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ISO TR 8517-1988 Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers glossary《橡胶或塑料涂覆胶辊 术语 两种语言版》.pdf


2、nder technical development requiring wider exposure; - type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example). Technical reports are accepted for publication directly by IS0 Counci

3、l, Technical reports types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to decide if they can be transformed into International Standards. Technical reports type 3 do not necessarily have to be reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful. I

4、SO/TR 8517 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOITC 45, Rubber and rubber products. It was decided to publish this document in the form of a technical report type 3 because the information it contains is related to the “state of the art” in the industry rather than pro- viding a definitive vocabul

5、ary as in the case of IS0 1382. LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (cornit - type 2: lorsque le sujet en question est encore en tours de d6veloppement technique et requiert une plus grande expkrience; - type 3: lorsq

6、uun cornit technique a reuni des donn6es de nature difft%ente de celles qui sont normalement publi6es comme Normes intemationales (ceci pouvant comprendre des informations sur IBtat de la technique, par exemple). La publication des rapports techniques depend directement de Iacceptation du Conseil de

7、 IISO. Les rapports techniques des types 1 et 2font Iobjet dun nouvel examen troisansau plus tard apt nor does it include mechanical engineering terms such as axis, web, etc. NOTES 1 When a term has one or more synonyms, the synonymous terms follow the preferred term. 2 For the purposes of the defin

8、itions in this Technical Report, “roller” is treated as a synonym for “rubber- or plastics-covered roller”. Therefore care should be taken to ensure that the word is not used out of context, because it does have other meanings. 3 For the purposes of the definitions in this Technical Report, “rubber”

9、 as defined in IS0 1332 is treated as a synonym for “soft rubber” or “hard rubber” or “ebonite”. The term “rubber” can be replaced by “plastics” as defined in IS0 472 or “elastomer” without change in meaning, It will be understood that the properties of a roller cover vary depending on its compositi

10、on and surface finish, and therefore it should not be assumed that rubbers, ebonite and plastics are interchangeable. 2 References IS0 472, Plastics - Vocabulary IS0 1382, Rubber - Vocabulary IS0 1925, Balancing - Vocabulary. IS0 4287-1, Surface roughness - Terminology - Part 1: Sur- face and its pa

11、rameters. IS0 6123-2, Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Specifi- cations - Part 2: Cfassrfication of surface characteristics. 3 General term rubber-covered roller: Cylindrical core, usually of metal, upon which a cover of rubber is bonded. NOTE - The purpose of the cover may be to facilitate the

12、removal of liquid from material being processed, to facilitate the coating and im- pregnation of surfaces, to provide protection for the core and the material being conveyed, to impart high-friction characteristics to the roller, etc. 4 Construction terms 4.1 roller: A body of circular cross-section

13、 designed to revolve about a fixed axis. 1 Objet et domaine dapplication Le present Rapport technique contient des definitions de ter- mes couramment utilises dans Iindustrie de revetement des cylindres (rouleaux). II ne comprend pas les termes generaux de Iindustrie du caoutchouc, par exemple vulca

14、nisation, durete Shore, etc., pour lesquels il faut se reporter a IISO 1392; il ne comprend pas non plus les termes de Iingenierie mecanique, tels que axe, etc. NOTES 1 Lorsquun terme a un ou plusieurs synonymes, les synonymes sui- vent le terme preferentiel. 2 Dans le cadre des dbfinitions du prese

15、nt Rapport technique, le terme ( cylindre (rouleau) 1) est pris comme synonyme de ( cylindre (rouleauj rev body; stock : A rigid cylinder (with journals - see 4.5) to which a rubber cover is applied. 4.2 corps; manche: Cylindre (rouleau) rigide (avec tourillons) sur lequel est applique un revi+temen

16、t de caout- chouc. 4.3 shell : A rigid hollow cylinder without journals to which a 4.3 douille: Cylindre (rouleauj creux rigide sans tourillons rubber cover is applied. sur lequel est applique un revetement de caoutchouc. 4.4 cover; covering: A layer of rubber bonded to the sur- face of the core, pr

17、oviding the working face of the roller and protecting the core if necessary. 4.4 enveloppe; revbtement : Couche de caoutchouc collee sur la surface de IGme, constituant la surface dapplication du cylindre (rouleau) et protegeant Idme si necessaire. 4.5 journal : The end shaft on which a roller rotat

