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1、英语写作基础自考题-8 及答案解析(总分:90.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:10,分数:15.00)1.It began to shake noticeably as soon as the plane lifted off the runway. (periodic sentence)(分数:1.50)_2.In our launching satellites, computers play a key role. (loose sentence)(分数:1.50)_3.The enemy ran away as soon as they saw our flag. (si

2、mple sentence)(分数:1.50)_4.Our team lost its last ten games. Nevertheless, we remain confident of our ability to win. (compound sentence)(分数:1.50)_5.At last my wish is realized. The government has granted me permission to go to the West. (complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_6.My sister was a teacher, a school

3、 principal, and finally she became a successful business executive. (parallel structure)(分数:1.50)_7.The tall hedge muffled (减弱) the noise. The hedge surrounded my house. (complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_8.The intense snowstorm delayed our flight. We managed to check into a motel. It was just a mile from

4、the airport. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_9.Jun Ji Hyun (全智贤), a South Korean actress, has earned the adoration of the audiences. She presents an honest, flawed character beautifully in the film Sassy. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_10.Jules is sweet. He is considerate. He is loving. (

5、simple sentence)(分数:1.50)_二、B(总题数:5,分数:15.00)11.I hear that the view from the Sears Tower in Chicago is magnificent, I have never visited it.(分数:3.00)_12.Although the season has not yet begun has caused the public to get overly anxious for information about the team.(分数:3.00)_13.James Joyces Ulysses

6、, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board.(分数:3.00)_14.The teacher assigned the homework to the students that was too difficult.(分数:3.00)_15.To keep the girl students interested in getting in shape, an exercise program was set up for the sum

7、mer months.(分数:3.00)_三、B(总题数:3,分数:15.00)16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. A. Every morning, we hear the shouts of the forest rangers echoing in the mountains. B. We see women and young girls washing clothes and vegetables b

8、y the river. C. The people in my native town are living a simple and peaceful life. D. Farmers are working with hoes and ploughs in the fields. Answer: _(分数:5.00)填空项 1:_17.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence. Tornados form under very special weather conditions, and these sp

9、ecial weather conditions occur most often in inland areas, such as the central United States. A tornado forms when a layer of warm, dry air is on top of a layer of cooler, moist air. This combination of dry, warm air above wet, cool air creates a condition that causes the lower layer of air to lift

10、up. As the lower air rises, both layers of air begin to rotate, to turn around and around. The air begins to rotate faster and faster because of centrifugal (离心的) force. The tornado has a center called an “eye“ and the air rotates quickly around this eye.(分数:5.00)填空项 1:_18.Read the following paragra

11、ph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. Topic Sentence: _ If you are tired of making vague excuses for another dull summer at home, here is a thought to lift your spirits. You do

12、not need anything so radical as winning a lottery to finance a trip to Europe. A student identity card that can be obtained for a few dollars from the Council on International Educational Exchange entitles you to discount tickets on certain charter flights to London and Paris, as well as reduced adm

13、ission to many museums, cinemas, and musical events. Once in Europe, you can stay at approved youth hostels for about two dollars a night. So dont give up your hopes of be coming an international traveler. A. It is easy for a student to travel in Europe during the summer. B. The student needs to obt

14、ain an identity card to travel at a cheap rate. C. The student could stay at approved youth hostels for about two dollar a night. D. The students will become international travelers in summer.(分数:5.00)填空项 1:_四、B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)19.The house they put us in was ugly, with an ugly yard and a few ugly bus

15、hes. 20. Yet our guardians efforts to punish us were not always effective. 21. And the clothes we wore were continually pieced; the food we ate was terrible. 22. After our parents death, our comfortable life came to an end and we were kept well below the poverty line by our guardians. 23. No more co

16、uld they put a halt to it than they could keep us. 24. They could keep books out of our hands, restrict our communication with the neighbors children by penning us within a wire-net fence. 25. the passionate pleasure we got from soap bubbles, rainbows, holy pictures and spider webs was beyond our gu

17、ardians power of prevention. 26. However, they could not stop us from using our eyes. 20 24 26(分数:5.00)_五、B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)20.When my friend Tom sets to work in the kitchen, disaster often results. I, frankly, am not much of a cook. Once he tried to make toasted cheese sandwiches for us by putting s

