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1、工商管理硕士入学考试-逻辑推理解释及答案解析(总分:255.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.Sixty adults were asked to keep a diary of their meals, including what they consumed, when, and in the company of how many people. It was found that at meals with which they drank alcoholic beverages, they consumed about 175 calories more from nonalcohol

2、ic sources than they did at meals with which they did not drink alcoholic beverages.Each of the following, if true, contributes to an explanation of the difference in caloric intake EXCEPT:(分数:5.00)A.Diners spent a much longer time at meals served with alcohol than they did at those served without a

3、lcohol.B.The meals eaten later in the day tended to be larger than those eaten earlier in the day, and later meals were more likely to include alcohol.C.People eat more when there are more people present at the meal, and more people tended to be present at meals served with alcohol than at meals ser

4、ved without alcohol.D.The meals that were most carefully prepared and most attractively served tended to be those at which alcoholic beverages were consumed.E.(E) At meals that included alcohol, relatively more of the total calories consumed came from carbohydrates and relatively fewer of them came

5、from fats and proteins.2.Currently, the number of first-time admissions of individuals diagnosed as manic-depressives to hospitals in Great Britain exceeds by nine times the number of admissions of such patients to public and private hospitals in the United States, even though the population size of

6、 the United States is many times that of Great Britain.Which of the following, if true, would be most useful to an attempt to explain the situation described above?(分数:5.00)A.The term manic-depressive refers to a wider range of mentally ill patients in Great Britain than it does in the United States

7、.B.The admission rate in the United States includes those individuals who visit clinics for the first time as well as those who are admitted directly to hospitals.C.A small percentage of patients diagnosed as manic-depressive in Great Britain are admitted to private nursing homes rather than hospita

8、ls.D.The variety of training institutions in psychology in the United States is greater than in Great Britain, reflecting the variety of schools of psychology that have developed in the United States.E.(E) Seeking professional assistance for mental health problems no longer carries a social stigma i

9、n the United States, as it once did.3. (分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.E.4.Financing for a large construction project was provided by a group of banks. When the money was gone before the project was completed, the banks approved additional loans. Now, with funds used up again and completion still not at hand, the

10、banks refuse to extend further loans, although without those loans, the project is doomed.Which of the following, if true, best explains why the banks current reaction is different from their reaction in the previous instance of depletion of funds?(分数:5.00)A.The banks have reassessed the income pote

11、ntial of the completed project and have concluded that total income general would be less than total interest due on the old plus the needed new loans.B.The banks have identified several other projects that offer faster repayment of the principal if loans are approved now to get those projects start

12、ed.C.The banks had agreed with the borrowers that the construction loans would be secured by the completed project.D.The cost overruns were largely due to unforeseeable problems that arose in the most difficult phase of the construction work.E.(E) The project stimulated the development and refinemen

13、t of several new construction techniques, which will make it easier and cheaper to carry out similar projects in the future.5.A trees age can be determined by counting the annual growth rings in its trunk. Each ring represents one year, and the rings thickness reveals the relative amount of rainfall

14、 that year. Archaeologists successfully used annual rings to determine the relative ages of ancient tombs at Pazyryk. Each tomb was constructed from freshly cut logs, and the tombs builders were constrained by tradition to use only logs from trees growing in the sacred Pazyryk Valley.Which one of th

15、e following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the archaeologists success in using annual rings to establish the relative ages of the tombs at the Pazyryk site?(分数:5.00)A.The Pazyryk tombs were all robbed during ancient times, but breakage of the tombs seals allowed the seepage of water

16、, which soon froze permanently, thereby preserving the tombs remaining artifacts.B.The Pazyryk Valley, surrounded by extremely high mountains, has a distinctive yearly pattern of rainfall, and so trees growing in the Pazyryk Valley have annual rings that are quite distinct from trees growing in near

17、by valleys.C.Each log in the Pazyryk tombs has among its rings a distinctive sequence of twelve annual rings representing six drought years followed by three rainy years and three more drought years.D.The archaeologists determined that the youngest tree used in any of the tombs was 90 years old and

