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ISO 7255-1985 Shipbuilding Active control units of ships Vocabulary Trilingual edition《造船 船舶电控装置 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf


2、ction navale - Moyens de contr6le actif des navires - Vocabulaire Premiere hdition - 1965-12-15 CyAocTpoetiHe -CpeAcTsaaKTH6HoroynpasneHHFl cyAahw -CCnosapb Ilepeoe HsAawe - 1965-12-15 UDClCDUlYAK 629.12.037.21 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rbf. no : IS0 7255-1965 (E/F/R) Ccbuwa No : MC0 7255-1985 (/W/P) Descrip

3、tors : shipbuilding, ships, control equipment, vocabulary./Descripteurs : construction navale, navire, mat6rief de commande, VOCabUaire./AeoKpimTopbl : cyAocTpoeHne, CYAHO, CpeAcTaa ynpaaneHMR, cnosapb. Price based on 6 pages/prix base sur 6 pages/qeHa pacowTaHa Ha 6 CTP. Foreword IS0 (the Internati

4、onal Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normal- ly carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has be

5、en established has the right to be represented on that com- mittee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval befo

6、re their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard IS0 7255 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Shipbuilding and marine structures. Users

7、 should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale do

8、rganismes nationaux de normalisation fcomites membres de IISO). Lelaboration des Normes internationa- les est confide aux comites techniques de IISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique tree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouve

9、rnementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec IISO participent egalement aux tra- vaux. Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi- t&s membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par le Conseil de IISO. Les N

10、ormes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de IISO qui requierent Iapprobation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants. La Norme internationale IS0 7255 a ete Blaboree par le comite technique ISOlTC 8, Construction navale et structures maritimes. Lattention des utilisateu

11、rs est attiree sur le fait que toutes les Normes internationales sont de temps en temps soumises a revision et que toute reference faite a une autre Norme internationale dans le present document implique quil sagit, sauf indication contraire, de la derniere edition. BBeJjeHHe I420 (Mewykiapojqiiafl

12、OpraHt43aqLIfl no CTatijqapTH3aqkiH) n6nfleTcfi BceMnpHoU *egepaqweU Ha,MOHa,bHblX OpraHll3aqMti n0 CTaH#apTH3aQLlkl (KOMMTeTOBYfleHOB MCO). AeRTellbHOCTb fl0 pa3pa60TKe hhK)HapOHblX CTaHflapTOB IlpOBOflLiTCR TeXHM4eCKHMH KOMHTeTaMLi MCO. KaX- fibll? KOMHTeT-WleH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHbltl B eFlTeflbHOCTM,

13、 Ailfl KOTOpOfi 6bln CO3AaH TeXHM- reCKkIn KOMMTeT, l4MeeT IlpaflO 6blTb npe,Y,CTaB,eHHblM El 3TOM KOMMTeTe. MeAQyHapOF(Hble npa- BMTenbcTaetiHble M HenpaBHTenbcTBeHHble opraHM3aquw, clh4elowHe CBRL c LICO, Tame npkv HMMalOT YrlaCTHe B pa6OTaX. npOeKTbl MeIKyHapOHblX CTaHAapTOB, npHHRTble TeXHHeCKMM

14、M KOMMTeTaMM, paCCblflatOTCFl KOMMTeTaM-WeHaM Ha oAo6peHMe nepeA HX yraepmfienneh4 COBeTOM MC0 B KaqecTae Mewy HapOAHblX GTaHflapTOB. OHM 0406pRMTCR B COOTBeTCTEWlL4 C ll0pRKat.W pa6OT CO,Tpe6)lOllWlH OflO6peHLdfl n0 MeHbl”eh Mepe 75 % KOMMTeTOB-WleHOB, npMHMMaD”,HX YrlaCTHe B rOi-lOCOBaHt4M. Mexqjy

15、HapOAHblU CTaHAapT klC0 7265 6blII pa3pa60TaH TeXHWeCKMM KOMMTeTOM klCO/TK 8, Cy docmpoenue u hfopowe coopyHcenuFt. t-lOllb3)Wl&lMCR tde?KjJYHapOflHblMM CTaHfjapTaMM HeoBxoMMo npLlHHMaTb BO ElHHMaHMe, 4TO BCe MeYHapOAHble CTaHAapTbl nO/JBepralOTCFl BpeMR OT l3peMeHH llepeCMOTpy M n03TOMY llD6afl CCb

