1、W 4853903 Ob38730 088 W I N T E R NAT I O NA L STANDARD IS0 11787 First edition 1995-06-1 5 Machinery for agriculture and forestry - Data interchange between management computer and process computers - Data interchange syntax Machines agricoles et forestires - Transfert de donnes entre /:ordinateur
2、de gestion et les ordinateurs de contrle de process - change des donnes fsyntaxe) Reference number IS0 11 787:1995(E) COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling Services9 4853903 Ob38733 TL4 9 IS0 11787:1995(E) Contents Page 1 Scope 1 2 Normative referen
3、ce . 2 . 3 Definitions . 2 4 General 2 5 Main ADIS characteristics . 3 6 Reserved characters 3 7 Line types 3 7.1 Line type identification . 3 7.2 Classification of line types 3 7.3 Standardized line types 3 7.4 Definition line 4 7.5 Value line 4 7.6 End line . 4 7.7 Comment line . 4 7.8 Search line
4、 4 7.9 Request line 4 7.10 File line . 4 7.11 Includeline . 4 7.12 Output line 4 7.13 Termination line 4 7.14 Physical end of file line 4 8 Status characters . 5 8.1 Status identification 5 8.2 Standardized status characters 5 8.3 Header data 5 8 IS0 1995 All rights reserved . Unless otherwise speci
5、fied. no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm. without permission in writing from the publisher . International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 CH-1 21 1 Genve 20 Switzerlan
6、d Printed in Switzerland II COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesIS0 11787:1995(E) 8.4 Normal data 5 8.5 Synchronization data 5 8.6 Faulty data . 5 8.7 Deletion data 5 9 Combination of line types and status characters . 5 10 Event numbers 6
7、 10.1 Length of an event number 6 10.2 Linking value lines to definition line 6 10.3 Event numbers in search and request lines 6 11 Queries . 11.1 Query syntax . 11.2 Search condition of a query 11.3 Request line of query 12 Field length and resolution 8 12.1 Field length . 8 12.2 Resolution . 8 13
8、Resetting communication settings . 8 14 DDI numbers ._._ . 8 15 Data fields . 8 15.1 Signed values . 8 15.2 Filling data fields . 8 15.3 Null values 15.4 Decimal signs 16 Data and time format . 17 Checksum 8 17.1 Position of checksum . 17.2 Calculation of checksum 18 Unknown DDI numbers 9 19 Comment
9、 . . . . . 20 File structure . 9 . Ill COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesIS0 11787:1995(E) W 4853903 Ob38733 897 0 IS0 Annexes A Supplementary information for ADIS . 11 B Data dictionary . 13 iV COPYRIGHT International Organization for S
10、tandardizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesY851903 Ob38734 723 Q IS0 IS0 11787:1995(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally c
11、arried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the wor
12、k. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires
13、 approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 11787 was prepared by Technical Committee iSO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, Subcom- mittee SC 19, Agricultural electronics. Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for
14、information only. V COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesIS0 7 1787:1995(E) I nt rod u cti on Stand-alone computers on the farm require that the same data must be manually collected from, and entered in, the different computers. This is a l
15、aborious task which becomes superfluous when the computers are interconnected and able to communicate with each other automatically to share and exchange information. Information exchange means data trans- port between the management computer on one side and each process computer on the other side.
16、NOTE 1 as “datalogger“. When in this text “process computer“ is used, this can also be read vi COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling Services4853903 0618736 5Tb INTERNATIONAL STANDARD * IS0 IS0 11787:1995(E) Machinery for agriculture and forestry -
17、Data interchange between management computer and process computers - Data interchange syntax 1 Scope This International Standard provides the means to enable communication between on-farm process computers of stationary and mobile agricultural equipment or machinery, and management comput- ers. It t
18、herefore specifies an Agricultural Data Inter- change Syntax (ADIS), to exchange data electronically. It implies that the syntax is not intended for real-time data exchange. ADIS may be used (see figure 1) for direct data ex- change between process computer and management ADIS may also be used for d
19、ata exchange between process computer and interface software of the process computer on the PC. Alternatively for this exchange, manufacturer-specific methods can be and are used for data exchange be- tween the interface software for the process com- puter on the PC and the management program. NOTE
20、2 This does not mean that ADIS cannot be used for other data interchange. Many farmers use a method similar to ADIS to exchange data between management computers and external computers: ADIS can be used for data interchange to external computers. ADIS can also be used to exchange data between indepe
21、ndent software ap- program. plications used on a management computer Process computers Management computer I I Interface software program 1-1 Specific NOTE - Interface software is a communication program for the process computer that runs on the management computer. It takes care of the data exchang
22、e, and creates and reads the ADIS file(s1. Figure 1 - ADIS application possibilities 1 COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling Services4851903 Ob18737 432 IS0 11787:1995(E) 0 IS0 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which,
23、through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publica- tion, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to in- vestigate the possibility o
24、f applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid In- ternational Standards. IS0 8601 : 1988, Data elements and interchange for- mats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times. 3 Definitions For the pu
25、rposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 ADIS; Agricultural Data Interchange Syntax: Syntax for data exchange between management computer and process computer on a farm. 3.2 alphanumeric data: Series of figures rep- resenting characters and whole numbers. 3.3 data
26、dictionary: Database or list in which all data items are described in a unique way. NOTE 3 Several data dictionaries can be used in ADIS. The use of a data dictionary is one of the starting points of ADIS (see also annex BI. 3.4 data (dictionary) item: Item of the data dic- tionary, uniquely identif
27、ied by a DDI number. 3.5 datalogger: Computer system to collect data about a process, but not to control the process itself. 3.6 DD number: Number that is used to identify a data item in a data dictionary with a - an identifier number; - a number out of another data dictionary. NOTE 4 The DDI number
