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本文(【考研类试卷】北外英语同声传译硕士研究生入学考试英汉互译真题2011年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北外英语同声传译硕士研究生入学考试英汉互译真题 2011年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:180 分钟)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25 分)(总题数:1,分数:25.00)1. Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books. but they have a tenacious hold on a particular group: children and toddlers. Their parents are insisting this next generation of readers spend their e

2、arly years with old-fashioned books. This is the case even with parents who themselves are die-hard downloaders of books onto Kindles, iPads, laptops and phones. They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books. to experience turn

3、ing physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals. Parents also say they- like cuddling up with their child and a book, and fear that a shiny gadget might get all the attention. Also, if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer. As the adu

4、lt book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under 8 have barely budged. They represent Jess than 5 percent of total annual sales of childrens books, several publishers estimated, compared with more than 25 percent in some categ

5、ories of adult books. Many print books are also bought as gifts, since the delights of an Amazon gift card are lost on most 6-year-olds. (分数:25.00)_二、将下列短文译为汉语(50 分)(总题数:1,分数:50.00)2. Like most creatures on earth. humans come equipped with a circadian clock, a roughly 24-hour internal timer that kee

6、ps our sleep patterns in sync with our planet At least until genetics. age and our personal habits get in the way. Even though the average adult needs eight hours of sleep per night, there are “short-sleepers,“ who need far less. and morning people, who, research shows. often come from families of o

7、ther morning people. Then theres the rest of us. who rely on alarm clocks. For those who fantasize about greeting the dawn. there is hope. Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks. But its not as simple as forc

8、ing yourself to go to bed earlier (you cant make a wide-awake brain sleep). It requires inducing a sort of jet lag without leaving your time zone. And sticking it out until your body clock resets itself. And then not resetting it again. To start, move up your wake-up time by 20 minutes a day. If you

9、 regularly rise at 8 a.m., but really want to get moving at 6 a.m., set the alarm for 7:40 on Monday. The next day, set it for 7:20 and so on. Then, after you wake up, dont linger in bed. Hit yourself with light. In theory, youll gradually get sleepy about 20 minutes earlier each night, and you can

10、facilitate the transition by avoiding extra light exposure from computers or televisions as you near bedtime.But recalibrating your inner clock requires more commitment than many people care to give. For some. its almost impossible. Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever cha

11、nging. Night-shift workers also struggle because they dont get the environmental and social cues that help adjust the circadian clock. (分数:50.00)_三、将下列段落译为英语(25 分)(总题数:1,分数:25.00)3. 虽然导致不平等的原因很多,但我们可以大体上把它们分为三类。一类是社会条件或家庭出身,例如在中国,与出生于贫困农村的人们相比,一个出生在大城市的人通常拥有更多的收入和更好的社会处境。另外一类是自然天赋,有些人天生聪明或健壮,有些人则天生愚

12、笨或孱弱,前者一般也会比后者拥有更多的收入并处于更好的状况。最后一类是抱负和努力程度,在其他条件相同的情况下,更有抱负和更努力的人们通常也会有更多的收入。(分数:25.00)_四、将下列短文译为英语(50 分)(总题数:1,分数:50.00)4. 从 1750年以来,世界进行了四次工业革命:第一次就是英国工业革命,中国失去了机会。第二次是十九世纪下半叶美国的工业革命,中国也同样失去了机会。第三次工业革命,是 20世纪后半叶出现的信息革命。当时中国的领导人敏锐地认识到了这一重大历史变化,中国抓住了这次信息革命的重大机遇。 进入二十一世纪,人类迎来了第四次工业革命绿色工业革命。可以说这一次全球减排

