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1、 第 1页,共 3页 电子科技大学 2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目: 357 英语翻译基础 注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。 Part One: Vocabulary (1 30=30 points) Section A English to Chinese Translate the following English terms into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer sheet. 1. FTZ (Free Trade Zone) 2. ADIZ (Air Defense Identifica

2、tion Zone) 3. cost principle 4. third-party custodians 5. foreign exchange reserve 6. blind date 7. departure gate 8. Independence Day 9. player of the year 10. storm in a tea cup 11. smart phone 12. federal shutdown 13. World Heritage List 14. simultaneous interpreting 15. cultural turn Section B C

3、hinese to English Translate the following Chinese terms into English. Write your translation on Answer sheet. 1. 信息共享平台 2. 核心竞争力 3. 春运 4. 过境免签 5. 人才流失 6. 合同违约 7. 退休金双轨制 8. 素质教育 第 2页,共 3页 9. 自主创业 10. 申报个人财产 11. 对口支援 12. 宜居城市 13. 律诗 14. 计算机辅助翻译 15. 音译 Part Two Text (2 60=120 points) Section A English

4、to Chinese Translate the following English text into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer sheet. What is Poetry? Every truth which a human being can enunciate, every thought, even every outward impression, which can enter into his consciousness, may become poetry, when shown through any impassi

5、oned medium; when invested with the coloring of joy, or grief, or pity, or affection, or admiration, or reverence, or awe, or even hatred or terror; and, unless so colored, nothing, be it as interesting as it may, is poetry. Eloquence, as well as poetry, is impassioned truth; eloquence, as well as p

6、oetry, is thoughts colored by the feelings. A question will sometimes arise, whether some particular author is a poet; and those who maintain the negative commonly allow that, though not a poet, he is a highly eloquent writer. Poetry and eloquence are both alike the expression or utterance of feelin

7、g; but, if we may be excused the antithesis, we should say that eloquence is heard; poetry is overheard. Eloquence supposes an audience. The peculiarity of poetry appears to us to lie in the poet s utter unconsciousness of a listener. Poetry is feeling confessing itself to itself in moments of solit

8、ude, and embodying itself in symbols which are the nearest possible representations of the feeling in the exact shape in which it exists in the poets mind. Eloquence is feeling pouring itself out to other minds, courting their sympathy, or endeavoring to influence their belief, or move them to passi

9、on or to action. Poetry is the natural fruit of solitude and meditation; eloquence, of intercourse with the world. The persons who have most feeling of their own, if intellectual culture has given them a language in which to express it, have the highest faculty of poetry: those who best understand t

10、he feelings of others are the most eloquent. The persons and the nations who commonly excel in poetry are those whose character and tastes render them least dependent upon the applause or sympathy or concurrence of the world in general. Those to whom that applause, that sympathy, that concurrence, a

11、re most necessary, generally excel most in eloquence. 第 3页,共 3页 Section B Chinese to English Translate the following Chinese text into English. Write your translation on Answer sheet. 选自浮生六记 沈复 著 余性爽直,落拓不羁,芸若腐儒,迂拘多礼,偶为披衣整 袖 , 必连声道“得罪” , 或递巾 授扇 , 必起身来接。 余 始厌之 , 曰:“卿欲以 礼 缚我耶?语曰 , 礼多 必诈。” 芸 两颊发赤 , 曰:“恭

12、而有 礼, 何反言诈?” 余 曰:“恭敬在 心,不 在虚文。” 芸 曰:“至亲莫如父母 , 可内 敬在 心 而外肆狂放耶?” 余 曰:“前言戏之耳。” 芸 曰:“世间反目 多 由戏起 , 后勿冤妾 , 令 人 郁死!” 余 乃挽之入怀 , 抚慰之始解颜 为 笑。 邻仅老夫妇二 人, 灌园 为业, 知 余 夫妇避暑 于此 , 先 来 通殷勤 , 并钓池鱼 , 摘 园 蔬 为 馈 。 偿其价 ,不 受 ,芸 作鞋 报 之 , 始 谢 而 受 。 时方七月 , 绿树阴浓 , 水面风 来 , 蝉鸣聒 耳。邻老 又 为制 鱼竿 , 与 芸 垂钓于柳阴深处 。 日 落 时 , 登土山 , 观晚霞夕照 , 随意联吟 , 有“ 兽云吞 落 日 , 弓月弹 流 星 ”之 句 。

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