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1、2016年北京市海淀区九年级中考一模英语 听力理解(共 30分) 略 知识运用 (共 25分 ) 四、单项填空 (共 10分,每小题 1分 ) 从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Eric is _ best friend and he often helps me in art class. A. my B. your C. its D. her 解析: 本题考察代词的用法。根据题意 Eric是我最好的朋友,并且他经常在艺术课上帮助我。因为后面说的是帮助我,故可知前面应该说是我的朋友。 答案: A 22. Where do you usu

2、ally have lunch? _ school. A. Of B. To C. At D. On 解析: 本题主要考察介词的用法。句意为你通常在哪里吃午饭呢?在学校。在学校 at school。 答案: C 23. Ill have an exam tomorrow, _ I want to go to bed early. A. so B. or C. but D. for 解析: 考察连词的用法。句意为我明天有一场考试,所以我想早点睡觉。 So 所以, or 或者, but 但是, for因为。因为明天要考试,所以想要早点休息。 答案: A 24. _ do you have PE?

3、Three times a week. A. How many B. How often C. How old D. How much 解析: 本题考察疑问词的用法。句意为你们多久上一次体育课?一周三次。 How many 多少,询问数量。 how often 多久一次,询问频率; how old多大,询问年龄; how much 多少,询问价格。 答案: B 25. The air is getting much _ than it was a few months ago. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 解析: 本题考察比较

4、级的用法。句意为:空气与几个月之前相比变得干净多了。 Clean 为双音节,比较级直接在后面加 er。 Than比较级的标志。 答案: B 26. Must I hand in my paper now, Mr. Jones? No, you _. You can hand it in tomorrow. A. neednt B. mustnt C. wouldnt D. shouldnt 解析: 本题考察情态动词的用法。句意为 Mr. Jones请问我必须现在上交我的作业吗?不,不需要,你可以明天交。 neednt不需要, mustnt 禁止, wouldnt 不会, shouldnt不应该

5、。 答案: A 27. May I speak to Judy? Sorry, she _ a speech in the hall now. A. makes B. has made C. is making D. made 解析: 本题考察进行时态的用法。句意为:请问 Judy在吗?不好意思,她现在正在大厅做演讲。关键词 now,现在。 答案: C 28. I _ Beijing Opera since I was five years old. A. learn B. Learned C. will learn D. have learned 解析: 本题考察现在完成时的用法。句意为:自

6、从我五岁的时候我就学习京剧了。现在完成时表示动作发生在过去并一直持续到现在或者对现在造成的影响。 Since,自从,完成时态的标志。 答案: D 29. In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. A. hold B. held C. were held D. will be held 解析: 本题考察一般将来时;被动语态。句意为在 2022年冬季奥运会将会在北京和张家口举行。冬奥会是 2022年,将来时,且冬奥会是被举办,应用被动语态。 答案: D 30. Jack, can you tell me _? I

7、 want to study computer science. A. what is your future plan B. what your future plan is C. what was your future plan D. what your future plan was 解析: 本题考察宾语从句。句意为 Jack,你能够告诉我你将来的计划是什么吗?我想要学习计算机技术。在宾语从句中要用陈述语序。 答案: B 五、完形填空 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分 ) 阅读下面的短文,掌 握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Justin

8、 was really good at basketball and he thought it was the only way out of his school. He could run with the 31 fast and beat any of the older boys at the court and the younger boys didnt have a chance. One day, some boys from another school ran up and asked to 32 with Justin. The big one in the middl

9、e said that he had heard Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true. Justin agreed. During the game, Justin was running all over the big boys and making his shots. Suddenly, a big boy 33 Justin. Justin went flying, fell on the ground and broke his leg. The doctor said Justin might never

10、 play again. Justin was so 34. The first six weeks, Justin just lay in bed watching TV every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty. Justin put on too much weight. His once 35 future disappeared. When he lost himself in great hopelessness, Justins sister, Kiki came home from the university

11、. She was like sunshine, 36 exciting stories of college. Justin was attracted by the stories that Kiki told. “Justin!” She interrupted his daydream. “Let me see your progress report.” Justin was 37. His grades had really fallen since he broke his leg. “Oh no, this wont do, Justin,” she said. “Were g

12、oing to improve the grades.” So, while she was home on break, they studied, talked and worked together. Justin 38 better and he wasnt so upset. After spending those weeks with his sister, Justin realized that he didnt want to feel bad for himself anymore, and he didnt want to give up. Basketball use

13、d to be his thing, and he was good at it, but now there was only 39, so he had to get good at that. Justin passed through all his classes. With the study skills he had learned from his sister, Justin scored a 24 on the ACT. Every university that he applied to (申请 ) accepted him. When the autumn came

