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ISO 8107-1993 Nuclear power plants maintainability terminology《核电厂 可维修性 术语 两种语言版》.pdf

1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 8107 First edition Premiere ddition 1993-0615 Nuclear power plants - Maintainability - Terminology Centrales nucl6aires - Maintenabilith - Terminologie Reference number Num b) environmental conditions in which the equipment has to be maintained, and it

2、s accessibility; cl internal organization of the plant, including spare parts policy, readiness and qualification of the maintenance staff; d) maintenance strategy (corrective, preventive, predictive or a combination of these); e) maintenance facilities, on-site or remote; fl external maintenance co

3、ntracts; g) interaction with operational requirements. For the purpose of maintaining components in a satisfactory operating condition, maintenance activities can be performed according to one or more of the fol- lowing methods: a) corrective maintenance, including breakdown, after the failure of th

4、e com- ponent; b) preventive maintenance subdivided into - systematic maintenance, i.e. carried out at scheduled time intervals; - predictive or controlled maintenance, when monitoring the conditions of the component in order to promptly identify possible degradation due to wear, corrosion, etc.; pr

5、edictive maintenance can be carried out automatically, continuously or manually. Should corrective maintenance be necessary, the period of time taken to restore the component to an operational state will be a critical parameter, and the design features to minimize this period are a prime factor in m

6、aintainability. The total downtime of an item has been subdivided into: a) undetected failure time, which is mostly dependent on the proper monitoring, warning and alarm systems, test procedures and intervals; b) administrative delay time, the duration of which is linked to the internal organizaton

7、of the plant and to logistic delays inherent in the particular spare parts policy; c) actual maintenance time, which is directly related to the position of the component in the system and to the component itself. iv IS0 8107:1993(E/F) Introduction La disponibilite des systemes est fonction de la fia

8、bilite et de la maintenabi- lit b) conditions ambiantes de maintenance et daccessibilite de kquipe- ment; cl organisation interne de la centrale jusque dans des details tels que politique dapprovisionnement en pieces detachees ou esprit dinitiative et qualification du personnel de maintenance; d) st

9、ratkgie de maintenance appliquee (corrective, preventive, predictive ou mixte); e) installations de maintenance sur site ou hors site; fI contrats de maintenance exterieure; g) interaction avec les contraintes opkrationnelles. Pour maintenir les composants dans un b) maintenance preventive subdivise

10、e en - maintenance systkmatique, cest-a-dire effectuoe a intervalles de temps fixes, et - maintenance predictive ou controlee consistant a surveiller V la maintenance predictive peut b) le dhlai administratif dont la duree depend de Iorganisation interne de la centrale et des delais logistiques lies

11、 21 la politique dapprovision- nement en pieces detachees; c) le temps effectif de maintenance, qui est lie directement a la position du composant dans le systeme et au composant lui-m8me. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME 1NTERNATlONALE IS0 8107:1993(E/F) Nuclear power plants - Maintainability - Termino

12、logy Centrales nuclhaires - Maintenabilith - Terminologie 1 Scope 1 Domaine dapplication This International Standard identifies the typical par- ameters and terms necessary for collecting and exchanging maintainability data. The definitions are valid for corrective maintenance. For preventive mainte

13、nance, a similar classification can be drawn up. La presente Norme internationale definit les parametres et termes principaux necessaires pour recueillir et echanger des donnees dans le domaine de la maintenabilite. Les definitions sappliquent a la maintenance corrective. Une classification similair

14、e peut etre effect it includes the time for decision making, document processing, authorizations. maintenance organization time: The period of time needed for preparing the crew (including providing drawings, tools, instructions, etc.). The time spent training or practising for the actual

15、maintenance procedure is also included. programmed delay time: Delay dependent on the plant maintenance schedule. external logistic delay: The part of the adminis- trative delay time during which the maintenance cannot be carried out because of external logistic delays (e.g. outside

