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本文(ISO 8785-1998 Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) - Surface imperfections - Terms definitions and parameters《产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 表面缺陷 术语、定义和参数 两种语言版》.pdf)为本站会员(towelfact221)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ISO 8785-1998 Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) - Surface imperfections - Terms definitions and parameters《产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 表面缺陷 术语、定义和参数 两种语言版》.pdf

1、AReference numberNumro de rfrenceISO 8785:1998(E/F)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMEINTERNATIONALEISO8785First editionPremire dition1998-07-15Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) Surface imperfections Terms, definitionsand parametersSpcification gomtrique des produits(GPS) Imperfections de surface Terme

2、s, dfinitions et paramtresCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 8785:1998(E/F) ISO 1998All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publ

3、ication may be reproducedor utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying andmicrofilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction rservs.Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni

4、utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, ycompris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur.International Organization for StandardizationCase postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 SwitzerlandInternet isoiso.chPrinted in Switzerland/Imprim en Suis

5、seiiForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwidefederation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work ofpreparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISOtechnical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for whicha te

6、chnical committee has been established has the right to be representedon that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISOcollaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) on all matters of

7、electrotechnical standardization.Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees arecirculated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an InternationalStandard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies castinga vote.International Standard ISO 8785 was prepared

8、 by Technical CommitteeISO/TC 213, Dimensional and geometrical product specifications andverification.Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction o

9、r networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 8785:1998(E/F)iiiAvant-proposLISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fdrationmondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comits membres delISO). Llaboration des Normes internationales est en gnral confie auxcomits t

10、echniques de lISO. Chaque comit membre intress par unetude a le droit de faire partie du comit technique cr cet effet. Lesorganisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales,en liaison avec lISO, participent galement aux travaux. LISO collaboretroitement avec la Commission lectro

11、technique internationale (CEI) ence qui concerne la normalisation lectrotechnique.Les projets de Normes internationales adopts par les comits techniquessont soumis aux comits membres pour vote. Leur publication commeNormes internationales requiert lapprobation de 75 % au moins descomits membres vota

12、nts.La Norme internationale ISO 8785 a t labore par le comit techniqueISO/TC 213, Spcifications et vrification dimensionnelles et gomtriquesdes produits.Les annexes A et B de la prsente Norme internationale sont donnesuniquement titre dinformation.Copyright International Organization for Standardiza

13、tion Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 8785:1998(E/F)ISOivIntroductionThis International Standard is a geometrical product specification (GPS)standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (seeISO/TR

14、 14638). It influences the chain links 1 and 2 of the chain ofstandards for surface imperfections.For more detailed information of the relation of this standard to otherstandards and the GPS matrix mode, see annex A.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under licen

15、se with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 8785:1998(E/F)vIntroductionLa prsente Norme internationale qui traite de la spcification gomtriquedes produits (GPS) est considre comme une norme GPS gnrale (voirlISO/TR 14638). Elle influence les m

16、aillons 1 et 2 des chanes de normesrelatives aux imperfections de surface.Pour de plus amples informations sur la relation de la prsente Normeinternationale avec les autres normes et la matrice GPS, voir lannexe A.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license

17、 with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INTERNATIONAL STANDARDNORME IN

18、TERNATIONALEISO ISO 8785:1998(E/F)1Geometrical ProductSpecification (GPS) Surfaceimperfections Terms,definitions and parametersSpcification gomtrique desproduits (GPS) Imperfections de surface Termes, dfinitionset paramtres1 Scope 1 Domaine dapplicationThis International Standard defines terms relat

19、ing tosurface imperfections in order to establish a commonvocabulary to be used in technical documents,technical drawings, scientific publications, etc. tospecify to what extent surface imperfections areallowed and to aid in the specification of methods ofmeasuring surface imperfections.The surface

