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1、 2017 年湖南省邵阳市中考真题英语 二、 . 知识运用 (两部分,共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分) A)语法填空 从 A、 B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空 . (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分) 21. ( 1 分) This is _ interesting story for the kids. A. an B. a C. / 解析: 考查冠 词。 句意 对于孩子们来说这是一个有趣的故事 . . 这里泛指一个有趣的故事,interesting 是以元音音素 /i/开头的,用 an 修饰 。 答案是 A. 答案: A 22. ( 1 分) Mom, please giv

2、e me two _. I want to make vegetable salad. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos. 解析: 考查可数名词复数,根据题意 请给我两个西红柿 可知是名词复数, tomato 是可数名词,复数形式是 tomatoes,故答案为 B. 答案: B 23. ( 1 分) She is new here. I dont know _name. A. hers B. her C. she 解析: 考查物主代 词。 句意:她是新来的,我不知道她的名字 . 根据题干 She is new here. I dont know _name. 可

3、知空后有名词 name,所以用形容词性物主代词 her,即她是新来的,我不知道她的名字 . 故选 B. 答案: B. 24. ( 1 分) My little brother didnt go to bed until he finished _ his homework last night. A. do B. doing C. to do 解析: 根据空格前面的词语是 finish,意思是 完成 当表达做完某事的时候, finish 后面要跟动名词,结合给出的选项,故选 B. 答案: B. 25. ( 1 分) Mr. Smith said his son was as _as his d

4、aughter. A. hard working B. more hard working C. the most hard working. 解析: 本题考查的是 asas 的用法,意为和 一样,是同级的比较,中间用形容词或副词的原形,所以, B, C 错误,选 A 答案: A 26. ( 1 分) Frank, where is your father? He isnt at home now. He _New York. A. has gone to B. has been to C. goes to 解析: 结合 He isnt at home now. He _New York 可知

5、动作发生在过去,对现在造成一定的影响,故用现在完成时 have/has+过去分词,主语 he,故 has,爸爸不在家,表示去了纽约故用 has gone to, has been to 去过某地,故选 A. 答案: A. 27. ( 1 分) _Lily is only five years old, _she can swim very well. A. Though; but B. Because; so C. Though; / 解析: 根据前文 Lily is only five years old,后文 she can swim very well,前后是一种让步转折关系,结合选项,

6、故用 although 尽管,不能与 but 同时连用,故选 C. 答案: C 28. ( 1 分) _ great basketball player Yao Ming is!I like him very much. A. What B. How C. What a 解析: 考查感叹句 . 句意:姚明是多么伟大的篮球运动员啊!我非常喜欢他 . 感叹句结构:What+a/an+形容词 +可数名词单 数 +主语 +谓语! How+形容词 +主语 +谓语!结合选项 C 符合题意 . What a great basketball player Yao Ming is!姚明是多么伟大的篮球运动员啊

7、!故选 C. 答案: C. 29. ( 1 分) Gina, your new dress looks so nice. _. A. No, no B. Thank you C. Yes 解析: 考查日常交际用 语。 句意:吉娜,你的新衣服看起来很不错 . 谢谢你 . No,no 不,不 . Thank you 谢谢你 . Yes 是的 . 根据题干 Gina, your new dress looks so nice. 吉娜,你的新衣服看起来很不错 . 回答应该表示感谢对方 . 故选 B. 答案: B. 30. ( 1 分) Li Ming, do you know _? Yes. He c

8、omes from Canada. A. Where does our new English teacher come from B. Where our new English teacher comes from C. C. Where did our new English teacher come from 解析: 分析原句,得知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句的语序必须是陈述句语序,即连接代词/副词 +主语 +谓语 +其他成分,故排除 AC,结合下文时态是一般现在时,故选 B. 答案: B 三、 B)完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空 . (共

9、1 小题,每小题 10 分) 31. ( 10 分) Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country,( 31)_mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country Mouse saw the City Mouse, he ( 32) _Do come and see me at my house in the country. So the City Mouse went. The City Mouse said, This food

10、 is not good, your house is not good,( 33) _. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should ( 34) _and live in the city. You would live in a nice house ( 35) _ stone. You must come and see me at my house in the city. The Country Mouse went to the house( 36) _the City Mouse. It was a very good h

11、ouse. Nice food was ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great ( 37) _. The City Mouse cried, Run!Run! The cat is coming!They ran away ( 38) _and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country Mouse said, I ( 39) _living in the city. I like living in

