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本文(【考研类试卷】北京科技大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2013年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京科技大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2013年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译短语翻译(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.Producer Price Index (PPI) (分数:2.00)_2.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (分数:2.00)_3.cap and trade (分数:2.00)_4.middle income trap (分数:2.00)_5.electoral college (分数:2.00) ceiling (分数:2.00)_7.Eng

2、le Coefficient (分数:2.00)_8.停火协议 (分数:2.00)_9.摇摆州 (分数:2.00)_10.单位国内生产总值能源消耗 (分数:2.00)_11.扩大内需 (分数:2.00)_12.高速铁路 (分数:2.00)_13.转变经济发展方式 (分数:2.00)_14.资源节约型、环境友好型社会 (分数:2.00)_15.循环经济 (分数:2.00)_二、将下列段落译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:25.00)16.As China“s economy has boomed over the past 30 years, the number of young people go

3、ing into private business has grown accordingly. “Diving into the sea“ of commerce, or xia hai as it is known, became accepted as the way to make money and get ahead, and interest in government jobs declined. Over the past decade, though, in an extraordinary reversal, young jobseekers have been appl

4、ying in droves for government posts, even as the economy has quadrupled in size. On November 25th the national civil-service examinations will take place, and about 1.4m people will sit them, 20 times more than a decade ago. Of that number, only 20, 800 will be hired by government (millions more sit

5、 the equivalent provincial exams with similarly long odds of being hired). This increase is due in part to a surge in the number of university students entering an intensely competitive market for jobsnearly 7m graduated this year, compared with 1.5m a decade ago. It is also thanks to health, pensio

6、n and (sometimes) housing benefits, which are seen as generous and permanent in a society with an underfunded safety neta modern version of the unbreakable Maoist “iron rice-bowl“ of state employment. (分数:25.00)_三、将下列短文译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:35.00)17.China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern litera

7、ry voice with international appeal. In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential intellectual and later founding member of the Communist Party, asked: “Pray, where is our Chinese Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Dickens or Wilde?“ In recent years this has developed into a full-blown “Nobel Complex“. For a perio

8、d in the 1980s the quest for a Nobel Prize in literature was made official policy by the party, eager for validation of its growing power and cultural clout. Now, at last, the Chinese have something to crow about. On October 11th Mo Yan, a Chinese writer, won the 2012 prize. The Nobel committee laud

9、ed what it called the “hallucinatory realism“ of his works, which mix surreal plots with folk tales and modern history. Mr. Mo writes within a system of state censorship. He is widely read and respected within China. He is also a Communist Party member and vice-chairman of the state-run China Writer

10、s“ Association. When the Nobel award was announced, Chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news. Thousands of China“s microbloggers congratulated Mr. Mo. A publisher under the Ministry of Education says it was already planning to include a Mo Yan novella in a schoo

11、l textbook. (分数:35.00)_四、将下列段落译为英语(总题数:1,分数:25.00)18.欧洲应对欧债问题走在正确的道路上,当前关键是把各项政策措施落到实处。有关国家应坚持财政整顿和结构改革的行动,巩固和扩大成效,提振各方面的信心。欧盟各国要同舟共济,形成合力,明确传递出坚决捍卫欧元和欧洲一体化成果的信号。国际社会应当更有力地支持欧方做出的种种努力,相信一个拥有雄厚经济基础和科技实力的欧洲,一定有能力、有智慧妥善应对欧债问题,焕发出新的生机与活力。 (分数:25.00)_五、将下列短文译为英语(总题数:1,分数:35.00)19.40年前,中美两国老一辈领导人用“跨越太平洋的握

12、手”开启了中美关系的大门,开始探索不同社会制度、历史文化、发展阶段大国的相处之道。40 年来,中美关系发展的广度和深度,远远超过了当年人们的想象。 中美合作将给两国和世界带来巨大机遇,中美对抗将给两国和世界带来巨大损害。无论国际风云如何变幻,无论中美两国国内情况如何发展,双方都应该坚定推进合作伙伴关系建设,努力发展让两国人民放心、让各国人民安心的新型大国关系。 中国唐代诗人韩愈有两句诗:“草木知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。”意思是时不我待,必须奋发进取。中美关系正面临进一步发展的机遇,同时也面临新的挑战。让我们抓住机遇,排除干扰,共同努力,走出一条相互尊重、合作共赢的新型大国关系之路。 (分数:

13、35.00)_北京科技大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2013年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译短语翻译(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.Producer Price Index (PPI) (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:生产者物价指数2.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:政府间气候变化专门委员会3.cap and trade (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:限量及交易4.middle income trap (分数:2.00)_正

14、确答案:()解析:中等收入陷阱5.electoral college (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:选举团(各州选出总统与副总统的选举) ceiling (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:玻璃天花板7.Engle Coefficient (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:恩格尔系数8.停火协议 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:Cease-Fire Agreement9.摇摆州 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:swing state10.单位国内生产总值能源消耗 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:energy consumption pe

15、r unit of gross domestic product11.扩大内需 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:to expand domestic demand12.高速铁路 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:high-speed railway13.转变经济发展方式 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:to transform the pattern of economic development14.资源节约型、环境友好型社会 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:a resource-conserving and environment-friendly socie

16、ty15.循环经济 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:recycling economy二、将下列段落译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:25.00)16.As China“s economy has boomed over the past 30 years, the number of young people going into private business has grown accordingly. “Diving into the sea“ of commerce, or xia hai as it is known, became accepted as the way to

17、 make money and get ahead, and interest in government jobs declined. Over the past decade, though, in an extraordinary reversal, young jobseekers have been applying in droves for government posts, even as the economy has quadrupled in size. On November 25th the national civil-service examinations wi

18、ll take place, and about 1.4m people will sit them, 20 times more than a decade ago. Of that number, only 20, 800 will be hired by government (millions more sit the equivalent provincial exams with similarly long odds of being hired). This increase is due in part to a surge in the number of universi

19、ty students entering an intensely competitive market for jobsnearly 7m graduated this year, compared with 1.5m a decade ago. It is also thanks to health, pension and (sometimes) housing benefits, which are seen as generous and permanent in a society with an underfunded safety neta modern version of

20、the unbreakable Maoist “iron rice-bowl“ of state employment. (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:过去 30年以来,随着中国经济的快速发展,越来越多的年轻人在求职时走向了私营企业。为了赚钱、出人头地,人们渐渐接受了“下海”这种方式,而对政府职位失去了兴趣。在过去的十年里,中国经济规模翻了两番。然而就在此时,年轻的求职者来了个 180的大转弯,争先恐后地应聘政府职位。 11月 25日,中国将举行国家公务员考试。届时将有约 140万人应考,比十年前多了 20倍。在这么多考生中仅有 20800人将被政府部门录用(此外还有几百万名考生将

21、参加类似的省级公务员考试,录取率也很低大概和国家级考试录取率相同)。应考人数相比往年有所增加,一部分原因是进入竞争激烈的市场求职的大学生猛增今年有近 700万名大学生毕业,而十年前的毕业生仅为 150万人。在医疗、养老和住房(部分情况下)方面,公务员还享有种种福利,这也是应考人数增加的原因。在毛泽东时代,政府公职是摔不坏的“铁饭碗”。而当今中国社保资金不足,在人们眼中,公务员享受的这些丰厚、稳定的福利无疑也是一只“铁饭碗”。 解析 “Diving into the sea“ of commerce, or xia hai as it is known, became accepted as t

22、he way to make money and get ahead, and interest in government jobs declined. “diving into the sea”一词表达的意思和后文中“xia hai”相同。翻译时可不必再重复阐释这个词组,因为中文读者对“下海”一词已较为熟悉。此外,这句话中的“get ahead”就是“跑在别人前边,获得巨大成功”的意思,参考译文使用了“出人头地”这一成语表达很贴切。 为了赚钱、出人头地,人们渐渐接受了“下海”这种方式,而对政府职位失去了兴趣。 Over the past decade,though, in an extra

