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ISO TS 16058-2004 Health informatics - Interoperability of telelearning systems《医疗信息学 远程学习系统的交替使用性》.pdf

1、 Reference number ISO/TS 16058:2004(E) ISO 2004TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 16058 First edition 2004-07-01 Health informatics Interoperability of telelearning systems Informatique de sant Interoprabilit des systmes de tlapprentissage ISO/TS 16058:2004(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain em

2、bedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility o

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4、s were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2004 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise sp

5、ecified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office

6、 Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2004 All rights reservedISO TS 16058:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword. vi Introduction . vii 0.1 General vii 0.2 Learn

7、ing definition . vii 0.3 Telelearning definition . vii 0.4 Telelearning technology . viii 0.5 Telelearning workflow. viii 0.5.1 Course and session preparation. x 0.6 Telelearning use cases for the conduct session activity xii 0.6.1 Telelearning instructor system use case xii 0.6.2 Telelearning learn

8、er system use case xv 0.7 Reference architecture xvi 0.7.1 General. xvi 0.7.2 Operational architecture view . xvii 0.7.3 Systems architecture view. xvii 0.7.4 Technical architecture view. xvii 0.7.5 Telelhealth reference architecture . xviii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references. 2 3 Terms and definition

9、s 3 4 Abbreviations . 5 5 Telelearning instructor system . 6 5.1 System context. 6 5.2 Communications controller . 8 5.2.1 Network controller 8 5.2.2 Audio/video CODEC . 9 5.2.3 Video switcher 9 5.2.4 Audio mixer/amplifier. 10 5.2.5 Scan converter 10 5.3 Telelearning software application. 10 5.3.1 G

10、eneral 10 5.3.2 Requirements and recommendations of WAN connection/disconnection software 11 5.3.3 WAN bandwidth control software . 11 5.3.4 Content delivery software 12 5.3.5 System technical support software 14 5.3.6 Software application user interface 14 5.4 Input devices 15 5.4.1 Text entry devi

11、ce 15 5.4.2 Remote control device . 15 5.4.3 Microphone. 15 5.4.4 Video camera 15 5.4.5 Document camera 16 ISO TS 16058:2004(E) iv ISO 2004 All rights reserved5.4.6 Video cassette player. 16 5.4.7 35mm slide projector 17 5.5 Output devices 17 5.5.1 General 17 5.5.2 Speaker . 17 5.5.3 VCR 17 5.5.4 Te

12、levision/video monitor . 18 5.5.5 Computer display . 18 6 Telelearning learner system 19 6.1 System context. 19 6.2 Communication controller . 20 6.2.1 Network controller 20 6.2.2 Audio/video CODEC . 21 6.2.3 Video switcher 21 6.2.4 Audio mixer/amplifier. 21 6.3 Telelearning software application. 22

13、 6.3.1 General 22 6.3.2 WAN connection/disconnection software 22 6.3.3 WAN bandwidth control software . 22 6.3.4 Content delivery software 22 6.3.5 Session technical support software . 22 6.3.6 Software application user interface 22 6.4 Input devices. 23 6.4.1 General 23 6.4.2 Text entry device 23 6

14、.4.3 Remote control device . 23 6.4.4 Microphone . 23 6.4.5 Video camera 23 6.5 Output devices 23 6.5.1 General 23 6.5.2 Speaker . 23 6.5.3 Video cassette recorder. 23 6.5.4 Television/video monitor . 23 6.5.5 Computer display . 23 7 Telelearning system interoperability 24 7.1 Overview . 24 7.2 Exte

15、rnal interfaces . 24 7.2.1 Telecommunications network access. 24 7.2.2 Interaction diagrams 26 7.2.3 Cabling and connecting. 28 7.2.4 Circuit-switched network interface . 29 7.2.5 Packet-switched network interfaces . 31 7.2.6 Data transport protocols in multimedia conferencing. 33 7.3 Internal inter

16、faces. 33 7.3.1 Cabling and connecting. 33 7.3.2 Text entry device interface 34 7.3.3 Remote control device interface . 34 7.3.4 Microphone interface . 34 7.3.5 Audio line input interface. 34 7.3.6 Video camera interface 34 7.3.7 Video cassette player interface . 35 7.3.8 Video cassette recorder int

17、erface . 35 ISO TS 16058:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved v7.3.9 35mm slide project interface . 35 7.3.10 Computer display input interface 36 7.3.11 Speaker interface 36 7.3.12 Audio line output interface 36 7.3.13 Television/video monitor interface 36 7.3.14 Computer display output interface .

18、36 ISO TS 16058:2004(E) vi ISO 2004 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees.

19、 Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Interna

20、tional Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Stan

21、dards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such document

22、s, a technical committee may decide to publish other types of normative document: an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in an ISO working group and is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members of the pare

23、nt committee casting a vote; an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical committee and is accepted for publication if it is approved by 2/3 of the members of the committee casting a vote. An ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is reviewed after three years in ord

24、er to decide whether it will be confirmed for a further three years, revised to become an International Standard, or withdrawn. If the ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is confirmed, it is reviewed again after a further three years, at which time it must either be transformed into an International Standard or be wi

25、thdrawn. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/TS 16058 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health informatics. ISO TS 1605

26、8:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved viiIntroduction 0.1 General The field of telehealth encompasses a broad delivery of health related services using telecommunication technologies at a distance. One of the areas included in the field of telehealth is “telelearning” which deals with the remote de