14、, Justin had his 40 in colleges. He decided to go to the sunniest university in Hawaii, and nobody could say that Justin made a bad choice. 31. A. toy B. ball C. key D. flag 解析: 文章第一句话指出 Justin很擅长打篮球,这里指的是他可以带球跑的很快。 答案: B 32. A. play B. stand C. eat D. ride 解析: 一天,一些其他学校的男孩子来找 Justin要求和他一起打球。因为他们想证明

15、 Justin是不是打的真的好。 答案: A 33. A. saw B. met C. pushed D. followed 解析: 根据后文 Justin went flying, fell on the ground and broke his leg可知是有人推了他。 答案: C 34. A. brave B. honest C. safe D. sad 解析: Justin最大的爱好是打篮球,得知自己再也不能打篮球了之后,他是很伤心难过的。 答案: D 35. A. busy B. quiet C. bright D. funny 解析: bright明亮的。文中第一段 Justin

16、was really good at basketball and he thought it was the only way out of his school指出打球是他将来唯一的出路,而且他打球又打的很好,所以这里表示他曾经美好的未来消失了。 答案: C 36. A. changing B. receiving C. forgetting D. bringing 解析: A changing改变, B. receiving接受, C. forgetting忘记, D. bringing带来。他的姐姐是一个开朗活泼的大学生,给 Justin带来了振奋人心的大学故事。 答案: D 37.

17、A. moved B. embarrassed C. interested D. pleased 解析: 根据 His grades had really fallen since he broke his leg可知他因为自己成绩下滑而感到十分尴尬。 答案: B 38. A. repeated B. taught C. felt D. sounded 解析: Justin通过和姐姐一起学习一起交流,感觉好一些了,而且不再烦躁不安了。 答案: C 39. A. schoolwork B. sport C. home D. travel 解析: 结合上文提到的他姐姐帮他补习功课,以前篮球是他的出

18、路,而现在学习成了他唯一的出路。 答案: A 40. A. fact B. choice C. record D. event 解析: A fact实际, B. choice选择 C. record记录, D. event事件。很多大学都录取了他,他最终选择了海南的一所大学。 答案: B 阅读理解 (共 50分 ) 六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 30分,每小题 2分 ) A JOBS 41. You can be a support worker if you can _. A. wash hair B. work we

19、ekends C. read stories D. write well 解析: 根据第一个方框 Can you work on weekends?可知。 答案: B 42. A trainee hairdresser will work _ a week. A. 40 hours B. 20 hours C. 16 hours D. 10 hours 解析: 根据第三个方框 You will work 40 hours a week 可知。 答案: A 43. If you want to be a model, you can write to _. A. careersgolden- B

20、. C. cathycut- D. 解析: 根据第四个方框可知答案为 D。 答案: D B Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up (报名 ) for the High Flyer Competition.They carried their design and they couldnt wait to start building the kite.The line was long and filled with kids of all ages.Two teenagers s

21、tood in front of them. Matt ooked at their designs and his eyes widened. “Their kites are a lot better than ours. Look! This kite looks like an airplane,and that one looks like a spaceship, but our kite is a boring diamond (菱形 )!” “What if we give it a cool-looking tail?” Allie suggested. They cheer

22、ed up a little and worked together on their kite all the weekend. To make the kite look better, they added a tail with beads (珠子 ) and tiny mirrors. On the day of the composition, Allie and Matt carried their kite to the starting place between the spaceship and the airplane.The rules were simple.The

23、 kite that flew the highest for the longest time won. Round One began. Allie held the string (线 ) while Matt ran down the field with the kite. He lifted it in the air. The kite shook and fell to the ground. Round One was over for them. Matt ran back to Allie. “Its the tail. The beads and mirrors are

24、 weighing it down.” “But theyre so pretty,” Allie said. “Do you want pretty or do you want to win?” Matt asked. Allie nodded. Matt pulled off the beads and mirrors. He finished just in time for the start of Round Two. As he ran with the kite, he could feel the wind picking it up. He let it go and ra

25、n back to help Allie. They let out the string as far as it would go, right past the spaceship and the airplane. Their kite flew the highest for the longest time. “I guess looks dont mean a thing in kite flying,” Allie said. “Yeah.” Matt said,“Simple is best.” 44. Matt and Allie were waiting in the l

26、ine to sign up for _. A. a concert B. a club C. a camp D. a competition 解析: 根据 Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up (报名 ) for the High Flyer Competition可知他们是参加风筝比赛 。 答案: D 45. To make the kite look better, Matt and Allie _. A. added a tail B. cut a part C. drew a plane D. painted it re

27、d 解析: 根据 To make the kite look better, they added a tail with beads (珠子 ) and tiny mirrors.可知。 答案: A 46. In Round Two, Matt and Allies kite _. A. fell behind the other kites B. was too heavy to fly away C. flew the highest for the longest time D. shook and fell to the ground 解析: 根据文中倒数第三段 Their kite

28、 flew the highest for the longest time.可知答案为 C。 答案: C 47. What can we learn from this story? A. Practice makes perfect. B. Friendship comes first. C. Looks mean a lot. D. Simple is best. 解析: 根据文中最后两段 “I guess looks dont mean a thing in kite flying,” Allie said. “Yeah.” Matt said,“Simple is best.”可知答

