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1、考博英语-71 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _ a tough, challenging world.(分数:2.50)A.encounterB.acquaintC.presideD.confront2.A friendship may be _, casual, situational or deep and lasting.(分数:2.50)A.identicalB.or

2、iginalC.superficialD.critical3.Our readers are comfortable with our clear, _ words that inform and entertain them.(分数:2.50)A.conventionalB.conciseC.creativeD.crucial4.Where in our brain do we _ meanings to words?(分数:2.50)A.associateB.attachC.commitD.devote5.While shopping in a department, I _ left m

3、y purse lying on a counter of handbags.(分数:2.50)A.initiallyB.fortunatelyC.frustratedlyD.accidentally6.According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _ of maturity.(分数:2.50)A.fulfillmentB.achievementC.establishmentD.accomplishment7.The remarkable _ of life on the Galapagos Island

4、s inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.(分数:2.50)A.classificationB.varietyC.densityD.diversion8.Children are _ to have some accidents as they grow up.(分数:2.50)A.obviousB.indispensableC.boundD.doubtless9.Cut off by the storm, they were forced to _ food for several days.(分数:2.50

5、)A.go in forB.go overC.go withoutD.go out10.The work in the office was _ by a constant stream of visitors.(分数:2.50)A.confusedB.perplexedC.reversedD.hampered11.He does not _ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.(分数:2.50)A.equalB.qualifyC.matchD.fit12.China started its nuclear powe

6、r industry only in recent years and should _ no time in catching up.(分数:2.50)A.delayB.lessenC.loseD.slip13.I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were _.(分数:2.50)A.cut offB.cut downC.cut backD.cut out14.The State“s Department of Commerce in the U.S. is _ to our Bureau of Economic Develo

7、pment.(分数:2.50)A.alikeB.equivalentC.sameD.approximate15.It“s usually the case that people seldom behave in a _ way when in a furious state.(分数:2.50)A.responsibleB.reliableC.rationalD.conscious16.Scientists are working hard to come up with a sure solution to the food _ for mankind.(分数:2.50)A.declineB

8、.rarityC.scarcityD.shortage17.I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _ traffic jam.(分数:2.50)A.for the sake case the risk spite of18.The manager didn“t have time to go into his plan _, but he gave us an idea about it.(分数:2.50)

9、length19.Your improper words will give _ to doubts concerning your true intentions.(分数:2.50)A.riseB.reasonC.suspicionD.ground20.The new washing machines are being _ at the rate of 50 a day in this factory.(分数:2.50)A.turned offB.turned downC.turned outD.turned in21.John complained to the bookseller t

10、hat there were some pages _ in the dictionary.(分数:2.50)A.losingB.missingC.droppingD.falling22.On turning round the corner we saw the road _ steeply.(分数:2.50)A.fallingB.decreasingC.descendingD.lowering23.The mother said she would _ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before s

11、upper.(分数:2.50)A.let downB.let aloneC.let offD.let out24.The managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.(分数:2.50)A.guiltB.blameC.chargeD.accusation25.People _ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.(分数:

12、2.50)A.convincedB.anticipatedC.resolvedD.assured26.The shop-assistant was straightforward with his customers. If an article was of _ quality he“d tell them so.(分数:2.50)A.miserableB.minorC.subordinateD.inferior27.More poles are needed to _ the weight of the tent.(分数:2.50)A.retainB.sustainC.maintainD.

13、obtain28.With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its _.(分数:2.50)A.boundariesB.restraintsC.confinementsD.limitations29.Don“t poke your nose into what doesn“t _ you.(分数:2.50)A.connectB.relateC.concernD.interest30.The atmosphere _ of certain gases mixed together in definite proport

14、ions.(分数:2.50)A.composesB.comprisesC.consistsD.constitutes31.While he was in the office he _ doing something to doing nothing.(分数:2.50)A.preferredB.likedC.favoredD.approved32.Metals _ when cooled and expand when heated.(分数:2.50)A.decreaseB.reduceC.condenseD.contract33.Take your raincoat with you _ i

15、t rains.(分数:2.50) largeD.on occasion34.He was afraid he would have to _ her invitation to the party.(分数:2.50)A.refuteB.refuseC.rejectD.decline35.At the committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed _ by those present.(分数:2.50)A.toB.withC.overD.at36.We went to see

16、the exhibition _ the storm.(分数:2.50)A.but spite ofC.for the sake ofD.instead of37.To my surprise, at yesterday“s meeting he again brought _ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.(分数:2.50)A.aboutB.outC.backD.up38.The doctor took X-rays to _ the chance of broken bones.(分数:2.50)A.mak