13、,就是绿色工业革命的标志。我们希望这一次工业革命中国要成为领导者、创新者和驱动者,和美国和欧盟和日本站在同一起跑线上领导这场革命。今后中国领导人面临两大迫切问题:一是如何实现中国经济转型,即从高碳经济转向低碳经济;二是如何参与全球治理,即从国家治理转向地区治理、全球治理。 (分数:50.00)_北外英语同声传译硕士研究生入学考试英汉互译真题 2011年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:180 分钟)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25 分)(总题数:1,分数:25.00)1. Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books. but

14、 they have a tenacious hold on a particular group: children and toddlers. Their parents are insisting this next generation of readers spend their early years with old-fashioned books. This is the case even with parents who themselves are die-hard downloaders of books onto Kindles, iPads, laptops and

15、 phones. They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books. to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals. Parents also say they- like cuddling up with their child and a book, and fear that a s

16、hiny gadget might get all the attention. Also, if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer. As the adult book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under 8 have barely budged. They rep

17、resent Jess than 5 percent of total annual sales of childrens books, several publishers estimated, compared with more than 25 percent in some categories of adult books. Many print books are also bought as gifts, since the delights of an Amazon gift card are lost on most 6-year-olds. (分数:25.00)_正确答案:

18、( 兴起也许正在威胁实体书,但后者依然保有一个特别的读者群,即少年儿童。家长仍然希望子女读着传统图书长大,即使热衷于用 Kindle、iPad、笔记本电脑或手机下载电子书的家长也是如此。他们坦诚采用了双重标准,希望自己的孩子生活在实体书的包围下,让子女在学习各种形状、颜色和动物的同时有实实在在翻书阅读的体验。家长表示更喜欢抱着孩子一起看实体书,因为高科技设备可能会分散孩子的注意力,而且如果沾到小宝宝的口水,纸质书也比平板电脑好清理。 成人阅读市场日益数字化,速度之快超过了出版商的预期。而面向 8岁以下儿童电子读物的销售却没什么变化。据几家出版商估计,电子读物在儿童书籍年度总销量中的份额不到 5

19、%,而某些类别成人书籍的这一比例已超过 25%。很多人买实体书也是为了送礼,毕竟 6岁大的孩子大多并不喜欢亚马逊礼品卡。)解析:二、将下列短文译为汉语(50 分)(总题数:1,分数:50.00)2. Like most creatures on earth. humans come equipped with a circadian clock, a roughly 24-hour internal timer that keeps our sleep patterns in sync with our planet At least until genetics. age and our p

20、ersonal habits get in the way. Even though the average adult needs eight hours of sleep per night, there are “short-sleepers,“ who need far less. and morning people, who, research shows. often come from families of other morning people. Then theres the rest of us. who rely on alarm clocks. For those

21、 who fantasize about greeting the dawn. there is hope. Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks. But its not as simple as forcing yourself to go to bed earlier (you cant make a wide-awake brain sleep). It requi

22、res inducing a sort of jet lag without leaving your time zone. And sticking it out until your body clock resets itself. And then not resetting it again. To start, move up your wake-up time by 20 minutes a day. If you regularly rise at 8 a.m., but really want to get moving at 6 a.m., set the alarm fo

23、r 7:40 on Monday. The next day, set it for 7:20 and so on. Then, after you wake up, dont linger in bed. Hit yourself with light. In theory, youll gradually get sleepy about 20 minutes earlier each night, and you can facilitate the transition by avoiding extra light exposure from computers or televis

24、ions as you near bedtime.But recalibrating your inner clock requires more commitment than many people care to give. For some. its almost impossible. Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever changing. Night-shift workers also struggle because they dont get the environmental and

25、 social cues that help adjust the circadian clock. (分数:50.00)_正确答案:( 和地球上大多数生物一样,人类也有生物钟。这个内置计时器大概以 24小时为周期,负责调节我们的睡眠模式,使之与地球的节律同步。至少在不受遗传、年龄或个人生活习惯影响的情况下是这样的。普通成年人每晚需要 8小时睡眠,但也有“短睡眠者”,他们只需要睡很短的时间。还有自然就会早起的人。研究显示,这样的人,其父母先人往往也能自然早起。除此之外,其他的人要早起就得靠闹钟了。 想要早起迎接黎明,还是有希望的。睡眠专家指出,经过一点训练(嗯,实际上需要很多训练),大多数人能

