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1、英汉翻译教程自考题-9 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I do not believe that she ever had time to notice that she was going old._ A.我相信她从来没有工夫去注意自己是否在日益衰老。 B.我不相信她有工夫去注意自己是不是在日益衰老。 C.我相信她没有时间去注意自己正在日益衰老。 D.我不相信她曾有时间去注意自己正在日益衰老。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.2.Day by day the sea is eating

2、the land the dam has stopped the sediment of the Nile from replenishing die shoreline._ A.一天又一天,大海侵蚀着陆地大坝已经使傅尼罗河的泥沙无法沉积下来加固海岸了。 B.一天又一天,大海侵蚀着陆地大坝已经阻止了尼罗河的泥沙沉积,以加固海岸。 C.海水一天天冲刷陆地大坝已经使得尼罗河的泥沙无法沉积下来加固海岸了。 D.海水一天天冲刷陆地大坝已经阻止了尼罗河的泥沙沉积,以加固海岸。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.3.The numbers didnt really add up, so the accoun

3、tant went back over them. _ A.数额没有累计起来,所以会计师又把它们拿回去了。 B.加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又拿回去了。 C.数额没有累计起来,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。 D.加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4.It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone my visit which I had intended to pay to Germany in January. _ A.我原计划访问德国,令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份予以推迟。 B.我原计

4、划一月份访问德国,后来不得不予以推迟,这使我深感失望。 C.令我深感失望的是,我原计划访问德国,但不得不予以推迟到一月份。 D.令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份推迟我对德国预定的访问。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5.Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. _ A.我从未听说过美国音乐在国外比国内要演奏得好。 B.我在国外时,从未听到美国音乐比现在还要演奏得好。 C.我从未听到过美国音乐在国外演奏得比这更好的。 D.我在国外从未听到过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6.

5、即使考虑到土地报酬率递减的因素,也是有条件实现的。_ A.We can realize it with conditions, even if we consider the factor of diminishing land returns rate. B.It can be realized with conditions, even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered. C.The target can be achieved even if we consider the factor of dim

6、inishing land returns rate. D.To achieve the target is totally possible even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小 500 座教堂,我几乎都去过了。_ A.Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, and I visited nearly all of them. B.Rom

7、e was built on seven hills, and it owed 500 big and small churches, I visited nearly every one. C.Rome is a city which was built on seven hills and owed 500 big and small churches, and I have visited nearly all of them. D.Rome was located on seven hills with 500 big or small churches. I have visited

8、 nearly every one.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.天坛是明、清两代皇帝“祭天祈谷”的地方,建于 1420 年,占地面积 273 公顷。_ A.The Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped and prayed for good harvest; it was built in 1420 and covered an area of 273 hectares. B.Built in 1420 and covering an ar

9、ea of 237 hectares, the Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvest. C.Built in 1420, the Temple of Heaven covered an area of 273 hectares and was the place where worshipped heaven and emperors of the Ming and Qing Dy

10、nasties prayed for good harvest. D.The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420 and covering an area of 237 hectares, was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvest.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.让我们看几个统计数字。_ A.Consider several statistic figures. B.Consider

11、a couple of statistics. C.Lets see several statistic figures. D.Lets see a couple of statistics.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.北海公园原是辽、金、元、明、清历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有 682 公顷。_ A.Bei Hai(North Lake)Park originally was the imperial garden of the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and covers an area of 682 hecta

12、res. B.Bei Hai(North Lake)Park, covering an area of 682 hectares, was the imperial garden in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. C.Being the imperial garden in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Bei Hai(North Lake)Park covers an area of682 hectares. D.Having been the imperial ga

13、rden in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Bei Hai(North Lake)Park is covering an area of 682 hectares.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、BDirections: Thi(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.严复的主要翻译作品有原富、法意、_等。 A.小彼得 B.黑奴吁天录 C.天演论 D.四十二章经(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12._是后秦高僧,著名的佛经翻译家,对佛教在中国的发展起到了重要作用。 A.释道安 B.鸠摩罗什 C.玄奘 D.竺法兰(分数:2.00

14、)A.B.C.D.13.费道罗夫曾阐述有关确切翻译的原则,下列选项中不正确的一项是_。 A.翻译的确切性就是表达原文思想内容的完全准确和在修辞作用上与原文的完全一致 B.翻译的确切性就是通过复制原文形式的特点或创造在作用上与原文特点相符的东西来表达原文所特有的内容与形式间的相互关系 C.确切翻译是以整体与部分之间的一定的均衡为前提的 D.确切性在整个翻译的过程中要求在字面上同样程度地接近原文(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.14.王佐良认为译者在处理个别的词时,他面对的是_ A.两种语言 B.两种文体 C.两大片文化 D.两套语法体系(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15._认为,一部好的译作