12、 my hole in the field. For ( 40) _is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid. 31. A. the other B. other C. others 解析: 考查同义词辨析, the other 另一个,后接名词,通常用于 onethe other 强调两者中的一个 ,另一个 . other 其它的,后接名词,不表示特指; others 别人,根据上文 Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the

13、country. 可知这里表示:另一只老鼠生活在城市里 . 故选: A. 答案: A 32. A. spoke B. said C. told 解析: 考查同义词辨析, spoke 说,讲,强调说话的方式; said 说,讲,强调说话的内容;told 告诉,强调告诉某人某事,根 据引号里的内容 Do come and see me at my house in the country. 可知指说话的内容,故选: B. 答案: B 33. A. too B. either C. also 解析: 考查同义词辨析, too 也,用于肯定句末; either 也,用于否定句末, also 也,用于肯

14、定句中 . 根据句子中否定词 not 可知,这是否定句,结合句意:这个食物不好;你的房子也 不好 . 故选: B. 答案: B 34. A. come B. came C. comes 解析: 考查动词的基本形式,根据句子中情态动词 should,后接动词原形,故选: A. 答案: A 35. A. be made of B. made of C. making of 解析: 考查过去分词短语作后置定语,根据句子 You would live in a nice housestone . 可知谓语动词为 live, a nice house 的修饰语要后置,即由石头制成的房子,这里表示被动关系

15、,要用过去分词作后置定语,故选: B. 答案: B 36. A. at B. on C. of 解析: 考查介词及语境的理解, at 在, on 在 上面, of 的,强调所属关系,根据句子中The Country Mouse went to the housethe City Mouse . 这里指 城市老鼠的房子 ,故选: C. 答案: C 37. A. sound B. voice C. noise 解析: 考查同义词辨析, sound 声响,能听到的一切声音; voice 嗓音,指说话声; noise 噪音,根据下文 The City Mouse cried, Run!Run! The

16、 cat is coming!可以推断出 :听到一阵很响的噪音,故选: C. 答案: C 38. A. quickly B. more quickly C. the most quickly 解析: 考查副词及语境的理解, quickly 快速地,副词原级; more quickly 更快地,副词比较级; the most quickly 最快地,副词最高级,根据句意:它们快速地逃跑并藏起来 . 这里没有比较,只表示一般的动作,故选: A. 答案: A 39. A. like B. dont like C. am not like 解析: 考查语境理解,根据下文 I like living i

17、n my hole in the field. :可知乡下老鼠喜欢住在农村,不喜欢住在城市,没有安全感 . 故选: B. 答案: B 40. A. it B. this C. that. 解析: 考查固定句子结构, It is+形容词 +to do sth. 这里 it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语,结合句意:我喜欢住在田野里的洞里,因为贫穷和快乐比有钱和害怕更好 . 故选: A. 答案: A 四、 .阅读技能(四部分,共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,计 40 分) 1)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正( )误( ) . (共 1 小题,每小题 10 分) 41. ( 10

18、 分) Alan, a boy from India went to study in the UK two years ago. He found a part time job in a restaurant. Many British students also worked there. Their job was washing the dishes. It was an easy job, but the boss said, You must wash every dish seven times. At first, Alan was careful. The boss was

19、 happy with him. After one month, he found that the boss didnt check very often. He thought there was no difference between five times and seven times. So he just washed five times. He worked very fast. The boss was even happier. One day, a British student asked him why he could wash so fast. Alan t

20、old him the secret. The British student was surprised but didnt say anything. A few days later he told the boss about it. The boss fired(解雇) Alan. Alan went to other restaurants, out of them said, Go away!You are not honest. We dont need you. Alan was sad because he could do nothing. 41. Alan went t

21、o study in India two years ago. 解析: 细节判断题 . 根据第一行句子 Alan, a boy from India went to study in the UK two years ago. 艾伦,两年前,一个来自印度的男孩去了英国学习 . 可知艾伦两年前去印度学习是错误的 . 故答案为 . 答案: 42. The boss asked Alan to wash the dishes seven times. 解析: 细节判断题 . 根据第二行句子 You must wash every dish seven times. 你必须每个碗洗七次 . 可知老板让

22、艾伦洗碗七次是正确的 . 故答案为 . 答案: 43. At first, the boss was happy with Alan. 解析: 细节判断题 . 根据第二行句子 At first, Alan was careful. The boss was happy with him. 起初,艾伦很小心 . 老板对他很满意 . 可知起初,老板很满意艾伦是正确的 . 故答案为 . 答案: 44. The British student didnt say anything to the boss. 解析: 细节判断题 . 根据第五行句子 A few days later he told the

