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本文(ISO 15886-3-2012 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Sprinklers - Part 3 Characterization of distribution and test methods《农业灌溉设备 洒水装置 第3部分 分布表征和试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ISO 15886-3-2012 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Sprinklers - Part 3 Characterization of distribution and test methods《农业灌溉设备 洒水装置 第3部分 分布表征和试验方法》.pdf

1、 ISO 2012 Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinklers Part 3: Characterization of distribution and test methods Matriel agricole dirrigation Asperseurs Partie 3: Caractrisation de la distribution et mthodes dessai INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15886-3 Second edition 2012-09-15 Reference number ISO 158

2、86-3:2012(E) ISO 15886-3:2012(E) ii ISO 2012 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfil

3、m, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ISO 15886-3:

4、2012(E) ISO 2012 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Scope . 1 2 T erms and definitions . 1 3 Collectors 4 3.1 Collector design 4 3.2 Collector orientation 4 4 Installation of sprinklers under test 5 5 Measurements . 6 5.1 Accuracy of measurements 6 5.2 Pressure measurement 6 5.3 Atm

5、ospheric conditions measurements . 7 5.4 Corrections for evaporative losses within collectors . 7 6 Collector arrangement, spacing and number . 8 6.1 Full grid collector array method 8 6.2 Radial collector array method . 8 7 Additional tests 9 7.1 Time of rotation . 9 7.2 Trajectory height . 9 8 Tes

6、t operation . 9 8.1 Rotation of sprinkler riser 9 8.2 Test duration . 9 8.3 Other test details . 9 9 T est location specifications 10 9.1 Indoor testing building specifications .10 9.2 Outdoor site specification.10 10 Characterization of distribution .11 10.1 Introduction .11 10.2 Application patter

7、n coverage and uniformity .11 10.3 Generating performance measurements from radial arrays 11 10.4 Validation of test results 12 Annex A (informative) Procedures for the characterization of sprinkler pattern uniformity .13 Annex B (informative) Testing of part-circle sprinklers .17 Bibliography .18 I

8、SO 15886-3:2012(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a su

9、bject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (

10、IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical commi

11、ttees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not b

12、e held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 15886-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, Subcommittee SC 18, Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edit

13、ion (ISO 15886-3:2004), which has been technically revised. ISO 15886 consists of the following parts, under the general title Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinklers: Part 1: Definition of terms and classification Part 3: Characterization of distribution and test methods iv ISO 2012 All rights

14、 reserved INTERNATIONAL ST ANDARD ISO 15886-3:2012(E) Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinklers Part 3: Characterization of distribution and test methods 1 Scope This part of ISO 15886 specifies the conditions and methods used for testing and characterizing the water distribution patterns of irri

15、gation sprinklers. The term sprinkler is used in this standard in a broad generic sense and is meant to cover a wide variety of products as classified by ISO 15886-1. The specific performance measurements addressed include distribution uniformity, wetted radius, and water jet trajectory height. This

16、 standard applies to all irrigation sprinkler classifications for which these three performance measurements are required to verify the design objectives as defined by the manufacturer. This part of ISO 15886 deals both with indoor and outdoor tests and with radial and full grid tests. It is organiz

17、ed so as to deal with conditions common to all tests first and then with conditions unique to indoor testing only and finally with conditions unique to outdoor testing only. For any given sprinkler, a wide range of nozzle configurations, operating conditions, and adjustments generate at least a theo

18、retical need for a correspondingly large number of tests. Testing agencies and manufacturers may use interpolation techniques to reduce the number of actual test runs provided accuracy standards are still being met. This part of ISO 15886 does not address the specific performance testing required fo

19、r sprinklers intended for use in frost protection. This part of ISO 15886 does not address the topic of drop spectrum measurement and characterization and the related questions of soil compaction, spray drift, evaporative losses, etc., all of which can be considerations in the design of sprinkler ir