18、es. 4.5 tourillon : Manche dextremite sur lequel tourne un cylin- dre (rouleau). 4.6 flinger: A disc positioned on the journal. 4.6 lanceur : Disque position dummy end; dummy head: A tem- porary journal assembly necessary for the operation of roller covering. 4.7 faux mandrin; fausse extremite; faus

19、se t for instance. 5.6 charge de contact: Force totale supportee par la sur- face du cylindre (rouleau) divisbe par la longueur de contact. NOTE - La charge de contact est exprimbe, par exemple, en newtons par millim camber: Convex or concave curvature or taper along the length of a roller face line

20、, It is expressed as the dif- ference between the dlameter at the centre of a roller cover and the diameter at reference points near the ends. 6.6 bombage; cambrure : Courbure convexe ou concave ou c8ne le long dune ligne de surface. Elle est exprimee comme inverse camber: Concave curvature or taper

21、 along the length of a roller face line. 6.6.1 bombage inverse; cambrure inversee: Courbure con- cave ou conique le long dune ligne de surface du cylindre (rou- leau). 6.6,2 taper crown; taper camber: A type of crown in which the diameter changes linearly from the centre to each end. 6.6.2 bombage c

22、onique; cambrure conique : Type de bom- bage oh le diametre change lineairement entre le centre et cha- que extrt5mit4. 4 ISO/TR 8517 : 1988 (E/F) 6.6.3 barrel crown; barrel camber: A type of crown in which the diameter decreases non-linearly from the centre to each end. NOTE - Barrel crown or barre

23、l camber is expressed as the difference between the diameter at the centre of a roller cover and the diameter at reference points along the face. 6.6.4 measured crown face: The length of cover over which the crown extends, excluding the length of any edge relief at each end of the roller. 6.6.6 comp

24、ound crown: A crown profile formed by the superposition of one or more crowns on a primary crown. NOTE - A compound crown is used if the cylindrical surfaces do not deflect as a uniformly loaded beam. This condition can be caused by flattening of the cylindrical surface, expansion of the surface due

25、 to internal pressure and/or distortion of the surface by heat. 6.6.6 primary crown : The first crown applied on a roller that is going to receive a compound crown. NOTE - The primary crown shape is an approximation of the deflec- tion of a uniformly loaded beam (see also 6.6.3). 6.6.7 secondary cro

26、wn: A crown superimposed on a primary crown to alter the shape of the crown on each side of the centre line of the primary crown. 6.6.6 tertiary crown: A crown superimposed on a second- ary crown to alter further the crown shape at each end of the roller face. 6.6.9 blend point: The point of interse

27、ction or tangential contact between a primary and secondary crown or a second- ary and tertiary crown. 6.7 edge finish; end relief: The relief of the cover at the end of the face length of the roller. NOTES 1 Reduction of diameter at the edge of the cover is intended to relieve internal tensions due

28、 to excessive end pressure. 2 In the case of uncovered ends, the edge of the cover may be square, rounded (radiused), bevelled (chamfered), dubbed, etc. (see the figure). 6.7.1 square: !30 angling of the edge of a roller cover. 6.7.2 round; radiused: Rounding of the edge of a roller cover. 6.7.3 bev

29、el; chamfer: The angling of the edge of a roller cover. 6.6.3 bombage en tonneau; cambrure en tonneau : Type de bombage oh le diam relief dextremite : Relief du revetement B Iextr6mitk de la longueur de surface du cylindre (rouleau). NOTES 1 La reduction du diametre au niveau de larete du revbtement

30、 est prevue pour relacher les tensions internes dues a une pression exces- sive sur les extremites. 2 Dans le cas dextremites non revetues, larete du revstement peut i%e carree, ronde (arrondie), biseautee (chanfreinee), enfoncee, etc. (voir la figure). 6.7.1 cart% : Angulation B W de Iar arrondi :

31、Arrondissage de Iarete du revgtement dun cylindre (rouleau). 6.7.3 biseau; chanfrein : Angulation de Iarete dun revgte- ment de cylindre (rouleau). 5 ISO/TR 9517 : 1999 (E/F) 6.7.4 angle of bevel: The included angle between the bevelled face and a continuation of the roller surface. 6.7.4 angle de b