23、 boss about it. The boss fired(解雇) Alan. 几天后他告诉老板 . 老板解雇了艾伦,可知这位英国学生没有对老板说什么是错误的 . 故答案为 . 答案: 45. In fact, Alan is very honest. 解析: 细节判断题 . 根据最后一行句子 Go away!You are not honest. We dont need you. 走开!你是不诚实的 . 我们不需要你 . 可知事实上,艾伦非常诚实是错误的 . 故答案为 . 答案: 四、 B)阅读短文,从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳答案回答问题或完成句子 . (共 1 小题,每小题

24、 10 分) 46. ( 10 分) Langshan Mountain, lying in Xinning County, is about 500 kilometers away from Changshan. It is one of Chinas National Geological Parks and is famous for its special Danxia landform(丹霞地貌) . Covering an area of 108 square kilometers, Langshan Mountain has rich natural scenery and lo

25、ts of tourism resources. There are more than 60 scenic spots(景点) in Langshan Mountain,among which the most famous are Tiany Lane(天一巷), Chili Peak(辣椒峰), Bajiao Stronghold(八角寨) and so on. On August 2nd, 2010, Langshan Mountain was recorded in the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) and became Chinas eighth wo

26、rld natural heritage. If you would like to visit Langshan Mountain, you can take a bus from Shaoyang South Station to Xinning County. It will take you about 2 hour and the price of the bus ticket is 54 yuan each adult. Then you can take a taxi to Langshan Mountain. The best time to visit Langshan Mo

27、untain is from March to October. 46. Langshan Mountain lies in_. A. Xinshao County B. Xinning County C. Longhui County 解析: 细节理解题 . 根据第一段句子 Langshan Mountain, lying in Xinning County,狼山位于新宁县 . 可知狼山位于新宁县 . 故选 B. 答案: B 47. How many scenic spots are there in Langshan Mountain? _ A. More than 60. B. Less

28、 than 60. C. About 60. 解析: 细节理解题 . 根据第二段句子 There are more than 60 scenic spots(景点) in Langshan Mountain,在狼山有超过 60 处景点 . 可知超过 60 处景点 . 故选 A. 答案: A 48. Langshan Mountain became Chinas_ world natural heritage in 2010. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth 解析: 细节理解题 . 根据第三段句子 On August 2nd, 2010, Langshan Mount

29、ain was recorded in the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) and became Chinas eighth world natural heritage. 2010 年 8 月 2 日,狼山被记录在世界遗产名录成为中国第八个世界自然遗产 . 可知成为中国第八个世界自然遗产 . 故选 C. 答案: C 49. You can take_ to Langshan Mountain from Xinning County. A. a train B. a plane C. a taxi 解析: 细节理解题 . 根据第四段句子 Then you can t

30、ake a taxi to Langshan Mountain. 然后你可以乘出租车去狼山 . 可知乘出租车 . 故选 C. 答案: C 50. The best time for you to visit Langshan Mountain is_. A. in December B. in May C. in February. 解析: 细节理解题 . 根据第四段句子 The best time to visit Langshan Mountain is from March to October. 参观狼山的最佳时间是从 3 月到 10 月 . 可知结合选项,可知是五月 . 故选 B.

31、答案: B 四、 C)匹配 阅读下篇材料,从所给的 A-F 六个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺,内容完整 . (共 1 小题,每小题 10 分) 51. ( 10 分) Homework is a problem for students all over the world. As a student, you have a lot of homework to do every day. ( 51) C . And it helps you understand important knowledge. Luckily, therere several things you can

32、 do to make homework less difficult. ( 52) A . Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to. Dont be afraid to ask questions about it. Understand why you should do your homework. ( 53) B . Many schools have study halls. The students can study there. Its more interesting to play with your

33、 friends. But the more homework you finish at school, the less youll have to do that night at home. ( 54) E . It is difficult to hold your attention for too long. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Taking a 15 minute break every hour is a good idea for most people. ( 55) D . If you dont

34、finish your homework at school, think about how much you have left. Its a good idea to make a homework plan, especially when you want to enjoy sports or other activities. A. Be sure you understand the homework B. Use some time to do homework at school C. Its the best way to review what you have lear

35、ned in class D. Make a plan E. Take a break F. Its necessary for you to do more homework at home. 解析: 51.细节推理题 . 根据上文 As a student, you have a lot of homework to do every day. 作为一个学生,每天你有很多作业要做,和下文 it helps you understand important knowledge. 它能帮助你理解重要的知识 . 可知说的是作业的重要性 . 结合选项,应说这是回顾你在课堂上所学到的最好的方法,故选