18、that the oldest tree was 450 years old.E.(E) All of the Pazyryk tombs contained cultural artifacts that can be dated to roughly 2300 years ago.6.A new ordinance passed by the Gorenton Council a year ago banned the sale of all nonrecyclable plastic packaging for food being sold in Gorenton. A substan

19、tial percentage of Gorentons plastic waste, however, is still composed of nonrecyclable plastic food packaging.Which of the following, if true, best contributes to reconciling the apparent discrepancy above?(分数:5.00)A.Fewer food products are packaged in nonrecyclable plasticstoday than were so packa

20、ged a year ago.B.The new ordinance affects only plastic food packaging and not other products packaged in plastic, many of which are sold in Gorenton.C.Grocery and other stores in nearby suburban areas patronized by many Gorenton residents are unaffected by the new ordinance.D.Many food products for

21、merly packaged in nonrecyclable plastics are now specially packaged in recyclable plastic before being shipped so that they can be sold in Gorenton.E.(E) The total amount of both Gorentons trash and its plastic waste grew considerably over the past year.7.Extinction is a process that can depend on a

22、 variety of ecological, geographical, and physiological variables. These variables affect different species of organisms in different ways, and should, therefore, yield a random pattern of extinction. However, the fossil record shows that extinction occurs in a surprisingly definite pattern, with ma

23、ny species vanishing at the same time.Which of the following, if true, forms the best basis for at lest a partial explanation of the patterned extinction revealed by the fossil record?(A) Major episodes of extinction can result from widespread environmental disturbances that affect numerous differen

24、t species.(B Certain extinction episodes selectively affect organisms with particular sets of characteristics unique to their species.(C) Some species become extinct because of accumulated gradual changes in their local environments.(D) In geologically recent times, for which there is no fossil reco

25、rd, human intervention has changed the pattern of extinction.(E) Species that are widely dispersed are the least likely to become extinct.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.E.8.An experiment was done in which human subjects recognize a pattern within a matrix of abstract designs and then select another design that co

26、mpletes that pattern. The results of the experiment were surprising. The lowest expenditure of energy in neurons in the brain was found in those subjects who performed most successfully in the experiments.Which of the following hypotheses best accounts for the findngs of the experiment?(分数:5.00)A.Th

27、e neurons of the brain react less when a subject is trying to recognize patterns than when the subject is doing other kinds of reasoning.B.Those who performed best in the experiment experienced more satisfaction when working with abstract patterns than did those who performed less well.C.People who

28、are better at abstract pattern recognition have more energy-efficient neural connections.D.The energy expenditure of the subjects brains increases when a design that completes the initially recognized pattern is determined.E.(E) The task of completing a given design is more capable performed by athl

29、etes, whose energy expenditure is lower when they are at rest than is that of the general population.9.Stone Age potters crafted complicated and often delicate ceramic pots, tools, and jewelry. They also crafted crude pottery figurines. Many of the delicate ceramic pots, tools, and jewelry have been

30、 found intact or nearly so, whereas the figurines, crafted at roughly the same time as the ceramics, have largely been found in tiny fragments.Which of the following, if true, best explains why few of the pottery figurines, but many of the delicate ceramics, have been found intact?(分数:5.00)A.When a

31、pottery piece from any batch was broken during finishing, Stone Age people sometimes deliberately smashed the rest of that batch, perhaps to avert bad luck.B.The composition of clay, which affects the durability of any pottery made from it, varies greatly from one area of the world to another.C.Pott

32、ery was invented in the Stone Age, and techniques for making pottery were mastered well before those required for delicate ceramic work.D.Stone Age potters drafted pottery figurines as frequently as they did ceramic pieces.E.(E) Many Stone Age rituals involved the destruction of a pottery figurine,

33、perhaps as a sacrifice to the gods.10.RESULTS OF TWO SURVEYS OF OPINIONS REGARDING THE EFFECTS OF SCIENCE ON HUMAN SOCIETYResponses August 1991 August 1992Mostly beneficial 25% 81%Equally harmful 37% 9%and beneficialMostly harmful 20% 7%No opinion 18% 3%Which of the following, if true, contributes m

