnson Contronull, Sonulltions nullADane Tainullnull Pnullnull CEM T

8、rane CommernullanullSystemsAdditionanullthanks to nulleinullnullobnullr, Catanullst nullinannullanullGroupnullnullathanienullAnullen, nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnull Carnull Conulln, nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnull and Anthony Guma, nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnull

9、 COPYRIGHTCopyright nullnull by the nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnull nullnnull Anull rights resernulldnullThe nullnullnullGreen nullinulling Counnullnull nullnnull nullnullGnullnulldenullted signinullnullnt time and resournulls to nulleate this donullment, The Paid-From-Savings Guide to G

10、reen Existing Buildings (hereinafter, “the Guide”.) nullGnull authorinulls indinullduanulluse onullthis donullmentnullin enullnullange nullr this authorinulltion, the purnullaser agreesnullnullnullto retain anull nullpyright and other proprietary notinulls nullntained in this donullment,nullnullnot

11、to senull or modinull this donullment, andnullnullnot to reprodunull, dispnully, or distribute this donullment in any nully nullr any pubnullnullor nullmmernullanullpurpose nullnullnullpt nullr nullenullnullsts and nullrms nullinull by their nature are intended to be reprodunulld and reused by the p

12、urnullasernull innulluding dispnully on a nulleb site or in a netnullrked ennullronmentnullnullnauthorinulld use onullthis donullment nullonulltes nullpyright, trademark, and other nullnull and is prohibitednullRedistributing this donullment on the internet or othernullse is STRnullTLnullprohibited

13、enulln inullonullered nullee onullnullargenullNOTE: Redistributing the Guide on the internet or othernullse is STRnullTLnullprohibited enulln inullonullered nullee onullnullargenullTHE PnullCHASER MAnullnullT ALTER, REDnullTRnullnullE, nullLnullAD null PnullLnullH the Guide null nullnullE null null

14、PART, Anull HAS null RnullHT TnullLEnull null SELL THE DnullnullLnullAD null CnullnullS null THE DnullnullLnullAD TnullnullHER PERSnullSnull TRADEMARKnullGnull onulls senullranullproprietary trademarks, nullrtinullnulltion marks, and assonullated anullonyms, nullgos and other graphinullimages repres

15、ented herein, innulluding but not nullmited to the nullEEDnullnulltrademark, the nullSGnullnullnulltrademark, the nullEED Green nullinulling Rating Systemnull trademark, and the LEEDnullCertinulled nullrtinullnulltion mark, nullonullenullinullnull nullogosnullnullThese Logos nullnstitute nullnullabn

16、ull intenullenulluanullproperty nullonully onulled and enullnullusinullnull henull by nullGnullnull DISCLAIMERnullone onullthe parties innullnulled in the nullnding or nulleation onull the Guide, innulluding nullGnull, its members, and its nullntranullors, assume any nullabinullty or responsibinullt

17、y to the user or any third parties nullr the anulluranully, nullmpnullteness, use onull or renullannull on any innullrmation nullntained in the Guide, or nullr any innullries, nullsses, or damages nullnnulluding, nullthout nullmitation, enullitabnull renullenullnullarising nullom sunull use or renul

18、lannullnullPnullase note that use onullthe Guide in no nully guarantees any partinullnullr outnullme upon the submission or renullenullonullnulledits renullested nullr LEEDnullnullr Enullsting nullinullings nullperation nullMaintenannullnull nullinanully, the Guide and the nullntents therein are pro

19、nullded nullthout nullrranties onullany kind, either enullress or impnulled, innulluding but not nullmited to nullrranties onullthe anulluranully or nullmpnullteness onullinnullrmation nullntained in the suitabinullty onullthe innullrmation nullr any partinullnullr purposenullnullnullnullGreen nulli

20、nulling Counnullnullnullnull L Street, null Suite nullnullnullashington, DC nullnullnullnulln nullnull, nullGnull estabnullshed the LEEDnullnullLEADERSHnull in Energy and EnnullronmentanullDesignnullgreen buinulling rating system as a nully to assess sustainabnull anullienullments nullr the buinull

21、ennullronmentnullLEED nullrtinullnulltion is anullinullbnull nullr both nenulland enullsting buinullings as nullnull as neighborhoodsnullnullor nenullnullnstrunullion pronullnulls, onullers nulln design and nullnstrunull heanullhy, highnullernullrmannull buinullings nullpabnull onullsatisnulling the

