1、 Reference number ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/IEC TR 24763 First edition 2011-06-01Information technology Learning, education and training Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects Technologies de linformation Apprentissage, ducation et f
2、ormation Modle de rfrence conceptuel pour comptences et objets lis ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, incl
3、uding photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Publis
4、hed in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword vi 0 Introductionvii 0.1 General.vii 0.2 Areas of applicability .viii 0.3 Overview of the structure of this Technical Reportix 0.4 Acknowledgementix 1 Scope1 1.1
5、Purpose1 1.2 Primary role1 1.3 Aspects not currently addressed 2 2 Terms and definitions .2 3 Symbols and abbreviated terms 4 4 Introduction to the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects .5 5 Classes of the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Info
6、rmation and Related Objects .7 5.1 Introduction and approach.7 5.2 Identification of classes and their descriptions.8 6 Properties of the classes within the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects .8 6.1 Introduction and approach.8 6.2 Identification of proper
7、ties and their descriptions 9 7 How to use the Conceptual Model Reference Model.10 7.1 Overview.10 7.2 Sharing competency information across Digital Services Supply Chains .10 7.3 Aggregating Competency Information using Competency Information Objects .11 7.4 Deriving DSSC Query Requirements from th
8、e ITLET CRM.12 7.5 Deriving interoperability requirements for DSSC using the ITLET CRM.16 7.5.1 Constructing CRM Instances for DSSC Links16 7.5.2 Determining interoperability requirements from the CRM16 7.5.3 Sharing competency information using a thesaurus 16 7.6 Using metadata to build Competency
9、Information Objects18 8 Representation of competency information within information technology systems used for learning, education, and training .19 8.1 Brief Overview.19 8.2 Challenges of standardization for competency information within the context of ITLET .20 8.3 The nature of competency inform
10、ation considered within the context of ITLET and the labels of competency information .21 9 Potential areas for further international standardization23 Annex A (informative) Development of models from the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model25 A.1 General.25 A.2 How to develop a specific use case using
11、the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model .25 A.2.1 Gather representative diagrams and information structures .25 A.2.2 Develop use case description(s) .25 A.2.3 Determine aspects of IT system that will be analyzed using the CRM 25 A.2.4 Prepare new or review existing lexical statement representations .2
12、5 A.2.5 Create diagram representations for each lexical statement.26 ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) iv ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedA.2.6 Assemble diagram representations or component diagram representations 26 A.2.7 Compare diagrams with CRM.26 A.3 Use case template26 A.3.1 Background information comp
13、onents.26 A.3.2 Use case components.27 A.3.3 Additional information component Information relevant to understanding the use case 28 Annex B (informative) Specific example based on a use case submitted 29 B.1 Luxembourg use case.29 B.2 The Luxembourg information models .32 Annex C (informative) Backg
14、round information related to the development of the CRM .36 Annex D (informative) Use cases submitted by National Bodies.40 D.1 Use cases submitted by National Bodies .40 D.2 SC36 WG3 Use case template 42 D.2.1 Background Information .42 D.2.2 Use case.43 D.2.3 Additional information relevant to und
15、erstanding the use case 44 Bibliography 45 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 The ITLET Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects 7 Figure 2 Relationship between competency information, competency information records, and a competency information object 11 Figure 3 An example o
16、f aggregating competency information from four providers of a DSSC into a competency information object 13 Figure 4 An information model structure based on the CRM for Competency Information and Related Objects. 15 Figure 5 Using a competency thesaurus to exchange information and construct a compete
17、ncy information object 17 Figure 6 Examples of identification of competency information that is used and expressed by many stakeholders in diverse ways 22 Figure 7 Luxembourg use case Step 1: Elaborating the job profile 29 Figure 8 Luxembourg use case Step 2: Designing the curriculum . 30 Figure 9 L
18、uxembourg use case Step 3: Delivering the course 30 Figure 10 Luxembourg use case Step 4: Attending the course. 31 Figure 11 Luxembourg use case Step 5: Assessing competencies 31 Figure 12 Competency information record 1 . 32 Figure 13 Competency information record 2 . 33 Figure 14 Competency inform
19、ation record 3 . 34 Figure 15 Initial set of classes in the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model based on JTC1 SC36 definition of competency . 36 ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved vFigure 16 First revision of classes and properties in developing the ITLET Conceptual Reference Mod
20、el for Competency Information and Related Objects based on use case analyses .38 Figure 17 Second revision to include new classes and properties in developing the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects based on use case analyses .39 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Pre
21、sence of CRM classes within various implementations, specifications, and standards19 Table 2 Use cases submitted by National Bodies 40 ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) vi ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechn
22、ical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical act
23、ivity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical comm
24、ittee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated
25、to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. In exceptional circumstances, when the joint technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as an Intern
26、ational Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may propose the publication of a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely informative in nature and shall be subject to review every five years in the same manner as an International Standard. Attention is drawn to the possibility that s
27、ome of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC TR 24763 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 36, Information technol