17、e sureB.rule outC.break downD.knock out39.He felt it rather difficult to take a stand _ the opinion of the majority.(分数:2.50)A.forB.againstC.toD.by40.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can“t _ his behaving like that at all.(分数:2.50)A.look intoB.break throughC.account forD.get o

18、ver考博英语-71 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Vocabulary(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _ a tough, challenging world.(分数:2.50)A.encounterB.acquaintC.presideD.confront 解析:解析 confront 意为“面对,面临”,如:We are confronting tremendous and even more complicated pro

19、blems. 我们正面临巨大的甚至更为复杂的问题。而 encounter意为“遭遇(困难、危险等),邂逅”,如:During the long distance journey, they encountered many unexpected difficulties. 在长途旅行中,他们遇到许多预想不到的困难。acquaint 意为使熟悉,使认识,如:I“m not acquainted with the lady 我不认识那个女人。preside 意为“主持”,常与 at或 over搭配,如:He is presiding at a meeting 他正主持会议。所以,本题选 D。2.A

20、 friendship may be _, casual, situational or deep and lasting.(分数:2.50)A.identicalB.originalC.superficial D.critical解析:解析 superficial 意为“表面的,肤浅的”,正好与后面的 deep构成语义上的对比,符合本题题意,如:His wound was only superficial and soon got well. 他只伤在表皮,不久就好了。identical作“相同的,一致的”讲,如:The fingerprints of no two persons are

21、identical 般有两个人的指纹是完全相同的。original 意为“原来的,最初的”,如:The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 原来的计划比我们采用的计划要好。critical 则作“批判性的,紧要的”讲,如:His condition is reported as being critical. 据报告他的病情很严重。所以,本题选 C。3.Our readers are comfortable with our clear, _ words that inform and entertain them.(分数:2

22、.50)A.conventionalB.concise C.creativeD.crucial解析:解析 concise 意为“简洁的”,常与 clear并列出现,指文章“清楚而又简洁”,如:This is only a concise survey of English literature. 这只是对英国文学的简要概述。conventional 作“传统的”讲,如:Modern rugs are better looking than the conventional ones. 现代的地毯比传统的地毯更好看。creative 意为“有创造性的”,如:Creative imaginatio

23、n is needed for this job. 这项工作需要创造性的想像力。crucial 则意为“决定性的,关系重大的”,如:At the crucial moment, a single mistake will destroy the whole plan. 在紧要关头,一个小错误会毁了整个计划。所以,本题选 B。4.Where in our brain do we _ meanings to words?(分数:2.50)A.associateB.attach C.commitD.devote解析:解析 attach 作“附属,归于,相连”讲,常与 to搭配,如:Great res

24、ponsibilities attach to power and position. 有权力有地位就要负重大责任。associate 意为“联系,联合”,与 with搭配,如:We associate the name of Marx with communism. 我们把马克思的名字与共产主义联系在一起。“”意为“将委托或提交给”,如:Let“s commit the matter to the committee. 我们把问题提交委员会讨论吧。“”作“奉献”讲,如:He devoted his life to revolution他终生献身革命。所以,

25、本题选 B。5.While shopping in a department, I _ left my purse lying on a counter of handbags.(分数:2.50)A.initiallyB.fortunatelyC.frustratedlyD.accidentally 解析:解析 accidentally 意为“意外地,偶然地”,如:We accidentally found an ideal solution. 我们意外地找到了一个理想的解决办法。而 initially意为“起初,开始”,如:Initially Alice opposed the plan,

26、but she changed her mind later. 一开始爱丽丝反对这个计划,但后来她改变了主意。fortunately 意为“幸运地”,如:Fortunately, nobody was killed in the accident. 幸运的是事故中没人遇难。frustratedly 意为“受到挫折地,灰心丧气地”,如:He retried the method frustratedly, knowing that chances of Success were slim. 他灰心丧气地又试了一次那个方法,知道成功的可能性很小。所以,本题选 D。6.According to th

27、e psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _ of maturity.(分数:2.50)A.fulfillmentB.achievement C.establishmentD.accomplishment解析:解析 achievement 作“达到,取得”讲,指通过努力逐步达到某一阶段或取得某一成果,如:The achievement of his object inspired him to greater efforts. 他达到了目标,这件事激励他作出更大的努力。fulfillment 则作“履行,完成,实现”讲,如:The

28、 fulfillment of every task assigned by the party and the state is his greatest wish. 完成党和国家交给的各项任务是他最大的心愿。establishment 意为“建立,设立,开办”,如:The establishment of revolutionary committees marks the beginning of the great revolution. 革命委员会的建立标志着大革命的开始。accomplishment作“完成”讲,与 fulfillment意思相近,如:We are fighting

