1、 Reference number ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18629-41 First edition 2006-08-15 Industrial automation systems and integration Process specification language Part 41: Definitional extension: Activity extensions Systmes dautomatisation industrielle et intgration Langage de
2、spcification de procd Partie 41: Extension de dfinition: Extensions dactivit ISO 18629-41:2006(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedde
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6、 without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2006 Al
7、l rights reserved ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved iiiContents Page 1 Scope. 1 2 Normative References. 1 3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations. 2 3.1 Terms and definitions . 2 3.2 Abbreviations 6 4 General organization of parts 41 to 49 of ISO 18629. 6 5 Organization of this part
8、of ISO 18629. 7 6 Non-deterministic activities: Permuting Branch Structure . 8 6.1 Primitive lexicon of the Permuting Branch Structure.8 6.2 Defined lexicon for concepts of Permuting Branch Structure 8 6.3 Core Theories required by Permuting Branch Structure. 9 6.4 Definitional extensions required b
9、y Permuting Branch Structure 9 6.5 Definitions of concepts for Permuting Branch Structure 9 6.5.1 Branch_monomorphic. 9 6.5.2 Branch_automorphic. 10 6.5.3 Permuted . 10 6.5.4 Nondet_permuted 10 6.5.5 Partial_permuted. 11 6.5.6 Simple . 11 6.6 Grammar for relations of Permuting Branch Structure. 12 7
10、 Non-deterministic activities: Folding Branch Structure . 12 7.1 Primitive lexicon of Folding Branch Structure. 13 7.2 Defined lexicon for concepts of Folding Branch Structure 13 7.3 Theories required by Folding Branch Structure 13 7.4 Definitional extensions required by Folding Branch Structure. 13
11、 7.5 Definitions of Folding Branch Structure. 13 7.5.1 Branch_homomorphic. 14 7.5.2 Folded . 14 7.5.3 Nondet_folded 14 7.5.4 Partial_folded 15 7.5.5 Rigid 15 7.6 Grammar for process descriptions of Folding Branch Structure 16 8 Non-deterministic activities: Branch Structure and Ordering. 16 8.1 Prim
12、itive lexicon of Branch Structure and Ordering 16 8.2 Defined lexicon of Branch Structure and Ordering 16 8.3 Theories required by Branch Structure and Ordering. 17 8.4 Definitional extensions required by Branch Structure and Ordering 17 8.5 Definitions of Branch Structure and Ordering 17 8.5.1 Mono
13、_tree. 17 ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved iv 8.5.2 Order_tree . 18 8.5.3 Root_automorphic 18 8.5.4 Ordered . 19 8.5.5 Nondet_ordered 19 8.5.6 Broken_ordered 20 8.5.7 Unordered . 20 8.6 Grammar for Branch Structure and Ordering .20 9 Non-deterministic activities: Repetitive Branch S
14、tructure . 22 9.1 Primitive lexicon of Repetitive Branch Structure. 22 9.2 Defined relations of Repetitive Branch Structure. 22 9.3 Theories required by Repetitive Branch Structure23 9.4 Definitional extensions required by Repetitive Branch Structure. 23 9.5 Definitions of Repetitive Branch Structur
15、e. 23 9.5.1 Branch_mono 23 9.5.2 Reptree 24 9.5.3 Repetitive 24 9.5.4 nondet_repetitive 25 9.5.5 partial_repetitive . 25 9.5.6 Amorphous 26 9.6 Grammar for Repetitive Branch Structure 26 10 Spectrum of activities: Permuting Activity Trees. 27 10.1 Primitive lexicon of Permuting Activity Trees. 27 10
16、.2 Defined relations of Permuting Activity Trees. 27 10.3 Theories required by Permuting Activity Trees 27 10.4 Definitional extensions required by Permuting Activity Trees. 28 10.5 Definitions of Permuting Activity Trees. 28 10.5.1 Reordered 28 10.5.2 Nondet_reordered . 28 10.5.3 Partial_reordered.
