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ISO 5419-1982 Twist drills Terms definitions and types Bilingual edition《麻花钻 术语、定义和型式 两种语言版》.pdf

1、STD-IS0 5417-ENGL 1782 m 4853703 0708237 753 m INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 5419:1982 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 5419:1982 RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Published/Publi 1996-07-1 5 - Twist drills - Terms, definitions and types TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Forets - Termes, dfinitions et typ

2、es RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Technical corrigendum 1 to International Standard IS0 541 9:1982 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, Subcommittee SC 2, Drills, reamers, milling cutters and milling machine accessories. It applies only to the French version. Le Rectificatif techniq

3、ue 1 la Norme internationale IS0 5419:1982 a t labor par le comit technique ISO/TC 29, Petit outillage, sous-comit SC 2, forets, alsoirs, fraises et quipements de machines 2 fraiser. II ne concerne que la version franaise. Page IO Remplacer le type de foret 4.1 5 par le type suivant: 4.15 Foret plaq

4、uette brase en carbures mtalliques queue cylindrique Page 1 I Remplacer le type de foret 4.16 par le type suivant: 4.16 Foret plaquette brase en carbures mtalliques queue cne Morse ICs 01.040.25; 25.100.30 Ref. NoJRf. no: IS0 5419:1982/Cor. 1 :1996(E/F) Descriptors: tools, cutting tools, drills, voc

5、abulary. /Descripteurs outil, outil de coupe, foret, vocabulaire. O IS01996 Printed in Switzerland/lmprim en Suisse STD-ISO 5419-ENGL 1982 4851903 07082qO 473 IS0 5419:1982/Cor. 1 :1996(E/F) IS0 Page 15 Dans lindex numrique des termes quivalents en anglais, franais, russe, allemand, italien et nerla

6、ndais, remplacer, pour 4.1 5 et 4.16, les termes franais par, respectivement, les termes suivants: Foret plaquette brase en carbures mtalliques queue cylindrique Foret plaquette brade en carbures mtalliques queue cne Morse 2 International Standard 4 5419 Norme internationale *Eb INTERNATIONAL ORGANI

7、ZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEWYHAPOWHAR OPrAHlr3AW4R no CTAHFTlr3AUMlrWRGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE OE NORMALISATION Twist drills - Terms, definitions and types First edition - 1982-12-01 Forets - Termes, dfinitions et types Premire dition - 1982-12-01 UDC/CDU 621.951.45 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rf. no : IS0

8、5419-1982 (E/F) Descriptors : tools, cutting tools, drills, vocabulary./Descripteurs : outil, outil de coupe, foret, vocabulaire. Price based on 17 pages/Prix bas sur 17 pages 5437-B2 Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards in

9、stitutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, go

10、vernmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 5419

11、was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, and was circulated to the member bodies in November 1979. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Belgium Bulgaria China Czechoslovakia Egypt, Arab Rep. of France Germany, F.R. Hungary India South Africa, Rep

12、. of Israel Spain Italy Sweden Japan Switzerland Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom Netherlands USSR Poland Yugoslavia Romania The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : Australia Austria 0 International Organization for Ctondardization, 1982

13、 O Printed in Switzerland II 14853703 40373r-r; 5419-82 I4853903 0- Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fdration mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comits membres de IISO). Llaboration des Normes internationales est confie aux comits techniques de I

14、ISO. Chaque comit membre intress par une tude a le droit de faire partie du comit technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouverne- mentales, en liaison avec IISO, participent galement aux travaux. Les projets de Normes internationales adopts par les comit

15、s techniques sont soumis aux comits membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes inter- nationales par le Conseil de IISO. La Norme internationale IS0 5419 a t labore par le comit technique ISO/TC 29, Petit outillage, et a t soumise aux comits membres en novembre 1979. Les comits me

16、mbres des pays suivants lont approuve : Afrique du Sud, Rp. d Allemagne, R.F. Belgique Bulgarie Chine Core, Rp. de gypte, Rp. arabe d Espagne France Hongrie Inde Isral Italie Japon Pays-Bas Pologne Roumanie Royaume- Uni Sude Suisse Tchcoslovaquie URSS Yougloslavie Les comits membres des pays suivant

17、s lont dsapprouve pour des raisons techni- ques : Australie Autriche O Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1982 O imprim en Suisse 5437-82 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 5419-1982 (E/F) Twist drills - Terms, definitions and types O Introduction This International Standard

18、gives for each of the geometrical terms relative to twist drills, a standard definition which will be valid internationally, the corresponding term being chosen as far as possible in each language in such a way as to be a direct reflection of the meaning of the definition. Since the latter condition