22、 renullirements nullr nullrtinullnulltionnullGreening enullsting buinullings, on the other hand, may renullire system upgrades, retronullts, instanullations, or renonulltions, as nullnull as the impnullmentation onull operations and maintenannull nullnullMnullbest pranullinulls and sustainabnull pon

23、ullnullesnullMany onullers nullnt to green their enullsting buinullings, but onullen pernullinull the needed impronullments to be nullst prohibitinullnulliTable of ContentsExecutive Summary 1Success Stories 10Introduction 19The Paid-from-Savings Approach to Green Existing Buildings 29STEP 1 Understa

24、nd LEED Requirements 29STEP 2 Project Preparation 31STEP 3 LEED Certification Assessment 36 STEP 4 Project Economics Assessment and Financing 40 STEP 5 Project Implementation 47STEP 6 LEED Certification 48Green Performance Contracting (Green PC) 51STEP A Green PC Preparation 51 STEP B ESCO Partner S

25、election 54 STEP C Investment-Grade Energy Audit 56 STEP D Project Development Plan 58 STEP E Measurement indicate the goal of achieving LEED for Existing Buildings: O require the ESCO to be knowledgeable of the LEED for Existing Buildings: O 25 floorsCost: $3.5 millionReductions: exterior water use

26、 50% interior water use 20%Annual savings: $1.6 millionSimple payback period: 2.2 yearsLEED for Existing Buildings Platinum. Photo courtesy of: Walter Drane13Green Performance Measures and Cost SavingsGreen pernullrmannull measures anulloss the nullmpnullnullinnulluded modinulling the nullinulled nu

27、llter system, repnullnullng the nullonullng tonullr, and instanulling energynullnullinullent nullinullers, irrigation nullntronull, and nullnullnullonulltoinulltsnullTraditionanull nullathode ray tube nullCRTnull nullomputer snullreens nullre repnullnulld by energy sanullng nullghtnullmitting diode

28、nullLEDnullsnulleens, and anull nullmputer systems are turned onull at nightnullAs a resunull onullthese enullorts and others, the nullmpnullnullhas redunulld energy nullnsumption by nullnull The sustainabnulle ponullinullies impnullemented innullnullude a renullynullnulling program, a green nullean

29、ing ponullnully, use onullenullnullriendnull nullndsnullping produnulls and pnullns, and an empnullyee edunulltion program that ennullurages stanull to nullnsernull energy and resournullsnull Performance ContractingThe nullsts to impronull the nullmpnullnullnullre nullnullminullion, innulluding null

30、null,nullnullto renonullte the CapitonullbuinullingnullTo nullnannull the Capitonullnullmpnullnullpronullnull, the state entered a nullnullear pernullrmannull nullntranull nullth an energy sernullnulls nullmpanynullThe nullntranull guarantees nullnull minullion in annuanullenergy sanullngs nullom th

31、e impronullments to the Capitonullnullmpnullnullnulln nullnull, Conullrado began using the nulliteria outnullned in the LEED nullr Enullsting nullinullings rating system nullr its state measurement and nullrinullnulltion nullnullVnullpronullssnullThe MnullV pronullss ensures enullipment is maintaine

32、d and the energy and nullter systems are generating the antinullpated nullst sanullngsnullColorado State CapitolDenver, COKEY PROJECT FACTSProject size: 1.6 million SF; 20 buildingsCost: $24 millionReductions: energy 34%Annual savings: $1.1 millionSimple payback period: 21.8 years Colorado State Cap

33、itol LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations the newest in 1984. The societys goal for seeking LEED certification was to operate facilities that reflected its mission while remaining cost effective. The societys success was acknowledged by receiving the first LEED for Existing Buildings Silver certi

34、fication in November 2003.KEY PROJECT FACTSProject size: 3 buildings, 840,000 SFCost: $6.5 million Reductions: energy 8-11%waste 70%water 18%Annual savings: $406,000Simple payback period: 16 yearsLEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Silver. Photo courtesy of: The National Geographic

35、 SocietyIntroduction 19IntroductionThe U.S. Green Building Councils (USGBC) Paid-from-Savings Guide to Green Existing Buildings provides owners, architects, engineers, facilities managers, and energy service companies (ESCOs) with detailed information on how to use the paid-from-savings approach to

