1、International Standard Norme internationale INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDlZATIONMEXAYHAPOLIHAR OPAHH3AUMR OCTAHAPTM3AUMM.ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Black tea - Vocabulary First edition - 1982-09-01 Th6 noir - Vocabulaire Premiere Edition - 1982-09-01 ii 4 UDWCDU 633.72 :
2、001.4 Ref. No./Ref. no : ISO8078-1982 (E/F) Q 7 Descriptors : agricultural products, tea, vocabulary/Descripteurs : produit agricole, th6, vocabulaire. B 8 Price based on 22 pages/Prix bad sur 22 pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of nat
3、ional standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International
4、 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International
5、Standard IS0 6078 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 94, Agricultural foodproducts, and was circulated to the member bodies in April 1981. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Brazil Czechoslovakia Egypt, Arab Rep. Ethiopia France Germany, F. R. H
6、ungary India Iran Iraq of Israel Kenya Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania No member body expressed disapproval of the document. South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sri Lanka Tanzania Thailand Turkey United Kingdom USA USSR Yugoslavia International Organi
7、zation for Standardization, 1982 0 Printed in Switzerland ii Avant-propos LISO (Oiganisation international de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (cornit 3) apparence de la feuille infuse%; 4) method of manufacture; 4) procedes de fabrication; 5) general
8、. 5) termes generaux. Scope and field of application Objet et domaine dapplication La presente Norme internationale fournit une liste de termes et de definitions applicables aux techniques de traitement et devaluation du the noir pour le commerce. This International Standard provides a list of terms
9、 and defini- tions, applicable to the techniques of processing and assessing black tea for commerce. Information about grades of black tea is included in an annex. Des informations sur les grades de the noir sont donnees en annexe. Terms and definitions Termes et definitions 1 Dry leaf 1 Feuille s d
10、e belle cou- leur, de calibre et texture uniformes. 1101 attractive : Describes well-made leaf of good colour, uniform in size and texture. NOTE - Ce caractere nest pas forcement un indice de bonne qualit flat : Flat open leaves. 1115 floconneux; plat : Qualifie des feuilles plates, ouver- tes. 1115
11、 .grainy : Describes hard leaf Fannings and Dust grades which are small, clean and granular. 1116 granuleux : Qualifie des Fannings a feuilles dures et Dust de petit calibre, en grains et propres. 1117 grapenutty : Describes certain CTC teas which have been rolled into balls of equal size during the
12、 manufacturing process. 1117 en boulettes : Qualifie certains thes, obtenus par le procede CTC prepares sous forme de boules de taille Bgale durant le pro whiskery : Describes a tea containing a noticeable amount of long thin fibre. 1119 chevelu : Se dit dun the contenant une quantite nota- ble de f
13、ibres longues et fines. 1120 lourd : Qualifie des thes de forte masse volumique mal- gre leur apparence. 1126 heavy : Describes teas of high bulk density not- withstanding their appearance. Opposite to 1126, light. Oppose a 1126, kger. 1121 irregular : Describes badly graded teas which remain uneven
14、 after grading. 1121 irregulier : Qualifie un the qui demeure non homogene apres un classement defectueux. 1122 knobbly : Describes a well rolled ball-shaped leaf of even size. 1122 en boule : Sapplique a des feuilles rondes, bien rou- lees, de meme taille. 1123 large : Describes the size of a tea w
15、hich is bigger than normal for the grade. 1123 grand : Qualifie des thes dont le calibre est plus grand que la normale pour leur grade. 1124 feuillu : Qualifie un the contenant desfeuilles plus gran- des que la normale pour leur grade. 1124 leafy : Describes a tea containing larger leaves than would
16、 be normal for its grade. 3 ISO6078-1982 (E/F) 1125 leggy : Describes a tea consisting of long thin leaves. 1125 en bdtonnets : Qualifie un th6 compose de feuilles lon- gues et minces. 1126 light : Describes teas of low bulk density notwith- standing their appearance, Opposite to 1120, heavy. 1126 l
