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1、MBA 联考-英语(二)-8 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Directions:(总题数:6,分数:100.00)The world economy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwi

2、de, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004. These food-price increases combing with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop eco

3、nomic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we“ll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally.

4、The crisis has its roots in four interlinked trends. The first is the chronically low productivity of farmers in the poorest countries, caused by their inability to pay for seeds, fertilizers and irrigation. The second is the misguided policy in the U. S. and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of f

5、ood crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol. The third is climate change; take the recent droughts in Australia and Europe, which cut the global production of grain in 2005 and 2006. The fourth is the growing global demand for food and feed grains brought on by swelling populations and inc

6、omes. In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow. So, what should be done? Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert the potential for a global disaster. The first is to scale-up the dramatic success of Malawi, a famine-prone country in so

7、uthern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds. Malawi“s harvest doubled after just one year. An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all. S

8、uch a fund could fight hunger as effectively as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is controlling those diseases. Second, the U. S. and Europe should abandon their policies of subsidizing the conversion of food into biofuels. The U. S. government gives farmers a taxpayer-financed subsidy

9、of 51 cents per gal of ethanol to divert corn from the food and feed-grain supply. There may be a case for biofuels produced on lands that do not produce foodstree crops (like palm oil), grasses and wood productsbut there“s no case for doling out subsidies to put the world“s dinner into the gas tank

10、. Third, we urgently need to weatherproof the world“s crops as soon and as effectively as possible. For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pondwhich collects rainwater to be used for emergency irrigation in a dry spellcan make the difference between a bountiful crop and a famine.

11、 The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet upon the promise. A. poor countries. B. all the world. C. the Climate Adaptation Fund. D. the Global Fund to

12、 Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. E. Bangladesh. F. Malawi. G. the U.S. and Europe.(分数:12.50)(1).Anti-hunger campaigns are successful in(分数:2.50)(2).Production of biofuels are subsidized in(分数:2.50)(3).Protest riots occurred in(分数:2.50)(4).The efforts were not so successful with(分数:2.50)(5).Food shortage

13、 becomes more serious in(分数:2.50)A. Follow on Lines B. Whisper: Keep It to Yourself C. Word of Experience: Stick to It D. Code of Success: Freed and Targeted E. Efficient Work to Promote Efficient Workers F. Recipe: Simplicity Means Everything G. Efficiency Comes from Orders Every decade has its def

14、ining self-help business book. In the 1940s it was How to Win Friends and Influence People , in the 1990s The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People . These days we“re worried about something much simpler: Getting Things Done. 1 That“s the title of productivity guru David Allen“s pithy 2001 treati

15、se on working efficiently, which continues to resonate in this decade“s overworked, overwhelmed, overteched workplace. Allen hasn“t just sold 500,000 copies of his book. He has preached his message of focus, discipline and creativity everywhere from Sony and Novartis to the World Bank and the U. S.

16、Air Force. He counsels swamped chief executives on coping with information overload. He ministers to some clients with an intensive, two-day, $ 6,000 private session in which he and his team organize their lives from top to bottom. And he has won the devotions of acolytes who document on their blogs

17、 how his Getting Things Done (GTO) program has changed their lives. 2 Allen admits that much of his basic recipe is common sense. Free your mind, and productivity will follow. Break down projects and goals into discrete, definable actions, and you won“t be bothered by all those loose threads pulling

18、 at your attention. First make decisions about what needs to get done, and then fashion a plan for doing it. If you“ve catalogued everything you have to do and all your long-term goals, Allen says, you“re less likely to wake up at 3 a. m. worrying about whether you“ve forgotten something. “Most peop

19、le haven“t realized how out of control their head is when they get 300 e-mails a day and each of them has potential meaning.“ 3 When e-mails, phones calls and to-do lists are truly under control, Allen says, the real change begins. You will finally be able to use your mind to dream up great ideas an

20、d enjoy your life rather than just occupy it with all the things you“ve got to do. Allen himself, despite running a $ 5.5 million consulting practice, traveling 200 days a year and juggling a business that“s growing 40% every years, finds time to joyride in his Mini Cooper and sculpt bonsai plants.

21、Oh, and he had earned his black belt in karate. 4 Few companies have embraced Allen“s philosophy as thoroughly as General Mills, the Minnesota-based maker of Cheerios and Lucky Charms. Allen began at the company with a couple of private coaching sessions for top executives, who raved about his guida

22、nce. Allen and his staff now hold six to eight two-day training sessions a year. The company has already put more than 2,000 employees through GTD training and plans to expand it company wide. “Fads come and go,“ says Kevin Wilde, General Mills“ CEO, “but this continues to work.“ 5 The most fevered

23、followers of Allen“s organizational methodology gather online. Websites like gtdindex, marvelz, corn parse Allen“s every utterance. The 43 Folders blog ran an eight-part pod-cast interview with him. GTD enthusiasts like Frank Meeuwsen, on whatsthenextaction, com gather best practice techniques for i

24、mplementing the book“s ideas. More than 60 software tools have been built specifically to supplement Allen“s system.(分数:17.50)In department stores and closets all over the world, they are waiting. Their outward appearance seems rather appealing because they come in a variety of styles, textures, and