36、 C. 52.细节推理题 . 根据下文 Dont be afraid to ask questions about it. Understand why you should do your homework. 不要害怕问问题 . 理解为什么你要做你的家庭作业,可知说的是理解家庭作业,结合选项,应说确保你理解家庭作业,故选 A. 53.细节推理题 . 根据下文 But the more homework you finish at school,但更多的家庭作业,你要在学校完成,可知说的是在学校做作业,结合选项,应说在学校用一些时间做家庭作业,故选 B. 54.细节推理题 . 根据下文 Tak

37、ing a 15 minute break every hour is a good idea for most people. 对大多数人来说,每小时休息 15 分钟是一个好主意 . 可知说的是休息,结合选项,应说休息一下,故选 E. 55.细节推理题 . 根据下文 Its a good idea to make a homework plan,制定作业计划是个好主意,可知结合选项,应说制定计划,故选 D. 四、 D)摘录 阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要 . 每空不超过三个单词(共 1 小题,每小题 10分) 56. ( 10 分) Maciek Czastka was born in Lodz

38、, Poland. He came to China several years ago. So far, he has been working in Chengdu for three years. The Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路的倡议) is meaningful, he said. Thanks to it,we are offered more chances. The most powerful support for Chengdu to thrive(兴盛) along the Belt and Road is the Chengdu Eur

39、ope express railway(高速铁路) . It provides direct train services between Chengdu and the city of Lodz. Because of the express railway, trains can bring things from China to Europe. At the same time, they can bring back European food, wine, meat and so on. In 2016, a total of 460 trains ran between Chen

40、gdu and Europe. The number is expected to grow to 1, 000 this year. Since the Chengdu Lodz express railway was opened, Chengdu, together with other cities in west China, has developed close trade ties with the European country. Poland is ones of the largest apple producers in Europe. Czastkas compan

41、y helps farmers in Poland sell their apples to China. More and more European products will be sent to China in the future. The Belt and Road Initiative is meaning. About Maciek Czastka Born:( 56) in Lodz, Poland Workplace: In Chengdu Working in Chengdu: Since( 57) three years ago The most powerful s

42、upport for Chengdu Its the Chengdu Europe express railway. In 2016, a total of( 58) 460 trains ran between Chengdu and Europe. This year it will grow to 1, 000. The advantages ofthe Chengdu Europe express railway 1. The Chengdu Europe express railway provides ( 59) direct train services between Chen

43、gdu and the city of Lodz. 2. Chengdu, together with other cities in west china, has developed( 60) close trade ties with the European country. 解析: 56.阅读填空,根据 Maciek Czastka was born in Lodz, Poland, Maciek Czastka 出生在波兰罗泽市,可知答案为 in Lodz, Poland. 57.阅读填空,根据 So far, he has been working in Chengdu for

44、three years 到目前为止,她在中国已经工作了三年,可知是在三年前来中国的,现在完成时常与 for 和 since 引导的句子连用, for+时间段; since+时间点,在现在完成时中,两者可以转换 : for three years=since three years ago,故答案为 three years. 58.阅读填空,根据 In 2016, a total of 460 trains ran between Chengdu and Europe. 2016 年,程度和欧洲间共有 460 列火车,可知答案为 460. 59.阅读填空,根据 It provides direc

45、t train services between Chengdu and the city of Lodz. 在成都和罗泽市之间,提供直 达的列车服务,可知答案为 direct train services. 60.阅读填空,根据 Chengdu, together with other cities in west China, has developed close trade ties with the European country. 成都和中国西部的其他城市,已经同欧洲国家发展了紧密的贸易关系,可知答案为 close trade ties. 四、 .写作技能(三部分,共 1 小题,

46、计 35 分) A)简答 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答下列问题 . (共 1 小题,每小题 10 分) 61. ( 10 分) Most people drink tea in the world. But tea does not mean the same thing to different people. In different countries, people have different ideas about drinking tea. In China, for example, tea is often served when people get togeth

47、er. Chinese people drink it at home or in tea houses at any time of the day. They often use hot water to boil tea leaves. Tea is also important in other Asian countries. People in these countries have a special way of serving tea. They hold a tea ceremony in their houses when important guests come.

48、It is very old and fail of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in their houses. In the United States, people usually drink tea at breakfast or they drink it after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make tea. This way is faster and easier than the way of making tea in teapots. In summer, most Ame

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