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1、MBA 联考-英语(二)-12 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.Our hypothesis is that immigrants, who often do not speak the language and do not master the culture and norms of the host country, are concentrated in more manual-routine tasks (especially among less educated groups). The i

2、nflow of immigrants thus increases the supply of manual skills relative to the supply of abstract skills with two effects: Due to the complementarity between these types of skills, the increase in the supply of manual tasks boosts relative compensation for complex skills, making them better paid. Ex

3、ploiting their comparative advantage, natives move to occupations requiring a relatively higher level of these skills. This positive reallocation and the complementarity of tasks can explain the lack of negative employment effects as well as the potential positive wage effects of immigration on nati

4、ve workers. So here“s how it all shakes out. Low-skilled immigration reduces economic inequality when we set aside nationalist assumptions and focus on people instead of populations. Even if we cling to analytical and moral nationalism, low-skilled immigration doesn“t happen to increase measured ine

5、quality. On the contrary, complementaries between the skills of migrant and native workers can leave natives better off than they would have been with less immigration. (分数:10.00)_2.Two to three times more people die in alcohol-related vehicle crashes during that time than during comparable periods

6、the rest of the year, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says. And 40% of traffic fatalities during winter holidays involved an alcohol-impaired driver, compared with 28% for other dates in December. Fueling the underage drinking problem, especially at this time of the year, is “

7、a combination of greater access to alcohol, less parental oversight and mixed messages“ about celebrating with alcohol, Delany says. Young people are told “don“t drink, don“t do that, but in every third commercial in recent weeks, we see something linked to alcohol and drinking,“ he says. And there“

8、s also the issue of “what kind of message parents may give,“ Delany adds. “Maybe they“re drinking a lot. Kids see that it“s OK.“ What is needed is a long-term message “that underage drinking is not OK,“ he says. “But adolescents don“t do well with “Just say no.“ We have to find ways to help young pe

9、ople make good decisions.“ (分数:10.00)_3.In much of the developing world, lack of water is at the center of a vicious circle of inequality. Some women in Foro come clown to the river five times a daywith one or two of the trips devoted to getting water to make a beer-style home brew for their husband

10、s. When I first came to Foro, some 60 men were sitting in the shade of a metal-roofed building, drinking and talking. It was midmorning. Women, says Binayo, “never get five seconds to sit down and rest.“ On a hot late afternoon I go with her to the river, carrying an empty jerry can. The trail is st

11、eep and in places slippery. We scramble down large rocks alongside cacti and thornbushes. After 50 minutes we reach the riveror what is a river at certain times of the year. Now it is a series of black, muddy pools, some barely puddles. The banks and rocks are littered with the excrement of donkeys

12、and cows. There are about 40 people at the river, enough so that Binayo decides that the wait might be shorter upstream. The wait is especially long early in the morning, so Binayo usually makes her first trip before it is light, leaving her son Kumacho, a serious-faced little man who looks even you

13、nger than his four years, in charge of his younger brothers. (分数:10.00)_4.The Empire State Building, the world“s tallest for four decades and still the tallest in New York City, will buy 100% wind power from Texas-based Green Mountain Energy Company. “It was a natural fit for us to combine 100% clea

14、n energy with our nearly completed, groundbreaking energy efficiency retrofit work,“ Anthony E. Malkin, president of Malkin Holdings, which runs the building, said in the announcement. “Clean energy and our nearly 40% reduced consumption of watts gives us a competitive advantage in attracting the be

15、st credit tenants at the best rents.“ The two-year contract for 55 million kilowatt hours of renewable energy annually will prevent nearly 100 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year, according to Green Mountain. The company estimates the CO 2 reduction is the equivalent of nearly every

16、 house in New York state turning off their lights for a week or planting nearly 150,000 treesmore than six times the number in Central Park. As part of its green retrofit, the Empire State Building has hired Serious Materials to remove, retrofit and replace each of its 6,514 double-hung, dual-pane w

17、indows. It“s also adding insulation and other upgrades. (分数:10.00)_5.In my opinion, we are living on borrowed time. We have 3 or 4 days“ worth of food in the city. And if that food supply is disrupted, we“ll be in a lot of trouble. We should have something in the city that replaces this very tenuous