17、 29 10.5.4 Unorderable 29 10.6 Grammar for process descriptions of Permuting Activity Trees 30 11 Spectrum of Activities: Compacting Branch Structure. 30 11.1 Primitive lexicon of Compacting Branch Structure 30 11.2 Defined lexicon of Compacting Branch Structure 30 11.3 Theories required by Compacti
18、ng Branch Structure. 31 11.4 Definitional extensions required by Compacting Branch Structure . 31 11.5 Definitions of Compacting Branch Structure 31 11.5.1 Compacted 31 11.5.2 Nondet_compacted . 32 11.5.3 Partial_compacted. 32 11.5.4 Stiff . 33 11.6 Grammar for Compacting Branch Structure33 12 Spect
19、rum of Activities: Activity Trees and Re-ordering 34 12.1 Primitive lexicon of Activity Trees and Re-ordering 34 12.2 Defined lexicon of Activity Trees and Re-ordering 34 12.3 Theories required by Activity Trees and Re-ordering 34 12.4 Definitional extensions required by Activity Trees and Re-orderi
20、ng . 35 12.5 Definitions of Activity Trees and Re-ordering . 35 12.5.1 Treeordered. 35 ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved v 12.5.2 Nondet_treeordered. 35 12.5.3 Partial_treeordered 36 12.5.4 Scrambled . 36 12.6 Grammar of Activity Trees and Re-ordering 36 13 Spectrum and Subtree Conta
21、inment 37 13.1 Primitive lexicon of Spectrum and Subtree Containment 37 13.2 Defined lexicon of Spectrum and Subtree Containment. 37 13.3 Theories required by Spectrum and Subtree Containment . 38 13.4 Definitional extensions required by Spectrum and Subtree Containment 38 13.5 Definitions of Spectr
22、um and Subtree Containment 38 13.5.1 Subtree_embed 38 13.5.2 Multiple_outcome. 39 13.5.3 Weak_outcome . 39 13.5.4 Nondet_outcome. 39 13.5.5 imiscible 40 13.6 Grammar for Permuting Branch Structure 40 14 Embedding constraints for activities. 40 14.1 Primitive lexicon of embedding constraints for acti
23、vities . 40 14.2 Defined lexicon of embedding constraints for activities. 40 14.3 Theories required by embedding constraints for activities . 41 14.4 Definitional extensions required by embedding constraints for activities 41 14.5 Definitions of embedding constraints for activities 41 14.5.1 Live_br
24、anch 41 14.5.2 Embedded . 42 14.5.3 Dead_branch . 42 14.5.4 Dead_occurrence 43 14.5.5 Embed_tree . 43 14.5.6 Subocc_equiv 43 14.5.7 unrestricted 44 14.6 Grammar for Embedding Constraints for Activities. 44 15 Skeletal Activity Trees 44 15.1 Primitive lexicon of Skeletal Activity Trees 44 15.2 Define
25、d lexicon of Skeletal Activity Trees. 44 15.3 Theories required by Skeletal Activity Trees . 45 15.4 Definitional extensions required by Skeletal Activity Trees 45 15.5 Definitions of Skeletal Activity Trees 45 15.5.1 Fused. 45 15.5.2 Embedd_occ 45 15.5.3 Free . 46 15.5.4 Assisted. 46 15.5.5 Helples
26、s. 47 15.5.6 Unbound 47 15.5.7 Bound 47 15.5.8 Strict 48 15.6 Grammar for Skeletal Activity Tree . 48 16 Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency 48 16.1 Primitive lexicon of Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency 48 ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved vi 16.2 Defined lexicon of Atomic A
27、ctivities: Upwards Concurrency. 48 16.3 Theories required by Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency 49 16.4 Definitional extensions required by Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency. 49 16.5 Definitions of Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency. 49 16.5.1 Natural 49 16.5.2 Artificial 49 16.5.3 Perf
28、ormed 50 16.5.4 Up_ghost. 50 16.5.5 Up_conflict . 50 16.5.6 Quark 51 16.6 Grammar for Atomic Activities: Upwards Concurrency 51 17 Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency. 51 17.1 Primitive lexicon of Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency . 51 17.2 Defined lexicon of Atomic Activities: Downwards
29、 Concurrency 51 17.3 Theories required by Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency. 52 17.4 Definitional extensions required by Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency 52 17.5 Definitions of Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency 52 17.5.1 Superpose 52 17.5.2 Assistance . 52 17.5.3 Team . 53 17.5
30、.4 Ghost. 53 17.5.5 Conflict . 53 17.5.6 Dysfunction. 54 17.6 Grammar for Atomic Activities: Downwards Concurrency . 54 18 Spectrum of Atomic Activities . 54 18.1 Primitive lexicon of Spectrum of Atomic Activities . 54 18.2 Defined lexicon of Spectrum of Atomic Activities 54 18.3 Theories required b
