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1、 2015 年北京市西城区中考一模 英语 听力 理解 (共 30 分 ) 一、听对话, 从下面 各题所给 的 A、 B、 C三幅 图片中 选择 与对话内容相符的 图片。 每段 对话你将听 两遍。 (共 5 分 ,每小题 1 分 ) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分 ) 请听一段对话,完成第 6 至第 7 小题。 6. Whats the matter

2、 with the man? A. Hes got a cold. B. Hes lost his umbrella. C. Hes had an accident. 7. What was the weather like yesterday afternoon? A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy. 请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题。 8. Whats Helen going to do on Friday evening? A. To visit her neighbours. B. To go out with her friend. C. To have

3、 a birthday party. 9. Whats the woman going to take with her? A. A bottle of wine. B. Some food and drinks. C. Some flowers. 请听一段独白,完成第 10 至第 11 小题。 10. What can we learn about the man? A. He learnt cooking from his mother. B. He is taking a cooking lesson. C. He works in a restaurant. 11. What make

4、s the woman get bored now? A. Cooking at home. B. Eating take-out food. C. Being busy with her work. 请听一段独白,完成第 12 至第 13 小题。 12. What is the woman doing now? A. Putting paper cuts on the window. B. Teaching how to make paper cuts. C. Drawing some pictures for paper cuts. 13. How did the woman get he

5、r paper cut? A. She bought it at a local market. B. She got it from an old lady. C. She made it all by herself. 请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15 小题。 14. Why cant the speaker go to work today? A. Her son is ill. B. She isnt feeling well. C. She has to go to her sons school. 15. What does the speaker ask Raman to

6、do? A. To get in touch with the trainer. B. To book a room on the third floor. C. To order lunch for ten people. 三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。 (共10 分,每小题 2 分 ) Table Reservation (预订 ) Name: Kate _ (16) Telephone Number: _ (17) Table: a table by the _ (18) Time: about 7:00 pm on _ (19) Order:

7、 two bottles of _ (20) wine 知识运用 (共 25 分 ) 四、单项填空 (共 10 分,每小题 1 分 ) 从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Where is Mike? Have you seen _? A he B. him C. his D. himself 解析: 本题考查人称代词(宾格),空格出现在动词后,所以我们得知本空应选取人称代词的宾格形式,选项 A为主格,错误。选项 B为宾格,正确。选项 C 后面应该加名词,错误。选项 D 意思不通,错误。所以答案为 B。 答案: B 22. Lily _

8、many English novels since she went to the middle school. A. read B. reads C. has read D. is reading 解析: 本题考查动词时态(现在完成时),时态题首先寻找特殊的时间标志词,本题中的 since就是突破点, since 后面用的一般过去式,所以前面应该选用现在完成时( have/has done),所以答案为 C。 答案: C 23. Betty is _ than any other girl in her class. A. as tall B. taller C. tall D. the t

9、allest 解析: 本题考查形容词比较级,本题中 than 一词,告知我们本题应该选取形容词的比较级。而 tall 的比较级为 taller,选项 A。 as tall错误,选项 C为形容词原级,错误。选项 D 为最高级,错误。所以答案为 B。 答案: B 24. -Where were you when I called you yesterday afternoon? -I _ in the cinema. A. was seeing a movie B. see a movie C. have seen a movie D. will see a movie 解析: 本题考查动词时态(

10、过去进行时),时态题首先寻找特殊的时间标志词,本题中的时间标志词不明显,从而我们应该寻找题目中已知动词。从 were 和 called 我们知道,本题的时态应该为过去的某种时态,所以排除选项 B和 D,根据句子翻译答案为 A。 答案: A 25. Well have a meeting at Hilton Hotel _ May, 2015. A. on B. in C. at D. from 解析: 本题考查时间介词,根据我们常规解题方法,题目中出现了月份,所以在月份前面应该加介词 in。所以答案为 B。 答案: B 26. Hurry up, _ youll miss the train.