16、maintenance contractors delays). Lanalyse a et6 poussee aussi loin que possible de facon a definir un modele de reference pour le recueil ou Mchange des donnt%s. Elle nimplique pas forcement que les donnees soient disponibles ou doivent 6tre recueillies 31 tous les niveaux mentionnes. 3.2 duke bindi

17、sponibilitk Periode pendant laquelle un dispositif nest pas en 6tat daccomplir la fonction quon lui demande. 3.2.1 temps de d&e&ion dune d6faillance: Temps s%coulant entre la defaillance dun composant et Iidenti- frcation du composant defaillant. temps de non-detection dune dhfaillance: Temp

18、s Gcoulant entre la dbfaillance dun dispositif et la d&c- tion du dysfonctionnement dans le systeme. NOTE 1 - Ce temps ne peut bien sOr pas Genre determine avec pnkision. II peut toutefois Btre estim6 en fonction des intervalles de contr6le et dessai. temps de diagnostic dune defaillance: Te

19、mps s%coulant entre la detection dun dysfonctionnement dans un systeme et Iidentification de 16lement defaillant gr&ce aux indications de la Salle de controle, a des deductions techniques, a des essais, etc. 3.2.2 delai administratif: Temps s%coulant entre Iidenti- fication de Nquipement defaillant

20、et le moment oti il est possible de commencer les operation de maintenance. temps dorganisation: Partie du delai administra- tif qui est consacree a Iorganisation du travail et oti au- tune maintenance ne peut encore avoir lieu. temps de prkparation: Temps dinactivite dir aux forma

21、lites dadministration et dorganisation. Ce delai comprend le temps de prise de decision, de traitement des documents, de reception des autorisations. temps dorganisation de la maintenance: lntervalle de temps necessaire a la preparation de I6quipe de maintenance (y compris le rassemblement

22、 des plans, outils, instructions, etc.). Le temps r&essaire a Iinstruc- tion ou a la pratique de la procedure de maintenance est inclus. delai de programmation: Delai dependant du calendrier de maintenance de la centrale. d6lai logistique exteme: Partie du delai adminis- tratif oti n

23、e peut avoir lieu aucune maintenance en raison de facteurs logistiques exterieurs (par exemple delais des sous-traitants extkieurs). 2 IS0 8107:1993(E/F) time for outside personnel to arrive: The period of time spent waiting for outside maintenance contractors and/or inspectors to arrive.

24、 delivery time: The period of time needed to de- liver the faulty/new item, or part thereof, from the plant to the manufacturers and back again. new design time: The period of time needed to design a new type of equipment and to manufacture it. 3.2.3 actual maintenance time: The p

25、eriod of time during which maintenance work is carried out on an item (time including delays inherent in maintenance operations). in situ preparation time: The part of the main- tenance time during which no active work is carried out on the item. isolating time: The period of time

26、needed to isolate the faulty equipment from the line. time to gain access: The period of time spent gaining access to the faulty item (once the crew is ready). decontamination time: The period of time spent on decontamination in order to allow the repair work to be carried out. 3

27、. shielding time: The period of time spent shield- ing the faulty item area in order to allow the repair work to be carried out. active maintenance repair time: The part of the maintenance time during which active work is carried out on the item. fault location time: The per

28、iod of time spent identifying the fault in the equipment. dismantling time: The period of time during which the equipment, or part thereof, is being dismantled for repairs or replacement. repair time at the plant workshop: The period of time spent repairing the item in the plant

29、workshop. temps darriv6e des Bquipes ext temps effectif de maintenance corrective: Par-tie du temps de maintenance pendant laquelle se deroule un travail effectif sur le dispo- sitif. temps de localisation de la defaillance: Temps necessaire pour reperer Ielement defectueux de Mqui- pement. temps de demontage: Temps n6cessaire pour demonter Iequipement ou une partie de celui-ci en vue de sa reparation ou de son remplacement. temps de reparation en atelier inthrieur: Temps necessaire pour reparer le dispositif dans les ateliers propres de la centrale. 3

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