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1、英语写作基础自考题-2 及答案解析(总分:92.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.He had a happy childhood when he lived in the country. (simple sentence)(分数:2.00)_2.Tom and Mary broke up. A couple of weeks ago they were planning to get married. (compound sentence)(分数:2.00)_3.The new room is spacious. It is too expensive for us. (complex se

2、ntence)(分数:2.00)_4.Education remains the single best means of economic advancement despite its shortcomings. (periodic sentence)(分数:2.00)_5.We lived in Shanghai when I was very young. We moved to Beijing later. My father found a job there. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_6.At the International

3、Museum, you can find ancient Egyptian art. You can explore African artifacts there. You can discover beautiful textiles from around the world there. (sentence with parallel structure )(分数:2.00)_7.In 1962, Rachel Carson published her book Silent Spring. Rachel Carson was an American marine scientist

4、and writer of popular science. The book aroused worldwide concern for the protection of environment. (long sentence)(分数:2.00)_8.Robert took off when he heard the knock on the front door ; he took a box of money. (sentence with a prepositional phrase)(分数:2.00)_9.She was a singer,a writer and finally

5、she became a movie director. (sentence with parallel structure)(分数:2.00)_10.English is offered in the morning. Law can be taken at night. (complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_11.He took the little dog out of the room to play in the park. Which was not allowed.(分数:3.00)_12.He stared at the lady by the service

6、 station dressed in black.(分数:3.00)_13.Jimmy shut the door and the window the noise from the next door almost drove him crazy.(分数:3.00)_14.Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place to relax at.(分数:3.00)_15.Charlotte loved the movie Gone with the Wind, but Lyde hated

7、it. His chief objection being that it lasted four hours.(分数:3.00)_16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below by writing A, B, C or D.A. The most critical election happened in 1896.B. The Great Depression produced conditions for 1932 election.C. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 an

8、d became the 16th American president.D. Americas two-party system has experienced three critical elections, each of which affected the party balance in government.Answer:_(分数:5.00)_17.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.A family group is a good example for illustrating norm

9、s,roles, social status,and soeial structure. Charlie has certain expectations for Alice that have developed between them over time. Alice is his wife, and he expects her to have the primary responsibility for childrearing and for dealing with relatives. She is expected to listen to his complaints ab

10、out his boss, to give him encouragement concerning his professional life, to be nice to his friends, to be patient with his impatience, and to spend the family funds carefully. Alice ,on the other hand, expects Charlie,her hus band, to share in housework, to prepare the meals, to play with the child

11、ren, to listen to her complaints about her boss, to encourage her to pursue her professional growth, and to know what to do in a weather emergency or when the plumbing breaks down.(分数:5.00)_18.Read the following paragraph carefully and choose the best topic sentence from the four possible answers th

12、at follow the paragraph by writing A, B, C or D.Topic Sentence: _My chief reason for choosing Bingston University is its wonderful work/study program in agriculture, my chosen field. The university requires all its students to gain practical experience by working on farms in the area while they are

13、still going to school;I know that this would provide invaluable experience and prepare me to use the skills I have learned in the classroom. Second, Bingston hires only the finest teachers. Then, too, there is Bingstons deferred payment plan; this represents a great convenience to my parents. A fina

14、l reason is the reasonable tuition.A. Bingston University has excellent teachers.B. Bingston University provides wonderful work/study program in agriculture.C. There are several reasons why I decide to attend Bingston University.D. The tuition of Bingston University is reasonable.(分数:5.00)_19.19. Ge

15、orge is the best example of this kind of friends; we ve known each other since we began sehool; I trust George and can tell him my deepest feelings.20. Missing, however, is the feeling of trust I share with George: we are friends who are just “friends“, not “close friends“.21. I have three kinds of

16、friends in my life: close friends, ordinary friends and acquaintances.22. Finally, I have friends who are just “acquaintances“ ; these are people I occasionally see at parties or sit next to in class.23. My life is richer with these three types of friends, for they provide me with a healthy variety