31、y Spectrum of Atomic Activities . 55 18.4 Definitional extensions required by Spectrum of Atomic Activities 55 18.5 Definitions of Spectrum of Atomic Activities 55 18.5.1 Global_ideal 55 18.5.2 global_nonideal. 56 18.5.3 global_filter. 56 18.5.4 global_nonfilter. 56 18.6 Grammar for Spectrum of Atom
32、ic Activities .57 19 Preconditions for Activities 57 19.1 Primitive lexicon of Preconditions for Activities . 57 19.2 Defined lexicon of Preconditions for Activities . 57 19.3 Theories required by Preconditions for Activities 57 19.4 Definitional extensions required by Spectrum of Atomic Activities
33、57 19.5 Definitions of Preconditions for Activities . 57 19.5.1 poss_equiv 57 19.5.2 trunc 58 19.5.3 unconstrained 58 19.6 Grammar for Preconditions for Activities 58 Annex A (normative) ASN.1 Identifier of ISO 18629-41 . 59 Annex B (informative) Example of process description using ISO 18629-41 60
34、Bibliography 74 ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved vii Index 75 Figures Figure 1: Definitional Extensions of ISO 18629-41 8 Figure B.1: TOP level process for manufacturing a GT350 61 Figure B.2: PROCESS for manufacturing the 350Engine. 64 Figure B.3: PROCESS for manufacturing the 350B
35、lock. 67 Figure B.4: PROCESS for manufacturing the 350Harness . 69 Figure B.5: PROCESS for manufacturing the harness wire 71 Figure B.6 : Process for manufacturing the 350-Wire . 71 ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved viii Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardizatio
36、n) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be rep
37、resented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards a
38、re drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Internatio
39、nal Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 18629-41 was
40、 prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 184, Industrial automation systems and integration, Subcommittee SC 4, Industrial data. A complete list of parts of ISO 18629 is available from the Internet: http:/www.tc184-sc4.org/titles ISO 18629-41:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved ixIntroduction ISO 18
41、629 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable exchange of information related to manufacturing processes. Taken together, all the parts contained in ISO 18629 provide a generic language for describing a manufacturing process throughout the entire production process within the same
42、industrial company or across several industrial sectors or companies, independently from any particular representation model. The nature of this language makes it suitable for sharing process specifications and properties related to manufacturing during all the stages of a production process. This p
43、art of ISO 18629 provides a description of the definitional extensions of the language related to activity extensions defined within ISO 18629. All parts of ISO 18629 are independent of any specific process representation model used in a given application. Collectively, they provide a structural fra
44、mework for improving the interoperability of these applications. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18629-41:2006 (E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved 1 1 Scope This part of ISO 18629 provides a specification of non-primitive concepts of the language, using a set of definitions written in the language of ISO 18
45、629. These definitions provide an axiomatization of the semantics for terminology in this part of ISO 18629. The following is within the scope of this part of ISO 18629: definitions of concepts specified using concepts of ISO 18629-11 and ISO 18629-12 that are inde- pendent of state and time relatio
46、ns, and related to classes of activity such as those listed in Clause 5. The following is outside the scope of this part of ISO 18629: definitions of state and time-related concepts specified using concepts of ISO 18629-11 and ISO 18629-12. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents a
47、re indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 8824-1, Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Part
48、1: Specification of basic notation ISO 10303-1, Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles ISO 15531-1, Industrial automation systems and integration - Industrial manufacturing management data - Part 1: General overview ISO 18629-1: 2004, Industrial automation systems and integration Process specification language Part 1 : Overview and basic principles ISO 18629-11: 2005, Industrial automation systems and integration Process specification language
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