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ISO IEC 8878-1992 Information technology telecommunications and information exchange between systems use of X 25 to provide the OSI connection-mode network serv.pdf


2、OMMISSION*MEXJiYHAPOHAR 3nEKTPOTEXHMqECKAR KOMMCCMR*COMMICSION ELECTROTECHNIOUE INTERNATIONALE Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 Connection-mode Network Service TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 3 Technologies de linformation -

3、Tlcommunications et change dinformations entre systmes - Utilisation du protocole X.25 pour fournir le service de rseau OS1 en mode connexion RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 3 Technical corrigendum 3 to International Standard ISOAEC 8878:1992 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISOAEC JTC 1, Informatio

4、n technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Page 80 Subclause D. 7.3.3, Replace the label “FS4a“ in the jrst row with: “FR6a“ ICs 35.100.30 Ref. No. ISO/IEC 8878:1992/Cor.3:1996(E) Descriptors: data Processing, information interchange, telecommunicat

5、ions, network interconnection, open systems interconnection, network layer, data transmission, connection oriented transmission, communication procedure, network service. O ISO/IEC1996 Printed in Switzerland 8878 92 W 4851903 05b4549 375 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 8878:1992 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM


7、rmation technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 Connection-mode Network Service TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Technologies de linformation - Tlcommunications er change dinformations entre systmes - Utilisation du protocole X.25 pour fournir

8、 le service de rseau OS1 en mode connexion RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 2 Technical corrigendum 2 to International Standard ISO/IEC 8878:1992 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange behueen systems. Pag

9、e 4 Subclause 5.1 Item a) 4). replace “facility used“ with “facility used if operating in a packet-switched network environment“. Page 7 Table 2 Add a superscript 3) following “Transit Delay Selection And Indication Facility“ in the FIELDS column. Add a new footnote 3 which reads “The Transit Delay

10、Selection And Indication Facility shall be used only in a packet- switched network environment.“ Change the superscript on “Fast Select Facility“ in the FIELDS column to 4) and renumber the corresponding footnote. Page 12 Subclause Item d), change the text to read as follows: “when operati

11、ng in a DTE/DCE environment: if the target transit delay . calling end system, otherwise, the TDSAI . Standard); when operating in a DTUDTE environment: the TDSAI Facility shall not be used.“ UDC 681.3:621.39 Ref. No. ISO/IEC 8878:1992/Cor.2:1993(E) Descriptors: data processing, telecommunications,

12、information interchange, nework interconnection, open systems interconnection, data transmission, communication procedure, control procedures, network service. Q ISO/IEC 1993 Printed in Switzerland 8878 92 4853903 0537496 288 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 878:1992 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published


14、Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 Connection-mode Network Service TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Technologies de linformation - Tlcommunications et change dinformations entre systmes - Utilisation du protocole X.25pour fournir le service de rseau O

15、S1 en mode connexion. RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Technical corrigendum 1 to International Standard ISOAEC 8878:1992 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISOAEC JTC 1, Information technology. Page 70 Subclause D.6.62.5 Item MVGa, replace 7CN facility with “B-TCN facility. Pages 73, 74, 75, 79,81 a

16、nd 82 Replace Throughput Class Negotiation“ with “Basic Throughput Class Negotiation“ in the following locations: Subclause D., item PIFS2i Subclause D., item PIFS2r Subclause D., item PIFR2i Subclause D., item PIFR2r Subclause D.7.1.3, items FS2i and FR2r Subclause D.7.1

17、.4, items FR2i and FS2r Replace “Minimum Throughput Class Negotiation with Basic Minimum Throughput Class Negotiation“ in the following locations: Subclause, item PIFS23i Subclause D., item PIFR23 Subclause D.7.5.1, item FS23i Subclause D.7.5.2, item FR23 UM: 681.3621.39 Ref. No. IS

18、O/IEC 88181992/Cor.1:1993 (E) esdptors : data processing, telecommunications, information interchange, network interconnection, open systems interconnection, data transmission, communication procedure, control procedures, network sennce. Q ISOIIEC 1993 Printed in Switzerland 8878 92 4851903 0526865