20、rigation systems. To apply this part of ISO 15886 f o r e v al u a ti n g i rri ga ti o n c o v e r a g e , all s p ri nkl e rs m ust b e i d e n ti cal an d arranged in a fixed repeating geometric pattern. This part of the standard does not apply to moving systems. This part of ISO 15886 applies to

21、 part-circle sprinklers provided that the testing agency can satisfy questions of potential anomalies in performance parameters. Annex A addresses the procedures for the characterization of sprinkler pattern uniformity. Annex B addresses testing part-circle sprinklers. 2 T erms an d definiti ons For

22、 the purpose of this part of ISO 15886, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1 ambient temperature temperature of the air surrounding a sprinkler test site 2.2 area of coverage wetted area from a sprinkler operated as specified in the manufacturers literature where water is deposited at rate

23、s equal to or greater than the effective application rate ISO 2012 All rights reserved 1 ISO 15886-3:2012(E) 2.3 Chr ist ians e n s unif o r mi t y c o ef f i c ien t UCC coefficient using deviations from the mean to characterize the uniformity of field-measured or simulated water application from a

24、 grid of sprinklers 2.4 clean water water processed, if necessary, so as to contain suspended particles no larger than 200-mesh equivalent (74 m) and to contain no dissolved chemicals known to have short-term effects on sprinkler materials 2.5 collector receptacle into which water is deposited durin

25、g a water distribution test 2.6 critical dry area experienced-based definition of the dry area size that defines uniformity of coverage objectives 2.7 densogram areal map utilizing the density of dots representing the water application depth at locations in the areas of coverage of a sprinkler or a

26、grid of sprinklers 2.8 distribution uniformity DU coefficient using the lowest 25 % of water application depths to characterize the uniformity of field- measured or simulated water application from a grid of sprinklers 2.9 minimum effective water application rate application rate equal to or exceedi

27、ng 0,26 mm/h for sprinklers with flow rates exceeding 75 l/h and 0,13 mm/h for sprinklers with flow rates equal to or less than 75 l/h 2.10 effective radius of throw radius at which 95 % of the reconstituted volume of water discharged by a sprinkler, interpolated between points of measurement, is ap

28、plied 2.11 f low r at e volume of water flowing through an irrigation component per unit of time 2.12 full grid collector array collectors located at the intersections of a two-dimensional geometric grid pattern sufficient in number to give a desired statistical basis for determining water distribut

29、ion uniformity 2.13 inlet connection size nominal pipe size designation for commercial purposes or to manufacturers declaration defined by reference to a recognized standard 2.14 irrigation lateral branch supply line in an irrigation system on which sprinklers are mounted directly or by means of fit

30、tings, risers, or tubes 2 ISO 2012 All rights reserved ISO 15886-3:2012(E) 2.15 maximum working pressure Pmax highest pressure at the inlet to a sprinkler recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper operation 2.16 minimum working pressure Pmin lowest pressure at the inlet to a sprinkler recomme

31、nded by the manufacturer to ensure proper operation 2.17 nozzle aperture of a sprinkler through which the water is discharged NOTE A sprinkler may contain one or several cylindrical nozzles, or nozzles of other shapes. This term may refer to either a single nozzle, or to a combination of nozzles in

32、a multi-nozzled sprinkler. 2.18 part-circle sprinkler sprinkler with an adjustable feature that enables it to irrigate a sector of a circular area either with or without an attachment which enables it to be adjusted to irrigate another sector or the entire circular area 2.19 pop-up sprinkler sprinkl

33、er designed for installation so that the sprinkler nozzle automatically rises from below ground when the system is pressurized and automatically lowers to its original position when the system is depressurized 2.20 pressure tap precisely fabricated connection for accurately communicating internal co

34、nduit pressure to an external pressure-measuring device 2.21 radial collector array collectors located only on the radial axis projected from the centerline of a sprinkler sufficient in number to characterize the water distribution curve 2.22 radius of throw wetted radius distance measured from the

