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1、南京大学考博英语真题 2012 年及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、SectionStructure an(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.As the world“s largest grain exporter, the United States has _ power over the world food distribution system.(分数:1.00)A.assortedB.unrivaledC.compoundedD.intrigued2.The gap between what we know

2、and all that can be known seems not to _, but rather to increase with every new discovery.(分数:1.00)A.clarifyB.eliminateC.diminishD.extinguish3.Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more _ emotion.(分数:1.00)A.compellingB.abidingC.violent

3、D.sophisticated4.The new range of products _ last autumn is already selling far better than is expected.(分数:1.00)A.launchedB.marketedC.prevailedD.envisioned5.Einstein was a man deeply _ to the ideal of the morally responsible scientist.(分数:1.00)A.affectedB.committedC.subjectedD.maintained6.I am _ to

4、 Mr. Morrison because of the kindness and concern that he showed me when I first got here.(分数:1.00)A.gratifiedB.unforgettableC.desirousD.indebted7.Some sociologists are worried about the _ competition for status that is intensified throughout the whole society.(分数:1.00)A.fraudulentB.generousC.dynami

5、cD.compulsive8.With the severe shortage of energy supply, we are facing the _ of a very hard winter.(分数:1.00)A.expectationB.prospectC.promiseD.damage9.If securities of a foreign corporation are sold in the US, the corporation is _ to the US law.(分数:1.00)A.dedicatedB.subjectC.projectedD.loyal10.Histo

6、rians share one fundamental _ that we can learn from the mistakes of our past.(分数:1.00)A.assumptionB.suppositionC.ideologyD.ethos11.New technology is making the traditional farming machinery and methods _.(分数:1.00)A.efficientB.emergentC.obsoleteD.nostalgic12.The term nonverbal communication _ a numb

7、er of categories: body language, vocal intonations, physical objects, and space, among others.(分数:1.00)A.embracesB.classifiesC.constitutesD.intervenes13.The initial results of the experiment didn“t _ quite as expected, to their disappointment.(分数:1.00)A.take placeB.end upC.bring aboutD.turn out14.Sh

8、e is trying to _ him by phone as she has some very important news for him.(分数:1.00)A.touchB.reachC.relateD.connect15.James is quite _ with the customs and languages of the people in that part of the country.(分数:1.00)A.knowledgeableB.commonC.awareD.familiar16.They did not realize that they had _ a cr

9、ime by cutting down the tree.(分数:1.00)A.performedB.undertakenC.madeD.committed17.Doctors say that moderate drinking can have a beneficial _ on your health.(分数:1.00)A.impactB.generationC.dispositionD.dependence18.The teacher wanted to make the students realize that reading good literature is a good w

10、ay to broaden their _.(分数:1.00)A.visionB.horizonC.scopeD.expansion19.He implied that the President had lied and _ obstructed justice.(分数:1.00)A.nonethelessB.howeverC.therebyD.likewise20.A team of researchers _ the problem of diseases connected with contaminated milk.(分数:1.00)A.addressB.interactC.won

11、derD.react三、Part B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)If we accept that we cannot prevent science and technology from changing our world, we can at least try to 1 that the changes they make are in the right directions. In a democratic society, this means that the public needs to have a basic understanding of science 2

12、it can make informed decisions and not 3 them in the hands of experts. At the moment, the public has a rather ambivalent attitude 4 science. It has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of 5 that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue, but it also distrusts

13、science because it doesn“t understand it. This distrust is evident in the cartoon 6 of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein. It is also an important 7 behind support for the Green parties. What can be done to 8 this interest and give the public the scientific backgro

14、und it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain, the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering? Clearly, the basis must lie in what is taught in schools. But in schools science is often 9 in a dry and uninteresting manner. Children learn it by rote to pass examin

15、ations, and they don“t see its 10 to the world around them. Moreover, science is often taught in terms of equations. Although equations are a concise and accurate way of describing mathematical ideas, they frighten most people.(分数:10.00) thatC.despit

16、e thatD.thoughA.clutchB.leaveC.fabricateD.nurtureA.aboutB.withC.uponD.towardA.livingB.lifeC.survivalD.livesA.literatureB.personC.artD.figureA.roleB.conceptC.elementD.indexA.constrainB.harnessC.fosterD.extinguishA.presentedB.conductedC.portrayedD.utilizedA.meaningB.contributionC.applicationD.relevanc

