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ISO IEC IEEE 15289-2017 Systems and software engineering - Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)《系统和软件工程 生命周期信息项目(文件)的内容》.pdf

1、Systems and software engineering Content of life-cycle information items (documentation) Ingnierie des systmes et du logiciel Contenu des articles dinformation du cycle de vie (documentation) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC/ IEEE 15289 Reference number ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017(E) Third edition 2017-0

2、6 ISO/IEC 2017 IEEE 2017 ii ISO/IEC/IEEE 2017 All rights reserved ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2017, Published in Switzerland IEEE 2017 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form

3、or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO or IEEE at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Institute

4、 of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 3 Park Avenue, New York CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland NY 10016-5997, USA Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 15289:2017(E) iii ISO / IEC 2017

5、All rig h ts reserve d IEEE 2017 All righ ts r eserved Contents Page Foreword . vi Introduction . vii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references . 3 3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 3 3.1 Terms and definitions 3 3.2 Abbreviated terms . 6 4 Applicability 6 4.1 Purpose . 6 4.2 Intended users of thi

6、s document . 6 4.3 Applicability to work efforts . 7 4.4 Applicability to information item audiences . 7 5 Conformance . 7 5.1 Definition of conformance . 7 5.2 Conformance situations . 8 5.3 Type of conformance . 9 6 Life-cycle data and information items . 9 6.1 Life-cycle data characteristics 9 6.

7、2 Records compared to information items (documents) 9 6.3 Management of life-cycle data (records) . 10 6.4 Management of information items (documents) . 10 6.4.1 Developing the documentation plan 10 6.4.2 Managing and controlling information items 11 7 Generic types of information items . 11 7.1 Gen

8、eral . 11 7.2 Description generic content 11 7.3 Plan generic content 12 7.4 Policy generic content . 14 7.5 Procedure generic content 15 7.6 Report generic content . 16 7.7 Request generic content . 18 7.8 Specification generic content . 18 8 Mapping of information items to the life cycle and servi

9、ce management processes . 19 8.1 Mapping of information items to the system life cycle 20 8.2 Mapping of information items to the software life cycle . 25 8.3 Mapping of information items to the service management processes . 32 9 Records . 37 9.1 Record generic content . 37 9.2 Specific record cont

10、ents 38 10 Specific information item (document) contents 41 10.1 General . 41 10.2 Acceptance plan . 41 10.3 Acceptance report . 41 10.4 Acquisition plan . 42 10.5 Asset management plan 42 10.6 Audit acknowledgement report 42 10.7 Audit plan 43 ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017(E) iv ISO / IEC 2017 All rig h

11、ts reserve d IEEE 2017 All righ ts reserved 10.8 Audit procedure . 43 10.9 Audit report . 43 10.10 Capacity plan . 43 10.11 Capacity management procedure . 44 10.12 Change request . 44 10.13 Communication procedure . 44 10.14 Complaint procedure . 44 10.15 Concept of operations 45 10.16 Configuratio

12、n management plan and policy . 45 10.17 Configuration management procedure 46 10.18 Configuration status report 47 10.19 Contract 47 10.20 Customer satisfaction survey . 48 10.21 Database design description 48 10.22 Development plan . 49 10.23 Disposal plan . 49 10.24 Documentation plan . 50 10.25 D

13、ocumentation procedure . 50 10.26 Domain engineering plan 50 10.27 Evaluation report 50 10.28 Implementation procedure 51 10.29 Improvement plan. 51 10.30 Improvement procedure . 51 10.31 Incident management procedure . 52 10.32 Incident report . 52 10.33 Information management plan . 53 10.34 Infor

14、mation management procedure 53 10.35 Information security plan . 53 10.36 Information security policy 54 10.37 Information security procedure . 54 10.38 Installation plan . 55 10.39 Installation report . 55 10.40 Integration and test report . 55 10.41 Integration plan . 55 10.42 Interface descriptio

15、n 56 10.43 Life-cycle policy and procedure 56 10.44 Maintenance plan 56 10.45 Maintenance procedure 57 10.46 Measurement plan 57 10.47 Measurement procedure . 57 10.48 Monitoring and control report 57 10.49 Operational test procedure 58 10.50 Problem management procedure 58 10.51 Problem report 58 1

16、0.52 Process assessment procedure . 59 10.53 Process improvement report . 59 10.54 Product need assessment 59 10.55 Progress report 60 10.56 Project management plan . 60 10.57 Proposal . 61 10.58 Qualification test procedure 61 10.59 Qualification test report 62 10.60 Quality management plan . 62 10

17、.61 Quality management policy and procedure 62 10.62 Release plan (and policy) . 63 10.63 Request for proposal (RFP) 64 10.64 Resource request . 64 10.65 Reuse plan . 64 10.66 Review minutes 65 10.67 Risk action request . 65 ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017(E) v ISO / IEC 2017 All rig h ts reserve d IEEE 201

18、7 All righ ts r eserved 10.68 Risk management policy and plan . 65 10.69 Service catalog 65 10.70 Service continuity and availability plan . 65 10.71 Service level agreement (SLA) . 66 10.72 Service management plan (and policy) 67 10.73 Service plan . 67 10.74 Service report . 68 10.75 Software arch