16、lllKa Ha KaKOi+JlM60 MeyHapOAHbll? CTElHflapT B HaCTORJeM AOKyMeHTe Flpe/VlOna- raeT ero nocneAHee #aAaHMe, KpoMe cnyrlaee, yxa3aHHblx 0060. 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1995 0 0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985 0 0 MemynaponaR 0pranwsaqw-I no ClanfiaprHoaqMH,

17、1995 l Printed in Switzerland/lmprimB en Suisse/MsAaHo B UJBeUL(apw iii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXAYHAPOAHblti CTAHAAPT IS0 7255-1985 (E/F/R) MC0 7255-i 985 (A/O/P) Shipbuilding - Construction CyocTpoewie - Active control navale - Moyens CpeACTBa aKTHBHOr0 units of ships - de c

18、ontrale actif ynpaBJleHLlflcyaMH - Vocabulary des navires - CJlOBap b Vocabulaire 1 Scope and field of application Objet et domaine dapplication La presente Norme internationale definit les This International Standard defines termes concernant les moyens de controle terms applying to active control

19、units of actif des navires. ships. Le but essentiel de la presente Norme inter- The main aim of this International Stan- nationale est de donner des definitions suf- dard is to give clear enough definitions fisamment nettes pour que chaque terme for each term to be understood iden- soit pareillement

20、 interpret6 par tous les tically by all specialists concerned. specialistes interesses. This international Standard applies to active control units used as auxiliary propellers to improve manoeuvrability of a vessel, to provide directional stabil- ity or positioning of a vessel. The units covered ma

21、y, however, also be used as main propellers. The terms defined in this International Standard shall be used in documents of all kinds. La presente Norme internationale sappli- que aux moyens de controle actif utilises comme propulseurs auxiliaires pour amelio- rer la manceuvrabilite et la stabilite

22、de route ou de position du navire. Cependant, les dispositifs couverts par la presente Norme internationale peuvent Bgalement etre utili- ses comme propulseurs principaux. Les termes definis dans la presente Norme internationale doivent etre employ& dans les documents de tout type. 2 Basis Dispositi

23、ons de base 2.1 A single standardized term is Chaque notion doit avoir un seul terme nor- established for each concept. The use malise. Lemploi des synonymes dun of synonyms for the terms shall not be terme doit etre exclu. permitted. 2.2 Words in parentheses may be Dans les termes normalises defini

24、s, les omitted, thereby allowing a shortened mots mis entre parentheses peuvent 6tre form of these terms in cases where omis, permettant ainsi dutiliser une forme there is no risk of misinterpretation. breve de ces termes dans les cas depourvus de toute ambiguite. NOTE - In addition to the terms giv

25、en in the three official IS0 languages (English, French and Russian), this International Stan- dard gives the equivalent terms in Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Norwegian, Spanish and Chinese. These terms have been in- cluded at the request of Technical Commit- tee ISO/TC 8 and are published under

26、the NOTE - En supplement aux termes donnes dans les trois langues officielles de IISO (anglais, francais et russe), la presente Norme internationale donne en annexe les termes Bqui- valents en nkerlandais, allemand, italien, polo- nais, norvegien, espagnol et chinois. Ces termes ont Bt6 inclus 2 la

27、demande du cornit technique 06%eKT H 06JKiCTb npmeHeHm HaCTORU(Hb3 MeXqyHapOAHblU CTaHAapT OnpeAenReT TepMMHbl, OTHOCflqLIeCfl K cpeAcTBaM aKTktBiior0 ynpasneHr4n cy- qah4M. OCHOEHaR Qenb HaCTORIqerO Memytia- pOAHOr0 CTaHAapTa - AaTb F(OCTaTOqH0 FiCHble OnpeAeneHLlR, r(T06bl KaNQblh Tep- MMH llOHMMa

28、JlCR OAMHaKOBO BCeM# 3aMHTe- PeCOBaHHblMH CIIeManLICTaM. HacTOmqMM MeyHapoAHblA CraHAapr paCnpOCTpaHReTCRHaCpeCTBaaKTMBHO- ro ynpaBneHw4, npMh4eHneMble B KaqecTBe BcnoMoraTenbHblx gwi ynyqlueHwi MaHeB- peHHOCTH CyflHa, yflep)KaHLlfl CyAHa Ha KypCe HnH Ha MeCTe. t-ipLlBeReHHble CpeA- CTBa MOryT, OJjH