28、ogy for learning, education and training. ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved vii0 Introduction 0.1 General There are currently several existing and implemented models providing competency information related to learner knowledge, skills, capabilities, qualifications, performan
29、ce, learning objectives, and other related objects. Some of these models do not interoperate because of lack of clarity or consistency of the semantics. The primary purpose of this Technical Report is to provide an information technology for learning, education and training (ITLET) Conceptual Refere
30、nce Model (CRM) that will support consistency and enhance understanding and interoperability of various existing competency information models across learning, education and training (LET) communities. This Technical Report provides both the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model and a process that may be
31、 used to compare and enable exchange of data between heterogeneous information models across LET communities. The ITLET Conceptual Reference Model is a common reference point against which divergent and incompatible sources of information can be compared and, ultimately, harmonized. It may also be u
32、sed as a basis for the assembly of new models and related standardization work. The standardization concept is that the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model can be used as a “fundamental level” of modelling to complement the currently accepted levels of 1) semantic model or meta-model, 2) information mo
33、del, 3) data model. It defines a framework for building potential information models related to competencies as represented in LET information technology systems by providing classes and properties that are common across multiple use cases and mappings of existing metadata onto these classes. These
34、classes and properties provide reference points for attributes and information structures included in the information models. The information models in turn can be used to develop frameworks that may be used to develop bindings to specific data structures and formats. This Technical Report provides
35、a common model and format to clarify the logic of information types and relationships that are used in LET information technology systems underlying the information systems related to competencies that are used by LET organizations and their respective communities. It is important to note that this
36、Technical Report aims to clarify the logic of information types and relationships that are used in information technology systems by LET organizations and their communities in order to manage, develop, describe, transfer or assess competency information or other related objects. This Technical Repor
37、t is primarily informative in content. Challenges that have been identified include (but are not limited to) the need for competency standards to: accommodate complex competency information structures, provide adequate linkages to competency information that resides within different IT systems, prov
38、ide support for comparisons of competency information, across diverse communities and contexts, and allow for the monitoring and updating of competency information related to individual learners. IT systems managing competency information face many challenges, such as the following. There is no sing
39、le definition of competency that is accepted by all. Instead, there are many definitions, using different structures and vocabularies, describing different levels of competency. It has even been suggested that competency is an unobservable entity, and therefore that it cannot be traced, measured or
40、recorded. ISO/IEC TR 24763:2011(E) viii ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved IT systems may be designed, developed, and implemented with specific labels for competency information in mind, according to the context in which it is used (see Clause 8). IT systems need to provide cost-effective support for
41、the description of competencies at multiple levels of abstraction and in various formats. IT systems may need to comply with international, national and regional legislative requirements. Competency information may be associated with identifiable individuals, and could be used to make decisions rela
42、ted to employment, advancement, admission, accreditation, etc. When competency information is related to an identifiable individual, then privacy protection of this individual is essential. Therefore, competency information standards should protect the privacy and integrity of that information. They
43、 should allow flexible methods for sharing that information under the control of the person or people described by that information. There is also a need to aggregate and normalize information about the competency of multiple individuals to support decision-making by organizations. Therefore, compet
44、ency standards should support the description of competencies at multiple levels of abstraction. Many stakeholders have an interest in competency information, all with different views of the information and different terminologies about competency information. Each different LET institution may be s
45、upported through the use of specific information systems that consist of digital products and services selected to support the institutional mission. The process of the delivery of digital products from point(s) of origin (provider) to destination (stakeholder) to support LET can be described using
46、a Digital Services Supply Chain (DSSC) approach. There currently are several existing and implemented models providing competency information related to learner knowledge, skills, capabilities, qualifications, performance, learning objectives, and other related objects. These models are implemented
47、in various ways, and the relationships inherent within the models may be made explicit by applying a DSSC approach to real-world implementations of competency information models. Thus, a challenge for competency information standards is to provide methods for taking advantage of existing information
48、 about competencies in current and emerging IT systems that are used to manage, develop, describe, transfer or assess competency information or other related objects. 0.2 Areas of applicability This Technical Report applies to activities including: a. Assistance with understanding competency as it i
49、s measured and observed within an IT system and the description and process by which the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model may be used as a common reference point to facilitate the exchange and management of information for IT systems that support the management, development, description, transfer or assessment of competency information or other related objects. b. The use of an ITLET Conceptual Reference Model toolkit that includes: the ITLET Conceptual Reference Model that
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