29、案为 D。 答案: D C Health officials in Canada are very busy these days. They are placing chickens at fixed points all along their 2,500 km border (边境 ) with the United States of America. Its not a joke, nor have the Canadians gone mad. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒 ) is

30、still around. The virus infects birds, so the chickens have a chance of catching the virus and fall ill. The West Nile virus is spread among humans. It killed seven people in New York last year. Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people fro

31、m entering their land. However, it is very difficult to stop viruses traveling from one end of the earth to another. When they travel to new places, they get used to the environment very easily and sometimes start destroying the local plant and animal life. These biological polluters are called smar

32、t polluters. These smart polluters can be carried across borders of countries unknowingly. Just as we humans are travelling across the world more often than earlier, these biological polluters have also started journey much more. They slide into airplanes through their wheels. They dig into objects

33、that travelers may be carrying from one country to another. There are some good examples of how these polluters work. The water hyacinth (水葫芦 ) of South America is blocking lakes in China and Africa. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks

34、 its natural balance. Thats why the customs (海关 ) officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant, or an object made of wood that is in its natural form. The customs officials have these rules because these varieties (多样性 ) of plants are special to certain places. T

35、he plants have the power to spread new illnesses among native plants and animals. Biological polluters always create problems in places where they do not belong. They could be special varieties of plants, bugs or even animals. 48. Why are Canadian officials placing chickens along the border? A. To h

36、elp clean up the border. B. To see if the virus is still around. C. To protect the chickens from falling ill. D. To make sure that the birds can find food. 解析: 根据文中第二段 They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒 ) is still around可知答案为 B。 答案: B 49. Which of the following is TRUE?

37、A. People find it difficult to travel from one place to another. B. Plants always create problems in places where they belong. C. Biological polluters may destroy the local plant and animal life. D. Viruses spend a long time getting used to the local environment. 解析: 根据文中倒数第三段 these biological pollu

38、ters have also started journey much more可知正确答案为 C。 答案: C 50. Customs officials in many countries prevent people from bringing in _. A. chocolates B. shoes C. pictures D. plants 解析: 根据文中最后一段 Thats why the customs (海关 ) officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant,

39、 or an object made of wood that is in its natural form 可知答案为 D。 答案: D 51. What is the best title for the passage? A. Land Pollution B. The West Nile Virus C. Smart Polluters D. The Water Hyacinth 解析: 这是主旨大意题,根据全文上下,得知这篇文章主要讲述了 Smart Polluters. 答案: C D Living next to next is the principle (原则 ) of a

40、neighbor. Good neighborliness is the ideal to be aimed at. As the saying goes, no man is an island; he has to live with his neighbors. To make life easy and pleasant, he must cooperate with his neighbors. Whether one likes it or not, one cannot do without neighbors. Normally one may think he can do

41、without neighbors because he can manage all comforts and services, so the services or the need for a friend may not happen. However, the sympathy (同情 ), admiration and appreciation which a neighbor may offer will have a great humanizing influence. To share ones view and sometimes even sadness, one n

42、eeds some neighbors. But all neighbors are not always keeping the friendly relationship. Stresses and tension (紧张 ) develop because of misunderstanding. Very often children may be the cause for tense feelings. The neighbors son may pick a flower or a fruit from your garden and an argument may follow

43、. Again he may throw his ball at your window breaking it. These are common cases so far as the younger one is concerned but it is for the elders to view them with calmness and make up for it. This may read easy on paper but not so in real life. But being broad minded, one must be able to tolerate (容

44、忍 ). Another reason for tension may be the animals. Your neighbors dog may be a real trouble or his chickens would come into your garden and eat away your plants. In all these cases to keep up good neighborliness, some understanding between the neighbors is important. Small differences can be easily

45、 patched up or worked out. Try to be friendly and the problem will not be difficult to solve. Care can at times play a good part and help the neighbors in a small or big way. Nobody is perfect and it is better not to speak ill of your neighbors. A cheerful word, a nod or a small talk will strengthen

46、 the feeling of good neighborliness. Neighborliness is not only for people but it is also largely important between neighboring countries. History has got a lot to teach on this. Unless countries learn to live as good neighbors, there cannot be peace on earth. So children must be taught at home and

47、in the school to cooperate with the neighbors and be friendly with them. The basic rule is to give and take and to develop a sense that the other man has as much right as you do, and some degree of tolerance is very necessary. 52. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. One is often needed by

48、 his family. B. No one likes to be alone on an island. C. Everyone has to live with his neighbors. D. Everyone lives an easy and pleasant life. 解析: 根据文中 As the saying goes, no man is an island; he has to live with his neighbors. To make life easy and pleasant, he must cooperate with his neighbors可知每个人都不得不与邻居一起生活。 答案: C 53. Which of the following may cau

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