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本文(【考研类试卷】华东师范大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2013年及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(fatcommittee260)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、华东师范大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2013年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.文化体制改革 (分数:2.00)_2.民族凝聚力 (分数:2.00)_3.“文化兴国”战略 (分数:2.00)_4.做大做强新闻传媒产业 (分数:2.00)_5.加强诚信建设 (分数:2.00)_6.社会事业 (分数:2.00)_7.发挥各地特色和优势 (分数:2.00)_8.扎实推进教育公平 (分数:2.00)_9.外资企业法 (分数:2.00)_10.高等教育法 (分数:2.00)_11.商标法 (分数:2.00)_12.一次性生活补贴 (分数:2.00)_13.聘任 (分数:

2、2.00)_14.基层锻炼 (分数:2.00)_15.计算机软件保护条例 (分数:2.00)_16.Rights of the Copyright Owner1. Rights of reproduction, distribution, and display. The author of a work possesses, at the beginning, a bundle of rights that collectively make up copyright. They belong originally to the author, who can sell, rent, giv

3、e away, will, or transfer them in some other way, individually or as a package, to whomever the author wishes. When a work is to be published, the author normally transfers some or all of these rights to the publisher, by formal agreement. Two of these rights are basic from the publisher“s point of

4、view: the right to make copies of the work (traditionally by printing and now often by digital reproduction) and the right to distribute such copies to the publicin sum, to publish the work. In the case of online publishing, reproduction and distribution blend into the act of transmitting the work o

5、n demand to the reader“s computer. A third rightthe right of public displayapplies to online exploitation of works. A work is publicly displayed when made viewable online; if the user downloads or prints out the material concerned, a distribution of a copy also occurs. 2. Derivative work and perform

6、ance rights. A fourth and very important right is the right to make what the law terms derivative worksthat is, works based on or derived from the original work, such as translations, abridgments, dramatizations, or other adaptations. A revised edition of a published work is generally noticeably dif

7、ferent enough from the prior edition to qualify as a derivative work with a separate copyright. The fifth basic copyright right, the right of public performance, has only limited relevance for literary works as such; it applies, for example, when a poet gives a public reading of a poem. However, it

8、has great significance for other works, such as motion pictures, that may spring from literary works. (分数:60.00)_17.40年前,联合国在这里召开了首次人类环境会议,发表了具有划时代意义的历史性文献人类环境宣言,形成了人类环境行动计划,提出了一个响遍世界的口号:只有一个地球!那次会议标志着人类对环境问题的普遍觉醒,开启了可持续发展的新纪元。中国的环保和可持续发展事业也从此摆上政府的重要日程。今天,我们隆重纪念这一历史盛会,重温宣言的经典篇章,更加赞叹前人的远见卓识,更能领悟当代人的重

9、大责任。 中国是可持续发展的坚定支持者和实践者。在中国的传统价值观中,蕴含着可持续发展精神。两千多年前,中国古代哲学家就提出“天人合一”、“道法自然”的思想,倡导人与自然和谐相处,这是可持续发展追求的最高境界。40 年来,中国参加了可持续发展理念形成和发展中具有里程碑式意义的历次国际大会,我们把节约资源、保护环境确立为基本国策,把可持续发展战略上升为国家战略。进入新世纪,我们将科学发展观确立为经济社会发展的重要方针,其基本要求是坚持以人为本、实现全面协调可持续发展。 中国人讲求言必信、行必果。40 年来,我们用可持续发展的丰富实践,忠实地履行对国内人民和国际社会的承诺。我们实行最严格的耕地和水

10、资源管理制度,用占世界不足 10%的耕地和人均仅有世界水平 28%的水资源,养活了占世界 1/5的人口。我们几十年如一日坚持植树造林,建成的人工林已达 62万平方公里。 温家宝谈可持续发展(分数:60.00)_华东师范大学翻译硕士英语学位 MTI考试真题 2013年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.文化体制改革 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:文化体制改革 cultural system reform2.民族凝聚力 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:民族凝聚力 national cohesion3.“文化兴国”战略 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:文

11、化兴国战略 the strategy of rejuvenating country through culture4.做大做强新闻传媒产业 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:做大做强新闻传媒产业 boost and strengthen the development of news media5.加强诚信建设 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:加强诚信建设 reinforcing credit construction6.社会事业 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:社会事业 social undertakings7.发挥各地特色和优势 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解

12、析:发挥各地特色和优势 take advantage of specialties and advantages of various regions8.扎实推进教育公平 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:扎实推进教育公平 make solid progress to promote educational equality9.外资企业法 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:外资企业法 Law on Foreign-Funded Enterprises10.高等教育法 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:高等教育法 Higher Education Law11.商标法 (分数:2