19、Lt42 I N T E R NAT I O NA L STANDARD ISOJIEC 8878 Second edition 1992-1 2-1 5 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 Connection-mode Network Service Technologies de linformation - Tlcommunications et change dinformations

20、entre systmes - Utilisation du protocole X.25 pour fournir le service de rseau OS1 en mode connexion ISOAEC 8878:1992(E) 8878 92 4851903 O5ZbBbb 389 W Cb ISO/IEC CONTENTS Page Foreword. . iv . Introduction v 1 2 . Normativereferences 2 2 2 1.Scope . 2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Stan

21、dards . 2 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content . 2 2.3 Additional references 3.Definitions . 3.1 Reference Model definitions 2 3.2 Service Conventions definitions 3 3.3 NetworkSenricedefinitions 3 3.4 X.25 definitions 3 3.5 X.96definitions 3 4 . Abbrev

22、iations 3 4.1 NetworkSeMceabbreviations . 3 4.2 X.25 abbreviations . 4 5.Overview. . 4 5.1 Elements of the X.25/PLP-1984 used to support the OS1 CONS 4 5.2 GeneraloperationofaieX.25PLP-1984forsupportingtheOSICONS 5 6 . Network connection establishment phase . 7 6.1 Primitive/Parameter and packetrfie

23、ld relationships 7 6.2 Procedures . 7 7 . Network connection release phase . 15 7.1 Primitive/Parameter and packetrfietd relationships 15 7.2 Procedures . 16 8 . Data transfer phase - Data transfer service 8.1 Pnmitive/Parameterand packeUfbld relationships 17 8.2 Procedures . 17 9 . Data transfer ph

24、ase - Receipt confirmation service . 18 9.1 Primitive and packetnield relationships 18 9.2 Procedures . 18 10 . Data transfer phase - Expedited data transfer service . 10.1 Primitive/Parameter and padet/fiekl relationships 19 10.2 Procedures . 19 11 . Datatransferphase-Resetservice 19 1 1.1 Primitiv

25、e/Parameter and packetdiekl relationships 19 11.2Procedures . 19 17 19 Q ISOAEC 1992 All rights reserved . Unless otherwise specified. no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm. without permis

26、sion in writing from the publisher . ISOAEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneve 20 Switzerland Printed in Switzerland 8878 92 W 4853903 0526867 235 o ISO/IEC ISOAEC 8878:1992(E) 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 26 38 48 54 54 54 54 55 55 58 58 58 58 58 60 62 62 62 62 62 63 64 76 83 83 83 85 85

27、 85 85 87 89 91 12. Response to protocol violations . 13. Conformance . 13.1 Conformance requirements . 1 3.2 Optional features Annex A: X.25 (1 980) Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol A.1 Introduction A.2 Scope. . A.3 Abbreviations . A.4 Overview of the protocol A.5 Protocol mechanisms . A.7

28、 Protocol encoding in X.25 padets . Annex B: Classification B.l Classification of systems B.2 Functionality of classes . B.3 Scenarios. 8.4 Procedures for selecting class of operation B.5 Interworking by relay system A.6 Protocol description . Annex C: Subnetwork Convergence Protocol for Use With X.

29、25 Permanent Virtual Circuits C.l Introduction and scope . C.2 Overview. . C.3 Abbreviations C.4 Protocol mechanisms C.5 Protocol encoding for NC establishment and release . D.l Introduction . D.3 Normative references D.4 Definitions . D.5 Abbreviations D.6 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statem

30、ent Proforma D.7 Modified PICS requirements for ISO/IEC 8208 Annex E: Additional Considerations of CONS Primitives E.l Introduction . E.2 Environment for X.25/PLP operation . F.l Introduction . F.2 Obtaining an SNPA address F.3 Examples of Network Address encoding Annex G: Transit Delay Calculations

31、 Annex H: Example of Priority Negotiation . Annex I: Differences between Recommendation X.223 and ISO/IEC 8878 Annex D: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Proforma D.2 Scope . Annex F: Use of X.25/PLP NPAI . . . . . . . II . iii 878 92 E 4851903 05268b 151 W ISOAEC 8878:19W(E) O ISO/IEC F

32、oreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter- national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through techn

