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1、英汉翻译教程自考题-16 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers._ A.我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。 B.我记得在我儿时,我的名字是以小草和隐藏的小花命名的。 C.我记得儿时给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的名字。 D.我记得童年时给各种小草起的名字和一些隐蔽的小花。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.2.Scientists are confident about the fo

2、rmation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil._ A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家对煤的形成是非常有信心的,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家对煤是怎样形成的非常确信,但当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成过程,但要是问他们石油的形成过程时,似乎就不那么有把握了。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.3.Zhou En-lai arranged for experts from

3、Beijing university to give Bill Morrow some up to date information he wanted._ A.北京大学的专家想为比尔莫罗提供一些最新情况,周恩来就给他们作了安排。 B.周恩来想让北京大学的专家做出安排,向比尔莫罗介绍一些最新情况。 C.比尔莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,周恩来就安排北京大学的专家向他作介绍。 D.比尔莫罗想了解一些有关北京大学的专家的最新情况,周恩来就作了安排。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4.They will get the preparation done early in May._ A.他们五月初就能

4、让别人准备完工作。 B.他们五月初就能准备好工作。 C.他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。 D.他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5.这很难用科学的字眼来表达。_ A.It is difficult to express in a scientific way. B.It is difficult to express it in terms of science. C.It is too difficult to express by using scientific words. D.It is so difficult that it cant be exp

5、ressed by terms of science.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因是因为我们出口商品的目的就是为了国外客户的利益。_ A.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients. B.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because

6、 we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients. C.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that because we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients. D.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because that we ex

7、port commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.昨晚上她发高烧,一会儿热,一会儿冷!脸上红得像抹了胭脂。_ A.Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy cold the next. Face 38 red as rouge. B.Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Her face was as red as if

8、 she put some rouge on it. C.Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy cold the next. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it. D.Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Face as red as rouge.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.一地同志关于这些地方的描写,由于时代和注意点不同,使我看到了那些地方的许多其他

9、的侧面,也扩大了我的知识。_ A.Due to the difference in time and perspective, Yidis description of those places has made me notice many other aspects and broadened my knowledge. B.Owing to the different times and perspective, Yidis description of those places has brought their other aspects to my attention and br

10、oadened my knowledge. C.Because time and perspective are different, Yidi described those places which has drawn my attention to the other aspects and they broadened my knowledge as well. D.I have seen many other aspects and they broadened my knowledge from Yidis description of those places as the ti

11、mes and perspective are different.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.这些计划反映了中国人民把经济落后的中国尽快变为世界强国的决心。_ A.These plans show the determination of the Chinese people to change China as quickly as possible from an economically backward country into one that ranks with the foremost in the world. B.These plans show the det

12、ermination of the Chinese people as quickly as possible to change China from an economically backward country into one that ranks with the foremost in the world. C.These plans show the determination of the Chinese people to change as quickly as possible China from an economically backward country in

13、to one that ranks with the foremost in the world. D.These plans show the determination of the Chinese people to change China from an economically backward country into one that ranks as quickly as possible with the foremost in the world.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.对发展中国家而言,首先要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条比较快的发展道路。_ A.F

14、or developing nations, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, they have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. B.To developing nations, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly. C.For developing nations, the fi

15、rst thing is to throw off poverty. To do that, they have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. D.To developing nations, the first thing is to throw off poverty. To do that, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.汉语多用并列谓语或并列分句,而英语则大量使用_。 A.主谓结构 B.动宾

16、结构 C.无主句 D.分词短语(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12._ aimed at translating sense, not word.A.Eugene A.Nida B.Charles R.Taber C.George Steiner D.Saint Jerome(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.13.乔治斯坦纳教授认为翻译的正确道路是_。 A.直译(metaphrase) B.模仿(imitate) C.意译(paraphrase) D.等效(equivalence)(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.14.按茅盾先生的说法,如果把字典里的解释直用在译文里,那便是_。 A.直译

17、B.意译 C.死译 D.硬译(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15._于 1790年提出了著名的翻译三原则。 A.泰特勒 B.费道罗夫 C.哲罗姆 D.西塞罗(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、BA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)16.Encyclopaedia Britannica(分数:1.00)_17.investment in cash and in kind(分数:1.00)_18.urban dweller(分数:1.00)_19.Roman Catholic cathedral(分数:1.00)_20.cigarette stubs(分数:

18、1.00)_21.sedimentary rocks(分数:1.00)_22.oil drillers(分数:1.00)_23.enacting legislation(分数:1.00)_24.Olympic mascot(分数:1.00) warming(分数:1.00)_六、BB(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.浓妆艳抹(分数:1.00)_27.民族精神(分数:1.00)_28.小买卖人(分数:1.00)_29.人均国民生产总值(分数:1.00)_30.净收入(分数:1.00)_31.发育健全的市场(分数:1.00)_32.瞬间,片刻(分数:1.00)_33.春夏

19、两季(分数:1.00)_34.哼曲子,哼小调(分数:1.00)_35.生性有点暴躁(分数:1.00)_七、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、BA(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. 译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都非常感激。(分数:2.00)_37.As rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the Nile was everl

20、astingly renewed. 译文:由于有埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水和月亮山上融化的积雪,尼罗河被不断地更新着。(分数:2.00)_38.Persuaded that such a universal copyright system will facilitate a wider dissemination of works of the human mind and increase international understanding. 译文:劝说人们说这种世界版权保护制度将促进人类精神产品更加广泛地传播、增进国际了解。(分数:2.00)_39.We literally live i

21、n and breathe pollution, and, not surprisingly, it is beginning to threaten our health, our happiness, and our very civilization. 译文:我们的确生活在污染之中并且呼吸污染。污染正在开始威胁着我们的健康、幸福和文明本身。(分数:2.00)_40.It was not until sixty years ago that a method of extracting aluminum ore was found which could lead to a cheap l

22、arge scale process. 译文:直到六十年前人们才发现一种开采铝矿石的方法,从而有可能从中得到一种成本低廉,大规模提炼的炼铝法。(分数:2.00)_九、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.原文:我们不后退,我们从没有后退过,将来也绝不会后退。 译文:We dont retreat; we never have retreated and we never will retreat.(分数:2.00)_42.原文:人们利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。 译文:People use science to understand nature and change nature.(分数

23、:2.00)_43.原文:当年在广州闹革命的时候,我们还年轻气盛。 译文:When we were making revolution in Guangzhou in the past, we were young and arrogant.(分数:2.00)_44.原文:但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变。 译文:Thats the way I am, and try as I might, I havent been able to change.(分数:2.00)_45.老年人有长处,但也有很大的弱点老年人容易固执,因此老年人也要有点自觉性。 译文:Old people have

24、 strengths but also great weaknessesthey are easy to be stubborn, for exampleand they should be aware of that.(分数:2.00)_十、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十一、BA(总题数:1,分数:15.00)46.China may well be the favorite whipping boy of manufacturers in the United States these days. But in the developing world, the country is

25、becoming the trading partner of choice, drawing in airplanes from Brazil, soybeans from Argentina and seafood from Malaysia, boosting economies and leading to new political alliances. The growing appetite of the worlds most populous nation has made China a new source of income for the developing eco

26、nomies of South America and Asia. “Chinas booming imports from developing countriesespecially of commoditiesare not only helping growth in countries from Brazil to Africa, but are already reshaping international trade relations,“ said Kenneth Rogoff, an economics professor at Harvard University.(分数:

27、15.00)_十二、BB(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.香港自古以来就是中国的领土,1840 年鸦片战争以后被英国占领。1984 年 12月 19日,中英两国政府签署了关于香港问题的联合声明,确认中华人民共和国政府于 1997年 7月 1日恢复对香港行使主权,从而实现了长期以来中国人民收回香港的共同愿望。 为了维护国家的统一和领土完整,保持香港的繁荣和稳定,并考虑到香港的历史和现实情况,国家决定,在对香港恢复行使主权时,根据中华人民共和国宪法第三十一条的规定,设立香港特别行政区,并按照“一个国家,两种制度”的方针,不在香港实行社会主义的制度和政策。国家对香港的基本方针政策,已由中国政府在

28、中英联合声明中予以阐明。根据中华人民共和国宪法,全国人民代表大会制定中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法,规定香港特别行政区实行的制度,以保障国家对香港的基本方针政策的实施。(分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考题-16 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers._ A.我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。 B.我记得在我儿时,我的名字是以小草和隐藏的小花命名的。 C.我记得儿时给各种

