1、%II 3404583 O006545 3 - ISSUE OF THE COVER SHEET : 2979-10-15 CENELEC EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR ELECTROTECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION CENELEC HARMONIZATION DOCUMENT HD 95.1 IEC 597-1 (1977 - Ist edition). Aerials for the reception of sound and television broad- casting in the frequency range 30 MHz .to 2GHz
2、 Part I Electrical and mechanical characteristics This Harmonization Document was adoptedby CENELEC on 1978-12-07. The National Electrotechnical A. : Austria B : Belgium CH : Switzerland D : Germany DK : Denmark E. : Spain F. .: France IRL : Ireland . L : Luxemburg N .: Noruar Mi : Netherlands P : P
3、ortugal S . : Sweden SF : Finland UK . 2 United Kingdom I : Italy Committees, meubers of CENELEC, in Reference of the National fiarmonized Standards , relevant are obliged, in accordance with the CENELEC Internal Regulakions, to impl.ement this Harmonization Document in their respective country by -
4、 Issuing harmonized national standard(s) and/or - Withdrawing conflicting national standard(s) Latest date of implementation 1980-01-01 Clas. No 90 A: NOS B: NOS CH : D .: DK : E: F: 3: i: TRL : NOS NOS -NOS NOS NR NOS NOS NOS NOS NEN 10 597-1 (1978) NOS NOS NOS NOS SP (BS 5640 Part I) NOS SP Standard in preparation Mi Standard under revision No national standard corresponding to the Harmonization Document