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本文(【考研类试卷】工商管理硕士入学考试-逻辑推理练习六及答案解析.doc)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、工商管理硕士入学考试-逻辑推理练习六及答案解析(总分:240.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.The recent dramatic increase in commuter airline crashes is caused in large part by pilot inexperience. As a major growth industry, the commuter airlines have recently had a great increase in the demand for experienced pilots. It is impossible to define

2、 and assess pilot experience, however. For example, someone with 1,000 hours of flight experience as an instructor in Arizona, where the weather is good, cannot be compared to someone with 1,000 hours experience as a night cargo pilot in the stormy northeastern United States.The authors conclusion t

3、hat the dramatic increase in commuter airline crashes is caused by pilot inexperience is most weakened by the fact that the author has(分数:5.00)A.argued that it is impossible to measure “pilot experience. “B.used an example that does not relate logically to the point being illustrated.C.provided only

4、 a partial explanation for the increase in commuter airline crashes.D.made an unfair comparison between experience as a flight instructor and experience as a night cargo pilot.E.(E) not specified how much of the recent increase in commuter airline crashes is due to pilot inexperience.Questions 1011

5、are based on the following:Antinuclear activist: The closing of the nuclear power plant is a victory for the antinuclear cause. It also represents a belated acknowledgment by the power industry that they cannot operate such plants safely.Nuclear power plant manager: It represents no such thing. The

6、availability of cheap power from nonnuclear sources, together with the cost of mandated safety inspections and safety repairs, made continued operation uneconomic. Thus it was not safety considerations but economic considerations that dictated the plants closing.(分数:10.00)(1).The reasoning in the ma

7、ngers argument is flawed because the argument(分数:5.00)A.fails to acknowledge that the power industry might now believe nuclear power plants to be unsafe even though this plant was not closed for safety reasonsB.overlooks the possibility that the sources from which cheap power is available might them

8、selves be subject to safety concernsC.mistakes the issue of what the closure of the plant represents to the public for the issue of what the managers reasons for the closure wereD.takes as one of its premises a view about the power industrys attitude toward nuclear safety that contradicts the activi

9、sts viewE.(E) counts as purely economic considerations some expenses that arise as a result of the need to take safety precautions(2).Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the activists claim of victory?(分数:5.00)A.The plant had reached the age at which its operating license exp

10、ired.B.The mandate for inspections and repairs mentioned by the manager was recently enacted as a result of pressure from antinuclear groups.C.The plant would not have closed if cheap power from nonnuclear sources had not been available.D.Per unit of electricity produced, the plant had the highest o

11、perating costs of any nuclear power plant.E.(E) The plant that closed had been able to provide backup power to an electrical network then parts of the network became overloaded.2.Editorialist: Additional restrictions should be placed on drivers licenses of teenagers because teenagers lack basic driv

12、ing skills. Even though drivers of age nineteen and younger make up only 7 percent of registered drivers, they are responsible for over 14 percent of traffic fatalities. Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument that teenagers lack basic driving skills EXCEPT:(分数:5.00)A.Teenagers tend to

13、drive older and less stable cars than other drivers.B.Teenagers and their passengers are less likely to use seat belts and shoulder straps than others.C.Teenagers drive, on average, over twice as far each year as other drivers.D.Teenagers cause car accidents that are more serious than those caused b

14、y others.E.(E) Teenagers are likely to drive with more passengers than the average driver.3.On Saturday Melvin suggested that Jerome take the following week off from work and accompany him on a trip to the mountains. Jerome refused, claiming that he could not afford the cost of the trip added to the

15、 wages he would forfeit by taking off without notice. It is clear, however, that cost cannot be the real reason, for Jeromes unwillingness to go with Melvin to the mountains, since he makes the same excuse every time. Melvin asks him to take an unscheduled vacation regardless of where Melvin propose

16、 to go.The reasoning is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms?(分数:5.00)A.It attempts to forestall “an attack on Melvins behavior by focusing attention on the behavior of Jerome.B.It fails to establish that Melvin could no more afford to take an unscheduled vacation trip to the mou