19、 can only be partially fulfilled in any particular language, as a result of the necessity of respecting certain established conventions, it is advisable, as far as translation into other languages is concerned, to refer always to the meaning of the definition itself, rather than to a literal transla

20、tion of the original term. This International Standard has been drawn up for general use in the sense of a dictionary which may confidently be consulted in case of doubt or disagreement. This International Standard must not be regarded as aiming directly at teaching, which would perhaps necessitate

21、longer. explanations, nor as intended specifically for workshop technicians who would doubtless prefer shortened and perhaps less rigorous definitions which could easily be assimilated in the light of their long experience. For this reason, the document gives as rigorous a geometrical definition as

22、possible for each term, since this is an indispen- sable factor in eliminating uncertainty in the interpretation of difficult passages, especially as regards dealings between countries where different languages are used. If certain definitions are found to be somewhat abstract in character, it is ne

23、vertheless true that the work was carried out taking account solely of practical necessities, deliberately leav- ing aside all purely theoretical and historical considerations. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard relates to twist drills and shows the various types in common

24、use and associated geometrical definitions. Terms and definitions have been chosen with respect to the tool-in-hand system which has been defined in IS0 3002/1. NOTE - In addition to terms given in the three official IS0 languages (English, French and Russian), this International Standard gives the

25、equivalent terms in the German, Italian and Dutch languages; these have been included at the request of IS0 Technical Committee 29 and are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for Ger- many (DIN), Italy (UNI) and the Netherlands (“1). However, only the terms given in the official

26、languages can be considered as IS0 terms. Forets - Termes, dfinitions et types O Introduction La prsente Norme internationale donne, pour chacun des ter- mes gomtriques relatifs aux forets, une dfinition normalise valable internationalement, le terme correspondant tant choisi, dans la mesure du poss

27、ible, pour chaque langue de faon tre le reflet de la dfinition. Cette dernire condition ne pouvant tre que partiellement rem- plie dans chaque langue, du fait de la ncessit de respecter certaines conventions tablies, il est recommand, pour la tra- duction dans dautres langues, de toujours se rfrer a

28、u sens de la dfinition elle-mme, plutt que de traduire littralement le terme dorigine. La prsente Norme internationale a t tablie pour lusage gnral comme un dictionnaire qui peut tre consult en cas de doute ou de dsaccord. Elle nest pas destine tre utilise directement dans lenseignement, qui ncessit

29、erait peut-tre des explications supplmentaires, ni par les techniciens datelier qui, sans doute, prfrent des dfinitions raccourcies et moins rigoureuses, plus facilement assimilables du fait de leur exp- rience. Pour cette raison, le document donne, pour chaque terme, une dfinition gomtrique aussi r

30、igoureuse que possible, ce fac- teur tant indispensable pour liminer toute ambigut dans linterprtation de passages difficiles, en particulier entre pays de langues diffrentes. Si certaines dfinitions ont un caractre quelque peu abstrait, on a nanmoins tenu compte, en prparant le document, des ncessi

31、ts pratiques, laissant dlibrment de ct les consid- rations purement thoriques ou historiques. 1 Objet et domaine dapplication La prsente Norme internationale, relative aux forets, montre les diffrents types dutilisation habituelle, et donne les dfini- tions gomtriques correspondantes. Les termes et

32、dfinitions ont t choisis sur la base du systme de loutil en main dfini dans IISO 3002/1. NOTE - En supplment aux termes donns dans les trois langues offi- cielles de IISO (anglais, francais, russe), la prsente Norme internatio- nale donne les termes quivalents en allemand, italien et nerlandais; ces

33、 termes ont t inclus la demande du comit technique ISO/TC 29, et sont publis sous la responsabilit des comits membres de lAllemagne, R.F. (DIN), de lItalie (UNI) et des Pays-Bas (“1). Toutefois, seuls les termes et dfinitions donns dans les langues offi- cielles peuvent tre considrs comme termes et

34、dfinitions ISO. 1 - 5439-82 4853903 O437bT IS0 5419-1982 (E/F) 2 Rfrences 2 References IS0 235, Parallel shank jobber and stub series drills and Morse taper shank drills. IS0 235, Forets queue cylindrique courts et extra-court et forets queue cne Morse. IS0 494, Parallel shank twist drills - Long se

35、ries. IS0 494, Forets queue cylindrique - Srie longue. IS0 866, Forets centrer pour centres sans chanfrein de protection - Type A. IS0 866, Centre drills for centre holes without protecting chamfers - Type A. IS0 2540, Centre drills for centre holes with protecting chamfers - Type B. IS0 2540, Foret

