1、 _. *. EUROPEAN CbMMITTEE FOR ELECTROTECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION CENELEC HARMONIZATION DOCUMENT . HD 95.2 IEC 597-2 (1977 - Ist edition) Aerals for the reception of sound and televisionbroad- casting in the frequency range 30MHz to 2GHz Part 2 parameters (HD 95.2 supersedes HD 95 which endorsed IEC 13
2、8 (1962) and IEC 138A (1963) which has been superseded by.IEC 597-2 (1977) Methods of measurement of electrical performance - Phi6 Harmonization Document was adopted by CENELEC on 1978-12-07. The National Electrotechnical Committees, members of CEN+EX, in A* : Austria B i Belgium CH : Switzerland D
3、-: Germany DK : Denmark E. : Spain F : France I t Italy IRL : Ireland L. : Luxemburg N : Norway NL : Netherlands P : Portugal 6 . : Sweden SF : Finland UK .: United Kingdom Reference of the relevant Standards Overleaf Natignal Harmonized are obliged, in accordance with the CENELEC Internal Regulatio
4、ne, country by . . to implement this Harmonization Document in their respective - Issuing harmonized national standard(6) and/or - Wttharawing conflicting national standard(6) . Latest date of implementation 1980-01-01. a 3404583 0006547 7 II 81 340YC83 000bCLiB 9 A: B: CH : D: DK : E: F: 1: IRL Il: N: NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NR NOS NOS NOS NOS P: NOS s: NOS SF : NOS UK : SP (BS 5640 Part 2) NOS SP Standard in preparation NR Standard under revision No national standard corresponding to the .Harmonization Document