1、International Standard Norme internationale 5420 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATlON*MEXAYHAPOAWAR OPrAHH3AUHR IlO CTAHAAPT3AUWlWXlGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Reamers - Terms, definitions and types First edition - 1983-12-01 AMsoirs - Termes, definitions et types Premiere d
2、dition - 1983-12-01 UDWCDU 621.951.7 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rkf. no : IS0 5420-1983 (E/F) Descriptors : tools, cutting tools, reamers, vocabulary. : Descripteurs : outil, outil de coupe, alhoir, vocabulaire. Price based on 20 pages/Prix bask sur 20 pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for St
3、andardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be
4、 represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
5、 Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 5420 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, and was circulated to the member bodies in August 1991. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Austria Belgium Brazil China Czechoslov
6、akia Egypt, Arab Rep. France Germany, F.R. Hungary of India Romania Ireland Spain Israel South Africa, Rep. of Italy Sri Lanka Japan Sweden Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of Switzerland Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom Mexico USA Netherlands USSR Poland Yugoslavia No member body expressed disapproval of the docum
7、ent. International Organization for Standardization, 1983 l Printed in Switzerland ii Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de IISO). Lelaboration des Normes internationales est confide aux
8、 comites techniques de IISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouverne- mentales, en liaison avec IISO, participent Bgalement aux travaux. Les projets de Normes intern
9、ationales adopt these have been included at the request of IS0 Technical Committee ISO/TC 29 and are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for Germany, F.R. (DIN), Italy fUNI), Belgium (IBN) and the Netherlands (NNI), and Czechoslovakia (CSN). However, only the terms given in the o
10、fficial languages can be considered as IS0 terms. Aksoirs - Termes, definitions et types 0 Introduction La presente Norme internationale donne, pour chacun de, termes geometriques relatifs aux alesoirs, une definition norm? Ii ces termes ont et6 inclus r4 la demande du comite tech- nique ISO/TC 29,
11、et sont publies sous la responsabilite des comites membres de IAllemagne, R.F. (DIN), de Iltalie (UNI), de la Belgique (IBNI et des Pays-Bas (NNI), et de la Tchecoslovaquie (CSN). Toute- fois, seuls les termes et definitions don USA : starting taper : That portion of the reamer extending from the en
12、tering end to the point where the diameter measured on the circular land reaches the cutting diameter of the tool. (see figure 28). Entering end of parallel machine reamer Extremite avant de Ialesoir cylindrique machine 3.4 tenon : Extremite plate dune queue conique destinee a etre fixee dans la lum
13、iere de la douille et utilisee a des fins dejection (voir figure IA). 3.6 dimension du car USA: bevel: When existing, the angular portion at the entering end of a hand reamer to facilitate the entry of the reamer into the hole (see figure 28). 3.17 chanfrein dentree (non coupant): Quand il existe, p
14、artie chanfreinee a Iextremite avant dun alesoir a main pour faciliter Ientree de celui-ci dans le trou (voir figure 28). 3.18 UK: bevel lead (cutting); USA : chamfer: The angu- lar cutting portion at the entering end of a machine reamer; it facilitates the entry of the reamer into the hole (it is n
15、ot pro- vided with a circular land) (see figure 2A). 3.18 chanfrein dentree (coupant) : Partie coupante chan- freinee a Iextrbmite avant dun alesoir a machine; il facilite aussi Ientree de celui-ci dans le trou (il na pas de listel) (voir figure 2A). 3.19 UK: bevel lead length; USA: chamfer length :
16、 The length, measured axially, of the bevel lead (3.17, 3.18) (see figures 2A and 2Bl. 3.19 longueur du chanfrein dentree: Longueur du chan- frein dentree (3.17, 3.181, mesuree axialement (voir figures 2A et 28). 3.20 UK: bevel lead angle; USA: bevel angle 3.20 angle du chanfrein dentree 3.20.1 UK:
17、bevel lead angle (non-cutting); USA: bevel angle : The angle formed by the bevel lead (3.17) and the hand reamer axis (3.1) (see figure 28). 3.20.1 angle du chanfrein dentree non coupant: Angle form6 par le chanfrein dentree (3.17) et Iaxe (3.1) dun alesoir a main (voir figure 2B). 3.20.2 UK: bevel
18、lead angle (cutting); USA: chamfer angle : The angle between the reamer axis (3.1) and the projec- tion of the major cutting edge (3.31) in a plane containing the reamer axis and the outer corner (3.35) (see figure 2A). 3.20.2 angle du chanfrein dentree coupant: Angle entre Iaxe (3.1) de Ialesoir et
19、 la projection de Iarete principale (3.31) dans un plan contenant laxe de Ialesoir et le bet (3.35) (voir figure 2A). 3.21 cutting diameter: The diameter of the reamer at the entering end immediately after the bevel (3.18) or taper lead (3.13) (see figures 2A and 28). 3.21 diametre coupant: Diametre
20、 de Ialesoir, a Iextremite avant immediatement apres le chanfrein dentree (3.18) ou Ientree conique (3.13) (voir figures 2A et 28). 3.22 back taper on diameter: The reduction in cutting dia- meter (3.21) from the cutting end towards the shank, ensuring longitudinal clearance at a chosen point. 3.22
21、conicite arriere: Reduction du diametre coupant (3.21) de Iextremite coupante vers la queue, assurant, en un point don+, une depouille longitudinale. 3.23 helix angle : The angle between the minor cutting edge (3.32) and the reamer axis (3.1) (see figures 2A and 28). 3.23 angle dhelice : Angle entre
22、 Iarete secondaire (3.32) et Iaxe de Ialesoir (3.1) (voir figures 2A et 28). 3.24 rotation of cutting : The primary motion of the cutting edge relative to the workpiece. 3.24 rotation : Mouvement de coupe de Iarete par rapport a la piece. 3.24.1 right-hand cutting reamer: A reamer which rotates in a
23、 clockwise direction when viewed on the rear end of the reamer (counter-clockwise when viewed on the point end). 3.24.1 alesoir a coupe B droite: Alesoir qui tourne dans le sens dhorloge pour un observateur place du cot6 de Ientraine- ment (sens contraire dhorloge pour un observateur place du cot6 d
24、e la partie active). 3.24.2 left-hand cutting reamer: A reamer which rotates in a counter-clockwise direction when viewed on the rear end of the reamer (clockwise when viewed on the point end). 3.24.2 alesoir B coupe B gauche : Alesoir qui tourne dans le sens contraire dhorloge pour un observateur place du cot6 de Ientrainement (sens dhorloge pour un observateur place du cot6 de la partie active). 5
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