13、.00)_正确答案:()解析:商标法 Trademark Law12.一次性生活补贴 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:一次性生活补贴 one-time living allowance13.聘任 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:聘任 recruitment through invitation14.基层锻炼 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:基层锻炼 exercise at basic levels15.计算机软件保护条例 (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:计算机软件保护条例 Regulations for the Protection of Computer So

14、ftware16.Rights of the Copyright Owner1. Rights of reproduction, distribution, and display. The author of a work possesses, at the beginning, a bundle of rights that collectively make up copyright. They belong originally to the author, who can sell, rent, give away, will, or transfer them in some ot

15、her way, individually or as a package, to whomever the author wishes. When a work is to be published, the author normally transfers some or all of these rights to the publisher, by formal agreement. Two of these rights are basic from the publisher“s point of view: the right to make copies of the wor

16、k (traditionally by printing and now often by digital reproduction) and the right to distribute such copies to the publicin sum, to publish the work. In the case of online publishing, reproduction and distribution blend into the act of transmitting the work on demand to the reader“s computer. A thir

17、d rightthe right of public displayapplies to online exploitation of works. A work is publicly displayed when made viewable online; if the user downloads or prints out the material concerned, a distribution of a copy also occurs. 2. Derivative work and performance rights. A fourth and very important

18、right is the right to make what the law terms derivative worksthat is, works based on or derived from the original work, such as translations, abridgments, dramatizations, or other adaptations. A revised edition of a published work is generally noticeably different enough from the prior edition to q

19、ualify as a derivative work with a separate copyright. The fifth basic copyright right, the right of public performance, has only limited relevance for literary works as such; it applies, for example, when a poet gives a public reading of a poem. However, it has great significance for other works, s

20、uch as motion pictures, that may spring from literary works. (分数:60.00)_正确答案:()解析:著作权人的权利1复制、发行、展出的权利。作品的作者在最初就拥有共同构成著作权的一系列的权利。这些原本都属于作者的权利,作者可以把作品通过其他某种方式,单独或打包销售、出租、赠予、遗赠或转让给自己希望接受的人。作品要出版,作者就通过正式协议把其中的一些权利或全部权利转交给出版者。其中两个是出版者的基本权利:复印作品的权利(传统是通过打印,现在通常是数字复印),以及向大众发行复制品的权利,总之,就是出版作品的权利。在网络出版的情况下,复

21、制和发行根据读者电脑的需求归入转换作品的行为。第三项权利公开展出权适用于作品的使用。作品若能在网上看到,则属于公开展出。用户若下载或打印相关资料,则构成复制品的发行。 2演绎权和表演权。第四个非常重要的权利是制作法律称为衍生作品的权利,也就是基于或源于原作的作品,比如翻译、删节、编剧,或其他改编形式。出版作品的修改版通常会与原著有明显不同,认定为衍生作品,拥有独立版权。第五个基本的权利是公开表演权,它仅限于和文学著作相关的作品,比如:诗人公开朗读诗词。但是,它对其他作品也很重要,比如来自于文学作品的电影。 解析 They belong originally to the author, who

22、 can sell, rent, give away, will, or transfer them in some other way, individually or as a package, to whomever the author wishes. 本句主句是“They belong originally to the author”。who 引导的定语从句修饰宾语“the author”,宾语从句中谓语动词较多,有“sell,rent,give away,will,or transfer”。直接宾语是“them”,间接宾语是名词性从句“whomever the author wi

23、shes”。 will在这里表示的不是助动词,而是一个及物动词,意为“将(财产)捐赠”。 这些原本都属于作者的权利,作者可以把作品通过其他某种方式,单独或打包销售、出租、赠予、遗赠或转让给自己希望接受的人。 A work is publicly displayed when made viewable online; if the user downloads or prints out the material concerned, a distribution of a copy also occurs. 本句以分号为界分为两个句子,第一个句子主句为“A work is publicly

24、displayed”,是个被动句,后接 when引导的时间状语从句,也是被动句,从句省略主语;第二个句子主句为“a distribution of a copy also occurs”,if 引导了条件状语从句。 作品若能在网上看到,则属于公开展出。用户若下载或打印相关资料,则构成复制品的发行。 在第一个句子中,主句和从句都是被动句,体现了法律英语严谨客观的表达特点。采用“有被不用被”的翻译策略,化被动为主动,符合汉语的表达习惯。17.40年前,联合国在这里召开了首次人类环境会议,发表了具有划时代意义的历史性文献人类环境宣言,形成了人类环境行动计划,提出了一个响遍世界的口号:只有一个地球!那