11、 A. but B. so C. and D. or 解析: 本题考查连词,连词题我们只需翻译即可,根据翻译 “快点儿, XX 你将错过火车。 ”可知,答案为 D, “否则 ”。 答案: D 27. -What did you do last night? -I _ a report. A. write B. wrote C. will write D. have written 解析: 本题考查动词时态(一般过去时),时态题首先寻找特殊的时间标志词,本题时间标志词为 last night,所以时态应为一般过去时,答案为 B。 答案: B 28. The teacher asked us _

12、something for our mothers on Mothers Day. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 解析: 本题考查非谓语(固定搭配),看到题目中的 “ask”便知,本题考察 ask sb to do sth。所以答案为 B。 答案: B 29. The 7th Womens Football World Cup _ soon in Canada. A. will be held B. will hold C. holds D. is held 解析: 本题考查被动语态,被动语态在中考中考查两点,语态和时态。 “女足世界杯 ”应该 是 “被举办 ”

13、。所以排除 B和 C。而通过题目中的 soon,可知时态是一般将来时,所以答案为 A。 答案: A 30. -Could you tell me _? -In a book store at the corner. A. where you bought this book B. where did you buy this book C. where you buy this book D. where do you buy this book 解析: 本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句 在中考中考查两点,语序和时态。通过语序为陈述句我们排除了选项 B 和 D,通过第二个人说的话,我们知道这本书已经

14、卖完了,所以时态应该选择一般过去时,所以答案为 A。 答案: A 五、完形填空 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 The Hug The phone rang. It was Lisa, my 86-year-old friend, calling. Lisa was wondering if I could take her to Flint to see the _ (31). I promised her I could, so on the date of the appointm

15、ent (预约 ) I drove over to her home to pick her up. Lisas eyesight was _ (32), so she wasnt able to drive her car anymore. However, she still kept her old white Cadillac and insisted that I drive it whenever we went anywhere. Lisas appointment went _ (33) and she was really satisfied with her doctor.

16、 Then, we were on our way to get a bite to eat. It was a cloudy day without any rain or snow, but the road was still busy. The _ (34) was stop and go as we were in an area by the market. We were at a _ (35) stop when someone hit us from behind. Lisa was very angry, and she even started to say some d

17、irty words in a low voice. I could _ (36) this situation could get very bad. There really wasnt any reason why someone should rear end (追尾 ) the car so I wasnt sure what was going on when I pulled over. I was feeling a little _ (37) when I got out of the car. As I walked around the car a young woman

18、 got out of the car with anger! I could see all the other doors on her car starting to open. For some unknown _ (38), I walked over to this young woman and put my arms around her and gave her a hug. When I gave her a hug all the other doors shut! Lisa got out and when she saw me hugging this girl sh

19、e _ (39) down. I called the police and they came out and took a report. I really dont know what was actually going on that day. I do know that I just wanted to hug this girl in my mind and I believe it _ (40) us all from what could have been a very ugly scene. 31. A. eye doctor B. house cleaner C. m

20、usic teacher D. office worker 解析: 考查名词短语。后文提到 Lisas eyesight was _, so she wasnt able to drive her car anymore. 由此可以推断出 Lisa 问作者是否能够带她去看眼科医生 。 eye doctor 译为 “眼科医生 ”,为正确答案。其它选项: house cleaner, “清扫房子的人 ”; music teacher,译为 “音乐老师 ”; office worker,译为 “办公室工作人员 ”。 答案: A 32. A. hurting B. failing C. changin

21、g D. improving 解析: 考查动词。 so表示因果关系,前句是 Lisa 的视力在 _,所以她不能再开车了。所以可以推测出 32 空选择消极意思的词汇,排除 changing,译为 “改变 ”,排除 improving,译为 “提升 ”。 hurting,译为 “伤害 ”; failing,译为 “下降 ”。因主语是视力在 _,所以选择 falling 与之匹配,为最佳答案。而 hurting,眼睛可以受伤,但视力用受伤匹配不恰当。 答案: B 33. A. badly B. well C. late D. quietly 解析: 考查副词。 and 表示并列关系,后句是她很满意医

22、生,感情色彩积极,前句也表达一样的感情色彩, well为最佳选项,译为 “好地 ”。其它选项: badly, “坏地、严重地 ”; late, “晚地 ”; quietly, “安静地 ”。 答案: B 34. A. traffic B. crowd C. rain D. bus 解析: 考查名词。 as we were in an area by the market,译为 “就像我们在市场附近一样 ”, the road was still busy,译为 “道路仍然很拥堵 ”,由此两句话可以推测出表示拥挤。 stop and go 译为“停停走走 ”, traffic 为最佳选项,译为

23、“交通情况 ”。其它选项: crowd, “人群 ”; rain, “雨 ”;bus “公交车 ”。易错选项 crowd和 bus。后句中提到 I was feeling a little _ when I got out of the car.由此可以推断出,作者和 Lisa 在私家车上, crowd和 bus因此排除。 答案: A 35. A. sudden B. slow C. complete D. quick 解析: 考查形容词。 when someone hit us from behind,译为 “当某人从后面撞击了我们时 ”,由此可以推断出,作者的车停了,对比前 面 stop

