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1、考博英语-94 及答案解析(总分:99.99,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:25.00)A little more than a century ago, Michael Faraday, the noted British physicist, managed to gain audience with a group of high government officials, to demonstrate an electro-chemical principle, in the hope

2、 of gaining support for his work. After observing the demonstrations closely, one of the officials remarked bluntly, “It“s a fascinating demonstration, young man, but just what practical application will come of this?“ “I don“t know,“ replied Faraday, “but I do know that 100 years from now you“ll be

3、 taxing them.“ From the demonstration of a principle to the marketing of products derived from that principle is often a long way, involved series of steps. The speed and effectiveness with which these steps are taken are closely related to the history of management, the art of getting things done.

4、Just as management applies to the wonders that have evolved from Faraday and other inventors, so it applied some 4,000 years ago to the working of the great Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and export Hannibal“s remarkable feat of crossing the Alps in 218 B.C. with 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,

5、000 horsemen and a “conveyor belt“ of 40 elephants.or to the early Christian Church, with its world-shaking concepts of individual freedom and equality. These ancient innovators were deeply involved in the problems of authority, divisions of labor, discipline, unity of command, clarity of direction

6、and the other basic factors that are so meaningful to management today. But the real impetus to management as an emerging profession was the Industrial Revolution. Originating in 18-century England, it was triggered by a series of classic inventions and new processes; among them John Kay“s Flying Sh

7、uttle in 1733, James Hargrove“s Spinning Jenny in 1770, Samuel Compton“s Mule Spinner in 1779 and Edmund Cartwright“s Power Loom in 1785.(分数:25.00)(1).The anecdote about Michael Faraday indicates that _.(分数:6.25)A.politicians tax everythingB.people are skeptical about the values of pure researchC.go

8、vernment should support scientistsD.he was rejected by his government(2).Management is defined as _.(分数:6.25)A.the creator of the Industrial RevolutionB.supervising subordinatesC.the art of getting things emerging profession(3).Management came into its own _.(分数:6.25) the Egyptian and M

9、esopotamian import and export Hannibal“s famous trip across the the development of early Christian the eighteenth century(4).A problem of management NOT mentioned in this passage is _.(分数:6.25)A.the problem of commandB.division of laborC.control by authorityD.competitio

10、n三、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:25.00)By education, I mean the influence of the environment upon the individual to produce a permanent change in the habits of behavior, of thought and of attitude. It is in being thus susceptible to the environment that man differs from the animals, and the higher animals from th

11、e lower. The lower animals are influenced by the environment but not in the direction of changing their habits. Their instinctive responses are few and fixed by heredity. When transferred to an unnatural situation, such an animal is led astray by its instincts. Thus the “ant-lion“ whose instinct imp

12、lies it to bore into loose sand by pushing backwards with abdomen, goes backwards on a plate of glass as soon as danger threatens,and endeavors, with the utmost exertions to bore into it. It knows no other mode of flight, “or if such a lonely animal is engaged upon a chain of actions and is interrup

13、ted, it either goes on vainly with the remaining actions (as useless as cultivating an unsown field) or dies in helpless inactivity“. Thus a net-making spider which digs a burrow and rims it with a bastion of gravel and bits of wood, when removed from a half finished home, will not begin again, thou

14、gh it will continue another burrow, even one made with a pencil. Advance in the scale of evolution along such lines as these could only be made by the emergence of creatures with more and more complicated instincts. Such beings we know in the ants and spiders. But another line of advance was destine

15、d to open out a much more far-reaching possibility of which we do not see the end perhaps even in man. Habits, instead of being born ready-made (when they are called instincts and not habits at all), were left more and more to the formative influence of the environment, of which the most important f

16、actor was the parent who now cared for the young animal during a period of infancy in which vaguer instincts than those of the insects were molded to suit surroundings which might be considerably changed without harm. This means, one might at first imagine, that gradually heredity becomes less and e

17、nvironment more important. But this is hardly the truth and certainly not the whole truth. For although fixed automatic responses like those of the insect-like creatures are no longer inherited, although selection for purification of that sort is no longer going on, yet selection for educability is

18、very definitely still of importance. The ability to acquire habits can be conceivably inherited just as much as can definite responses to narrow situations. Besides, since a mechanismis now, for the first time, created by which the individual (in contradiction to the species) can be fitted to the en

19、vironment, the latter becomes, in another sense, less not more important. And finally, less not the higher animals who possess the power of changing their environment by engineering feats and the like, a power possessed to some extent even by the beaver, and preeminently by man. Environment and here

20、dity are in no case exclusive but always-supplementary factors.(分数:25.00)(1).Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?(分数:6.25)A.The Evolution of Insects.B.Environment and Heredity.C.Education: The Influence of the Environment.D.The Instincts of Animals.(2).What can be infer

21、red from the example of the ant-lion in the first paragraph?(分数:6.25)A.Instincts of animals can lead to unreasonable reactions in strange situations.B.When it is engaged in a chain actions it cannot be interrupted.C.Environment and heredity are two supplementary factors in the evolution of insects.D

22、.Along the lines of evolution heredity becomes less and environment more important.(3).Based on the example provided in the passage, we can tell that when a spider is removed to a new position where half of a net has been made, it will probably _.(分数:6.25)A.begin a completely new netB.destroy the ha