17、of company.24. We chat and are friendly with one another if we happen to meet, but that is as far as we go: we dont plan things together.25. My second type of friends,ordinary friends, are people I like and do things with.26. The first type, my close friends, are people whom I have known most of my

18、life and who love and accept me for myself.252022(分数:2.00)_20.the following paragraph and underline the TWO irrelevant sentences.Air pollution has several damaging effects on the environment. It soils clothes and may even rot them. Flowers, shrubs,and trees dont grow well in places where there is to

19、o much air pollution. In addition, dirty air sickens farm animals and has been known to damage food crops. Soil erosion has decreased the land resources for growing plants, too. Further, it rusts metal and disfigures historic monuments and public buildings. Some of the statues, for example, on Notre

20、 Dame Cathedral in France have begun to deteriorate as a result of prolonged exposure to polluted air. Notre Dame was built during the Middle Ages and is one of Frances most historic landmarks. Air pollution also de- stroys the landscape beauty this earth abounds in by hiding it behind a haze of fil

21、th. Finally, extended exposure to air pollution can also affect vision and breathing humans. Even mild doses of air pollution have been known to bring on heart attacks and lung disorders.(分数:10.00)_21.Write a letter according to the following situation: Your name is Li Yang. Youre a second-year coll

22、ege student majoring in English at the Dongfang Community College in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. You ve learned from a newspaper ad that the manager of a local company wants to hire a parttime translator. Write a letter to apply for this job. In your letter, provide the necessary information about

23、yourself. (150-200 words)(分数:30.00)_英语写作基础自考题-2 答案解析(总分:92.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.He had a happy childhood when he lived in the country. (simple sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(He had a happy childhood in the country.)解析:解析 本题考查将复合句改写为简单句,改写的方法是将题目中 when 引导的状语从句转换成介词短语,归并到主句中。2.Tom and Mary broke up. A couple of

24、weeks ago they were planning to get married. (compound sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Tom and Mary broke up, but a eoupte of weeks ago they were planning to get married.)解析:解析 本题考查将两个单句组合成一个并列句。由于前后两单句间存在转折关系,故可用 but 一词连接两句子,使其构成并列句。3.The new room is spacious. It is too expensive for us. (complex sentence

25、)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Although the new room is spacious, it is too expensive for us.)解析:解析 本题考查把两个单句组合成复合句。本题可将两单句中任一句子作为主句,所以该题也可改写为:The new room is spacious, though it is too expensive for us。4.Education remains the single best means of economic advancement despite its shortcomings. (periodic sentence)

26、(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(Despite its shoacomin gseducation remains the single best means of economic advancement.)解析:解析 本题考查的是松句和掉尾句之间的转换。只要能确定从句,该题便可迎刃而解。5.We lived in Shanghai when I was very young. We moved to Beijing later. My father found a job there. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(We lived

27、in Shanghai when I was very young, and we moved to Beijing later because my father found a job there.)解析:解析 本题考查将句子改写为并列复合句。该题第一、二分句为顺承叙述可构成并列句:第三句又与前两分句有因果关系,可构成复合句。6.At the International Museum, you can find ancient Egyptian art. You can explore African artifacts there. You can discover beautiful

28、textiles from around the world there. (sentence with parallel structure )(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(At the International Museum, you can find ancient Egyptian art, explore African artifacts, anddiscover beautiful textiles from around the world.)解析:解析 本题考查把句子改写为平行结构。平行结构是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形式表达出来的结构。平行结构可以是单词

29、、词组、从句,也可以是句子。此题中,三句都有动宾结构,所以可以把这三个动宾结构并列起来。7.In 1962, Rachel Carson published her book Silent Spring. Rachel Carson was an American marine scientist and writer of popular science. The book aroused worldwide concern for the protection of environment. (long sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(In 1962, Rachel Ca