23、ordinary reversal, young jobseekers have been applying in droves for government posts, even as the economy has quadrupled in size. 这句话描述了一个奇怪的现象:虽然中国经济增长了,但是下海的人少了,人们更多地选择去政府机关求职。原文将“经济增长”这一前提放在了句子的后面,但是中文习惯将“奇怪的现象”放在句子的前面,因此参考译文将两部分的位置调换了,更符合泽文读者的阅读习惯。“extraordinary reversal”的含义是“发生了巨大的逆转”,参考译文译为“来

24、了个 180的大转弯”,非常形象,也符合原文所要表达的含义。这里体现出了灵活性在翻译中的重要性。 在过去的十年里,中国经济规模翻了两番。然而就在此时,年轻的求职者来了个 180的大转弯,争先恐后地应聘政府职位。 On November 25th the national civil-service examinations will take place, and about 1.4m people will sit them. 20 times more than a decade ago. 原句字面意思是“公务员考试将发生”,但是这样的表达不符合中文的习惯,参考译文将其转换为“中国将举行国

25、家公务员考试”,将句子的主语转换为了“中国”。“sit”除了我们常见的“坐”的含义外,在加上“考试”这一宾语时,还有“参加考试”的含义。 11月 25日,中国将举行国家公务员考试。届时将有约 140万人应考,比十年前多了 20倍。 It is also thanks to health, pension and (sometimes) housing benefits, which are seen as generous and permanent in a society with an underfunded safety neta modern version of the unbre

26、akable Maoist “iron rice-bowl” of state employment. 这句话中的修饰成分较多,翻译时需要将其理清楚。这句话是在向读者介绍发生这样的逆转的原因所在,按照中文的表达习惯,可将这句话分为两部分:一部分着重介绍原因;另一部分则介绍背景等其他信息。英文虽然结构简单但是信息量较大,因此翻译时可以转变某些词语的性质,也可以将某些难以阐释的词语译为简单的单句。 在医疗、养老和住房(部分情况下)方面,公务员还享有种种福利,这也是应考人数增加的原因。在毛泽东时代,政府公职是摔不坏的“铁饭碗”。而当今中国社保资金不足,在人们眼中,公务员享受的这些丰厚、稳定的福利无疑

27、也是一只“铁饭碗”。三、将下列短文译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:35.00)17.China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern literary voice with international appeal. In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential intellectual and later founding member of the Communist Party, asked: “Pray, where is our Chinese Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Di

28、ckens or Wilde?“ In recent years this has developed into a full-blown “Nobel Complex“. For a period in the 1980s the quest for a Nobel Prize in literature was made official policy by the party, eager for validation of its growing power and cultural clout. Now, at last, the Chinese have something to

29、crow about. On October 11th Mo Yan, a Chinese writer, won the 2012 prize. The Nobel committee lauded what it called the “hallucinatory realism“ of his works, which mix surreal plots with folk tales and modern history. Mr. Mo writes within a system of state censorship. He is widely read and respected

30、 within China. He is also a Communist Party member and vice-chairman of the state-run China Writers“ Association. When the Nobel award was announced, Chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news. Thousands of China“s microbloggers congratulated Mr. Mo. A publisher u

31、nder the Ministry of Education says it was already planning to include a Mo Yan novella in a school textbook. (分数:35.00)_正确答案:()解析:长期以来中国人因没有一位具有国际号召力的现代文学巨匠而苦恼。作为一名知识分子的陈独秀,后来的共产党创始人之一,曾于 1917年问道:“请问,中国的雨果、左拉、歌德、豪普特曼、狄更斯或王尔德身处何处?”这似乎已经成了全中国近几年的“诺贝尔情结”。在 20世纪 80年代曾有过一段时间,共产党把获得诺贝尔文学奖作为官方政策确定下来,渴望世界认

32、可其蒸蒸日上的国力和文化影响力。 如今,中国人终于有了可以自鸣得意的谈资。就在 10月 11日,中国作家莫言获得了 2012年的诺贝尔文学奖。诺贝尔委员会称赞其作品中体现出来的“魔幻现实主义”风格,该风格将离奇的民间故事和当代历史融为一体。 莫言在国家审查制度下搞创作,在中国广为人知并备受尊重。此外,他还是一名中共党员,同时是中国作家协会副主席。诺贝尔文学奖获得者一公布,中国各电视频道便插播莫言获奖的消息,许多人开始发微博祝贺莫言获奖。一家隶属于中国教育部的出版商声称他们早就打算将莫言的一篇中篇小说纳入教科书了。 解析 In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential in