15、总是既有直译又有意译:凡能直译处坚持直译,必须意译处则放手意译。 A.傅雷 B.郭沫若 C.王佐良 D.茅盾(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、BA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)16.biotic controls(分数:1.00)_17.the Homestead Act(分数:1.00)_18.copyright proprietors(分数:1.00)_19.mean temperature(分数:1.00)_20.resonant voice(分数:1.00)_21.marine insurance(分数:1.00)_munist ideolo

16、gy(分数:1.00)_23.lineal representative(分数:1.00)_24.livestock raiser(分数:1.00)_25.waste disposal(分数:1.00)_六、BB(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.畜产品(分数:1.00)_27.储备基金(分数:1.00)_28.正当收入(分数:1.00)_29.海洋综合管理(分数:1.00)_30.客观有利因素(分数:1.00)_31.旱涝灾害(分数:1.00)_32.个人所得税(分数:1.00)_33.外汇交易(分数:1.00)_34.淡水资源(分数:1.00)_35.可再生资源(分数:1.00)_七、

17、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、BA(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.原文:The annual total of telephone calls between UK and Canada has increased seven times. 译文:英国和加拿大之间的年通话总量增长了七倍。(分数:2.00)_37.原文:Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in ways not yet fully understood. 译文:然而现代的人们用连他们自己也不完全清楚的方法改变了尼罗河。(分数:2.00)_38.原文:Didnt sh

18、e swear shed never again believe anything in trousers? 译文:她不是发誓从此以后再也不相信穿裤子的家伙吗?(分数:2.00)_39.原文:Dont lose time in doing your homework. 译文:别在做作业上浪费时间。(分数:2.00)_40.原文:The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade. 译文:美国人民也已经经历了国际贸易的好处。(分数:2.00)_九、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)4

19、1.原文:提高现有耕地单位面积产量有潜力。 译文:Increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land has potential.(分数:2.00)_42.原文:我是家里的老大,才十三岁,就唱戏养家了。真是一个钱撕成八瓣用。 译文:At thirteen, as the oldest child, I acted to help support the family. Each single copper had to be divided into eight pieces.(分数:2.00)_43.原文:没有

20、科技知识要建设社会主义是不可能的。 译文:Without knowledge of science and technology is impossible to build socialism.(分数:2.00)_44.原文:社会主义本身是共产主义的初级阶段,而我们中国又处在社会主义的初级阶段。 译文:Socialism itself is the first stage of communism, and here in China we are still in the first stage of socialism.(分数:2.00)_45.原文:我们的改革和开放是从经济方面开始的,

21、首先又是从农村开始的。 译文:We introduced reform and the open policy first in the economic sphere. It began with the countryside.(分数:2.00)_十、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十一、BA(总题数:1,分数:15.00)46.With Earths power consumption forecast to rocket to new highs in coming decades, one scientist is proposing a suitably far-out solut

22、ion to the likely energy crunch-power plants oil the moon. Prof. David Criswell of the University of Houstons Institute for Space Systems said that lunar power plants that capture the sunsrays and send them on to Earth as concentrated microwave beams could provide inexpensive, abundant and stable en

23、ergy for the Earths growing population. Criswells lunar power plant idea was one of a number of alter native energy strategies floated by scientists at the AGU meeting to address the environmental crisis posed by Earths voracious power consumption. With some 85 percent of overall energy now produced

24、 by fossil fuels-blamed for producing the greenhouse gases many scientists believe are behind global warmingresearchers say new methods must be found to generate energy if world economic growth is to continue in a healthy environment. According to Criswell, the moon is an obvious choice for new powe

25、r production facilities that would feature none of the pollution of nuclear waste of earthbound plants.(分数:15.00)_十二、BB(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。五四运动是当时无产阶级世界革命的一部分。五四运动时期虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。(分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考题-9 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(

26、总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I do not believe that she ever had time to notice that she was going old._ A.我相信她从来没有工夫去注意自己是否在日益衰老。 B.我不相信她有工夫去注意自己是不是在日益衰老。 C.我相信她没有时间去注意自己正在日益衰老。 D.我不相信她曾有时间去注意自己正在日益衰老。(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题考查的是对否定转移的翻译。I believe 或者 I think 句型在表达否定时,一般将否定词置于 believe 或 thi

27、nk 前面,但是实际否定的还是后面的从句,因此 BD 的翻译不准确;C 项中没有译出 ever 表示的含义。答案为 A。2.Day by day the sea is eating the land the dam has stopped the sediment of the Nile from replenishing die shoreline._ A.一天又一天,大海侵蚀着陆地大坝已经使傅尼罗河的泥沙无法沉积下来加固海岸了。 B.一天又一天,大海侵蚀着陆地大坝已经阻止了尼罗河的泥沙沉积,以加固海岸。 C.海水一天天冲刷陆地大坝已经使得尼罗河的泥沙无法沉积下来加固海岸了。 D.海水一天天