30、rsonan American marine scientist and writer of popular science, published her book Silent Spring, which aroused worldwide contern for the protection of the environment.)解析:解析 本题考查的是将句子改写为长句。该题有三个短句,其中第一句内容包含二、三句中的关键词“Rachel Carson”和“the book”,据此可把第二句转换成短语,归并到第一句中作“Rachel Carson”的同位语,把第三句作为首句中“Silent

31、 Spring”的定语从句。8.Robert took off when he heard the knock on the front door ; he took a box of money. (sentence with a prepositional phrase)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(With a box of money, Robert took off when he heard the knock on the front door.)解析:解析 本题考查将句子改写为含介词短语的句子。通过分析句意(Robert 逃走时带走了一盒钱)可知,“a box of mone

32、y”可以单独写出,和介词 with 连接作状语。另外,介词短语置于句首时一般通过逗号和后面句子隔开。9.She was a singer,a writer and finally she became a movie director. (sentence with parallel structure)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(She was a singer, a wtiter and finallv, a movie director.)解析:解析 本题考查含平行结构的句子。平行结构可以是单词、词组或从句。该题仅须去掉连词 and之后的主语和谓语(she became)就可实现一组

33、名词的平行结构。10.English is offered in the morning. Law can be taken at night. (complex sentence)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(While English is offered in the morning. law can be taken at night.)解析:解析 本题考查把句子改写为复合句。一个含有从句和主句的句子便是复合句。复合句主句部分常常是一句话的中心所在,是被强调的部分;从句部分由从属连词引导,一般放在句首,用逗号与主句分开。据此,可以添加 while 一词,使第一个句子成为从句,第二句作

34、主句。11.He took the little dog out of the room to play in the park. Which was not allowed.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(He took the little dog out of the room to play in the park, which was not allowed.)解析:解析 本题考查修饰语错置引起的病句。该题第二句本是第一句的从句,故可删去句号,且小写which 的首字母。12.He stared at the lady by the service station dressed i

35、n black.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(By the service staffon, he stared at the lady dressed in black.)解析:解析 本题考查修饰语错置的修改。由于修饰词和其所饰词语相隔太远会引起歧义,因此将“by the service station”前置靠近“he”而让“dressed in black”与“lady”靠近可避免产生歧义。13.Jimmy shut the door and the window the noise from the next door almost drove him crazy.(分数:3.00)_

36、正确答案:(Jimmy shut the door and the window, for the noise from the next door almost drove him crazy.)解析:解析 本题考查串句的修改。这是一个无标点的串句。串句是一种错句,即在没有连接词或标点符号的情况下将两个或两个以上独立的单句串在一起的句子。避免串句主要有 3 种方法:(1)句号与大写;(2)逗号与连接词;(3)使用分号。本题在改正时应选用第二种方法:加逗号和连词。14.Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should

37、 be a place to relax at.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, you should be able to relax at home.)解析:解析 本题考查的是垂悬修饰语的修改。垂悬修饰语即修饰语在句中找不到逻辑上被修饰的对象的结构。改正方法通常有两种:(1)明确动作的实施者,使主语成为垂悬部分所修饰的对象:(2)将省略句或分词词组扩展成从句。从工作责任中解脱出来的不应该是“家”,而是某个人自己,所以主句的主语应该换成 you。15.Charlotte loved the movie

38、 Gone with the Wind, but Lyde hated it. His chief objection being that it lasted four hours.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(Charlotte loved the movie Gone with the Wind, but Lyde hated it. His chief objection was thatit lasted foor hours.)解析:解析 本题考查的是破句的修改。这是一个由-ing 分词引起的破句。当-ing 分词处于一组词的首位或靠近首位时就有可能出现破句,这样的句子缺少主语或

39、谓语动词的一部分;改正这类破句的方法有三个:(1)将破句与其前或其后的句子连接起来,使意思完整;(2)增添主句,把-ing 部分变为动词的正确形式;(3)把 being 改为 be 的恰当形式。所以在此句中需要把 being 改为正确形式 was。16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below by writing A, B, C or D.A. The most critical election happened in 1896.B. The Great Depression produced conditions for 1932 election.C. Abraham Lincoln won th

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