17、ntains than could Jerome.C.It overlooks the possibility that Jerome, unlike Melvin, prefers vacations that have been planned far in advance.D.It assumes that if Jeromes professed reason is not his only reason, then it cannot be a real reason for Jerome at all.E.(E) It does not examine the possibilit

18、y that Jeromes behavior is adequately explained by the reason he gives for it.4.Until recently it was thought that ink used before the sixteenth century did not contain titanium. However, a new type of analysis detected titanium in the ink of the famous Bible printed by Johannes Gutenberg and in tha

19、t of another fifteenth-century Bible known as B-36, though not in the ink of any of numerous other fifteenth-century books analyzed. This finding is of great significance, since it not only strongly supports the hypothesis that B-36 was printed by Gutenberg but also shows that the presence of titani

20、um in the ink of the purportedly fifteenth-century Vinland Map can no longer be regarded as a reason for doubting the maps authenticity.The reasoning in the passage is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that(分数:5.00)A.the results of the analysis are interpreted as indicating that the use of titan

21、ium as an ingredient in fifteenth-century ink both was, and was not, extremely restricted.B.if the technology that makes it possible to detect titanium in printing ink has only recently become available, it is unlikely that printers or artists in the fifteenth century would know whether their ink co

22、ntained titanium or is unreasonable to suppose that determination of the date and location of a documents printing or drawing can be made solely on the basis of the presence or absence of a single element in the ink used in the document.D.both the B-36 Bible and the Vinland Map are objects

23、that can be appreciated on their own merits whether or not the precise date of their creation or the identity of the person who made them is known.E.(E) the discovery of titanium in the ink of the Vinland Map must have occurred before titanium was discovered in the ink of the Gutenberg Bible and the

24、 B-36 Bible.5.One of the great difficulties in establishing animal rights based merely on the fact that animals are living things concerns scope. If one construes the term “living things“ broadly, one is bound to bestow rights on organisms that are not animals (e.g., plants). But if this term is con

25、strued narrowly, one is apt to refuse rights to organisms that at least biologically, are considered members of the animal kingdom.If the statements above are true, which one of the following can be most reasonably inferred from them?(分数:5.00)A.Not all animals should be given nights.B.One cannot bes

26、tow rights on animals without also bestowing rights on at least some plants.C.The problem of delineating the boundary of the set of living things interferes with every attempt to establish animal rights.D.Successful attempts to establish rights for all animals are likely either to establish rights f

27、or some plants or not to depend solely on the observation that animals are living things.E.(E) The fact that animals are living things is irrelevant to the question of whether animals should or should not be accorded rights, because plants are living things too.6.The Volunteers for Literacy Program

28、would benefit if Dolores takes Victors place as director, since Dolores is far more skillful than Victor is at securing the kind of financial support the program needs and Dolores does not have Victors propensity for alienating the programs most dedicated volunteers.The pattern of reasoning in the a

29、rgument above is most closely paralleled in which one of the following?(分数:5.00)A.It would be more convenient for Deminique to take a bus to School than to take the subway, since the bus stops closer to her house than does the subway and, unlike the subway, the bus goes directly to the school.B.Josh

30、uas interest would be better served by taking the bus to get to his parents house rather than by taking an airplane, since his primary concern is to travel as cheaply as possible and taking the bus is less expensive than going by airplane.C.Belinda will get to the concert more quickly by subway than

31、 by taxi, since the concert takes place on a Friday evening and on Friday evenings traffic near the concert hall is exceptionally heavy.D.Anite would benefit financially by taking the train to work rather than driving her car, since when she drives she has to pay parking fees and the daily fee for p

32、arking a car is higher than a round-trip train ticket.E.(E) It would be to Freds advantage to exchange his bus tickets for train tickets, since he needs to arrive at his meeting before any of the other participants and if he goes by bus at least one of the other participants will arrive first.7.It i

33、s commonly held among marketing experts that in a nonexpanding market a companys best strategy is to go after a bigger share of the market and that the best way to do this is to run comparative advertisements that emphasize weaknesses in the products of rivals. In the stagnant market for food oil, s