33、tellectual and later-founding member of the Communist Party, asked, “Pray, where is our Chinese Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Dickens or Wilde?” “an influential intellectual and later founding member of the Communist Party”是陈独秀的修饰语,按照中文表达习惯应放在主语的前面,用作前置修饰语。这句话中陈独秀列举了众多世界知名的文学大家的名字,包括雨果、左拉、歌德、豪普特曼、狄

34、更斯或王尔德,这些作家在大学的英美文学课上都有所涉及,考生需要掌握一些文学大家的名字翻译以及他们的代表作品的中英文对照翻译,这些在考试中都可能会用到。 作为一名知识分子的陈独秀,后来的共产党创始人之一,曾于 1917年问道:“请问,中国的雨果、左拉、歌德、豪普特曼、狄更斯或王尔德身处何处?” In recent years this has developed into a full-blown “Nobel Complex“. “complex”一词源自希腊神话中的俄狄浦斯情结。“情结”是一心理学术语,指的是一些重要的无意识组合,或是一种强烈而无意识的冲动。后来表示“对某种事物的向往”。在平

35、时的写作中,考生也可以使用这个表达。 这似乎已经成了全中国近几年的“诺贝尔情结”。 For a period in the 1980s the quest for a Nobel Prize in literature was made official policy by the party, eager for validation of its growing power and cultural clout. 这句话前半句是被动结构,中文若直接译为“获得诺贝尔文学奖这一需求被共产党定为了官方政策”,虽然语言上并没有错误,但是读起来不够自然,不是地道的中文。原句中体现了动作的发出者,因此

36、翻译时可将被动转换成主动结构。“eager for”后是名词,可以译为“渴望获得世界对其的认可”,也可以像参考译文那样将认可转化为动词。 在 20世纪 80年代曾有过一段时间,共产党把获得诺贝尔文学奖作为官方政策确定下来,渴望世界认可其蒸蒸日上的国力和文化影响力。 Now, at last, the Chinese have something to crow about. “crow”名词是“乌鸦”的意思,作动词时是“啼叫”的意思,这里用的是其动词形式。参考译文加上了“自鸣得意”这一修饰成分,将人们最终看到中国人获得诺贝尔文学奖时那种骄傲的心情翻译了出来。原文中这一含义较为隐蔽,参考译文将其

37、显现出来,便于读者更好地理解原文。 如今,中国人终于有了可以自鸣得意的谈资。 The Nobel committee lauded what it called the “hallucinatory realism“ of his works, which mix surreal plots with folk tales and modern history. 这句话中包含了“which”引导的一个定语从句,参考译文将这部分独立出来进行翻译,符合中文的表达习惯。在翻译英语定语从句时,经常会用到这种翻译手法。 诺贝尔委员会称赞其作品中体现出来的“魔幻现实主义”风格,该风格将离奇的民间故事和当代

38、历史融为一体。 Mr. Mo Writes within a system of state censorship. He is widely read and respected within China. 这两句话句子结构较为简单且每句话的含义也很单一,因此参考译文将其合并为了一个句子,使文章的结构更为紧凑。 莫言在国家审查制度下搞创作,在中国广为人知并备受尊重。 When the Nobel award was announced, Chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news

39、. Thousands of China“s microbloggers congratulated Mr. Mo. A publisher under the Ministry of Education says it was already planning to include a Mo Yan novella in a school textbook. 这部分主要阐述了莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖这一消息发布后,中国各界对此事的反应和态度,为了使译文更加紧凑,参考译文将三句话合并为了一句话。在翻译时我们经常会遇到类似的情况,为了使译文更加紧密,通常需要使用合并的手法。 诺贝尔文学奖获得者一公布,中国各电视频道便插播莫言获奖的消息,许多人开始发微博祝贺莫言获奖。一家隶属于中国教育部的出版商声称他们早就打算将莫言的一篇中篇小说纳入教科书了。四、将下列

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