34、ost to explaining the shift in opinions about the effects of science on human society?(分数:5.00)A.The surveys questioned people who regularly watch prime-time television, and an innovative weekly primetime television series called “Wonders of Science“ had been steadily winning viewers since its widel

35、y seen premiere in January 1992.B.The surveys questioned college-educated adults, and a report called “The State of the Nations Schools.“ published in June 1992, noted an increase in students interest in science courses since 1982.C.The surveys were conducted in a suburban shopping area near a compa

36、ny that ceased operation in April 1992 as a result of lawsuits arising from unexpected toxic effects of the companys products.D.Both survey forms were mailed to equally large samples of the population, after returning the 1991 survey forms, respondents were sent discount coupons for food products, a

37、nd after returning the 1992 survey forms, respondents were sent a pamphlet on recycling.E.(E) The surveys questioned first-year college students across the country, and the people who did the questioning were all research scientists.11.In Asia, where palm trees are non-native, the trees flowers have

38、 traditionally been pollinated by hand, which has kept palm fruit productivity unnaturally low. When weevils known to be efficient pollinators of palm flowers were introduced into Asia in 1980, palm fruit productivity increasedby up to fifty percent in some areasbut then decreased sharply in 1984.Wh

39、ich of the following statements, if tree, would best explain the 1984 decrease in productivity?(分数:5.00)A.Prices for palm fruit fell between 1980 and 1984 following the rise in production and a concurrent fall in demand.B.Imported trees are often more productive than native trees because the importe

40、d ones have left behind their pests and diseases in their native lands.C.Rapid increases in productivity tend to deplete trees of nutrients needed for the development of the fruit-producing female flowers.D.The weevil population in Asia remained at approximately the same level between 1980 and 1984.

41、E.(E) Prior to 1980 another species of insect pollinated the Asian palm trees, but not as efficiently as the species of weevil that was introduced in 1980.12.For the safety-conscious Swedish market, a United States manufacturer of desktop computers developed a special display screen that produces a

42、much weaker electromagnetic field surrounding the user than do ordinary screens. Despite an advantage in this respect over its competitors, the manufacturer is introducing the screen into the United States market without advertising it as a safety improvement.Which of the following, if true, provide

43、s a rationale for the manufacturers approach to advertising the screen in the United States?(分数:5.00)A.Many more desktop computers are sold each year in the United States market than are sold in the Swedish market.B.The manufacturer does not want its competitors to become aware of the means by which

44、 the company has achieved this advance in technology.C.Most business and scientific purchasers of desktop computers expect to replace such equipment eventually as better technology becomes available on the market.D.An emphasis on the comparative safety of the new screen would call into question the

45、safety of the many screens the manufacturer has already sold in the United States.E.(E) Concern has been expressed in the United States over the health effects of the large electromagnetic fields surrounding electric power lines.13.Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?I

46、n recent years, the proportion of car buyers who buy new cars rather than used cars has declined. Some consumers have attributed this change to an increase in new-car prices. As evidence of the price increase, they cite figures that show that, even adjusting for inflation, the price that the buyer o

47、f a new car pays, on average, is far higher now than a few years ago. This evidence is unpersuasive, however, because(分数:5.00)A.the value of a car that is bought new declines much more rapidly than does the value of a car that is bought usedB.after someone has bought a car, it might be several years

48、 before that person next buys a carC.a decline in the proportion of car buyers who buy new cars must necessarily mean that the proportion who buy used cars has increasedD.the relative increase in used-car sales might be explained by the decisions of only a small proportion of all car buyersE.(E) the

49、 change in the average price paid for a new car could result solely from more peoples rejecting inexpensive new cars in favor of used cars14.In October 1987 the United States stock market suffered a major drop in prices. During the weeks after the drop, the volume of stocks traded also dropped sharply to well below what had been the weekly average for the preceding year.However, the volume for the entire year was not appreciably different from the preceding years volume.Which of the following, if true, resolves the apparent contradiction presented in the passage above?(分数:5.0

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