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ISO 7296-1-1991 Cranes graphic symbols part 1 general《起重机 图形符号 第1部分 总则》.pdf

1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 7296-1 First edition Premiere Edition flepeoe t43flame 1991-12-15 MEKAYHAPOAHbIl CTAHBAPT Cranes - Graphit Symbols - Part 1: General Appareils de levage Zi Charge suspendue - Symboles graphiques - Partie 1 : G6n6raMs Kpati bl rpy3OnOWMH ble - rpac#wdec

2、iwe cwvi5onbi - %CTb 1: 06upe nonoxewm Reference number Numero de reference tiorwp CCblflKM ISO 7296-1 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/WP) ISO7296-1 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 :1991 (A/P) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Stand

3、ards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International orga

4、nizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

5、 circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bedies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 7296-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Sub-Committee SC 2, Terminology. ISO 7296 will consis

6、t of the following Parts, under the general title Cranes - Graphit symbols: - - Part 7: Part 2: General MobJe cranes - Part3: Tower cranes - Part 4: Jib cranes - Part 5: Overhead travelling and Portal bridge cranes 0 ISO 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or util

7、ized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher./Droits de reproduction reserves. Aucune Partie de cette publication ne peut etre reproduite ni utilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun proc

8、ede, electroni- que ou mecanique, y compris Ia photocopie et les microfilms, sans Iaccord ecrit de Iediteur. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse ii ISO 7296-1 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/P)

9、Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de IISO). Lelaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux comites techniques de IISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a

10、 Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cri OpraH : llOAHflTb 021 ISO 7000-1682 sc Load-lifting attachment : lower Accessoires de levage : descente rpy303aXBaTH blti OpraH : OnyCTMTb 022 ISO 7000-1683 Yb / Derrick in (luff in) Relevage de Ia fleche nOdHRTb CTpeny 023 ISO 7000-1684 4 A Derrick

11、out (luff out) Descente de Ia fleche OllyCTMTb CTpeny 024 ISO 7000-1685 7 b / / Telescopic jib (boom) extended Fleche telescopique en extension BblABi4HyTb Tenectxoni4ecttyto c-rpeny 025 ISO 7000-1686 Ld /3 / / Telescopic jib (boom) retracted Fleche telescopique rentree BTuHyTb TenecKonwecKyto c-rpe

12、ny ISO 7000-1687 026 Crab traversing : fotward - reverse Deplacement du chariot : en avant - en arriere BMxewe rpy30Boti Tenexw : BnepeA - Hasag ISO 7000-1688 5 lSO7296-1:1991(E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/P) No. NO 027 . Symbol Symbole bMlBOII El Designation Dhignation tiablMeHOBaHl4e Crane travellin

13、g forward Translation de Iappareil de levage en marche avant llepejymttetiue KpaHa f3nepeA I ISO 7000-1689 Crane travelling in reverse Translation de Iappareil de levage en marche arriere flepeAsr4KeHMe Kpatia Ha3aA ISO 7000-1690 m Crane travelling fotward - reverseI) Translation de Iappareil de lev

14、age en marche avant - en marche arrierel) llepesr4XeHkre Kpaiia snepea - Ha3ajq 1 ISO 7000-1691 r m-1 1 L J -Im -1-M-1 . El t Climbing crane : climb Appareil de levage a autosurelevation : montee CaMOnOfi%eMHblti KpaH : nOAHRTb ISO 7000-1692 031 1-w111 4 r 111 1 L m-1 J ISO 7000-1693 Climbing crane

15、: descend Appareil de levage a autosurelevation : descente CaMOnOAbeMH blti KpaH : OnYCTMTb 032 L 3 I ISO 7000-0751 Outrigger : raise Stabilisateurs : montee BblHOCHaFi OnOpa: nOAHFlTb 033 I A I ISO 7000-0750 Outrigger : lower Stabilisateurs : descente BblHOCHafl OnOpa: OnYCTMTb c 34 Outrigger exten

16、ded Stabilisateurs sortis II t BblHOCHYlO OnOpy BblABVIHYTb ISO 7000-0746 1) The basic arrow Symbol with an additional Symbol which Shows a stationary building (or some stationary reference Point) shall be used when the Position of the operators cab tan vary, depending on the direction of motion (fo

17、r example, the travel of a full-circle crane). 1) Le Symbole de base de Ia fleche, avec Ie Symbole additionnel qui designe un batiment fixe (ou un autre Point de reference fixe), est a utiliser au cas OU Ia Position de Ia cabine de Ioperateur peut varier en fonction de Ia direction du mouvement (par