25、 colors. But they are ultimately the biggest deception that exists in the fashion industry today. What are they? They are high heelsa woman“s worst enemy (whether she knows it or not). High heel shoes are the downfall of modern society. Fashion myths have led women to believe that they are more beau

26、tiful or sophisticated for wearing heels, but in reality, heels succeed in posing short as well as long term hardships. Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purchase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering. For the sake of fair

27、ness, it must be noted that there is a positive side to high heels. First, heels are excellent for aerating (使通气) lawns. Anyone who has ever worn heels on grass knows what I am talking about. A simple trip around the yard in a pair of those babies eliminates all need to call for a lawn care speciali

28、st, and provides the perfect-sized holes to give any lawn oxygen without all those messy chunks of dirt lying around. Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories. Reg

29、ardless of such practical uses for heels, the fact remains that wearing high heels is harmful to one“s physical health. Talk to any podiatrist (足病医生), and you will hear that the majority of their business comes from high-heel-wearing women. High heels are known to cause problems such as deformed fee

30、t and torn toenails. The risk of severe back problems and twisted or broken ankles is three times higher for a high heel wearer than for a flat shoe wearer. Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate (阴沟栅) and being thrown to the groundpossibl

31、y breaking a nose, back, or neck. And of course, after wearing heels for a day, any woman knows she can look forward to a night of pain as she tries to comfort her swollen, aching feet.(分数:17.50)(1).What makes women blind to the deceptive nature of high heels?(分数:3.50)A.The multi-functional use of h

32、igh heels.B.Their attempt to show off their status.C.The rich variety of high heel styles.D.Their wish to improve their appearance.(2).The author“s presentation of the positive side of high heels is meant _.(分数:3.50) be be fair to the fashion poke fun at make hi

33、s point convincing(3).The author uses the expression “those babies“ (Line 3, Para. 2) to refer to high heels _.(分数:3.50) show their fragile indicate their feminine show women“s affection for emphasize their small size(4).The author“s chief argument again

34、st high heels is that _.(分数:3.50)A.they pose a threat to lawnsB.they are injurious to women“s healthC.they don“t necessarily make women beautifulD.they are ineffective as a weapon of defense(5).The following are all the problems that could possibly caused by high heels EXCEPT _.(分数:3.50)A.deformed f

35、eet and torn toenailsB.severe back problems and twisted or broken anklesC.the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the groundD.getting the enemies threatenedThe chief problem in coping with foreign motorists is not so much remembering that they are

36、 different from you, but that they are enormously variable. Cross a frontier without adjusting and you can be in deep trouble. One of the greatest gulfs separating the driving nations is the Atlantic Ocean. More precisely, it is the mental distance between the European and the American motorist, par

37、ticularly the South American motorist. Compare, for example, an English driver at a set of traffic lights with a Brazilian. Very rarely will an Englishman try to anticipate the green light by moving off prematurely. You will find the occasional sharpie who watches for the amber to come up on the adj

38、acent set of lights. However, he will not go until he receives the lawful signal. Brazilians view the thing quite differently. If, in fact, they see traffic lights at all, they regard them as a kind of roadside decoration. The natives of North America are much more disciplined. They demonstrate this

39、 in their addiction to driving in one lane and sticking to it even if it means settling behind some great truck for many miles. To prevent other drivers from falling into reckless ways, American motorists try always to stay close behind the vehicle in front which can make it impossible, when all the

40、 vehicles are moving at about 55 mph, to make a real lane change. European visitors are constantly falling into this trap. They return to the Old World still flapping their arms in frustration because while driving in the State in their car they kept failing to get off the highway when they wanted t

41、o and were swept along to the next city. However, one nation above all others lives scrupulously by its traffic regulationsthe Swiss. In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police. Wh

42、at is more, the police would visit you; and you would be convicted. The Swiss take their rules of the road so seriously that a diver can be ordered to appear in court and charged for speeding on hearsay alone, and very likely found guilty. There are slight regional variations among the French, Germa

43、n and Italian speaking areas, but it is generally safe to assume that any ear bearing a CH sticker will be driven with a high degree of discipline.(分数:17.50)(1).The fact that the Brazilians regard traffic lights as a kind of roadside decoration suggests that _.(分数:3.50)A.traffic lights are part of s

44、treet sceneryB.they simply ignore traffic lightsC.they want to put them at roadsidesD.there are very few traffic lights(2).The phrase “anticipate the green light“ (Line 1, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to _.(分数:3.50)A.wait for the green light to be onB.forbid others to move before the green lightC.

45、move off before the green light is onD.follow others when the green light is on(3).Which one is NOT similar to the meaning of “scrupulously“ (Line 1, Para. 5)?(分数:3.50)A.Carefully.B.Seriously.C.Cautiously.D.Casually.(4).What would an American do, if he is driving behind another m one lane?(分数:3.50)A

46、.He stops the car.B.He tries to pass the truck.C.He follows it.D.He turns back.(5).Why does the author take Swiss as an example?(分数:3.50)A.To show Swiss“s advance in traffic control.B.To prove Swiss drivers are more disciplined.C.To explain drivers are variable.D.To give the solution of traffic acci

47、dence.In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out a

48、bove the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows. Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “trash talk (废话)“. The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the evercommon talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, con

49、flict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of society“s moral catastrophes, yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments (困境) of other people“s lives. Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and an individual“s quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors. Compared to Oprah, the

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