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1、2008 年浙江大学考博英语真题试卷及答案解析(总分:112.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.President Bush came to his parents century-old summer home on the Maine coast for a little relaxation, a distant cousins wedding and some family time. However, several hundred anti-war demonstrators_on his visit.(分

2、数:2.00)A.intrudedB.invadedC.intwinedD.inturned2.Influenza is caused by a virus_one person_another in droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. It is characterized by coldlike symptoms plus chills, fever, headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue.(分数:2.00)A.transferred from. toB.transmitted from. toC.tran

3、sacted from. toD.transcend from. to3.Pigeon is the common name for members of a family of birds; smaller species are commonly known as doves, but sizes of pigeons and doves_. The birds, almost worldwide in distribution, are most abundant in warm regions.(分数:2.00)A.surpassB.transcendC.overlapD.join4.

4、Yangtze River flows at a width of up to 2km and an average depth of between 6 and 15m through a large plain with many lakes. This area is_to severe flooding and accumulation of river sediment.(分数:2.00)A.objectB.particularC.subjectD.prone5.In 2005, President Bush put his political capital where his m

5、outh was, and lost. He went all-out to_Congress and the American people that privatizing Social Security would be good and necessary.(分数:2.00)A.argueB.concedeC.convinceD.confess6.A growing number of companies are now trying to serve “segments of one“. They attempt to_their offer and communication to

6、 each individual customer. This is understandable with large industrial companies that have only a few major customers.(分数:2.00)A.adoptB.adaptC.incorporateD.exclude7.The German general staff made another dangerous concession to what they considered a military necessity. The plan would be_not when co

7、untries formally declared war but simply when they ordered mobilization.(分数:2.00)A.triggeredB.triggeringC.triflingD.trifled8.Content is the subject matter of architecture, the element in architectural expression that communicates specific meanings that_to society the functions and techniques of buil

8、dings.(分数:2.00)A.interpretB.tellC.identifyD.modify9.As online computer systems become more popular, televisions and computers are increasingly_. Such technologies combine the capabilities of computers, television etc, and greatly expand the services that can be provided.(分数:2.00)A.separatedB.segrega

9、tedC.integratedD.intersected10.A theory is an organized set of principles that is designed to explain and predict some phenomenon. Good theories also provide specific testable predictions, or_, about the relation between two or more variables.(分数:2.00)A.hypothesisB.conceptionC.ideaD.meaning11.Human

10、evolution is lengthy process of change_people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people evolved over a period of at least 6 million years.(分数:2.00)A.of whichC.for that12.Because of various burdens, th

11、e 1980s in Ecuador became a decade of_It was made worse by bad floods in 1983, the collapse of world oil prices in 1985 and 1986, and a devastating earthquake in 1987.(分数:2.00)A.collapseB.stagnationC.stopD.reduction13.Since 1970, when Sultan Qaboos came to power and launched Omans development, pover

12、ty has been largely_and medical care has been provided throughout the country.(分数:2.00)A.eliminatedB.illuminatedC.limitedD.increased14.Many societies today interpret the natural world and form beliefs based on science and logic. Societies in which many people do not practice any religion, such as th

13、e United States, may be known as_societies.(分数:2.00)A.vulgarB.secularC.particularD.unique15.Before the_of hospitals, the family or communal sauna(桑拿)was favored by Finnish women for giving birth. Today, saunas are found in health clubs and gymnasiums around the world.(分数:2.00)

14、vertD.advance二、Cloze(总题数:1,分数:40.00)The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world, has dramatized how the careless use of the earths resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The overdevelopment of motor transport, with its【C1】_of more cars, more highways, more pollut

15、ion, more suburbs, more commuting, has【C2】_to the near-destruction of our cities, and the pollution not only of【C3】_air, but also of the earths atmosphere. The disaster has arrived in the【C4】_of the energy crisis. Our present【C5】_is unlike war, revolution or depression. It is also unlike the great n

16、atural disasters of the past. Worldwide resources【C6】_and energy use have brought us to a state【C7】_long-range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which【C8】_the future of our country, our children, and our earth.【C9】_a movement forward to a new nor

17、m in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems. This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of【C10】_. There is a strong demand for moral revival and【C11】_some devotion that is vast enough and yet【C12】_enough to enlist the devotion of all. In the past i

18、t has been only in a way in【C13】_of their own country【C14】_any people have been able to【C15】_themselves wholeheartedly. This is the first time we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in【C16】_with all the other inhabitants of this planet, who【C17】_with us the same endangered air

19、and the same endangered oceans. There is a【C18】_need to reassess our present course, and to【C19】_new methods through which the world can survive. This is priceless【C20】_.(分数:40.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.manufactureB.increaseC.presenceD.expansion(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.attributedB.contributedC.amountedD.broug




23、deviseB.alterC.initiateD.modify(20).【C20】(分数:2.00)A.challengeB.opportunityC.attemptD.notion三、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)There are a variety of ways to think about the self. Two of the most widely used terms are self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept generally refers to the totality of a

24、 complex, organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people bold about themselves, while self-esteem generally refers to how we feel about or how we value ourselves. There is a great deal of research which shows that the self-concept is, perhaps, the basis for all

25、motivated behavior. It is the self-concept that gives rise to possible selves, and it is possible selves that create the motivation for behavior. Self-concept is related to self-esteem in that people who have good self-esteem have a clear differentiated self-concept. When people know themselves, the

26、y can maximize outcomes because they know what they can and cannot do. It would see, then that one way to impact self-esteem is to obey the somewhat outworn cliche of “Know thyself. There are several different components of self-concept: physical, academic, social and transpersonal. The physical asp