18、 exemple lors de Ia translation dune grue a orientation totale). 1) OCHOBHOFI CMMBOJl CTpeJlKa C OnOJlHMTeJlbHblM CMMBOJlOM, 0603HailatOwMM HenOABWKHOe 3flaHMe (WlM KaKOl&JlU60 HenOABMXHbllil OplAeH- mp), npMMeHfleTcR B cnyqaflx, KorAa nonotektvie KaGmbi onepa-ropa RBnReTcR nepeMeHHblM no oTHomeHw0

19、K HanpaBneHmo jqBt4xeHm (Hanpw Mep, nepeABMxeHi4e nonHonoBopoTHor0 Kpatia). 6 ISO 7296-1 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/P) No. NO 035 036 037 Symbol Symbole CHMBOZI If- l- II t ISO 7000-0747 fl ISO 7000-1291 IL Outrigger retracted Stabilisateurs rentres BblHOCHYlO OilOp) BTFIHYTb Stabilizer : r

20、aise Dispositif de Stabilisation : montee CTa6INII43aTOp : flOAHRTb Stabilizer : lower Dispositif de Stabilisation : descente CTa6WIM3aTOp : OflyCTMTb Designation Designation i=hblMeHOBaHble ISO 7000-1292 038 w Clamshell closed Benne preneuse : fermeture rpetiep 3aKpblT +f- ISO 7000-1496 039 w Clams

21、hell open Benne preneuse : ouverture rpt?tiE?p OTKPblT f-+ ISO 7000-1495 040 Load magnet on ilectroaimant de levage en marche 0 rpY30BOiiI 3fleKTpOMarHMT BKJWOWH 041 ISO 7000-1694 9 Load magnet off Electroaimant de levage hors marche rpY30BOIiI 3JIeKTpOMarHMT OTKiI W-EH ISO 7000-1695 042 4 16 * Rail

22、 clamp engaged n Serrage du rail engage PWlbCOBbllil 3aXBaT 3aMKHYT 043 ISO 7000-1696 61 19 n Rail clamp disengaged Serrage du rail libere kJlbCOBbll/l 3aXBaT pa3OMKHYT ISO 7000-1697 ISO 72964 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/P) 2.3 Information Symbols Symboles dinformation CHMBOJlbl HHC#lOPMalWl

23、 NOTE - Nos. 44 to 49 have not been NOTE - Les nos 44 5 49 nont pas et6 IlPMMEYAHME - HoMepa 44 - 49 He 6binu allocated. attribues. MCllOJlb30BaHbl. No. NO 050 Symbol Symbole CHMBOII Designation Designation HaHMeHOBaHHe Infinitely variable control : rotational Commande continue - rotative 6eccrynewa

24、Toe perynMpor3atiMe - BpatqaTenbHoe 051 Infinitely variable control : linear Commande continue - lineaire 6eccTynewaToe peryrwrposawe - nwietitioe 417-IEC-5004 052 T Wind Speed Vitesse du vent CKOpOCTb BeTpa 053 Y ISO 7000-1698 F Wind direction Direction du vent Hanpasnewre seTpa 054 ISO 7000-1699 *

25、Q Brake applied Frein serre TOpMO3 3aMKH)T 055 ISO 7000-0020 +O B rake released Frein desserre Topo3 pa30MKHYT ISO 70004021 056 Clutch engaged -a- Embrayage engage MyCTa CWlJleHl4R 3ElMKHYTa / ISO 7000-0022 057 t Clutch disengaged Embrayage desengage .U Myc#xa CWlJleHWl pa30MKHyTa ISO 70004023 8 ISO

26、 7296-1 : 1991 (E/F/R) MC0 7296-1 : 1991 (A/Q,/P) No. NO 058 059 060 Symbol Designation Symbole Dhignation CHMBOJI khb4MeHOBaHHe Fe Horn Avertisseur sonore 3ByKOBOti cMriian ISO 7000-0244 P Temperature Temperature TeMnepaTypa 061 062 063 064 ISO 7000-0034 3f Ventilation Ventilation BeHTmnfIqMfI I S

27、0 7000-0089 47X 1 ISO 7000-1421 0 Ah Ir ISO 7000-1204 Q ?i/ . 0 D ISO 7000-1700 w Cab interior Iight Lumiere interieure de Ia cabine OCBeiqeHMe Ka6MH bl Flood-light Projecteu r i-OXeKTOp S pot-lig ht Eclairage PaGoqag apa Windscreen wiper Essuie-glace du pare-brise CTeKnOOWCTMTenb 065 ISO 7000-0086 Ill Heater Chauffage OTonl4Tenb 066 ISO 7000-0637 Air-conditioner Climatiseur KOHJjMqMOHep 067 ISO 7000-0027 w Windscreen defroster Degivrage du pare-brise 064 metuta ISO 7000-0635

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