18、 food supply and it should be growing in the city. The bulk of the world“s population are going to be urban and are going to be living in high-rise accommodation. How do you make sustainable living solutions for the real world? By the year 2050, over 3/4 of the world“s population is expected to live

19、 in cities. The trend towards urbanization is greater now than at any time in history. And as population grows, it poses a unique problem: how best to grow food and supply it to the cities? We are looking at the exciting and unconventional field of agriculture, that is vertical farming. It could rad

20、ically change the view across the Thames here in London. (分数:10.00)_6.Some small traders worry that eBay has lost interest in them. They say it“s increasingly focused on winning business from large retailers instead. “In this six to seven years I“ve been doing it, I have seen it changed quite a lot

21、as well. It has gone from kind of embracing the smaller sellers to now embracing the larger companies. They are making themselves into more of a marketplace, almost like Amazon. It seems that if what they“re going for, they“re looking to make eBay into this marketplace of major retailers and big sel

22、lers. And this has kind of squeezed on small people because when people search, the smaller sellers tend to come up lesser in the ratings or lower in the ratings, so they are harder to find their items. And so eBay has changed into more of a corporation as opposed to the small company.“ EBay is now

23、pursuing new business models. It“s also facing a radical shift in the way people use its services. It“s started out as a pure auction site, but now most transactions are done at a fixed price which makes eBay more similar to other online retailers. Some say it“s merely adapting to changed market con

24、ditions. Others worry that eBay is in danger of losing its soul. (分数:10.00)_7.A huge proportion of the Iranian budget is spent on subsidizing a wide range of goods for Iranian consumers from food to refined petroleum. President Ahmadinejad has been pro posing a big cut in that subsidy. His argument

25、is that it should be replaced with cash handouts to the most needy. But the Iranian parliament is worried that Mr Ahmadinejad“s proposal could increase inflation to an annual figure of up to 50%. So members of parliament have halved the proposed cuts. There“s concern that a dramatic rise in prices c

26、ould provoke a new round of unrest and perhaps lead the poorer classes to give more active support to the opposition. There“re also suspicions that the real motive for the subsidy cut is to make up for a budget shortfall. Clear figures are hard to get hold of, but it seems that Mr Ahmadinejad“s gove

27、rnment failed to build up any substantial cash reserves when oil prices were at record levels. For years Iranians have been suffering multiple economic problems including inflation at or above 2%. Blame is placed either on Mr Ahmadinejad“s eccentric management of Iran“s finances or on international

28、sanctions or a combination of both. With new sanctions actively under discussion, the situation is not about to get any easier. (分数:10.00)_8.Winning is often the result of persistence, of not giving up when your goal appears to be in jeopardy. “When you adopt the attitude that if you do something it

29、 will make a difference, that“s confidence,“ Rosabeth Moss Kanter, author of the bestselling book Confidence says. “Look at your situation and think of yourself as being in the middle of it. The story is rarely over, even when the great majority think it issomething every sports fan knows.“ Kicker A

30、dam Vinatieri helped the New England Patriots football team defeat the Miami Dolphins 2724 on December 29, 2002, when he kicked a 42-yard field goal in the final seconds, after many spectators had already got up from their seats to make their way out of the stadium. This event got fans saying, “It“s

31、 not over until Vinatieri kicks.“ Sure enough, in the 2004 Super Bowl, Vinatieri kicked the game-winning points for the Patriots in the final few seconds. Certainly, there will still be moments and situations that just aren“t going to go your way, and this is the time when confidence needs to be tem

32、pered by realism. If you believe in yourself so strongly that you act rashly, confidence can actually make you “stupid“. So handle it with careand use your confidence wisely. (分数:10.00)_9.Changing one“s diet can be difficult because it requires new food habits and learning about alternative sources

33、of protein and iron. Cultural barriers, such as gender, race, ethnicity, education and where you live are also involved: white men in the Midwest eat considerably more beef than their compatriots on the coasts, and education is inversely proportional to beef and meat consumption. There“s also a perc

34、eived lack of pleasure associated with going meatless because many carnivores perceive vegetarian diets as boring. In addition, historical data on rates of people adopting a vegetarian diet have risen from 0.9 percent in 1991 to about 3 percent in the U. S. now, suggesting that actions perceived as