29、aKO, MCl-lOn b3OBaTbCR H B YarecTBe rnaBHblx ABwKwTeneA. TepMMHbl, OllpeAefleHHble B HaCTORU(eM MexqyHapoAHOM CTaHAapTe, noAneKaT MCnOnb30BaHldKI B 0KyMeHTaL.W BCeX BLIAOB. OCHOBHble flOJlOXeHHR &lR KamOrO ilOHRTMR yCTaHOBneH OflMH CTaHAapTkl3npOBaHHblil TepMMH. kknOnb- 30BaHMe CLIHOHHMOB CTaHAapTM3

30、LlpOBaH- HOrO TepMlllHa AOJlKHO 6blTb MCKnlO-leHO. AnR OnpefleneHHblX CTaHAapTLl3klpOBaH- HblX TepMMHOB CnOBa, HaXO/JmqleCfl B CKO6KaX, MOryT 6blTb OllyqeHbl M TaKHM 06pa30M MOXHO HCilOn b30BaTb KpaTKHe OpMbl BTHX TepMMHOB B HeAByCMblCneH- HblX CnyrlaRx nPMMf%diHE - B AOnOnHeHMe K TepMHHaM Ha T,EX O

31、HL,HaflbHblX R3blKaX k,co (aH,?-d,CKOM, (PPElHY3CKOM M PYCCKOM) HaCTOFlqklfi MemAyHa- POflHbll7 CTaHAapT #ST 3KBHBWeHTHble TepMLl- Hbl Ha rOfl,laH/JCKOM, HBMeL(KOM, MTEUlbRHCKOM, nOnbCKOM, HO,lBSW2KOM, MCnaHCKOM G( KMT&,- 1 IS0 7255-1995 (E/F/R) M CO 7255-l 985 (AMP) responsibility of the member bod

32、ies for the Netherlands (NNI), the Federal Republic of Germany (DIN), Italy (UNI), Poland (PKNiM), Norway (NSF), Spain (IRANOR) and China (CSBSI. However, only the terms in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms. 3 Terms and definitions 3.0 active control unit of a ship : A unit with

33、an individual prime mover creating a thrust at some angle to the centreline plane of the vessel, mainly at low speeds or at standstill of the vessel. 3.1 (ship) lateral thruster : An ac- tive control unit of a ship having the propulsive part in a channel in the ships hull (or in a nozzle outside) an

34、d creating a thrust at right-angles to the centreline plane of the vessel. 3.1 .I (ship) retractable lateral thruster : A thruster the lower part of which, with the propeller in a nozzle, can be lifted vertically inside the hull to an inoperable position. 3.2 (ship) propulsion/steering unit : An act

35、ive control unit of a ship having the propulsive pat-t outside (or inside) the ships hull and creating a thrust the direction of which may be changed in respect to the centreline plane of the vessel. 3.2.1 (ship) rudder-propeller : A propelfing and steering device with the propeller (or propeller in

36、 a nozzle) creating a thrust the direction of which can be changed from O” to 360 when rotating the device relative to a vertical axis perpendicular to the propeller axis. (ship) swivelling rudder- propeller : A rudder-propeller the lower part of which, with the propeller (or propeller in a

37、nozzle), can be hinged around a horizontal axis to an in- operable position. ISO/TC 8 et sont public). OAHaKO, JluWb TBPMUHbl U Ollpe- AeneHunHaoc4uanbHblxfl3blKaxh4oryTpaccua- TPUBaTbCR KBK TspMUHbl u OnpsAeileHUR MCO. Te#MuWlH bl H HX 0npeAeneww cpe&jcTBo a KTH BHOrO ynpasneHk+R CYAHOM : YCTpOtiCT

38、BO C aBTOHOMHblM npuBOAOM, cosflatolqee ynop HnM TRry, HanpaaneHHylo nap, yrnoM K AnaMeTpanbHoM nnocuocTM cyAHa, rnaeH blM o6pasoM Ha Man blx xoAax HnM 6e3 xoAa cyAHa. (cyosoel noApynweaioyee ycpoikxso : CpeflCTBO aKTHBHOr0 ynpal3neHklH CyAHOM c pa60WM 0praHoM B uaHane, pacnono- xeiiiiotd B uopnyce

39、cyfltia (t4nM B HacaAue i3He Kopnyca), cosflatou(ee Tflry, Hanpa- sneHny0 nofl npflMblM yrnoM K QMaMe- TpanbHofi nnocKocw cyflua. IcyAoeoef BbluenXHoe noApynnearoqee YCTpOiiCTBO : lloflpynuaaloqee yc-rpoF- CTBO, HMXHRFI 4aCTb KOTOpOl-0 C rpa6HblM BMHTOM B HacaAKe MoXeT nepeMeuaTbcfl B BepTuKallbHOM