27、ect of self-concept relates to that which is concrete: what we look like, our sex, height, weight, and what kind of clothes we wear. Our academic self-concept relates to how well we do in school or how well we learn. The social self-concept describes how we relate to other people and the transperson

28、al self-concept describes how we relate to other supernatural or unknown on an emotional or spiritual level. Through self-reflection, people often come to view themselves in a new, more powerful way, and it is through this new, more power way of viewing the self that people can develop possible selv

29、es. We develop and maintain our self-concept by taking action and then reflecting on what we have done and what others tell us about what we have done. We reflect in comparison to our expectations and the exceptions of others and to the characteristics and accomplishments of others. Self-concept, th

30、us is not innate, but is developed by the individual through interaction with the environment and reflecting on that interaction. This dynamic aspect of self-concept is important because it indicates that it can be modified or changed.(分数:10.00)(1).It can be inferred from the text that_.(分数:2.00)A.t

31、he author believes most behavior is learned, not innateB.the author doesnt believe that ones self-concept can changeC.self-concept and self-esteem are often mistaken for each otherD.the author has doubts about the idea that self-concepts is the basis for behavior(2).The authors attitude towards the

32、ideas of “know thyself is_.(分数:2.00)A.criticalB.positiveC.neutralD.mixed(3).One can conclude from the text that by developing good self-esteem people can_.(分数:2.00)A.improve their interactions immenselyB.begin improving their behaviorC.begin to develop a clear self-conceptD.correct deficiencies in t

33、heir character(4).Which of the following would be identified as transpersonal self-concept?(分数:2.00)A.Our concept of how interested and well we study supernatural topics.B.Our knowledge of our strange intuition about peoples feelings.C.Our understanding of how we relate to a god we believe in.D.Our

34、understanding of our relationship with other people.(5).The most appropriate title for the text would be_.(分数:2.00)A.The Characteristics of Self-ConceptB.The Changeability of Self-ConceptC.Self-Concept and Self-EsteemD.New Research on Self-ConceptEvery dream is a message from your unconscious self,

35、expressed in a code which only you can understand and interpret. The images, colors, moods and terms of your dreams depend upon your culture, upbringing, slang and your own understanding of things and values. Dreaming is like looking into a mirror and seeing yourself with your own eyes. The first dr

36、eams which we have after falling asleep often revolve around the days events. We go through them, sorting out and discarding things we dont need to remember and gaining insight into those we do. Often, we are inspired with suggestions that we can use to remedy the situations that plague us by day. A

37、s we progress through the nights dreams, they may take up more fantastic qualities, offering fanciful experiences. These often pleasant images can relieve the stress of the day. But the dream we have just before the awakening often contains information the subconscious mind wants to make known to th

38、e conscious. And this information, if remembered, interpreted, and understood, can serve as an important tool in our lives. Depending upon the content, dream can strike us with their peculiarity, or sometimes even their alarming nature. Some dreams haunt us for years, not only because of their persi

39、stence, but also primarily because we cannot explain or understand them. Other dreams stand out with the weird mixture of images, emotions and context, which make us remember them for life. Recurring dreams are quite common, and we usually have them when a certain life situation repeats, or we are f

40、acing the same problem over and over again. A recurring dream is often a sign of some emotional weakness in our nature which causes us problems over the years. Lucid dreams are rare, but they are all about peoples ability to control their dreams. In such a dream, the dreamer becomes consciously awar

41、e that she/he is dreaming and is able to use the memory and participate in dream actions and emotions. Lucid dreams are usually enhanced in a sensory and imaginary way, and sometimes can be accompanied by pleasant music. People can learn the techniques of controlling their dreams. Some historic manu

42、scripts and records say that the ability to control dreams helps a person to reach a higher degree of mind development. This is what some Tibetan Buddhists and Islam followers practiced for the purpose of elevation in consciousness.(分数:10.00)(1).Dreams can only be understood by the dreamer because_.

43、(分数:2.00)A.they are always based on your deep feelingsB.they are expressed in a code only you can understandC.they are always something related to your upbringingD.they are related to your personal culture(2).According to the author dreams_.(分数:2.00)A.are always about the days events, sorting out th

44、em one by oneB.are primarily meant to relieve the stress of the only important at the stage just before you wake upD.move from different stages, each with different functions(3).Recurring dreams occur_.(分数:2.00)A.because of a repetition of event, problem or emotional weaknessB.because of a c

45、ertain life situation that causes us stressC.because we are emotionally weakD.because we cannot explain them(4).The word “lucid“(Line 1, Para.4)refers to_.(分数:2.00)A.highly consciousB.understandableC.easy to rememberD.clearly presented(5).It can be concluded from the text that dreams offer the poten

46、tial to_.(分数:2.00)A.predict the futureB.improve our conscienceC.increase our imaginationD.understanding ourselvesThe biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the writer may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack t

47、he sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul the quality of life. Who should write the biography of a family, for example? Because of their closeness to the subject, family members may have special information, but by the same token, they may not have the distance that would allow t

48、hem to be fair. Similarly, a kings servant might not be the best one to write a biography of that king. But a foreigner might not have the knowledge and sympathy necessary to write the kings biography not for a readership from within the kingdom, at any rate. There is no ideal position for such a ta

49、sk. The biographer has to work with the position he or she in the world, adjusting that position as necessary to deal with the subject. Every position has strengths and weakness to thrive, a writer must try to become aware of these, evaluate them in terms of the subject, and select a position accordingly. When their subjects are heroes or famous figures,

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