35、involving sacrifices of comfort or pleasure are not adopted widely. Scientists have identified several energy-saving behaviors that share the obstacles of forgoing comfort and pleasure. Line-drying clothing, for instance, results in stiff fabric that can be scratchy on the skin; shorter showers can

36、feel cold and rushed; and setting the thermostat higher in summer can make a person feel too warm. (分数:10.00)_10.There“s no such thing as an all-lecture class at Yale, nor at most other undergraduate colleges or business schools. Professors expect and demand engagement and discussion and students wi

37、ll often pipe up with questions in the middle of a salient point. In most cases, this is not considered rude; I think American students occasionally think of themselves as consumers of the course material, with the right to get their questions answered or theories explored by the professor. In one e

38、arly class of ours, the professor even wrote to students who had not been participating to request that they speak up more in class. Of course, not all participation is valid or particularly helpful. Students will often ask questions they should know the answer to, or attempt to build on a point wit

39、h an off-base comment. Interestingly, if a group of students is in a class together consistently, the group begins to subtly govern itself and members whose contributions might not be adding to the total experience will get the hint and aim to consider the good of the whole when raising their hand.

40、But shifting between absorbing the lecture and participating in a conversation about it is a key feature of the classroom experience. (分数:10.00)_MBA 联考-英语(二)-12 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.Our hypothesis is that immigrants, who often do not speak the language and do no

41、t master the culture and norms of the host country, are concentrated in more manual-routine tasks (especially among less educated groups). The inflow of immigrants thus increases the supply of manual skills relative to the supply of abstract skills with two effects: Due to the complementarity betwee

42、n these types of skills, the increase in the supply of manual tasks boosts relative compensation for complex skills, making them better paid. Exploiting their comparative advantage, natives move to occupations requiring a relatively higher level of these skills. This positive reallocation and the co

43、mplementarity of tasks can explain the lack of negative employment effects as well as the potential positive wage effects of immigration on native workers. So here“s how it all shakes out. Low-skilled immigration reduces economic inequality when we set aside nationalist assumptions and focus on peop

44、le instead of populations. Even if we cling to analytical and moral nationalism, low-skilled immigration doesn“t happen to increase measured inequality. On the contrary, complementaries between the skills of migrant and native workers can leave natives better off than they would have been with less

45、immigration. (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:我们假设这些移民在寄居国由于在语言、文化及社会规范方面存在差异,更多地集中于体力工作上(受教育程度较低的移民群体更是如此)。因此这些移民的涌入增加了体力劳动力供给,从而相对于脑力劳动力产生了以下两种影响: 一、由于体力与脑力劳动的互补性,体力劳动力的增加相对补偿了脑力劳动,使得脑力劳动的报酬有所增加。 二、寄居国劳动力利用自身优势更多地流向劳动技术水平要求相对较高的职位。 这种对劳动力积极的重新分配和互补性不仅抵消了移民带来的就业冲击,而且对寄居国劳动力的工资上涨带来积极的影响。 所以移民的影响可见一斑。如果我们撇开民族因素,

46、将视角集中于人而非人口层面,低技术移民确实有助于减轻经济的不平等性。即使用分析法从民族道义看待此问题,低技术移民也未免会加重有形的不平等性。相反,移民工人与寄居国工人劳动的互补性,使得寄居国工人从大量移民中获得了更多的利益。 解析 先通读全文,前两段是论点,最后一段是结论,三段文字紧密联系。第一句较长,who 引导的非限制性定语从句在句中相当于插入语成分,这样句子主干成分就明确了。翻译成汉语可分成两句话:“假设这些移民更多地集中于体力工作上,(源于)他们的语言不同,而且文化及社会规范与寄居国也有异。”但从简洁角度出发,可以将两句并为一句“我们假设这些移民由于语言、文化及社会规范的差异,更多地集中于体力工作上。”abstract skills 与 manual skills 相对应,后者意义明确为体力劳动,从而反推前者译成脑力劳动较字面的抽象劳动更合适。类似下文又出现了 complex skills 与 labor skills 对应,比较:复杂的劳动与脑力劳动两种译法哪一种更为合适。 第三段第一句话很短,“So here“s how it all shakes out.”但翻译起来有一定难度,首先是 i

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