17、bger : Qualifie des th uneven : Describes the appearance of a par- ticular grade which has been badly sorted and contains quan- tities of other grades. 1129 mblangb; inbgal : Qualifie Iapparence dun grade par- ticulier qui a BtB mal assorti et comprend plusieurs autres gra- des. 1130 net : Qualifie
18、de belles feuilles dapparence homog8ne. 1130 neat : Describes a good leaf of even appearance. 1131 open : Describes very loosely rolled, flat and untwisted leaf. Applicable principally to large leaf. 1131 ouvett : Qualifie un th8 roule tr&s I&he, plat et non boucl6. Se rapporte principalement B de g
19、randes feuilles. 1132 powdery : Describes very fine light dust. 1132 poudreux : Se dit de poussi&res tr&s fines et tr&s IBgB- res. 1133 ragged : Describes shaggy and uneven leaf. 1133 dechiquete : Qualifie un th6 hirsute dont la feuille nest pas homoghne. 1134 rough : Describes a leaf having a very
20、irregular ap- pearance. 1134 grossier : Qualifie des feuilles dapparence tr&s irrbgu- Ii&e. 1135 sandy : indicates the presence of sand in a Dust or small Fannings grade. 1135 sableux : lndique la pr&ence de sable contenu dans un Dust ou dans de fins Fannings. 1136 en coquilles : Se dit de feuilles
21、en forme de coquilles, similaire in 1115, floconneox ou p/at, mais lbgbrement incur- v6e.s. 1139 shelly : Describes a shell-like appearance similar to 1115, flaky or f/at, but with a slight curve. 1137 shotty : Describes well-made, very tightly rolled leaf reminiscent of gunshot. 1137 en petits plom
22、bs : Employ6 pour dbcrire une feuille t&s finement roulbe, rappelant les petits plombs de chasse. 1138 soyeux (semploie en g&al pour les th& verts) : lmplique un aspect lisse et doux. 1139 silky (used generally in connection with green tea) : Smooth and soft texture. 1139 petit : Qualifie des th& do
23、nt le calibre est plus petit que la normale pour leur grade. 1139 small : Describes the size of tea which is less than nor- mal for the grade. 1140 spongieux Isexplique par lui-mgme) : Sensation au toucher de certains th&. 1140 spongy (self-explanatory) : Feel of a quantity of tea. 1141 tigeux : Se
24、dit de th& contenant une quantitb anormale de tiges. 1141 stalky : Describes tea containing an abnormal amount of stalk. 1142 de style : Applicable aux feuilles dun th6 de bonne fabrication et de bel aspect. 1142 stylish : Describes the leaf of a tea which has been well manufactured and is of superi
25、or appearance. 4 IS0 5078-1982 (E/F) 1143 tippy : Describes teas containing noticeable amounts of tip. 1143 avec pointes (tippy) : Designe des thes contenant une quantite notable de pointes. 1144 pointes (tips) : Bourgeons velus et premieres feuilles qui, ayant absorb6 la s par- ticularly in CTC tea
26、s, following slow growth. 1204 brune : Une feuille brune pour les CTC provenant dune croissance lente de la feuille. 1205 dull : The appearance of dry leaf which is lacking in bloom and life. 1205 terne : Apparence de la feuille manquant dbclat et de vie. 1206 grey : A most undesirable colour of the
27、 dry leaf. 1206 grise : Couleur t&s indesirable de la feuille s&he. 1207 rouge ou rougeetre : Apparence des feuilles de cer- tains thes, surtout les CTC et les Legg-cut. 1207 red or reddish : The appearance of the leaves of certain teas, particularly those of CTC and Legg-cut manufacture. 13 Odeur 1
28、3 Odour (nose) 1301 baggy : Describes an undesirable taint sometimes found in teas withered on inferior hessian or sacking. This taint may also be apparent in teas which have been stored in bags. 1301 odeur de sac : Qualifie une odeur desagreable de thes dont le fletrissage a 6th fait sur des toiles
29、 de mauvaise qualite ou qui ont 6th stock& dans des sacs. 1302 biscuity : Describes leaf having a characteristic reminis- cent of biscuits. 1302 biscuitee : Qui rappelle Iodeur du biscuit. 1303 burnt : Describes an undesirable characteristic found in teas which have been subjected to abnormally high
30、 temperatures during firing. 1303 brirlee : Qualifie une odeur indesirable de thes qui ont et6 seches a trop haute temperature. 1304 cheesy : Describes an unmistakable and undesirable characteristic suggestive of cheese, generally attributed to in- sufficiently seasoned or inferior chest battens. 1304 caseeuse : Qualifie une odeur t&s reconnaissable et indesirable, rappelant le fromage, attribuee en general a des caisses dont le bois netait pas assez set ou de mauvaise qua- lit& 5
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