19、itecture description . 68 10.76 Software design description 69 10.77 Software requirements specification 70 10.78 Software unit description . 71 10.79 Software unit test procedure . 71 10.80 Software unit test report . 71 10.81 Supplier management procedure 71 10.82 Supplier selection procedure 72 1

20、0.83 System architecture description . 72 10.84 System element description . 73 10.85 System requirements specification . 73 10.86 Training documentation . 74 10.87 Training plan 74 10.88 User documentation . 74 10.89 User notification 75 10.90 Validation plan . 75 10.91 Validation procedure (valida

21、tion test specification) 75 10.92 Validation report . 75 10.93 Verification plan 75 10.94 Verification procedure 77 10.95 Verification report 77 Annex A (inf o rmat ive) Procedure for identifying information items and their contents 78 Annex B (inf o rmat ive) Information items and records by source

22、 80 Bibliography 84 List of Tables Table 1 Mapping of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, clauses to information items for each system life- cycle process . 21 Table 2 Mapping of ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207-2008) clauses to information items for each software life-cycle process . 26 Table 3 Mapping of I

23、SO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (IEEE Std 20000-1:2013) and ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012 (IEEE Std 20000-2:2013) clauses to information items for each service management process . 33 Table 4 Record references and contents . 38 Table B.1 Information items by source 80 Table B.2 Records by source 83 vi ISO / IEC 2017 All

24、 rig h ts reserve d IEEE 2017 All righ ts reserved ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the I nte r nati on al O rg a n i za ti o n for S t an dar d i z ati o n) a nd I EC (the I nternational El ect r o technical C ommi ssion ) form t he spe ci ali ze d sys te m for worl d w i d e s t an dar d i

25、 za t i o n. N ati ona l bodies t ha t a re members of I SO o r IEC pa rt icipat e in t he d evelopment o f Int e rna t i o na l Standa rds throu g h t echnica l committ ees e sta blished by t h e re spe c ti ve o r g ani z ati o n t o d e a l wi th p arti cul ar fi e l ds o f te chn ical activity.

26、ISO and IEC technical committees colla b o rat e in f ields o f mutua l int erest . O t her int erna t i ona l o rg a n izat ions, government a l a n d n ongovernme n tal , i n liaison with ISO and IEC, al so take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have e s tab l i

27、 s he d a j o i n t te chni c a l com mi t t e e , ISO/IEC JTC 1 . IEEE Stan dar d s documents are de velope d within t he I EEE Societie s and the S t an d a rd s C oor dina ting C om mitte es o f the IEEE Stan dar d s A s sociation (IEEESA ) Standar d s B o ar d. The I EEE develops its standards t

28、hrough a consensus devel opment proce ss, ap pr oved b y t he America n N ationa l Sta n da rd s Ins t i t ute , w hi ch b ri ngs to ge the r v olu n te e r s represent i ng v a ried viewpoint s and int erest s to achieve t h e f ina l p r o d u c t . V o l u n t ee r s a r e n o t n ec e s s a r i

29、l y m em b e r s of t he Institu te a nd s erve w ithout c ompe nsation. W hil e t he IEEE a d m inisters t he p roce ss and establishes rul es to prom ote fairn ess in t he c on sensus d evelopment p roce ss, t he IEEE d o e s not i n de pe nde n tly e v alu a te , te st, or v e r i f y the a ccur

30、a c y o f any o f t he inf orm a tion c ont a ined in it s s t and a r ds . Inte rna t i o nal St and a rd s are dr af te d i n a c c o rd ance wi t h the rule s give n in the ISO /I EC Directives, P ar t 2. Atte n t i o n i s c alle d to t he p ossi b i l i ty t h a t i m pl e m e n ta ti on o f t

31、his document may require the use of subject matter c o v ered by pa t ent r ig ht s . B y public a t ion o f t his document , no p osit ion is t ake n wit h respect to t he e xistence o r vali di ty o f any pa te nt ri g ht s i n connection therewith. ISO/IEC and IE EE are n o t re s ponsi b l e for

32、 i d e n ti fyi n g e ss e nti a l pat ents o r patent claims for whic h a l i c e n s e m ay b e r e q u i r e d , f or conduct ing inquiries into t he le g a l v a lidit y or scope o f p a t e n t s o r p a t e n t c la i m s o r d e t e r m i n i n g w h e t h e r a n y l i c e n s i n g ter m s

33、or con diti ons pr ovided i n connecti o n with submission o f a L e tt er of Assura nce or a P a t ent Sta t eme n t a n d L i c e n s i n g D e c l a r a ti o n F o r m , i f an y , o r i n an y l i c e n s i n g a g reements a re rea sona ble or non d iscri mi na t ory. Use rs o f t his do cu men

34、t a re e xpr e ssly a dvised t ha t determin ation of t he v ali d i t y of a ny p a t e n t ri ght s, an d th e ri sk o f i n fri n ge me n t of s uch ri gh ts, i s e nti r e l y the i r own re sp onsi b i li ty. Further information may be obtained from ISO or the IEEE S tandards Asso ciation. This