32、iseau : Angle compris entre la face biseautQ et le prolongement de la surface du cylindre (rouleau). 6.7.5 dubbing : A reduction of the diameter of the edge of a roller cover. 6.7.6 enfoncement: Reduction du diametre de Iari3e dun rev6tement de cylindre (rouleau). NOTE - Dubbing can take the form of

33、 tapering or step-down (see 6.7.6 and 6.7.7). NOTE - Lenfoncement peut Qtre rsaliss sous la forme dun amincisse- ment conique ou en escalier. 6.7.6 taper: Dubbing in the form of a linear reduction in the roller cover thickness at the end. 6.7.6 cane: Enfoncement realisr3 par reduction lineaire de le

34、paisseur du revdtement du cylindre (rouleau) aux extremites. 6.7.7 step-down: Dubbing in the form of a stepwise re- duction in the roller cover thickness at the end. 6.7.7 reduction en escalier : Enfoncement realis. par reduc- tion par paliers de lepaisseur du rev6tement du cylindre (rou- IeauI aux

35、extremit&. 7 Terms concerning the surface characteristics of plane rollers 7 Termes des caractbristiques de surface des cylindres (rouleaux) plans 7.1 surface quality: A description of the degree to which a roller cover is free of surface imperfections. 7.1 qualite de surface : Description du degre

36、auquel un rev&r- ment de cylindre (rouleau) est exempt dimperfections de surface. NOTE - A standard classification of surface quality based on the number and size of the imperfections is described in IS0 6123-2. NOTE - LISO 6123-2 presents une classification type de Is qualite de sur- face fond&s su

37、r le nombre et la taille des imperfections. 7.2 surface finish: A description of the surface treatment or 7.2 roughness of a roller. fini de surface: Description du traitement de surface ou de la rugosite dun cylindre (rouleau). NOTE - A standard classification of surface finishes is described in IS

38、0 6123-2. NOTE - LISO 6123-2 presente une classification type du fini de surface. 7.3 pollshed finish : A surface finish free of visible grind marks and scratches (see IS0 6123-21. 7.3 fini poli: Fini de surface exempt de marques visibles de meulage et dbraflures (voir IS0 6123-2). NOTE - The surfac

39、e becomes smoother the harder the cover is, and with soft rubber it is velvet-like. NOTE - Plus le revatemsnt est dur, plus la surface sst lisse, et pour le cscutchouc souple, elle est velcut&. 7.4 fine grinding finish: A surface finish with no more than slight grind and feed marks visible to the na

40、ked eye (see IS0 6123-2). 7.4 fini meule fin: Fini de surface avec seulement de leg&es marques de meulage et davance visibles a lceil nu (voir IS0 6123-2). 7.6 standard grinding finish : A surface finish with grind and feed marks visible to the naked eye (see IS0 6123-2). 7.6 fini meule standard: Fi

41、ni de surface avec marques de meulage et davance visibles B Iceil nu (voir IS0 6123-2). NOTE - This term is approximately the Same as “smooth ground finish”, an expression ussd In the UK and seme other countries. NOTE - Ce terrne reccuvre pmtiquement Is rn&ns concept que ctfini rneul4 lisses, terme

42、utild au Royaume-Uni et dans dautres pays. 7.6 turned finish: A surface finish as produced by a turning tool or by a wheel, without further treatment and having groove marks visible to the naked eye (sea IS0 6123-2). 7.6 fini tourne: Fini de surface obtenu avec un tour ou une meule, sans traitement

43、et avec des marques de stries visibles a Iceil nu (voir IS0 6123-2). NOTE - This term is approximately the Same as “wheel or belt finish” (USA) and “rough ground finish” (UK). NOTE - Ce tenne reccuvre prstiquement le m&me concept que ctfini a la meule cu b Is bar-de) (USA) etctfini de rneulage rugus

44、uxx (RoysumeUni). 7,7 unground finish: A surface finish as produced by vulcanization and without any additional treatment (see IS0 6123-2). 7.7 fini brut: Fini de surface obtenu par vulcanisation et sans traitement additionnel (voir IS0 6123-2). NOTE - This term includes a cloth-marked finish. NOTE - Ce fini comprend une impression toile. 6

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