24、and go 走走停停,可以推测出此时是完全停了。 complete,译为 “完全的 ”。其它选项: sudden, “突然 ”; slow, “慢慢的 ”; quick, “快速的 ”。 答案: C 36. A. understand B. recognize C. show D. tell 解析: 考查动词。前句: Lisa 很生气,她甚至开始低声说脏话了。作者能够 _ 这个情况 (指追尾和堵车 )会变得很糟糕。 tell,译为 “辨别出 ”。原本天气不佳,交通拥堵,车停停走走,导致情况不佳,再加上追尾事故,作者认为情况会变得更加糟糕,由此选择 tell。其它选项: understand,

25、 “理解 ”; recognize, “认出、识别 ”; show, “展现 ”。该题建议选择排除法,考查的是 tell的熟词僻意。 答案: D 37. A. comfortable B. tired C. painful D. nervous 解析: 考查形容词。后句提到当作者在车周边走来走去的时候,一个年轻女子生气地下车了。作者看到该女子车上的其它的门也打开了。可以推测出,年轻女子很生气,车里的人也要下车。对方人多,作者有点紧张, nervous,译为 “紧张的 ”。其它选项: comfortable, “舒适的 ”;tired, “疲惫的 ”; painful, “疼痛的 ”。 答案:

26、D 38. A. reason B. excuse C. purpose D. answer 解析: 考查名词。文中提及作者走向年轻女子,拥抱了她,作者这样的举动是没有理由的。因为作者是被追尾的一方,本应该生气,但作者却拥抱了肇事方,即该年轻女子。 reason,译为 “原因 ”。其它选项: excuse, “借口 ”; purpose, “目的 ”; answer, “答案 ”。 答案: A 39. A. looked B. cooled C. fell D. walked 解析: 考查动词。原本 Lisa 是生气的,但当 Lisa 看到作者拥抱了肇事女子, Lisa 就平静了许多。 coo

27、led down,译为 “冷静下来 ”。其它选项: looked down, “向下看;看不起 ”; fell down,“摔倒 ”; walked down, “向下走 ”。 答案: B 40. A. separated B. taught C. benefited D. saved 解析: 考查动词。 from 表示 “脱离、远离 ”, could have done 表示 “本能做,而没有做 ”。本来追尾后双方争吵是很难看的情况,但 from和 could have done表示并没有发生类似的事情,所以选择 save, save sb. from sth.,译为 “挽救某人 ”。其它选

28、项: separated, “分开 ”; taught,“教 ”; benefited, “收益 ”。 答案: D 阅读理解 (共 50 分 ) 六、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共 30 分,每小题 2 分 ) A Fun Kids Activities Guide Stadium (体育馆 ) Tours Now you can take a trip to Wembley Stadium! Wembley Stadium is one of the most famous football stadiums in t

29、he world. You will get to look in the changing rooms, and visit the royal box (主席台 ). Where: West London Price: Adult: 16 Under 18: 9 Time Tour Bus Time Tour Bus is a bus tour of London. You get one of the best buses ever! And the guide will tell you about all parts of London in the past, now and ev

30、en the future! Where: Central London Price: Adult: 20 Under 18: 14 Theatre Workshops If you love acting, you should go to Theatre Workshops. There you can learn more about acting and make friends. Every term youll work on shows according to your ideas. At the end of the term youll act them out! Wher

31、e: 444 Camden Road, London Price: 100 per term Boat Tours You can now take a tour around Londons world-famous Olympic Park from the water! The boat leaves on the hour so just turn up and get on the boat! It runs all year between 12 pm-5 pm. Where: Stratford Waterfront Price: Adult: 8 Under 18: 4 41.

32、 If you want to take a bus tour of London, where will you go? A. West London. B. Central London. C. 444 Camden Road. D. Stratford Waterfront. 解析: 本题属于 细节题。通过 “a bus tour of London” 定位到第二张图 “Time Tour Bus”,所以选 B。 答案: B 42. If you like acting, which activity will you join in? A. Stadium Tours. B. Time

33、 Tour Bus. C. Theatre Workshops. D. Boat Tours. 解析: 本题属于 细节题。通过 “acting” 定位到第三张图 “Theatre Workshops”第一行 “If you love acting .”,所以选 C。 答案: C 43. If a kid and his father take the boat tour, they need to pay _. A. 12 B. 20 C. 22 D. 24 解析: 本题属于 细节题。通过 “take a boat tour” 定位到第四张图 “Boat Tours”。成年人, 8英镑;小朋友