18、lices of cheese in the toaster along with the bread, he ruined the toaster. On another occasion, he had cut up some fresh beans and put them in a pan to steam. The water in the pan steamed a way while Tom was on the telephone, and both the beans and the coating in the pan were ruined. Finally, anoth

19、er time Tom made spaghetti for us, and the noodles stuck so tightly together that we had to cut off slices with a knife and fork. The tomato sauce, on the other hand, turned out well. Because of Toms kitchen mishaps (事故), I never eat at his place without money in my pocket in case we have to go out

20、to eat.(分数:10.00)_六、B(总题数:1,分数:30.00)21.Write a letter of complaints according to the following situation: You (Liu Dan) bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliances and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to s

21、end a representative to check it up. In your letter, provide the specific defects of the air conditioner, the date of purchase, the serial number of it and the way to contact you. (150200 words)(分数:30.00)_英语写作基础自考题-8 答案解析(总分:90.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:10,分数:15.00)1.It began to shake noticeably as soon

22、 as the plane lifted off the runway. (periodic sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(As soon as the plane lifted off the runway, it began to shake noticeably.)解析:解析 此题要求把松散句改为掉尾句,即把句子最关键的东西移至句尾。2.In our launching satellites, computers play a key role. (loose sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(Computers play a key role in

23、our launching satellites.)解析:解析 介词短语 In our launching satellites 是修饰语,根据松散句规则,应该放到句末。3.The enemy ran away as soon as they saw our flag. (simple sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(At the sight of our flag, the enemy ran away.)解析:解析 原句是一个含有 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句的复合句,要求变为简单句。简单句是只含有一套主谓结构的句子,它不能有从句,故在变化时我们用 at th

24、e sight of 这个表示时间意义的介词短语代替 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句。译文:敌人一看到我们的旗子就跑了。特别要注意主从句主语的互换。4.Our team lost its last ten games. Nevertheless, we remain confident of our ability to win. (compound sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(Our team lost its last ten games; nevertheless, we remain confident of our ability to win.)解析

25、:解析 此题要求把句子改写成并列句,并列句是由两个以上的简单句合并而成的句子,它的合并方式通常是由逗号加一个连接词(and,but,for,nor,or,so,yet),或由句子衔接词,分号来连接两个分句。前后两个句子不分主从,重量相当。此题中后一个句子有副词 nevertheless,因此在选择连词时仍然选 nevertheless 的连词用法。5.At last my wish is realized. The government has granted me permission to go to the West. (complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(

26、At last my wish is realized because the government has granted me permission to go to the West.)解析:解析 原句由两个简单句组成,要求合并为一个复合句。复合句是含有主句和从句的句子。分析题干后可知,第一个句子讲述了中心意思“最终我的愿望成真。”第二句则是对第一句的原因的解释,即两句之间是一种因果关系,故用连词 because 连接。译文:最终我的梦想终于实现了,因为政府允许我去西部了。6.My sister was a teacher, a school principal, and finally

27、 she became a successful business executive. (parallel structure)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(My sister was a teacher, a school principal, and finally a successful business executive.)解析:解析 阅读原句发现,如果要用并列结构修改原句,能修改的部分只能是将原句三个表语部分并列起来,因为整句话主语均一致,且均为系表结构。译文:我姐姐曾是一个教师,一个学校校长,最后她成了一个成功的商业执行官。7.The tall hedge muffled

28、(减弱) the noise. The hedge surrounded my house. (complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(The tall hedge which surrounded my house muffled(减弱)the noise.)解析:解析 原句为两个简单句,第一个简单句意为:高高的树篱减弱了嗓音;第二个意为:树篱环绕着我的房子。要求合并为复合句。很显然第一个句子是主要意思所在。合并时可将第二句转换为第一句句子主语的后置定语从句。8.The intense snowstorm delayed our flight. We managed

29、 to check into a motel. It was just a mile from the airport. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(The intense snowstorm delayed our flight, but we managed to check into a motel which was just a mile from the airport.)解析:解析 原句是三个简单句,要求变为并列复合句。多个简单句合并成并列复合句时,应注意哪些部分可以合并成并列部分,哪些部分需要采取复合形式。第一句说大暴雪