29、 for the accomplishment of the Party“s tasks. 我们正为完成党的任务而奋斗。所以,本题选 B。7.The remarkable _ of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.(分数:2.50)A.classificationB.variety C.densityD.diversion解析:解析 variety 意为“多种,多样,种种”,如:We demanded more variety in our fo

30、od. 我们要求食物多换花样。而 classification作“分类,类别,级别”讲,如:The automatic classification of mail according to places where it is to go is very popular in many countries. 在很多国家,按邮件到达的地方自动对其进行分类是很普遍的做法。density 意为“稠密,密度”,如:Mercury has a much greater density than water. 水银的密度比水大得多。diversion意为“转移,消遣”,如:Chess and billi

31、ards are his favorite diversions 下棋和打台球是他所喜欢的消遣。所以,本题选 C。8.Children are _ to have some accidents as they grow up.(分数:2.50)A.obviousB.indispensableC.bound D.doubtless解析:解析 be bound to 意为“必定,一定”,符合题意,如:It“s bound to rain soon. 不久一定会下雨。而 obvious作“明显的,显而易见的”讲,如:It“s obvious that two and two make(s)four.

32、 2加 2等于 4,那是明明白白的。be indispensable to 意为“必不可少的,必需的”,如:Air,food and water are indispensable to life. 空气、食物和水是维持生命所必需的。doubtless 意为“确定无疑的”。所以,本题选 C。9.Cut off by the storm, they were forced to _ food for several days.(分数:2.50)A.go in forB.go overC.go without D.go out解析:解析 go without 意为“忍受没有之苦”,如:The po

33、or boy often has to go without supper. 这可怜的男孩时常没有晚饭吃。而 go in for意为“参加,从事于”,如:I“ll go in for an examination tomorrow. 我明天将参加一个考试。go over 意为“仔细检查”,如:The policeman went over the facts again and again, but couldn“t piece them together. 警察一遍又一遍地审查事实,但却串不起来。go out 意为“出去”。所以,本题选 C。10.The work in the office

34、 was _ by a constant stream of visitors.(分数:2.50)A.confusedB.perplexedC.reversedD.hampered 解析:解析 hamper 意为“妨碍”,符合题意,如:Don“t hamper me when I“m working. 在我工作的时候别妨碍我。而 confuse意为“使混乱,混淆”,如:Don“t confuse liberty with license. 不要把自由同放纵混为一谈。perplex 意为“困惑,使复杂化”,如:I feel perplexed at this issue. 对这个问题我感到很困惑

35、。reverse 作“颠倒,倒转”讲。如:Their positions are reversed他们的地位现在倒过来了。所以,本题选 D。11.He does not _ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.(分数:2.50)A.equalB.qualify C.matchD.fit解析:解析 本题是说他不胜任英语教师这项工作,因为他的发音太糟糕。B 项“qualify(使)具有资格,(使)胜任,(使)合适”符合题意。其他三项中,equal 等于,比得上;match(和相配/相称);fit(衣服)适合,合身;适合,

36、符合(in/into),都不正确。所以,本题选 B。12.China started its nuclear power industry only in recent years and should _ no time in catching up.(分数:2.50)A.delayB.lessenC.lose D.slip解析:解析 本题是说中国仅仅在最近几年才开始她的核动力工业,应立即迎头赶上。lose no time in doing sth. “立即”(如 I shall lose no time in beginning work. );delay 推迟;耽搁,延误(句型:dela

37、y sb./sth. an action/-ing,不说 delay time);lessen 减少,减轻;slip 滑落;溜走。根据题意,只有 C项为正确答案。13.I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were _.(分数:2.50)A.cut off B.cut downC.cut backD.cut out解析:解析 本题是说我和安正在通电话,这时电话突然掉线了。A 项“cut off 切断,阻断,停掉;使电话中断”符合题意。如:“cut off the water supply;cut off the enemy“s

38、retreat;be cut off from the out side world”。其他三项中,cut down“削减,减少”;cut back“削减,缩减;急忙返回”;cut out“割去,删去”,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 A。14.The State“s Department of Commerce in the U.S. is _ to our Bureau of Economic Development.(分数:2.50)A.alikeB.equivalent C.sameD.approximate解析:解析 本题是说美国的国家商业部相当于我们的经济发展署。B 项“equival