34、, 4 英镑;所以共计 12 英镑,所以选 A。 答案: A B I am a Kid Reporter, Linda Scott. I took part in the third yearly State of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (SoSTEM) event on Wednesday January 21. Before SoSTEM started, I interviewed Charles Bolden. He was an astronaut (宇航员 ) and has been to space four tim

35、es. “I enjoy watching young people take their ideas and turn them into reality,” he said. Next I spoke to Dr. Ellen Stofan. She spoke about her lifelong interest in science. “When I was in the middle school, I knew I wanted to be a scientist, but I wasnt sure what kind,” she told me. As she grew up,

36、 she became interested in space. Her advice to young people who want to become a scientist is to “follow your dreams”. My third interview was with Megan Smith. She talked about encouraging more girls to step into STEM fields. She told me that women have always been part of amazing scientific discove

37、ries, even though sometimes history records have left women out. Finally, I interviewed Kathy Pham, who is working to improve health care for more Americans through IT services. I asked her advice for young people who want a career (职业 ) in computer science. She advised kids to join in groups workin

38、g on science and technology and to read more books on the subject. After the interview, we had a free talk. When I asked which technology careers were going to be most in need in the next 10 years, Dr. Stofan noted that careers having something to do with energy sources (能源 ) are certainly going to

39、be needed. My biggest take-away from the event was that the future holds many wonderful chances for people interested in STEM. Just as the computer scientist Kathy Pham said: “Whatever your love is whether its clothing, space or cars today you can find a STEM field where you can do something you lik

40、e.” 44. How many people did Linda interview before SoSTEM started? A. There. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 解析: 本题属于细节题,题目问我们在 “SoSTEM”国家科学会议开始之前, Linda 共采访了几个人。结合关键词 “interview”和时间状语 “before SoSTEM started”,我们只需按 照段落顺序将被采访的人数出即可。被采访的分别为: Charles Bolden、 Dr. Ellen Stofan、 Megan Smith、Kathy Pham。共四人。因此答案为

41、 B。 答案: B 45. When Dr. Stofan was young, she wanted to become _. A. a reporter B. a teacher C. a scientist D. an astronaut 解析: 本题属于细节题。关键词为人名 “Dr. Stofan”和动词 “become”,我们很轻松即可在第三段找到出处, “When I was in the middle school, I knew I wanted to be a scientist ” 。答案为 C。 答案: C 46. Kathy Pham advised kids who

42、want a career in computer science to _. A. talk with famous people B. write a scientific report C. read more books on the subject D. make scientific discoveries 解析: 本题属于细节题,题目问我们 Kathy Pham 建议那些向往从事计算机科学的孩子们,要做哪些事。根据关键词:人名 “Kathy Pham”和动词 “advised”,我们轻松将出处定位至本文第五段的最后一句 “She advised kids to join in g

43、roups working on science and technology and to read more books on the subject.”。因此,答案是 C。 答案: C 47. What can we learn from the passage? A. Charles Bolden has never been to space. B. Megan Smith encouraged boys to step into STEM fields. C. Linda Scott attended the event on January 25. D. There will b

44、e many chances for people interested in STEM. 解析: 本题属于细节推断题,我们需要将每个选项回归到原文当中定位,并结合推断题的解题原则作答。 A选项, “Charles 从来没有去过太空 ”,定位至本文第二段,可知他去过四次;B选项, “Megan 鼓励男孩步入到 STEM 的领域当中 ”,定位至本文第四段,实际上 Megan鼓励的是女孩; C 选 项, “Linda 于 1 月 25 日出席了活动 ”,定位至本文第一段,应为 1 月21 日; D 选项, “对于那些对 STEM深感兴趣的人来说,前方会有很多机会 ”,定位至本文第七段 “My bi

45、ggest take-away from the event was that future holds many wonderful chances for people interested in STEM.”。故正确选项是 D。 答案: D C We all know that zebras have stripes (条纹 ). But why? Its hard to get a black-and-white answer. This is a question not just common people like us have asked, but scientists to

46、o. Several studies have been done to find out the reason behind the stripes and many theories (理论 ) have been suggested. According to a recent study, the type of stripes changes depending on the temperature where zebras live. The warmer the place is, the more stripes they may have. From this study,

47、scientists believe that stripes may help to keep a zebra cool in warmer places. Ac cording to the cooler temperature theory, when air hits a zebra, the movements of air are stronger and faster over the black parts and slower over the white. This is because black color takes in more heat than white. So at the point where the black and white meet, there is cooling airflow. It can quickly cool a zebras skin! In fact, scientists have noticed that heavily striped zebras have 5.4F lower skin temperature than other animals without stripes in the same area.

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