27、livery of health related educational content. This Technical Specification for Interoperability of Telelearning Systems has been developed on the basis of the needs of healthcare instructors and learners to deliver health related distance learning. Its main purpose is to ensure that technologies dep

28、loyed for healthcare telelearning can appropriately support and deliver distance learning as well as interoperate with disparate telelearning systems that comply with this specification. Throughout this document, specific words are used to indicate whether an item is mandatory, recommended or option

29、al. The usage of those words follows the guidelines in Annex G of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. 0.2 Learning definition Learning, in the context of healthcare, is focused on providing opportunities for continued learning in the area of h

30、ealth provider education and patient education. Types of learning situations include: professional development which covers upgrading and improving professional skills and knowledge, medical education for physicians and other health care providers, patient education to enhance clients abilities to m

31、anage disease, e.g. cardiac disease, osteoporosis, academic clinical conferencing where expert content is broadcast to receiving sites for purposes such as teaching rounds for residents and continuing medical education, case conferencing and grand rounds which are clinical department focused and con

32、tent is delivered by departmental and visiting speakers, multidisciplinary, patient or problem based teaching with a multidisciplinary team providing specialist advice on pertinent clinical problems or issues, and other clinical, technical, educational and administrative teaching such as training fo

33、r support aids, back clinics, diabetes clinics, general orientation, administrative meetings, discharge planning, just in time training, and computer training for regional employees. 0.3 Telelearning definition Telelearning describes a learning situation where the instructor and learners are separat

34、ed by a geographical distance. Telelearning can be defined as follows: “Telelearning is making connections among persons and resources through communications technology for learning-related purposes” (Collis, B. (1996): Tele-learning in a digital world, the future of distance learning.) The generall

35、y accepted definition of telelearning also covers situations where instructor and learner interactions are separated by both distance and time. For the purposes of this specification, telelearning describes “real-time” learning situations in which interaction between the instructor and learners occu

36、rs without substantial time delays. ISO TS 16058:2004(E) viii ISO 2004 All rights reserved0.4 Telelearning technology Telelearni ng Instructor Sy st em Telelearni ng Learner Sy st em Telelearning Learner Sy st em Telelearni ng Learner Sy st em Wi d e Ar e a Network (W A N) Figure 1. Typical telelear

37、ning system Figure 1 shows the main subsystems of a typical telelearning system. An instructor uses a telelearning instructor system to give presentation to learners at remote learning sites. The instructor and learner systems interface with a wide area network (WAN) to exchange information. The WAN

38、 can be a circuit-switched network, a packet-switched network or a combination of both. It must provide sufficient bandwidth and the necessary inter-networking services. Telelearning systems make use of two modes of communications: real-time interactive mode typically implemented via videoconferenci

39、ng technologies; and store-and-forward mode typically implemented by electronic mail, file transfer or multimedia messaging systems. The primary component of telelearning uses real-time communications to transmit digitized visual, audio, textual and clinical information between the sending site and

40、one or more receiving sites. Typically, this is accomplished through the use of “real-time” videoconferencing and document sharing technologies. A secondary aspect of telelearning includes the use of store-and-forward communications for offline activities such as planning, scheduling, preparing, arc

41、hiving and evaluating telelearning sessions. The use of store-and-forward communications to deliver telelearning content is not addressed in this specification, which focuses on delivering real-time interactive learning sessions. 0.5 Telelearning workflow A typical telelearning workflow is shown in

42、Figure 2. ISO TS 16058:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved ixIdentify Educ atio nal Needs/T opics Find/Co nfirm Appro priat e Instructors Confirm Date Book Bridge Publicize Session Book Learner Sites on Bridge Previ ew Instructor Slides Distribute Lear ning Materials Sites Confirme d Instructor Arr

43、ival at Instructor Site Conn ect Instructor Periph erals Bridg e Conn ectio n Determine Instructor Needs Lear ner Si te Conn ectio n Instructor Site Cameras Pre-set Lear ner Si tes Cameras Pres et Micropho nes Muted Session Procee ds Session Evaluation Session Ends Bridge Conn ectio n Terminated Fig

44、ure 2. Telelearning workflow From the workflow, top-level use cases are identified to illustrate the context in which a telelearning system is used. Figure 3 is the top-level use case diagram. ISO TS 16058:2004(E) x ISO 2004 All rights reservedInstructor Conduct Session Evaluate Questionnaires Cours

45、e Manager Learner Course Preparation Instructor site technician Learner site technician Complete Questionnaire Session PreparationFigure 3. Telelearning top-level use case diagram 0.5.1 Course and session preparation Telelearning workflow begins with course and session preparation. Course preparatio

46、n is typically a one time activity that is independent of the time or place where the course is presented. Session preparation occurs each time the course or a portion of the course is delivered. The Conduct Session activity is divided into additional use cases representing the instructor and learne

47、r sites that are described in the next section. A telelearning system is utilized as part of the Conduct Session activity. The actors within the overall learning context are: course manager, instructor, learner, instructor site technician, and learner site technician. Course preparation i. the educa

48、tional needs of learners (e.g. staff and patients) are identified and topics for educational sessions are chosen, ISO TS 16058:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved xiii. appropriate instructors are found, their level of interest, qualifications and capabilities are determined and their availability

49、is confirmed, iii. the presentation needs of the instructor are determined and support is given for preparation of material, and iv. it is important that any slides that the instructor will be using are previewed for their suitability for telelearning and changes are made to ensure readability. Session preparation a) the date for the session is confirmed and the videoconference bridge (if required), telelearning room and system support technician are booked, NOTE Ideally this occurs 3 to 10 weeks bef

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