25、次会议标志着人类对环境问题的普遍觉醒,开启了可持续发展的新纪元。中国的环保和可持续发展事业也从此摆上政府的重要日程。今天,我们隆重纪念这一历史盛会,重温宣言的经典篇章,更加赞叹前人的远见卓识,更能领悟当代人的重大责任。 中国是可持续发展的坚定支持者和实践者。在中国的传统价值观中,蕴含着可持续发展精神。两千多年前,中国古代哲学家就提出“天人合一”、“道法自然”的思想,倡导人与自然和谐相处,这是可持续发展追求的最高境界。40 年来,中国参加了可持续发展理念形成和发展中具有里程碑式意义的历次国际大会,我们把节约资源、保护环境确立为基本国策,把可持续发展战略上升为国家战略。进入新世纪,我们将科学发展观

26、确立为经济社会发展的重要方针,其基本要求是坚持以人为本、实现全面协调可持续发展。 中国人讲求言必信、行必果。40 年来,我们用可持续发展的丰富实践,忠实地履行对国内人民和国际社会的承诺。我们实行最严格的耕地和水资源管理制度,用占世界不足 10%的耕地和人均仅有世界水平 28%的水资源,养活了占世界 1/5的人口。我们几十年如一日坚持植树造林,建成的人工林已达 62万平方公里。 温家宝谈可持续发展(分数:60.00)_正确答案:()解析:Four decades ago here, the United Nations held the first conference on the human

27、 environment. It adopted an epoch-making document, the Declaration on the Human Environment , developed the Action Plan for the Human Environment, and made a resounding appeal“Only One Earth“. That conference awakened mankind to the environmental issue and ushered in a new era of sustainable develop

28、ment. Since then, environmental protection and sustainable development have become a high priority on the agenda of the Chinese government. Today, as we commemorate that historic conference and as the call of the Declaration comes to mind again, we cannot but all the more marvel at the vision of our

29、 predecessors and be more keenly aware of the major responsibilities that we, the present generation, have on our shoulders. China is committed to pursuing sustainable development. As a matter of fact, sustainable development is embodied in China“s traditional values. Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese p

30、hilosophers called for maintaining “unity between heaven and man“ and following “the law of nature“ so as to achieve harmony between man and nature. As we see it, this is the ultimate goal for us in pursuing sustainable development. Over the past 40 years, China has attended all the international co

31、nferences which were crucial in shaping and enriching the concept of sustainable development. China takes resources conservation and environmental protection as a state policy and pursues sustainable development as a national strategy. Entering the 21st century, China is pursuing economic and social

32、 development under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, a fundamental principle which calls for putting people first and promoting balanced and sustainable development in all areas. China believes that a commitment, once made, must be honored. In the past 40 years, with rich practi

33、ces in promoting sustainable development, China has honored its commitment both to its own people and to the international community. It has instituted the most stringent systems for managing farmland and water resources, and fed one fifth of the global population with less than 10% of the world“s f

34、armland and only 28% of the world“s per capita water resources. China has carried out afforestation for decades, with coverage now reaching 620,000 square kilometers. Speech on Sustainable Development by Wen Jiabao解析 今天,我们隆重纪念这一历史盛会,重温宣言的经典篇章,更加赞叹前人的远见卓识,更能领悟当代人的重大责任。 本句可分为两层,“我们隆重纪念这一历史盛会,重温宣言的经典篇章

35、”是第一层,写我们当前的行动,“更加赞叹前人的远见卓识,更能领悟当代人的重大责任”是表达我们的感受。而且第二层意思是全句的主要部分,第一层意思说明的是时间、场合,可作为时间状语。 “领悟”可以译为“realize”或“be aware of”,realize 表示“人突然明白一种未料到的真相”,强调突发性,而且后面一般是消极情况。be aware of 表示“明白了某种道理,领会了某种想法”,原句表示“领悟了重大责任”,用“be aware of”更好,而且从衔接的角度讲,可以接 responsibility。 Today, as we commemorate that historic co

36、nference and as the call of the Declaration comes to mind again, we cannot but all the more marvel at the vision of our predecessors and be more keenly aware of the major responsibilities that we, the present generation, have on our shoulders. 两千多年前,中国古代哲学家就提出“天人合一”、“道法自然”的思想,倡导人与自然和谐相处,这是可持续发展追求的最高

37、境界。 本句可分为三层,第一层是“中国古代哲学家就提出天人合一、道法自然的思想”,写中国先贤的思想。第二层是“倡导人与自然和谐相处”,表达的是思想的目的。第三层是“这是可持续发展追求的最高境界”,这是一个总结句。 “最高境界”,“境界”的本意是指“人的思想觉悟和精神修养”或“事物所达到的程度”,句子说“达到天人合一”是可持续发展追求的境界,其实是运用了修辞手法,这里的“境界”代指的是“目标”,故译为“the ultimate goal”。 Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese philosophers called for maintaining “unity between heaven and man“ and following “the law of nature“ so as to achieve harmony between man and nature. As we see it, this is the ultimate goal for us in pursuing sustainable development.

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