33、ical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical commit- tees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organiz- ations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take

34、 part in the work. In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for vot- ing. Publication as an International Standard requires

35、 approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO/IEC 8878 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 8878:1987), which has been technically revised. It co

36、nsolidates Technical Corrigenda 1, 2 and 3, Addenda 1 and 2 and Amendment 1 as well as Technical Corrigendum 1 to Addendum 2. NOTE - iSO/iEC DIS 8878-2 as well as defect reports 8878-012, 013, 014 and O1 5 have also been included in this second edition. Annexes A, B, C and D form an integral part of

37、 this International Standard. Annexes E, F, G, H and I are for information only. iv O ISO/IEC 8878 92 4853903 0526869 O98 m ISO/IEC 8878:1992(E) Introduction This International Standard defines methods for providing the OS1 Connection-Mode Network Service (CONS) through the use of the virtual circui

38、t services of the X.25 Packet Layer Protocol (X.25 PLP). The method presented in the main body of this International Standard specifies a mapping between elements of the 1984 or later versions of the X.25/PLP (referred to as X.25/PLP-1984) using X.25 Virtual Call (VC) services and elements of the OS

39、1 CONS. Features associated with versions of X.25 later than 1984 are identified as to which version they relate. This International Standard is similar to CCIT Recommendation X.223; however, the two are currently published as separate documents. Clause 13 contains the requirements for systems claim

40、ing conformance to this International Standard. Other methods using other virtual circuit services and/or other versions of X.25 are also defined. In particular, a second method for VCs, which is presented in Annex A, defines a Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol (SNDCP) that shall be used to

41、provide the OS1 CONS over subnetworks or with equipment using the 1980 or earlier versions of the X.25/PLP (referred to as X.25/PLP-1980). This SNDCP should only be used if the elements of the X.25/PLP-1984, as defined in 5.1 herein, are not available to support the OS1 CONS. Annex B contains a clas

42、sification of systems according to whether they implement the procedures defined in the main body of this International Standard, the procedures defined in Annex A, or both. In addition, it describes the possibilities and the rules for interworking between the classes of equipment identified. Annexe

43、s A and B are integral parts of this International Standard. They are intended to provide a migration strategy towards the use of the 1984 version of X.25 in both subnetworks and DTEs. Because of the evolution of technology, the status of Annexes A and B will be reviewed in the future. Annex C defin

44、es another method for providing the OS1 CONS, in this case in conjunction with the PVC service of X.25. Annex D provides the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma for this International Standard. Annexes C and D are integral parts of this International Standard. Annex E provi

45、des additional considerations on the relationship between the X.25 protocol procedures and the CONS primitives. Annex F illustrates the use of X.25 Network Protocol Address Information (NPAI), .e., the Address Field and the Address Extension Facilities. Annex G illustrates the use of the X.25 transi

46、t delay facilities. Annex H illustrates the use of the X.25 Priority Facility. Annex I lists the differences between CCITT Rec. X.223 and ISO/IEC 8878. Annexes E through I are not integral parts of this International Standard. The relationship between the X.25/PLP-1984 and the OS1 CONS is shown in F

47、igure 1. This relationship is described only in terms of the Network Layer entities that provide the CONS. No discussion is given here to describe the actions of a Network Layer entity that only provides a relay function for a given network connection. The OS1 Network Service is defined in terms of

48、a) the primitive actions and events of the Service; b) the parameters associated with each primitive action and event, and the form which they take; c) the interrelationship between, and the valid sequences of, these actions and events. V 8878 92 H Y85i1903 052b870 BOT ISOAEC 8878:19$2(E) TRANSPORT

49、PROTOCOL X.25 PACKET LAYER PROTOCOL TRANSPORT LAYER NETWORK LAYER - .- USES SERVICE- - - - - (o ISOAEC , J NETWORK SERVICE ? I I - - - - - - - PROVIDES SERVICE - - - - - Figure 1 - Relationship of the X.25 Packet Layer Protocol to the OS1 Connection-Mode Network Service The OS1 Network Service does not specify individual implementations or products nor does it constrain the implementation of entities and interfaces within a computer system. The X.25PLP-1984 is defined in terms of a) procedures for Virtual

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