20、imperfections defined in this InternationalStandard are not related to surface roughness1)orsurface waviness.It does not specify the desirability or undesirabilityof surface imperfections, which depend on theapplication or function of the surface.For specific applications and manufacturingprocesses,

21、 additional terms and definitions may benecessary. Such terms and definitions will be specifiedin relevant International Standards.Some types of specific surface imperfections aredefined in other International Standards as well.La prsente Norme internationale dfinit les termesrelatifs aux imperfecti

22、ons de surface. Elle vise tablirun vocabulaire commun utiliser dans les documentstechniques, les dessins techniques, les publicationsscientifiques, etc., pour spcifier les imperfectionsadmissibles et les mthodes de mesurage.Les imperfections de surface dfinies dans la prsenteNorme internationale ne

23、sont pas prendre en comptedans la rugosit1)ou londulation de surface.Elle ne spcifie pas leur caractre acceptable ou nonacceptable qui dpend de lapplication ou de lafonction de la surface en question.Dautres termes et dfinitions peuvent trencessaires pour des applications spciales ou desprocds de fa

24、brication particuliers. Ils seront traitsdans les Normes internationales correspondantes.Certains types dimperfections de surface spcifiquessont dfinis galement dans dautres Normes inter-nationales._1) See for example ISO 4287._1) Voir, par exemple, lISO 4287.Copyright International Organization for

25、 Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 8785:1998(E/F)ISO22 General 2 Termes gnraux2.1reference surfacesurface, having the form of a geometrical surface,from which the parameters of surface imperfec

26、tionsare assessedNOTES1 The reference surface passes through the highest peakof the real surface excluding the imperfections, and isequidistant from the mean surface determined by the least-squares method.2 The reference surface is determined over a specifiedsurface area, or over a limited part of t

27、he surface arearelated to the size (dimensions) of a single imperfection,the size of the area being sufficient to assess theimperfection while suppressing the influence of formdeviation on the assessment.3 The reference surface coincides in practice with thesurface of the area adjacent to the imperf

28、ection.2.1surface de rfrence, fsurface ayant la forme de la surface gomtrique, partir de laquelle on value les paramtres desimperfections de surfaceNOTES1 La surface de rfrence passe par les saillies les plushautes de la surface relle, sans tenir compte desimperfections, et elle est quidistante de l

29、a surfacemoyenne dtermine par la mthode des moindres carrs.2 La surface de rfrence est dtermine sur une airespcifie ou sur une portion de surface limite dpendantde la taille (dimension) dune imperfection isole, ladimension de cette aire tant suffisante pour permettre lafois dvaluer limperfection et

30、dliminer toute influencedes carts de forme sur lvaluation.3 La surface de rfrence concide en pratique avec lasurface de la zone adjacente limperfection.2.2surface imperfection evaluation areaAportion of the real surface or the whole real surface ofa workpiece on which surface imperfections arespecif

31、ied and inspected2.2surface dvaluation des imperfections, fAtout ou partie de la surface relle sur laquelle lesimperfections de surface sont spcifies etcontrles2.3surface texturerepetitive or random deviations from the geometricalsurface which form the three-dimensional topographyof the surfaceNOTE

32、Surface texture includes roughness, waviness,lay, imperfections and form deviations over a limitedsurface area.2.3tat de surface, mcarts rptitifs ou alatoires par rapport la surfacegomtrique formant la topographie tridimensionnelledune surfaceNOTE Ltat de surface comprend la rugosit,londulation, la

33、direction des irrgularits, les imperfectionset les carts de forme sur une zone limite.2.4surface imperfectionSIMelement, irregularity or group of elements andirregularities of the real surface unintentionally oraccidentally caused during manufacture, storage oruse of the surfaceNOTES1 It is recommen

34、ded not to use the term “surface defect“for the meaning defined here (see definition of “defect“ inISO 8402)2 Such types of elements or irregularities differconsiderably from those constituting a rough surface.3 The presence of imperfection on the real surface doesnot necessarily mean that the given