26、调整自己的生物钟。但这不止是强迫自己早点上床那么简单(大脑很兴奋的时候,也睡不着)。这种训练需要人为制造时差感,但不必为此穿越时区。坚持训练,直到体内的生物钟调整到位,然后保持新的节律。 首先,每天把起床时间提前 20分钟。如果一般在早上 8点起床,而你希望提前到 6点,星期一就把闹钟定在 7点 40,星期二定在 7点 20,依此类推。其次,每天醒来后,不要赖床,要让自己暴露在光线下。从理论上讲,每天晚上你会比前一天提前 20分钟感到睡意。为了增强效果,临睡前应该避免电脑、电视等发出的亮光。但调整生物钟要下定决心,很多人觉得困难,有些人则根本做不到。起得很早的人和长期熬夜的人都很难改变作息规律

27、。夜班工人改变起来也很吃力,因为他们接收不到调整生物钟所需的环境信号和社会信号。)解析:三、将下列段落译为英语(25 分)(总题数:1,分数:25.00)3. 虽然导致不平等的原因很多,但我们可以大体上把它们分为三类。一类是社会条件或家庭出身,例如在中国,与出生于贫困农村的人们相比,一个出生在大城市的人通常拥有更多的收入和更好的社会处境。另外一类是自然天赋,有些人天生聪明或健壮,有些人则天生愚笨或孱弱,前者一般也会比后者拥有更多的收入并处于更好的状况。最后一类是抱负和努力程度,在其他条件相同的情况下,更有抱负和更努力的人们通常也会有更多的收入。(分数:25.00)_正确答案:( The cau

28、ses of inequality are many and varied, and may be broadly grouped into three factors. The first is social condition or family background. In China, for example, someone born and bred in the city usually earns a higher income and enjoys better social services. The second is aptitude. The cleverer or

29、stronger ones usually earn more and enjoy better conditions than the lesser endowed. The final one is ambition and diligence. All things being equal, someone who aims higher and works harder often earns more.)解析:四、将下列短文译为英语(50 分)(总题数:1,分数:50.00)4. 从 1750年以来,世界进行了四次工业革命:第一次就是英国工业革命,中国失去了机会。第二次是十九世纪下半

30、叶美国的工业革命,中国也同样失去了机会。第三次工业革命,是 20世纪后半叶出现的信息革命。当时中国的领导人敏锐地认识到了这一重大历史变化,中国抓住了这次信息革命的重大机遇。 进入二十一世纪,人类迎来了第四次工业革命绿色工业革命。可以说这一次全球减排,就是绿色工业革命的标志。我们希望这一次工业革命中国要成为领导者、创新者和驱动者,和美国和欧盟和日本站在同一起跑线上领导这场革命。今后中国领导人面临两大迫切问题:一是如何实现中国经济转型,即从高碳经济转向低碳经济;二是如何参与全球治理,即从国家治理转向地区治理、全球治理。 (分数:50.00)_正确答案:( Since 1750, the world

31、 has seen four industrial revolutions. The first one took place in Britain; and China missed the boat. The second one occurred in the latter half of the 19th century; and China missed the boat. The third one was driven by the revolution in communication technology in the second half of the 20th Cent

32、ury. This time, Chinese leaders realized that it was a historic moment of change, and China caught the wave. The 21st century is receiving the Fourth Industrial Revolution-the Green Revolution, symbolized by this global move to reduce emission. This time, we hope that China can be the innovator, the

33、 leader and driver running head-to-head with the U.S., Europe and Japan. To achieve this, China has to accomplish two things transition from a high carbon economy to a low carbon economy; second, participation in global governance. i.e., to shift its focus from national governance to regional and global governance.)解析:

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