40、HanpaBneHMM M y6HpaTb- CR B Kopnyc cyAHa B HepaBoqee nono- xeme. kyjqoeoe) snxb4renbHo.pyneeoe ycrpoii. CT00 : CpeJJCTBO aKTHBHOr0 ynpaBneHMR CYAHOM c pa60qb4M opraHoh4, pacnonoKeH- HblM BHe Kopnyca (Mnu y-rpu Kopnyca) cyAHa, co3Aatou(ee ynop, HanpaaneHMe KO- TOpOr MOXeT MeHRTbCR OTHOCLdTenbHO AMElM

41、eTpanbHOk nilOCK0CTb-l CyAHi3. (CyJjOBaR) IlOBOpOTHaR KOJlOHKa : ABMXW TenbHo-pynesoe CTOI%CTBO c rpe6HblM BMITOM (Hnu rpe6HblM BHHTOM B HacaAKe), co3aafolqee ynop, HanpaaneHue uoroporo MOXeT u3MeHRTbCR B npeAeJlaX OT o” 190 360 anpaeo Hnu aneao npu noaopoTe yCTpOfiCTBa OTHOCuTeJIbHO BepTMKanbHOL? e

42、cu, nepneHAwKynRpHoi4 OCM rpe6Horo BMHTa KOk-lOHKu. (CyAOBBfl) OTKHAHaR IlOBOpOTHaR KOIIOH- Ka : nOBOpOTHaR KOnOHKa, HkIXHRR qaCTb KOTOpOU C rpe6HblM BUHTOM (MIWI rpe6HblM BL4HTOt.4 q HaCaaKe) MOXeT OTKblblBaTbCR BoKpyr ropvl3oHTan bHoti ecu B HepaGoclee nonomewe. IS0 7255-1985 (E/F/R) MC0 7255.1985

43、 (A/P) (ship) retractable rudder- propeller : A rudder-propeller the lower part of which, with the propeller (or propeller in a nozzle), can be lifted vertically inside the hull to an inoperable position. 3.2.2 (ship) active rudder : A pro- gouvernail actif (du navire) : Dispositif (cyClosoi

44、+) aKwBHbll pynb : plskxw pelling and steering device having the de gouverne et de propulsion dont IBk- TenbHo-pyneeoe cTMCTBO c pa6orlnhl propulsive part in the rudder blade and ment propulsif, solidaire du safran du gou- opraHoh4, paCnOflOxeHHblM B nepe pyrm, creating a thrust the direction of whi

45、ch vernail, produit une poussge dont la direc- co3Aawwee ynop, HanpaBneHue KoToporo can be changed within the rudder angle tion peut 6tre modifibe dans les limites de MomeT M3MeHmbcR e npeAenax yrna nepe- limits. Iangle de barre. KnaAKM nepa pynfl. 3.2.3 (ship) cycloidal propeller : A propelling and

46、 steering device having a cycloidal propeller creating a thrust the direction of which can be changed from 0” to 3W starboard or port, by chang- ing the angle of the vanes. 3.2.4 (ship) rotatable water jet : A propelling and steering device located inside the hull and creating a thrust the direction

47、 of which may be adjusted from O” to 360 starboard or port when the rotatable device directing the water jet changes its position. propulseur orientable escamotable (du (CyAOssII) BbIC(BHxHaR rIOEOpOTHeR KOJIOH. navirel : Propulseur orientable dont la par- Ka : nOBOpOTHaR KOllOHKa, HMXHRR -laCTb tie

48、 infkieure comprenant Ihhlice (ou KOTOpOti C rpe6HblM BHHTOM (HnM rpe6HblM Ihblice et sa tuy&e) peut btre dbplacbe eHHToh4 e HacaAKe) MoxeT nepeMewaTbcfl dans le sens vertical pour &tre escamotke, B BepWKaflbHOM HanpaBileHMM M y6HpaTb- hors fonctionnement, dans la coque du CR B KOpnyC CyAHa B Hepa6o

49、qee nono- navire. xewe. propulseur 8 pales verticales (du (CyOeOii) KpblIlbWTbli flBHxHTeflb : ABM- navire) : Dispositif de gouverne et de pro- XwenbHo-pyneeoe CTACTBO c Kpblnb- pulsion, produisant une pow&e dont la VaTblM ABMxmeneM, co3Aatowee ynop, direction peut Btre modifiee de O” 4 3a”, SI HanpaBJleHHe KOTOpOrO MOXeT M3MeHRTb- droite ou B gauche, par le jeu de Iangle cr4 B npeAenax o-r O” 0 360 Bnpaeo. mm dattaque d

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