35、 surface is unsuitablefor use. The acceptability of an imperfection is dependenton the application or function of the surface and is specifiedin appropriate terms, e.g. length, depth, width, height,number per unit area, etc.2.4imperfection de surface, fSIMlment, irrgularit ou groupe dlments oudirrgu

36、larits de la surface relle rsultant dactionsinvolontaires ou occasionnelles pendant la fabrication,le stockage ou lutilisation de la surfaceNOTES1 Il est recommand de ne pas utiliser le terme dfautde surface pour la dfinition donne dans ce paragraphe(voir la dfinition de dfaut dans lISO 8402).2 Ce t

37、ype dirrgularit diffre profondment desirrgularits constituant la rugosit de la surface.3 La prsence dune imperfection sur la surface rellenimplique pas ncessairement que la surface sera inapte lemploi. Le caractre acceptable dune imperfectiondpend de la fonction de la surface et doit tre spcifi ente

38、rmes appropris, par exemple longueur, profondeur,largeur, hauteur, nombre par unit de surface, etc.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 8785:1998(E/F)3

39、3 Characteristics and parametersof surface imperfections3 Caractristiques et paramtresdes imperfections de surfaceNOTE The maximum value of parameters andcharacteristics of surface imperfections allowed on asurface is that value applied for specification, i.e. the limitbeyond which the component con

40、taining the imperfectionis rejected.EXAMPLESSIMn= 60where SIMnis the surface imperfection number as definedin 3.7SIMn/A = 60/1 m-2SIMn/A = 10/50 mm-2where A is the surface imperfection evaluation area asdefined in 2.2NOTE La valeur maximale des paramtres et descaractristiques des imperfections de su

41、rface admise pourune surface est celle utilise pour la spcification, cest-dire la limite au-del de laquelle llment est rebut.EXEMPLESSIMn= 60o SIMnest le nombre dimperfections de surface tel quedfini en 3.7SIMn/A = 60/1 m-2SIMn/A = 10/50 mm-2o A est la surface dvaluation des imperfections telle qued

42、finie en 2.23.1surface imperfection lengthSIMegreatest dimension of the surface imperfection,measured parallel to the reference surface3.1longueur de limperfection de surface, fSIMeplus grande dimension de limperfection de surface,mesure paralllement la surface de rfrence3.2surface imperfection widt

43、hSIMwgreatest dimension of the surface imperfection,measured normal to the surface imperfection lengthand parallel to the reference surface3.2largeur de limperfection de surface, fSIMwplus grande dimension de limperfection de surface,mesure perpendiculairement la longueur delimperfection de surface

44、et paralllement la surfacede rfrence3.3single surface imperfection depthSIMsdgreatest depth of the surface imperfection, measuredfrom and perpendicular to the reference surface3.3profondeur de limperfection de surfaceisole, fSIMsdprofondeur maximale de limperfection de surface,mesure partir de, et p

45、erpendiculairement lasurface de rfrence3.3.1combined surface imperfection depthSIMcddistance between the reference surface and thelowermost point of the surface imperfection,measured from and perpendicular to the referencesurface3.3.1profondeur de limperfection de surfacecomposite, fSIMcdprofondeur

46、comprise entre la surface de rfrence etle point le plus bas de limperfection de surface,mesure partir de, et perpendiculairement lasurface de rfrence3.4single surface imperfection heightSIMshgreatest height of the surface imperfection, measuredfrom and perpendicular to the reference surface3.4hauteu

47、r de limperfection de surface isole, fSIMshhauteur maximale de limperfection de surfacemesure partir de, et perpendiculairement lasurface de rfrenceCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

48、hout license from IHS-,-,-ISO 8785:1998(E/F)ISO43.4.1combined surface imperfection heightSIMchdistance between the reference surface and theuppermost point of the surface imperfection,measured from and perpendicular to the referencesurface3.4.1hauteur de limperfection de surfacecomposite, fSIMchhauteur comprise entre la surface de

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