30、延误了我们的航班,第二句说我们住进了汽车旅馆,第三句说该汽车旅馆离机场只有一英里,第三句是对第二句中 motel 的补充说明,所以二、三两句要采用定语从句来复合的形式。那么第一句跟二、三句之间的关系只能是并列,大暴雪延误航班本应造成很大麻烦,但我们成功避免了,故用连词 but 引导。9.Jun Ji Hyun (全智贤), a South Korean actress, has earned the adoration of the audiences. She presents an honest, flawed character beautifully in the film Sassy

31、. (compound-complex sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(Jun Ji Hyun (全智贤) is a South Korean actress, and she has earned the adoration of the audiences because she presents an honest, flawed character beautifully in the film Sassy.)解析:解析 原题含有两个简单句,要求合并为并列复合句。从句意上看,第一句为全智贤,这位韩国女演员,赢得了观众的喜爱。而第二句则说明了第一句成立的原因。转化为并列

32、复合句时,第一句中表示主语身份的同位语扩展为句子,它和 she has earned.用 and 连接,表并列关系。而一、二句之间则需要用 because 引导,表示原因。译文:全智贤是一位韩国女演员;她赢得了观众的喜爱,因为她在影片我的野蛮女友中成功地扮演了一个诚实而又有缺陷的角色。10.Jules is sweet. He is considerate. He is loving. (simple sentence)(分数:1.50)_正确答案:(Jules is sweet, considerate, and loving.)解析:解析 此题要求把句子改为简单句。简单句是最基本的句子类型

33、,至少是含有主语、谓语动词的独立的、有意义的句子。简单句可以有一个以上的主语,也可以有一个以上的动词,与并列句相比,简单句中不能出现连接两个句子的连词,无论是从属连词还是并列连词。二、B(总题数:5,分数:15.00)11.I hear that the view from the Sears Tower in Chicago is magnificent, I have never visited it.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(I hear that the view from the Sears Tower in Chicago is magnificent, but I have

34、 never visited it.)解析:解析 原句是个串句,两个分句都表达各自的完整意思,中间却只用逗号将其隔开是不正确的。根据句意,两个句子之间是转折关系,修改时可在后面句子前加上转折连词 but。12.Although the season has not yet begun has caused the public to get overly anxious for information about the team.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(Although the season has not yet begun, the public has been caused

35、to be overly anxious for information about the team.)解析:解析 本题是一个缺少主语的破句,修改方法是将其分成两个句子,并将后面的句子加上主语,即将宾语“the public”提到前面作主语,同时谓语部分也相应地改为 be overly anxious for.13.James Joyces Ulysses, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(Jam

36、es Joyces Ulysses, which is a long and complicated novel, and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board.)解析:解析 这道题错误出在错误的平行结构。平行结构是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形式表达出来。如果意思上并列的成分用不同等的语法形式来表达,就破坏了平行结构。这是一个含有多项平行的句子,在多项平行句中,把一组词组连续地排列起来,使意义与结构均保持平行,这样才能结构对称美观。在这句话中,作主语同位语的是一个名词短语,又有一个定语

37、从句修饰主语,结构不对称,所以要把名词短语也改为定语从句。14.The teacher assigned the homework to the students that was too difficult.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(The teacher assigned the students the homework that was too difficult./The teacher assigned the homework that was too difficult to the students.)解析:解析 首先来看译文,这个老师给学生们布置的家庭作业太难了。该题

38、为修饰语错置导致的病句。根据题意,从句 that was too difficult 的先行词应为 the homework,而不是与它紧邻的 the students,修改时将先行词与从句靠近即可。15.To keep the girl students interested in getting in shape, an exercise program was set up for the summer months.(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(To keep the girl students interested in getting in shape, they set up

39、an exercise program for the summer months.)解析:解析 本题属于垂悬修饰语错误,修改方法是找出句子隐含主语。该题中的不定式部分找不到逻辑主语,改正时要明确动作的实施者。三、B(总题数:3,分数:15.00)16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. A. Every morning, we hear the shouts of the forest rangers echoing in the mountains. B. We see women and young girls washing clothes and vegetables by the river. C. The people in my native town are living a simple and peaceful life. D. Farmers are working with hoes and ploughs in

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