23、lf-netC.spin the rest of the netD.stay away from the net(4).Which of the following is true about habits according to the passage?(分数:6.25)A.They are natural endowments to living creatures.B.They are more important than instincts to all animals.C.They are subject to the formative influence of the env

24、ironment.D.They are destined to open out a much more far-reaching possibility in the evolution of human beings.四、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:25.00)It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdomor at least confirm that he“s the kid“s dad. All he needs to do

25、 is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstoreand another $120 to get the results. More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes t

26、he over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500. Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and latest rage a ma

27、ny passionate genealogistsand supports businesses that offer to search for a family“s geographic roots. Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA. But some observers

28、are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing.“ says Trey Duster, a New Y0rk University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestorsnumbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing onl

29、y considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father“s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have

30、six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents. Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don“t rely on data collected systematically but r

31、ather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person“s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to es

32、timate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.(分数:25.00)(1).In Para. 1 and 2, the text shows PTK“s _.(分数:5.00)A.easy availabilityB.flexibility in pricingC.successful promotionD.popularity with households(2).PTK is used to _.(分数:5.00)A.locate one“s birth pl

33、aceB.promote genetic researchC.identify parent-child kinshipD.choose children for adoption(3).Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to _.(分数:5.00)A.trace distant ancestorsB.rebuild reliable bloodlinesC.fully use genetic informationD.achieve the claimed accuracy(4).In the last parag

34、raph, a problem commercial genetic testing faces is _.(分数:5.00)A.disorganized data collectionB.overlapping database buildingC.excessive sample comparisonD.lack of patent evaluation(5).An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be _.(分数:5.00)A.Fors and Againsts of DNA TestingB.DNA Testing an

35、d It“s ProblemsC.DNA Testing Outside the LabD.Lies behind DNA Testing五、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:25.00)The truly incompetent may never know the depths of their own incompetence, a pair of social psychologists said on Thursday. “We found again and again that people who perform poorly relative to their peers te

36、nded to think that they did rather well,“ Justin Kruger, co-author of a study on the subject, said in a telephone interview. Kruger and co-author David Dunning found that when it came to a variety of skillslogical reasoning, grammar, even sense of humorpeople who essentially were inept never realize

37、d it, while those who had some ability were self-critical. “It had little to do with innate modesty,“ Kruger said, “but rather with a central paradox: Incompetents lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically. Once they get those skills, they know where they stand,even if that i

38、s at the bottom.“ “Americans and Western Europeans especially had an unrealistically sunny assessment of their own capabilities,“ Dunning said by telephone in a separate interview, “while Japanese and Koreans tended to give a reasonable assessment of their performance. In certain areas, such as athl

39、etic performance, which can be easily quantified, there is less self-delusion, the researchers said. But even in some cases in which the failure should seem obvious, the perpetrator is blithely unaware of the problem.“ This was especially true in the areas of logical reasoning, where research subjec

40、tsstudents at Cornell University, where the two researchers were basedoften rated themselves highly even when they flubbed all questions in a reasoning test. Later, when the students were instructed in logical reasoning, they scored better on a test but rate themselves lower, having learned what con

41、stituted competence in this area. Grammar was another area in which objective knowledge was helpful in determining competence, but the more subjective area of humor posed different challenges, the researchers said. Participants were asked to rate how funny certain jokes were, and compare their respo

42、nses with what an expert panel of comedians thought. On average, participants overestimated their sense of humor by about 16 percentage points. This might be thought of as the “above-average effect“, the notion that most Americans would rate themselves as above average, a statistical impossibility.

43、The researchers also conducted pilot studies of doctors and gun enthusiasts. The doctors overestimated how well they had performed on a test of medical diagnoses and the gun fanciers thought they knew more than they actually did about gun safety. So who should be trusted: The person who admits incom

44、petence or the one who shows confidence? Neither, according to Dunning. “You can“t take them at their word. You“ve got to take a look at their performance,“ Dunning added.(分数:24.99)(1).Why do incompetent people rarely know they are inept?(分数:8.33)A.They are too inept to know what competence is.B.The

45、y are not skillful at logical reasoning, grammar, and sense of humor.C.They lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically.D.They have some ability to over criticize themselves.(2).Which of the following statement is NOT true, according to the passage?(分数:8.33)A.Students at Cornel

46、l University often rated themselves highly even when they flubbed all questions in a reasoning test.B.Grammar was an area in which objective knowledge was helpful in determining competence.C.Participants in the test estimated their sense of humor by about 16 percentage points.D.Students scored bette

47、r on a logical reasoning test but rated themselves lower.(3).What do you know about “above-average effect“ based on the passage?(分数:8.33)A.Most Americans assess themselves as above average.B.American doctors overestimated how well they had performed on a test of medical diagnoses.C.American gun enth

48、usiasts thought they knew more than they actually did about gun safety.D.All of the above.考博英语-94 答案解析(总分:99.99,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:25.00)A little more than a century ago, Michael Faraday, the noted British physicist, managed to gain audience with a grou

49、p of high government officials, to demonstrate an electro-chemical principle, in the hope of gaining support for his work. After observing the demonstrations closely, one of the officials remarked bluntly, “It“s a fascinating demonstration, young man, but just what practical application will come of this?“ “I don“t know,“ replied Faraday, “but I do know that 100 years from now you“ll be taxing them.“ From the demonstration of a principle to the marketing of products derived from that principle is often a long way, involved series of st

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