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IEEE 8802-11-2012 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific require.pdf

1、 Reference numberISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)IEEE 2012INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC/IEEE8802-11First edition2012-11-01Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN medium access con

2、trol (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications Technologies de linformation Tlcommunications et change dinformation entre systmes Rseaux locaux et mtropolitains Exigences spcifiques Partie 11: Spcifications du contrle daccs du milieu sans fil (MAC) et de la couche physique (PHY) ISO/IEC/IEEE 880

3、2-11:2012(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT IEEE 2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ISO, IEC or I

4、EEE at the respective address below. ISO copyright office IEC Central Office Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Case postale 56 3, rue de Varemb 3 Park Avenue, New York CH-1211 Geneva 20 CH-1211 Geneva 20 NY 10016-5997, USA Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Switzerland E-mail stds.iprieee.

5、org Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web E-mail Web Web Published in Switzerland ii IEEE 2012 All rights reservedISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Elec

6、trotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of techn

7、ical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint techni

8、cal committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus development process, approved by the American Nati

9、onal Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Institute and serve without compensation. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairne

10、ss in the consensus development process, the IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards. The main task of ISO/IEC JTC 1 is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical com

11、mittee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require the use of subject matter covered by patent

12、rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. ISO/IEEE is not responsible for identifying essential patents or patent claims for which a license may be required, for conducting inquiries into the

13、legal validity or scope of patents or patent claims or determining whether any licensing terms or conditions provided in connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance or a Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration Form, if any, or in any licensing agreements are reasonable or non-discriminato

14、ry. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Further information may be obtained from ISO or the IEEE Standards Association. ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11 was prepar

15、ed by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society (as IEEE Std 802.11-2012). It was adopted by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunicationsg257andg257informationg257exchangeg257betweeng257systems, in parallel with its approva

16、l by the ISO/IEC national bodies, under the “fast-track procedure” defined in the Partner Standards Development Organization cooperation agreement between ISO and IEEE. IEEE is responsible for the maintenance of this document with participation and input from ISO/IEC national bodies. This first edit

17、ion of ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11 cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 8802-11:2005, which has been technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendments ISO/IEC 8802-11:2005/Amd.4:2006, ISO/IEC 8802-11:2005/Amd.5:2006 and ISO/IEC 8802-11:2005/Amd.6:2006. ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 consists of the following parts, unde

18、r the general title Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements: Part 11: Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications Part 15-4: Wireless medium access control (MAC)

19、 and physical layer (PHY) specifications for low-rate wireless personal area networks (WPANs) iiiCopyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)iv Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.(blank page) g3g3g3g3Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer

20、(PHY) Specifications g3Sponsored by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee g3IEEE 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5997 USA 29 March 2012 IEEE Computer Society IEEE Std 802.11-22012(Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-2007)g3IEEE Standard for Information technologyTelecommunications and information exchange betwee

21、n systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. vISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)(blank page) vi Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEEE Std 802.11-2012(Revision ofIEEE Std 802.11-2007)IEEE Standard for Info

22、rmation technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networks Specific requirementsPart 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) SpecificationsSponsorLAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer SocietyApproved 6 F

23、ebruary 2012IEEE-SA Standards BoardISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. viiThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright 2012 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights re

24、served. Published 29 March 2012. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of anyindividual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.ISO

25、/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved. ixCopyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.Notice to usersLaws and regulationsUsers of IEEE Standards documents should consult all applicable laws and regulations. Compliance with theprovisions of any IEEE standards document does not

26、 imply compliance to any applicable regulatoryrequirements. Implementers of the standard are responsible for observing or referring to the applicableregulatory requirements. IEEE does not, by the publication of its standards, intend to urge action that is notin compliance with applicable laws, and t

27、hese documents may not be construed as doing so.CopyrightsThis document is copyrighted by the IEEE. It is made available for a wide variety of both public and privateuses. These include both use, by reference, in laws and regulations, and use in private self-regulation,standardization, and the promo

28、tion of engineering practices and methods. By making this documentavailable for use and adoption by public authorities and private users, the IEEE does not waive any rights incopyright to this document.Updating of IEEE documentsUsers of IEEE standards should be aware that these documents may be supe

29、rseded at any time by theissuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time through the issuance of amendments,corrigenda, or errata. An official IEEE document at any point in time consists of the current edition of thedocument together with any amendments, corrigenda, or errata then in ef

30、fect. In order to determine whethera given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance ofamendments, corrigenda, or errata, visit the IEEE-SA website or contact the IEEE at the address listedpreviously. For more information about the IEEE Standards Associatio

31、n or the IEEE standards developmentprocess, visit the IEEE-SA website.ErrataErrata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:/ Users are encouraged to check this URL for errataperiodically.PatentsAttention is ca

32、lled to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mattercovered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken by the IEEE with respect to theexistence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. A patent holder or patent a

33、pplicant hasfiled a statement of assurance via an Accepted Letter of Assurance, then the statement is listed on the IEEE-SA website http:/ Letters of Assurance may indicatewhether the Submitter is willing or unwilling to grant licenses under patent r

