1、EUROI?EAN CO!l4IiTEE FOR ELECTRCTEC.E!:NICAL STANDARDIZATION TEST 01 THE INSULATION OF BARS AND COILS OF HIGFI VOLTAGE KACL-IINEC This Harmonization Document yas adopted by CENELEC 1976-03-305 . The National Electrotechnical Committees, meabers of CEP,%LEC, in A : Austria B : Belgium CH : Switzerlan
2、d D : Gerinany DK : Denmark F : France I : Italy RL : Ireland N : Norway NL : Netherlands P* : Portugal S : Sweden SF : Finland UK : United Kiigdom -7 Reference of the I I relevant National Harmonized Standards . overleaf are obliged, in accordance with the CENSLEC Internal Regulations, to inplement
3、 this Harmonization Document in their respective country by - Issuing harmonized national ctandard(s) and/or . - Vithdrawiiig con flic ting national standard( s) Latest date of implementation : 1977-01-01 ; Por UK : ?80-01-01 A 3 Clf D DK F 3: IRL M NL P S SF 3L104583 0004707 I : NOS : liddendurn .I
4、 (1977) to MBNC 5l-lOl : SP : SP (DIN 57.530 Toil lb/VDE 0530 Teil 1b/,-*77) : NOS : NF C 5I-IqI (7975) (Annex VI) : SP : NOS : NOS : Aanv MEN 3173 (1977) 1 : NOS . : SP (SEN 26 01 65) : NOS . . NCS No national standard corecponding to the Harmonization SP Standard in preparation l?R Standard under
5、revision Document m 3409583 0009908 3 m “ HAX MON I ZRT ION DOCUME NT , IID 345 Date of approval 1976-03-30 UDC - 621.315j.61 : 621.315.045 : 621,3.026,447 : 62103.0275/6 : 620.1 Keys Words - High voltage inachinc - Tests of insulation - Bars and coils of high yolhage machines - Insulation of bars a
7、 document was prepared by the CENELEC Technical Committee 2, the final draft of which bore the reference CElfELEC 2(Se)37. C E N.E L E C _-_- _-_-_-_-_- EUROPXAM COFNITTEE FOE ELECTROTECIINICAL STANDARDIZATION COXITE EUROPEEM DE NORMALISATION ELECTROTECBNIQUE EUROPx ISCHE S KOMI TEE FR E III?, ICTR
8、OTE CR NI SCB NOR KU NG GEIfJCRAI, SECRETARIAT : 5, Boulevard de 1 Einpcrcur , bol tc no 1 II 1 O00 Bl?USSE;S 3404583 0004909 5 K13 345 - Page 2 mym : This docuneit o wich results fmm a,greemnt reached in the discussions of CEIJELEC technical Condtteo Ho 2 applies irninediate2y to inslation system e
9、mploying synthetic resin bonils provisions shown below shall. become applicable after u delay not exceeding ftvo years, This delay only applies to the IJn.i.l-ed Kingdome For systems with ilon-synthetic bonus the This specification applies to mtating eleckrlsal mchines with rated voltages (Un) fmm 5
10、 kV to 24 kV incluaiw and with rated output from 5 ?WL u-pards or generators and from 5 l2? upwards ?or motors, Requ.ireaents for machines with mced votage above 24. kV should remin the subjec of individual agreement. Thfs specification is also applicable to machines with rated outputs betweex I PIV
11、 (1 14W) aiid 5 PIVA (5 W) and with rated voltages o 5 kV and aboveo pmvidcd its use has been agsceed belarehand, In the caso of machines v:hose windings are cued In the stator, tests on the separate winding eleacnts are not possib1.e for these machines the requirements h Parl; B apply. The test o t
12、he conductor lamination 5mxLlation must. however bo carried out in accordance with chme 2.3 of Part Be -.I- PART A. TESTS ON CIXETCWP of the dielectric loss angle before and al: ter hnatiu In the rmtino test, the unifomity of rmnufacture is jugod by 3q04583 00047IO I ilIl 315 - Page 3 i 2.1 includin
13、g any spare bars or coils, as shom in Table 1 o The mutine tost; shall. be cam5.ed out on the iunbzr of barsor coal sides, ThBLE 1 10 c: 13 of bars or coil sides with a rnjniirii of 20 I I- ., all bars or coil sides r- .-_P-.e at leas3 60 bars or 60 coil sldes and, in addition, 10 $ of all bars or C
14、OKL sicks six aiid more 2.2, The loss tangent shall. be measured on the samples at mom teapentme in reiation to voltage over the range of 0.2 Un to i .O Un at intervals of 0.2 Un. I -z- r: CI d 1 C!e of tari delta against the ratio U/Un (exmiple of a series of rceasurements) The measurements shall b
15、e carried out by mtrans of a Sch.ering Bridge or SI equivalent iype of bridger usiw u guard ring arrangement, The length of t3.e teat foil slall be about equd to tlie aiaL length o the stator core, The guard ring arszngement slxll. lie oui-side tlis zone, IID 345 - Page 4 For rated voltsges above 11
16、 1cV Yne valut: should be fixed by special agreemeill:. lA13332 2 Highest poraissib1.e values of loss tangent. (raked voltage not exceeding 11 kV) ta tan elta per st:q of If more thm 5 $ of t?e samples show test rosdts in the ranges betxeen colu:ns 2 aid 3 or between colunas 4 and j of Table 2, OT i
17、n n different mxge of agreed vz1.uec the testing shall be continued IJich an equal nmber of further samples, k necesscyr up to the total unaber of burs or coil aides, If duri these tests the vahes of Table 2 or the agreed values are not exceecied, the Lest of insulation s1:alZ be regarded as satisfa
18、ctoscy, 203 Tne coaduztor haination bsulati,on of al1 bass of the machine shall be tees-kd using a,c, 110 vol.ts, 50 Ha before applying the high volhge insukition. Intei*laziix-: shorbcircuits nust be elbinated. 3.1 e LgJLe Tie loss tangent shall bo measured as a function of the voltage (voltage mng
19、e 02 un to I .O Un, at steps of 02 un) at mom teaipel-ature before tm after heating to at least 96.C. The test s.mples inay be fitted into o. iaodel of the slot, The tempe:czclrre of the insulation, vhich in the Yate of 1 kV/s 53 possible up to bredcd-own. The breakdoxn voltage of the insilllabion s
20、ltz21 be 8cre tivm double the test voltage. The slot insulation shall be tested for I min with the test voltzgi: pm3sc;rj.- CIriirse 17) e 3.5*2 Vhen the slet postions and th en6 wiuldings are in,sulal;ed the iiisulation of both end whv af1:er this test, the voltage shall be increased at the rate of
21、 I kV/s up to breakdown. The breakdown voltage slmJ.3. be recordeiir d.iffe-r.ent mys, If the random smple teat in accordance with Clauses 32 to 3*5 on one of the satqe is not .ccessfi., the umticcessful pari of the teat shall. be rzpeaked on G fur th bars or 3 uMier coils, The 1m1d.oui simple test
22、shcilL be concrtjdeied sa.M.s-lactaxy if the part of the test repeated on the number of saupies nentioncd .ured at the sme t5ne and i?nd.er 1:h.e same con.ditioiic as the i-est of the winding and accomxodated ja a slot noddl ; these slm.7.21 be subinitted to tests in accordmce with C3.axw 3 of Part A. 1gsee;Uen-t slioul be reached on pcniissibie limiting values
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