35、centerline of a continuously-operating sprinkler to the most remote point at which the sprinkler deposits water at the minimum effective water application rate measured at any arc of coverage except near the arc extremes for part-circle sprinklers 2.23 rotating sprinkler water distribution device wh

36、ich, as a result of rotating motion around its vertical axis, distributes water over a circular area, part of a circular area, or a non-circular area 2.24 s ch ed uling c o ef f i c ien t SC coefficient used to characterize the water uniformity of water application of sprinklers employing an analysi

37、s of full-grid data based on a definition of critical dry area 2.25 sprinkler spacings conventional designation including the distance between the sprinklers along an irrigation lateral and the distance between consecutive irrigation laterals ISO 2012 All rights reserved 3 ISO 15886-3:2012(E) 2.26 s

38、t a t ist i c al unif o r mi t y c o ef f i c ien t UCS coefficient using standard deviation as a measure of dispersion in statistical theory to characterize the uniformity of field-measured water application from a full grid of sprinklers 2.27 test pressure pressure at t he inlet of a sprink ler de

39、clared by t he manufac t urer as t he pressure to be used for test purposes 2.28 maximum trajectory height maximum height above a sprinkler of the water stream discharged from the sprinkler nozzle operating at test pressure 2.29 water application rate mean depth of water applied per unit time 2.30 w

40、ater distribution curve graphical plot of water application depth as a function of distance from a sprinkler along a specified radius 2.31 wind speed speed of the wind at a test site averaged over the time required for a sprinkler distribution uniformity test 2.32 working pressure water pressure ran

41、ge recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper operation of a sprinkler 3 Collectors 3.1 Collector design All collectors used for any one test shall be identical. They shall be designed to minimize water splashes in or out and distortions of the catchment volume as may be caused by wind current

42、s. The height of a collector shall be at least twice the maximum depth of the water collected during the test, but not less than 150 mm. The collectors shall have a circular opening with sharp edges free from deformities. The diameter shall be between 1/2 to 1 times the height, but not less than 85

43、mm. Alternative collector designs may be used, provided that their measuring accuracy is not less than of those described above. The catchment from a collector shall be quantified from a direct reading of mass, depth, or a volumetric determination provided that the required accuracy standard is met.

44、 3.2 Collector orientation The openings of all collectors shall be in a common horizontal plane with a slope not exceeding 2 % in any direction. The difference in height between any two adjacent collectors shall not exceed 20 mm. For indoor testing, collector height is not critical. For outdoor test

45、ing, the collector height shall be sufficient to ensure that vegetation does not interfere with jet access to the collectors. 4 ISO 2012 All rights reserved ISO 15886-3:2012(E) 4 Installation of sprinklers under test The sprinkler selected for testing shall be representative of general production ca

46、pabilities particularly as relates to the speed of rotation. New sprinklers shall be operated before the test for a period sufficient to demonstrate that the time per revolution has stabilized to 5 %. Mount the sprinkler on a riser with the same nominal size designation as the sprinkler inlet connec

47、tion. Ensure that the riser is fixed rigidly vertically, and that it does not vibrate sufficiently to cause a visual effect on the sprinkler operation, bend or deviate from the vertical during the test. The maximum allowable deviation from the vertical during the test shall not exceed 2. A steel pip

48、e riser is recommended to provide the required mechanical strength and facilitate the installation of a standard pressure tap. The sprinkler nozzle height above the collectors should simulate the conditions under which the sprinkler is normally used. For example, with the turf sprinklers the top of

49、the sprinkler body should coincide with the top of the collectors. For agricultural sprinklers used under a variety of field conditions the following height requirement applies: The height of the principal sprinkler nozzle above the openings of the collectors shall be selected from Table 1. Manufacturers can request additional heights but those in Table 1 must be included. Table 1 Sprinkler height S pr i n k l e r f l ow r at e l/h Sprinkler nozzle height above the collector m Pop-up 0 (in a non-pressurized state) 0 to 300 0,3

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