28、冲刷陆地大坝已经阻止了尼罗河的泥沙沉积,以加固海岸。(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 stop.from doing sth. 意为阻止做,因此 BD 的翻译是不准确的;day by day修饰的是 eating the land 的情况,因此最好将前半句的翻译连接在一起,与 A 项相比,C 项的翻译较为准确。答案为 C。3.The numbers didnt really add up, so the accountant went back over them. _ A.数额没有累计起来,所以会计师又把它们拿回去了。 B.加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又拿回去了。 C.数额没有

29、累计起来,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。 D.加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题考查动词的翻译。add up 是动词“合计”的意思,一般主语是人,意思是某人合计某些数据,但是本句中的主语是 the numbers,并且有副词 really 的修饰,意思是总数不对,所以可以首先排除 A 和 C 项,而 went back 是“回去,返回”的意思,其后一般跟地点名词,比如:go back home等,而这里跟的是名词 them,所以其暗含的意思是又重新计算了一遍,而不是又把他们拿回去了。答案为 D。4.It was a keen dis

30、appointment that I had to postpone my visit which I had intended to pay to Germany in January. _ A.我原计划访问德国,令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份予以推迟。 B.我原计划一月份访问德国,后来不得不予以推迟,这使我深感失望。 C.令我深感失望的是,我原计划访问德国,但不得不予以推迟到一月份。 D.令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份推迟我对德国预定的访问。(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 本题考查定语和中心语之间的关系。I had intended to pay to German

31、y in January,表明我对德国的访问原定是在一月份,所以把一月份用来做推迟的时间状语是不正确的。C 项犯了类似的错误,是原定一月份的访问,而不是推迟到一月份。答案为 B。5.Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. _ A.我从未听说过美国音乐在国外比国内要演奏得好。 B.我在国外时,从未听到美国音乐比现在还要演奏得好。 C.我从未听到过美国音乐在国外演奏得比这更好的。 D.我在国外从未听到过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 (1)当否定词放于句首时后面要部

32、分倒装,即仅把助动词或情态动词放到主语前面。本句即是这种句型。(2)如果去掉“never“,该句可直译为“在外国,我听到过比这里演奏得更好的美国音乐。”(过去分词“played better“既作定语又表被动。);加上“never“则译为“在外国,我从未听到过比这里演奏得更好的美国音乐。”也就是“在美国国外,这里演奏的美国音乐最好”,符合此意的只有 D 项;A 项中的“听说”的英文是“hear of“,所以 A 项错误;B 和 C 项意思正确但翻译得太死。答案 D。6.即使考虑到土地报酬率递减的因素,也是有条件实现的。_ A.We can realize it with conditions,

33、 even if we consider the factor of diminishing land returns rate. B.It can be realized with conditions, even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered. C.The target can be achieved even if we consider the factor of diminishing land returns rate. D.To achieve the target is totally

34、possible even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 B 项中形式主语 it 出现,但是却没有引出真正的主语;C 项中关于“有条件实现”译为了“The target can be achieved.“,意思变为了“目标可以实现”;A 项的翻译中添加了主语 we,这是在中文的译文中没有明确显现出来的。对于没有主语出现的句子,我们可以采用指示代词 it/that.或者不定式来表示。答案为 D。7.罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小 500 座教堂,我几乎都

35、去过了。_ A.Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, and I visited nearly all of them. B.Rome was built on seven hills, and it owed 500 big and small churches, I visited nearly every one. C.Rome is a city which was built on seven hills and owed 500 big and small churches, and I

36、have visited nearly all of them. D.Rome was located on seven hills with 500 big or small churches. I have visited nearly every one.(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 “建在七山之上”和“有大小 500 座教堂”的主语都是“罗马”,因此可用一个句子表示,BC 两项就显得比较复杂了;A 项中将修饰教堂的 big and small 单独列出,补充了相关信息,也使句式显得简洁。答案为 A。8.天坛是明、清两代皇帝“祭天祈谷”的地方,建于 1420 年,占地面

37、积 273 公顷。_ A.The Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped and prayed for good harvest; it was built in 1420 and covered an area of 273 hectares. B.Built in 1420 and covering an area of 237 hectares, the Temple of Heaven was the place where the emper

38、ors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvest. C.Built in 1420, the Temple of Heaven covered an area of 273 hectares and was the place where worshipped heaven and emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties prayed for good harvest. D.The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420

39、 and covering an area of 237 hectares, was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvest.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 A 项中没有使用任何的定语从句,两个整句显得句式不简洁;B 项利用分词作状语,简化了主语 the Temple of Heaven 的信息,比 C 项处理得较好,但是不如 D 项将主语置于句首,强调突出了主语作用。答案为 D。9.让我们看几个统计数字。_ A.Consid

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