28、 may contain additional infor- mation about the destination of the data item if it is sent through a CAN-bus. 3.8 management computer: Computer system in an agricultural enterprise used for management pur- poses. 3.9 management system: Programs and data bases on a management computer used for manage
29、- ment purposes, but not for process control. 3.10 numerical data: Series of digits. 3.11 process computer: Computer system on an agricultural enterprise for process control purposes (milking, feeding, climate control, on-board computer, etc.). 4 General 4.1 The data to be exchanged between manage-
30、ment computers and process computers shall be presented in standard files for data exchange on the management computer. The management system shall provide the programs for conversion of its data to or from the standard file for data exchange. The process computer system shall provide the programs f
31、or conversion of its data to or from the standard files for data exchange. For data exchange the data needs to be known to both parties, and there needs to be a way to put the data in the standard exchange file: this is the syntax (ADIS). NOTE 5 For background information, see annex A. 4.2 The follo
32、wing characters occur in this Inter- national Standard, to give a better description of the ADIS syntax: contains the description of an item; C. conditional (not mandatory) parts are put between square brackets; (,) parts between parentheses can occur a number of times repeatedly, at least once. EXA
33、MPLE DN() means that the combination of a DDI number, its field length and resolution can occur a number of times. 2 COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling Services4853903 Ob38738 379 Q IS0 IS0 11787:1995(E) 5 Main ADIS characteristics 7 Line types E
34、ach line is of a certain type. Which type is shown by the first character of the line. This character specifies what type of data the line contains. 5.1 acters (IS0 8-bit code). An ADIS file is a file with extended ASCII char- 5.2 . An ADIS file contains lines that are ended with The minimum line le
35、ngth that a program shall be able to support is at least 256 characters, including . The maximum line length in an ADIS file is not speci- fied but should be agreed on by the communication group which uses the syntax. 5.3 Both the sending and receiving party of an ADIS file need to have a data dicti
36、onary or a subset of it. This data dictionary keeps the characteristics of each data dictionary item. A DD item is uniquely identified by an 8-character DDI number. A DDI number can for instance be a DD number or an identifier. 5.4 A file name is not specified. The file name of an ADIS file is free.
37、 6 Reserved characters The following reserved characters are characters with a predefined meaning. They may not be used freely. Character Name M CR J LF I verti- cal bar ? Ques- tion mark DEC HEX Function 13 OD Carriage-return 10 OA Line-feed 124 7C Error code for unrecognized DDI numbers itialized
38、fields) 63 3F Null value (unin- 7.1 Line type identification The standard file syntax requires capitalized line type characters. Lower case characters are manufacturer- specific, and have to be agreed upon by both the sending and receiving party. If the line type character is unknown, the line is ig
39、nored. 7.2 Classification of line types The features of ADIS can be used stepwise. There- fore the line types are divided into four different classes: class A: the use of D, V, C, E and Z lines; class B: class A plus additional use of F, I and T lines; class C: class A plus additional use of R and O
40、 lines; class D: class A plus additional use of S, R and O lines. Class A is mandatory for using ADIS. Classes B, C and D are permissible extensions. It does not mean that, for instance, when class C is supported that automatically class B will be sup- ported. When synchronizing (initializing), the
41、sender and receiver (communication group) must tell each other in which class they can communicate. This can be done, for instance, on paper, but also automatically by using a DDI number in the ADIS file for line type classification. 7.3 Standardized line types The following line types are standardi
42、zed: NOTE 6 ASCII defines characters O to 31 and 127 to be D Definition control characters (or non-printing characters). The control sequences shown can be used to enter these values from most system keyboards. E End of logical file Apart from these reserved characters, all characters with ASCII val
43、ues 32 to 255 (except 127) may be used. R Request NOTE 7 In some cases ASCII values above 127 can cause problems because they are country-dependent. V Value C Comment S Search F File 3 COPYRIGHT International Organization for StandardizationLicensed by Information Handling Servicesm 4851903 Ob18739
44、205 m IS0 11787:1995(E) Q IS0 I Include 7.10 File line o output T Terminate Z Physical end of file A file line (F line) gives the complete name of a library file (pathname and filename). This line avoids includ- ing the file itself. F 7.4 Definition line A definition line (D line) specifies the cont
45、ents of the value lines that succeed it. A D line shall always be succeeded by 1 or more V lines. If no data are avail- able then all fields (starting from position 9 of the line) of the complete v line are filled out with “?“ (see also 15.3). 7-11 Include line An line (I line) the Pathname and fik3
46、Xme of a file to be included at the position Of the I line. The include file shall meet the ADIS require- ments as if it were part of the parent file. This implies that the combination of the parent file and the include file shall meet the ADIS requirements. D() I 7.5 Value line Value lines (v lines
47、) contain the values Of the DD items that were specified in the last preceding D line. V lines without a preceding D line with the same event number are illegal (see also 10.2). NOTE 8 The include option is a way to separate files physically which are one logically. The included file can contain a h
48、eader, if the combination with the parent file meets the ADIS requirements. V() 7.12 Output line 7.6 End line An end line (E line) marks the logical end of a data file. In a file more than one E line can occur. The E line is always followed by a DH+VH line or a Z line. The physical end of the file i
49、s marked by a Z line. The last E line just before the Z line is not mandatory. An E line is always the same: 7.7 Comment line Comment lines (C lines) can be put anywhere in an ADIS file. They can hold free text. An output line (O line) holds the pathname and filename of a file to which data must be written. O 7.13 Termination line A termination line (T line) marks the end of a main unit of information in an ADIS file. A T line can be used to distinguish different blocks within one file. A T line cannot be followed by a DH + VH line (see also E line). A T line is always the same:
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