34、ights without compensation orunder reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfairdiscrimination to applicants desiring to obtain such licenses. Essential Patent Claims may exist for which a Letter of Assurance has not been received. The IEEE is notres

35、ponsible for identifying Essential Patent Claims for which a license may be required, for conductinginquiries into the legal validity or scope of Patents Claims, or determining whether any licensing terms orconditions provided in connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any, or in any

36、 licensingagreements are reasonable or nondiscriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised thatdetermination of the validity of any patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely theirown responsibility. Further information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards

37、 Association.ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)xCopyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.IntroductionThis introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.11-2012, IEEE Standard for Information technologyTelecommunications and information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networkSpecificrequirem

38、entsPart 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications.This revision gives users, in one document, the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless local area networks(WLANS) with all the amendments that have been published to date. Incorporating published amendmentsThe o

39、riginal standard was published in 1999 and reaffirmed in 2003. A revision was published in 2007,which incorporated into the 1999 edition the following amendments: IEEE Std 802.11a-1999,IEEE Std 802.11b-1999, IEEE Std 802.11b-1999/Corrigendum 1-2001, IEEE Std 802.11d-2001, IEEEStd 802.11g-2003, IEEE

40、Std 802.11h-2003, IEEE Std 802.11i-2004, IEEE Std 802.11j-2004 andIEEE Std 802.11e-2005. The current revision, IEEE Std 802.11-2012, incorporates the following amendments into the 2007 revision: IEEE Std 802.11k-2008: Radio Resource Measurement of Wireless LANs (Amendment 1) IEEE Std 802.11r-2008: F

41、ast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition (Amendment 2) IEEE Std 802.11y-2008: 36503700 MHz Operation in USA (Amendment 3) IEEE Std 802.11w-2009: Protected Management Frames (Amendment 4) IEEE Std 802.11n-2009: Enhancements for Higher Throughput (Amendment 5) IEEE Std 802.11p-2010: Wireless Access in V

42、ehicular Environments (Amendment 6) IEEE Std 802.11z-2010: Extensions to Direct-Link Setup (DLS) (Amendment 7) IEEE Std 802.11v-2011: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network Management (Amendment 8) IEEE Std 802.11u-2011: Interworking with External Networks (Amendment 9) IEEE Std 802.11s-2011: Mesh Networking

43、(Amendment 10)As a result of publishing this revision, all of the previously published amendments and revisions are nowretired. Technical corrections, clarifications, and enhancementsIn addition, this revision specifies technical corrections and clarifications to IEEE Std 802.11 as well asenhancemen

44、ts to the existing medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) functions. Suchenhancements include incorporated interpretation requests.Revised clause and annex numberingIn IEEE Std 802.11-2012, the order of clauses and annexes has also been revised. The result of this revisedorder on the n

45、umbering of clauses and annexes is summarized in Figure A.ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)xiCopyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.Clause 1Clause 2Clause 3Clause 4Clause 5Clause 6Clause 7Clause 8Clause 9Clause 10Clause 11Clause 12Clause 13Clause 14Clause 15Clause 16Clause 17Clause 18Clause 19802.11n:

46、Clause 20Annex AAnnex BAnnex CAnnex DAnnex EAnnex FAnnex GAnnex HAnnex IAnnex JAnnex KAnnex LAnnex MAnnex OAnnex P802.11k: Annex Q802.11n: Annex R802.11n: Annex S802.11n: Annex T802.11z: Annex U802.11v: Annex V802.11v: Annex WClause 1Clause 2Clause 3Clause 4Clause 5Clause 6Clause 7Clause 8Clause 9Cl

47、ause 10Clause 11Clause 12Clause 13Clause 14Clause 15Clause 16Clause 17Clause 18Clause 19Clause 20Annex AAnnex BAnnex CAnnex DAnnex EAnnex FAnnex GAnnex HAnnex IAnnex JAnnex KAnnex LAnnex MAnnex OAnnex PAnnex QAnnex RAnnex SAnnex TAnnex UAnnex VAnnex W3.36.47.4802.11w: Clause 11A801.11u: Clause 11B80

48、2.11s: Clause 11C802.11u: Annex X802.11s: Annex YAnnex NAnnex NUnchangedChangedIEEE Std 802.11-2007 IEEE Std 802.11-2012Amendments Key:NormativeAnnexesInformativeAnnexesNo textFigure AChanges in clause numbers and annex letters from 2007 revision to 2012 revisionISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11:2012(E)xiiCopyri

49、ght 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.Contents1. Overview 11.1 Scope 11.2 Purpose. 11.3 Supplementary information on purpose. 11.4 Word Usage . 22. Normative references. 23. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 53.1 Definitions . 53.2 Definitions specific to IEEE 802.11 243.3 Abbreviations and acronyms .344. General description 444.1 General description of the architecture 444.2 How WLAN systems are different 444.2.1 Introduction 444.2.2 Wireless station (STA). 444.2.3 Media

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