39、ent”(to)adj. 相等的,相当的,等量的,等值的,相等物(如 What is$5 equivalent to in French francs; His behavior was equivalent to treason; He earns the equivalent of $ 50 a month.)符合题意。其他三项中,alike同样的,相像的;same(必须与 the连用)相同的,一样的;approximate(to)近似的,大约的,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 B。15.It“s usually the case that people seldom behave in a

40、_ way when in a furious state.(分数:2.50)A.responsibleB.reliableC.rational D.conscious解析:解析 本题是说通常的情形是,当人们处于愤怒的状态时很少以理智的方式行事。C 项“rational adj. 理性的,合理的”符合题意。如:a rational man; a rational plan; rational arguments。其他三项中,responsible(for)须负责的;责任重大的;有责任感的;reliable 可靠的;conscious(of)意识到的,自觉的,有意的,神志清醒的,都与题意不符。所

41、以,本题选 C。16.Scientists are working hard to come up with a sure solution to the food _ for mankind.(分数:2.50)A.declineB.rarityC.scarcityD.shortage 解析:解析 本题是说科学家们正努力工作,为的是拿出一个切实解决人类食物短缺的方案。D 项shortage不足,缺少符合题意。其他三项中,decline 下降,减少,衰落;rarity 稀少,少见的人或东西(常与不定冠词连用);scarcity 缺乏,稀少,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 D。17.I left fo

42、r the office earlier than usual this morning _ traffic jam.(分数:2.50)A.for the sake case of the risk spite of解析:解析 本题是说为了防备塞车,今天早晨我去上班比平时提前了。B 项“in case of”(状语,放在句末)以防,(状语,放在句首)防备。如 Always keep a bucket of water handy in case of fire,In case of fire. ring the alarm bell. 区分:in the

43、case of 多用于对比,常含有“而的情况却不同”之意,如 Poverty depresses most people, but in the case of my father it was otherwise, Mary failed to hand in her homework in time because she was ill, but it was different in the case of Janeshe was lazy. 符合题意。其他三项中,for the sake of“为了,为了的利益;看在的份上”;at the risk of“冒着的危险”;in spit

44、e of“虽然,尽管,不管,不顾”,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 B。18.The manager didn“t have time to go into his plan _, but he gave us an idea about it.(分数:2.50) length 解析:解析 本题是说经理没有时间去详细地探究他的计划,但他给了我们关于这个计划的想法。D 项“at length长时间地;详细地;最终,终于”符合题意。如:He spoke at length on his plans for the future

45、; We discussed the matter at length; At length he came to understand it. 其他三项中,in turn 依次地,轮流地,反过来;in conclusion 最后(用在结束语中);at first 最初,起先,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 D。19.Your improper words will give _ to doubts concerning your true intentions.(分数:2.50)A.rise B.reasonC.suspicionD.ground解析:解析 本题是说你不适当的话语将引起对你真实意

46、图的怀疑。短语 give rise to sth. 的意思是“引起,导致,成为的原因”,如 The depression gave rise to widespread unemployment; This plan has given rise to various problems. 因此 A项符合题意。其他三项中,reason 理由,原因(句型:have reason to do); ground(常用复数)理由,根据;suspicion 怀疑(常用搭配:arouse suspicion;have suspicion off about sth./that.),都与题意不符。所以,本题选

47、 A。20.The new washing machines are being _ at the rate of 50 a day in this factory.(分数:2.50)A.turned offB.turned downC.turned out D.turned in解析:解析 本题是说这家工厂正以每天 50台的速度生产着这种新型洗衣机。C 项 turn out(工厂)生产,制造(产品);(学校)培养(人才);驱逐,使离开;关掉,旋熄符合题意。其他三项中,turn off 关,关闭;转到另一条路;turn down 关小,调低;拒绝;turn in 上交,交还;上床睡觉都与题意不

48、符。所以,本题选 C。21.John complained to the bookseller that there were some pages _ in the dictionary.(分数:2.50)A.losingB.missing C.droppingD.falling解析:解析 本题是说约翰对书商抱怨说这本字典缺页。B 项 missing缺失的,失踪的,不见了,少了符合题意。其他三项中,losing 正在输掉的;dropping 滴下,滴下物,空投,兽粪;falling 落下的,下降的,都与题意不符。所以,本题选 B。22.On turning round the corner we saw the road _ steeply.(分数:2.50)A.fallingB.decreasingC.descending D.lowering解析:解析 本题是说在转过拐角处后,我们看到这条路急转直下。C 项 descend下降,下来;往下走;降生符合题意。其他三项中,fall 落下,下降,减弱;decrease 减小,减少;lower 放下,降下,放低,都与题意不符。所以,本题

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