34、oybean-oil and palm-oil producers did wage a two-year battle with comparative advertisements about the deleterious effect on health of each others products. These campaigns, however, had little effect on respective market shares; rather, they stopped many people from buying any edible oils at all.Th

35、e statements above most strongly support the conclusion that comparative advertisements(分数:5.00)A.increase a companys market share in all cases in which that companys products are clearly superior to the products of rivals.B.should not be used in a market that is expanding or likely to expand.C.shou

36、ld under no circumstances be used as a retaliatory measure.D.carry the risk of causing a contraction of the market at which they are aimed.E.(E) yield no long-term gains unless consumers can easily verify the claims made.Questions 45 are based on the following:Any person who drops out of high school

37、 will be unemployed unless he or she finds a low-paying job or has relatives with good business connections.(分数:10.00)(1).Which one of the following conclusions CANNOT be validly drawn from the statement above?(分数:5.00)A.Any person who drops out of high school, will be unemployed, have a low-paying

38、job, or have relatives with good business connections.B.Any high school dropout who has neither a low-paying job nor relatives with good business connections will be unemployed.C.Any employed person who has neither a low-paying job nor relatives with good business connections is not a high school dr

39、opout.D.Any high school dropout who has a job that is not lowpaying must have relatives with good business connections.E.(E) Any person who has relatives with good business connections and who is not a high school dropout must be employed at a job that is not low-paying.(2).Assume that Tom is employ

40、ed and does not have a lowpaying job. Which one of the following statements, when added to this assumption, contradicts the original statement made in the statement above?(分数:5.00)A.Tom is a high school dropout.B.Tom does not have relatives with good business connections.C.Tom is a high school dropo

41、ut and does not have any relatives.D.Tom completed high school and has relatives with good business connections.E.(E) Tom has relatives with good business connections.Questions 34 are based on the following:Magazine editor: I know that some of our regular advertisers have been pressuring us to give

42、favorable mention to their products in our articles, but they should realize that for us to yield to their wishes would actually be against their interests. To remain an effective advertising vehicle we must have loyal readership, and we would soon lose that readership if our readers suspect that ou

43、r editorial integrity has been compromised by pandering to advertisers.Advertising-sales director: You underestimate the sophistication of our readers. They recognize that the advertisements we carry are not articles, so their response to the advertisements has never depended on their opinion of the

44、 editorial integrity of the magazine as a whole.(分数:10.00)(1).Which one of the following is the most accurate assessment of the advertising-sales directors argument as a response to the magazine editors argument?(分数:5.00)A.It succeeds because it shows that the editors argument depends on an unwarran

45、ted assumption about factors affecting an advertisements effectiveness.B.It succeeds because it exposes as mistaken the editors estimation of the sophistication of the magazines readers.C.It succeeds because it undermines the editors claim about how the magazines editorial integrity should be affect

46、ed by allowing advertisers to influence articles.D.It fails because the editors argument does not depend on any assumption about readers response to the advertisements they see in the magazine.E.(E) It fails because it is based on a misunderstanding of the editors view about how readers respond to a

47、dvertisements they see in the magazine.(2).The magazine editors argument assumes which one of the following?(分数:5.00)A.A magazine editor should never be influenced in the performance of his or her professional duties by the wishes of the companies that regularly advertise in the magazine.B.The magaz

48、ine cannot give any favorable mention in its articles to its regular advertises without compromising its reputation for editorial integrity.C.Favorable mention of their products in the magazines articles is of less value to the advertisers than is the continued effectiveness of the magazine as an ad

49、vertising vehicle.D.Giving favorable mention to a product in a magazine article is a more effective form of advertising than is an explicit advertisement for the product in the same magazine.E.(E) Carrying paid advertisements can never pose any thread to the magazines reputation for editorial integrity nor to the loyalty of its readership.8.Because dinosaurs were reptiles, scientists once assumed that, like all reptiles alive today, dinosaurs were coldblooded. The recent discovery of dinosaur fossils in the northern arctic, however, has led a number of

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