36、s centrer pour centres avec chanfrein de protection - Type B. IS0 2541, Centre drills for centre holes with radius form - Type R. IS0 2541, Forets centrer pour centres profil curviligne - Type R. IS0 3002/1, Basic quantities in cutting and grinding - Part 2 : Geometry of the active part of cutting t

37、ools - General conver- sion formulae to relate tool and working angles. IS0 300211, Dfinitions de base pour la coupe et la rectification - Partie 1 : Gomtrie de la partie active des outils coupants - Notions gnrales, systme de rfrence, angles de loutil et angles en travail, brise-copeaux. IS0 3291,

38、Extra long Morse taper shank twist drills. IS0 3291, Forets extra-longs queue cne Morse. IS0 3292, Extra long parallel shank twist drills. IS0 3292, Forets extra-longs queue cylindrique. IS0 3314, Shell drills with taper bore (taper bore I : 30 includ- ed) with slot drive. IS0 3314, Forets creux als

39、age conique conicit 1 : 301 entranement par tenons. IS0 3438, Subland twist drills with Morse taper shanks for holes prior to tapping screw threads. IS0 3438, Forets tags queue cne Morse pour avant-trous de taraudage. IS0 3439, Subland twist drills with parallel shanks for holes prior to tapping scr

40、ew threads. IS0 3439, Forets tags queue cylindrique pour avant-trous de taraudage. IS0 7079, Core drills with parallel shanks and with Morse taper shanks. IS0 7079, Forets-alseurs queue cylindrique et queue cne Morse. 3 Terms and definitions 3 Termes et dfinitions 3.1 axe : Ligne centrale du foret d

41、ans le sens de la longueur 3.1 axis : The longitudinal centre-line of the drill (see figure 1). (voir figure 1). 3.2 entran (voir figures IA et 1B). queue : Partie du foret par laqu 3.2.1 queue conique : (Voir figure IA 3.2.2 queue cylindrique : (Voir figure ? il est maintenu et B.) 3.2 driven (see

42、figures IA and IB). shank : That portion of the drill by which it is held and 3.2.1 taper shank : (See figure IA.) 3.2.2 parallel shank : (See figure 1B.I 3.2.3 parallel shank with tenon drive : (See figure 1B.I 3.2.3 queue cylindrique tenon dentranement : (Voir figure 1B.) 3.3 tenon : Extrmit plate

43、 dune queue conique destine tre fixe dans la lumire de la douille et utilise des fins djection (voir figure IA). 3.3 tang : The flattened end of a taper shank intended to fit into the slot in the socket and to be used for ejection purposes (see figure IA). 2 IS0 5419-1982 (E/F) 3.4 tenon : The flatt

44、ened end of a parallel shank intended for driving purposes (see figure 1 B). 3.5 to the chisel edge (3.26) (see figures IA and IB). body : That portion of the drill extending from the shank 3.6 the body (see figures IA and IB). recess : The cylindrical portion with reduced diameter in 3.7 overall le

45、ngth : The distance between two planes nor- mal to the drill axis through the chisel edge (3.26) and the end of the shank (including any tenon or tang) respectively (see figures IA and IB), 3.8 flute length : The distance between two planes normal to the drill axis through the chisel edge (3.26) and

46、 the shank end of the flutes respectively (see figures IA and IB). 3.9 flute : A groove in the body of the drill which, at the in- tersection with the flank (3.21) provides a major cutting edge (3.231, thus permitting removal of chips and allowing cutting fluid to reach the major cutting edge (see f

47、igure IA). 3.10 fluted land : The helical portion of the body (3.5), in- cluding both the land (3.14) and the body clearance (3.17) (see figure IA). 3.11 width of fluted land : The distance between the leading edge of the land (3.16) and the heel (3.191, measured at right angles to the leading edge

48、of the land (see figure IA). 3.4 des fins dentranement (voir figure 1 BI. tenon : Extrmit plate dune queue cylindrique utilise 3.5 centrale (3.26) (voir figures IA et IB). corps : Partie du foret situe entre la queue et larte 3.6 gorge : Partie cylindrique du corps de diamtre rduit (voir figures 1A et IB). 3.7 longueur totale : Distance entre deux plans perpendicu- laires laxe du foret, passant respectivement par larte cen- trale (3.26) et lextrmit de la queue (tenon compris) (voir figures IA et IB). 3.8 longueur taille : Dist

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