35、 document was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 7, Systems and software engineering , in cooperation with the Software ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2 015, Systems and software engineering System life cycle processes ; a nd t he service ma na gement p

36、r oces s es s peci fied i n ISO/IEC 2 0 0 00 1 : 2 0 1 1 ( IEEE Std 200001:2013), Information technology Service management Part 1: Service Management System Requirements ; and ISO/IEC 200002:2 012 (IEEE Std 200002:2013), Information technology Service management Part 2: Guidance on the application

37、of service management systems . ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207 2008) a nd I SO/IEC/IEEE 15288 :2015 define a s e t o f pr oces s es f or ma na g ing a nd p erf orming t he stag es of a syst e m lif e cycle. T hey d ef ine a n I nforma t ion M a n agemen t proce ss, but t hey do “not d eta il inf

38、 o rmat ion it ems in t erms o f name, form at, explicit c on tent, and recordin g m e d i a ” . ISO/I E C/IEEE 15288:2015, a nd ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE S t d 12207200 8) e stablish a c ommon fra mework f o r sys t ems an d so ftw a re l ifecycle pr oces s e s an d iden t i f y o r r e q u i r e a

39、n u m b e r o f d o c u m e n t a t i o n i t e m s . Their process reference m odel doe s n o t represent a parti c ular p r oces s i mplementa t ion ap pro a ch, n o r d o es i t prescribe a syst em/sof t w a r e lif ecycle m odel, m ethodology, or t echnique. ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207 20

40、08) does not a lw a ys s pecif y when soft w a re inf ormat ion i t ems a re t o be p repared, n o r does it i de ntify informati o n item con tents. I SO /IEC 200001:2011 ( IEEE Std 20000 1: 2 0 13) e st a b lishes c omprehensive requirements f or d ocumen t s and recor d s , with s ome specifi c r

41、equ irement s . ISO/IEC 20000 2:201 2 (IEE E Std 20000 2:2 013 ), I nf ormat ion t echnolog y Service mana g ement P a rt 2: Gui d anc e o n t he a p plic at io n of s ervic e man a ge me n t syste m s p rovi de s gui d an ce o n the u se o f Par t 1 . IEEE contributed IEEE 1 2207. 11997, Industry I

42、mplementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207:1995. (ISO/IEC 12207) Standard for Information Technology Software life cycle processes Life cycle data , as a source for the fi rst e d i t i o n o f t hi s d ocume n t . 1 ISO / IEC 2017 All rig h ts reserve d IEEE 2017 All righ ts r eserved Sy

43、stems and software engineering Content of life-cycle information items (documentation) 1 Scope This d ocume nt specif ies the purpose a n d cont e nt o f a ll ident i f i ed s ys t e m s a nd sof t wa r e lifecycle a nd service man a gemen t i nform a ti on i tems ( d ocu m e nta t ion). Th e inform

44、 ati o n i t em co nt ent s a re d ef ined a cc ord ing t o generic d ocu ment t y p es, a s p rese nte d i n Clause 7 , and the speci fi c purp ose of t he d ocumen t ( Clau se 10). This d o c ume n t as sumes an o rganiz at ion is p erformi ng lif e cycle proce sses, or pra cticin g se rvice ma n

45、a g e m e n t , using one or more o f t he f o llowing: ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (I EEE Std 1220720 08), Systems an d software eng i neering Soft wa re lif e cycle proce sses; ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:20 1 5 , Syst ems a n d soft ware eng ineering Sys tem life c ycl e proce sses; ISO/IEC 200001:2011 (IEEE Std 2

46、0 000 1: 2013), Information techno l og y S er v ice management Part 1: Service man a gement system requirements; an d ISO/IEC 200002 (IEEE Std 200002: 2013), Information technology Service management Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems. This d ocu ment pr o vides a ma

47、pping o f proce sses f r o m the above st a nda rds t o a s e t o f inf o rmat ion it e m s. I t provides a c o n sistent app r oa ch t o meet ing the infor ma t ion an d d ocument at ion requirement s o f syst ems a nd soft w a re eng i neering a nd IT service ma n a g ement . This d ocu ment d oes

48、 n o t es t a blish a service man a gemen t sy s tem. ISO/IEC 12207:200 8 (IEEE St d 12207 2008) a nd I SO/IEC/IEEE 15288 :2 01 5 de fi ne a se t o f p r o c e sse s f o r ma na g ing a nd p erfo rming the sta g e s o f a soft wa re o r syst em lif e c ycle. They d ef ine a n I nf ormation M a n ag

49、ement proce ss, but d o no t “ de tail i nform a tion i t e ms in term s of n ame, f or m a t, ex plicit con tent, and reco rding media ” . ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 and ISO/I E C 12207: 2008 ( I EEE Std 12207 20 08) e st ablish a c ommon f r amework f o r system a nd s of tware lifec ycle p r oces s es. They i dent ify or require a number o f docu mentati o n i t ems. T h e ir proce ss r e f erence

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