29、小草和隐蔽的小花取的名字。 D.我记得童年时给各种小草起的名字和一些隐蔽的小花。(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 (1)“my childhood name for”应译为“儿时给取的名字”。在英语文学作品中经常出现这种简洁的说法,不可按照字面意思译为“儿时的名字”。(2)“childhood”表示“童年”,这里就涉及怎样选词的问题。一个词可能有多个意思,应根据上下文、文体、外国文化背景来选择具体用哪个。本文是文学作品,译为“儿时”更合适。A 项把“名字、小草、花”并列,弄错了语法结构;B 项没正确理解“my childhood names for”的意思,只是照字面死译;D 项

30、选词不恰当,并且没理解“for”应控制到“草和花”。2.Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil._ A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家对煤的形成是非常有信心的,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家对煤是怎样形成的非常确信,但当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成过程,但要是问他们石油的形成过程时,似乎就

31、不那么有把握了。(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题考查意译和被动式的译法。(1)“be confident about”表示“对有信心”,但在这里这样翻译则不恰当,应将其词性意译为“确实知道”,因为汉语喜用动词。(2)在 when/while从句+主句中,如果 when/while从句中的主语与主句的主语相同时,常省略从句的主语和系动词/助动词。本句中 when后面省略了 they are,也就是说这里是被动语态,中文常用主动语态,因此该句译为无主语的“问他们”而不是“被问到”。(3)英译汉时常有词性转换,常把英语中的名词转换为汉语中的动词。“the formation of

32、”应译为“怎样形成”,而译为“形成过程”则不恰当。3.Zhou En-lai arranged for experts from Beijing university to give Bill Morrow some up to date information he wanted._ A.北京大学的专家想为比尔莫罗提供一些最新情况,周恩来就给他们作了安排。 B.周恩来想让北京大学的专家做出安排,向比尔莫罗介绍一些最新情况。 C.比尔莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,周恩来就安排北京大学的专家向他作介绍。 D.比尔莫罗想了解一些有关北京大学的专家的最新情况,周恩来就作了安排。(分数:2.00)A.B.

33、C. D.解析:解析 本题考查句子内部顺序的翻译。最后的 he指代的是 Bill Morrow,所以是比尔莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,而做出这种安排的是周恩来,弄清了它们之间的逻辑结构之后,我们就可以做出正确选择了。4.They will get the preparation done early in May._ A.他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。 B.他们五月初就能准备好工作。 C.他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。 D.他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题考查两个知识点,一是 get something done,二是 early的用法。g

34、et something done的意思是做好工作或者内容,因此排除 A和 B。early in May 是五月初的意思,同时题干是将来时态,而不是过去时,因此排除 C。5.这很难用科学的字眼来表达。_ A.It is difficult to express in a scientific way. B.It is difficult to express it in terms of science. C.It is too difficult to express by using scientific words. D.It is so difficult that it cant b

35、e expressed by terms of science.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 本题重点考查两个方面。(1)“很难用”的四种译法都正确,但本句有些口语的意味,因此最好用 A、B 项中的译法。(2)本句翻译的焦点在于对“科学的字眼”的翻译,其实际意思是“用文字把科学知识/原理表达出来。”A 项中“in scientific way”修饰“express”,成了“以科学的方式表达”,因此错误;C 项中“scientific”用来修饰“words”,即“这个词用得很科学”,显然成了语言学的范畴;D 项中变成了“科学字眼表达”,而“科学字眼”不能做“表达”的动作,只有“

36、人”才能“表达”。6.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因是因为我们出口商品的目的就是为了国外客户的利益。_ A.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients. B.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because we export commodities just for the

37、 benefit of our overseas clients. C.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that because we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients. D.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because that we export commodities just for the benef

38、it of our overseas clients.(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 此题考查英语中因果关系的表达。because 和 that均可引导从句,因此不可同时使用,所以 C、D 项的用法是错误的。在英语的表述方式中,reason 和 because不可共同使用,因为二者均表含有“原因、因为”的意思。be 动词后引导的表语从句其实指代的是 reason的具体内容。因此 B项是错误的。7.昨晚上她发高烧,一会儿热,一会儿冷!脸上红得像抹了胭脂。_ A.Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy

39、cold the next. Face 38 red as rouge. B.Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it. C.Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy cold the next. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it. D.Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Face as r

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