36、green an existing building with the goal of achieving LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance certification. *bundled : In paid-from-savings projects, building system improvements generate utility cost savings. These savings are leveraged to help fund the project. Paid-from-savings pro

37、jects seeking LEED certification can “bundle” or aggregate the utility cost-saving measures with non cost-saving measures to optimize green opportunities and project economics. When longer pay-back measures are combined with the quicker measures, the project will have a shorter overall pay-back peri

38、od and higher ROI.The paidnullromnullanullngs approanull is a nullnannullng strategy to green enullsting buinullingsnullnullt nullnullrages the sanullngs generated nullom buinulling system upgrades to pay nullr a nullmprehensinull greening pronullnull nullthin a denullned paynullanull periodnullPaid

39、nullromnullanullngs pronullnulls nulln use a nullriety onullnullnannullng methods innulludingnull Self-financing, tax-exempt lease-purchase agreements for qualifying entities, power purchase agreements for renewable energy projects, performance contracts for larger projects, equipment finance agreem

40、ents, and commercial loans or bond financing for qualifying entities.nulln many nullses, sunullessnullnullpronullnulls empnully a nullmbination onullthese options, anullng nullth suppnullmentanullnullnding, sunull as renullnulling nullan nullnds, utinullty rebates, and renenullbnull energy grants, a

41、s nullnull as nullnds nullom the organinulltionnull nullpitanulland operating budgetsnullA pronullnullnull nullstnullanullng measures nulln nullry regarding instanullation nullsts and paynullanull periodsnullThey innullude sunull items asnullrepnullnullng the boinullr, upgrading nullghting systems,

42、instanulling buinulling automation system nullASnullnullntronull, and repnullnullng nullter nullnulluresnullnullnullers nulln anullienull their desired return on innullstment nullnullnulland nullssen the onullranull pronullnull paynullanull period by bundnullngnullthe nullnger paynullanull measures

43、nullth the nullinuller measures to nulleate a pronullnull nullth a shorter onullranull paynullanull period and a higher RnullnullThe Paid-from-Savings Guide to Green Existing Buildings20nullust as onullers hanull munullipnull options nullr nullnannullng the pronullnull, there are senullranullpronull

44、null denullnullry methods that nulln be appnulled to paidnullromnullanullngs pronullnullsnullThese innullude the traditionanullrenonulltion and retronullt pronullss, in nullinull a pronullnull manager onullrsees the nullrk onullinnullouse stanull andnullr, green pernullrmannull nullntranullingnullnu

45、llanullors innulluennullng the method nullosen nullnull innullude the sinull and snullpe onullthe pronullnull, nullnannullng needs and anullinullbinullty, stanull enullertise, and pronullnull enullnominullnull Performance Contracting Pernullrmannull nullntranulling nullanullo knonull as energy pernu

46、llrmannull nullntranulling nullPCnullor guaranteed energy sanullngs pernullrmannull nullntranulling nullSPCnullnullis a nullnullnullstabnullshed means onullpronullring and nullnannullng buinulling repairs and upgradesnullnullt is both a paidnullromnullanullngs nullnannullng strategy and a pronullnul

47、lnullenullnullry method that nullnullses on energy and nullter system upgrades that yienull signinullnullnt utinullty nullst sanullngsnullnullnder pernullrmannull nullntranulling, buinulling onullers nullntranull nullth an ESCnullto anull as the pronullnull denullnullper nullr a nullde range onullta

48、sks and to assume the tenullninullnulland pernullrmannull risk assonullated nullth the pronullnull, innulluding guaranteeing the nullst sanullngs generated nullom the system upgradesnullAs nullth anull paidnullromnullanullngs pronullnulls, these nullsts sanullngs are used to pay nullr the upgrades n

49、ullthin a spenullnullnullpaynullanull periodnullGreen Performance Contracting (Green PC)Green PC is based on the same pronullnullnullenullnullry methods as traditionanullpernullrmannull nullntranulling, but enhannulls the pronullss by utinullnullng the LEED nullr Enullsting nullinullingsnullnullM rating system as the nulliteria nullr a nullmprehensinull green pronullnullnullTo some degree, anull enullorts to instanull highnullernullrmannull buinulling systems nullth

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