17、e四、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:8.00)During the 1700s and 1800s, major fighting during wars generally ceased for the winters and armies took up winter encampments. As winter descended upon Pennsylvania in 1777, General George Washington chose Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, so

18、me eighteen miles west of Philadelphia as site of the winter encampment of the Continental Army. The area was far enough away from the British in Philadelphia to discourage surprise attacks and its location between high hills and the Schuylkill River made it easily defensible. The Continental Army,

19、however, was in bad shape. Of the 12,000 soldiers, many lacked the supplies or clothing to Survive the winter and many others were starving at this point. At Valley Forge, defense lines were built along with over 1,000 huts to provide some relief from the brutal elements. Moisture from rain and melt

20、ing snow made it impossible for many soldiers to stay dry and allowed for the spread of disease. The only reliable food that the soldiers received was a mixture of flour and water known as “firecake“. Occasionally, soldiers received meat and bread. Furthermore, many soldiers had inadequate supplies

21、of clothing and were forced to endure the winter in tatters and without blankets. Many lacked shoes. Wounded soldiers often died from exposure to the elements. Unsanitary and crowded conditions led to the proliferation of diseases and sicknesses such as typhoid and pneumonia. Over 2,000 people died

22、from such sicknesses. On February 23,1778, former German General Baron yon Steuben arrived at Valley Forge to train the Patriots how to march in formation, fire guns quickly, use bayonets and become soldiers. Though von Steuben spoke little English, he developed a training manual in French that woul

23、d be translated on the grounds into English. Unlike many American generals, von Steuben worked directly with the soldiers, endearing him to the thousands suffering at Valley Forge. Von Steuben“s presence did much to improve the morale of the army during the bitter winter and also helped them develop

24、 into a more tactical, effective military machine, capable of fighting the British. On June 19,1778, the Continental Army left Valley Forge in pursuit of the British who were moving north to New York.(分数:8.00)(1).Why did General Washington choose Valley Forge as the site of his army“s winter encampm

25、ent?(分数:2.00)A.It was close to a source of waterB.It was warmer than any other encampmentsC.Its location made it easy to defendD.It was the only place where he wouldn“t be attacked(2).How was Baron yon Steuben different from American generals?(分数:2.00)A.He never worked directly with soldiersB.He wor

26、ked directly with soldiersC.He would go into battle with soldiersD.He liked the British(3).What was probably the most important contributions made by Baron yon Steuben?(分数:2.00)A.He helped transform the Continental Army into an army that could actually fight the BritishB.He taught the soldiers how t

27、o use bayonetsC.He taught the soldiers that their Generals did not have to speak good EnglishD.He provided the soldiers with things to laugh about(4).What happened last?(分数:2.00)A.The Continental Army learned to fire guns faster and to use bayonetsB.The Continental Army began their pursuit of the Br

28、itishC.It was April 1778 when the war finally came to an endD.Baron Von Steuben arrived六、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:8.00)Most readers underestimate the amount of rewriting it usually takes to produce a spontaneous reading. This is a great disadvantage to the student writer, who sees only a finished produc

29、t and never watches the craftsman who takes the necessary step back, studies the work carefully, returns to the task, steps back, returns, steps back, again and again. Anthony Burgess, one of the most productive writers in the English speaking countries, admits, “I might revise a page twenty times.“

30、 Ronald Dahl, the popular children“s writer, states, “By the time I“m nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and changed and corrected at least 150 times.Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this.“ Rewriting isn“t something that ought to be done. It is si

31、mply something that most writers find they have to do to discover what they have to say and how to say it. It is a condition of the writer“s life. There are, however, a few writers who do little formal rewriting, primarily because they have the capacity and experience to create and review a large nu

32、mber of invisible drafts in their minds before they approach the page. And some writers slowly produce finished pages, performing all the tasks of revision, page by page. But it is still possible to see the sequence followed by most writers most of the time in rereading their own work. Most writers

33、can scan their draft first, reading as quickly as possible to catch the larger problems of subject and form, then move in closer and closer as they read and write, reread and rewrite.(分数:8.00)(1).What does the student writer fail to do?(分数:2.00)A.To have enough time to devote to writingB.To find his

34、 disadvantage in writingC.To see his works completeD.To observe other writers rewrite(2).What do we know about Anthony Burgess?(分数:2.00)A.He is the first person to find the disadvantage of the student writerB.He is a craftsman who always regrets what he has done and therefore redoes itC.He has publi

35、shed many literary worksD.He enjoys writing on the same page many times(3).Why do some writers do little formal rewriting?(分数:2.00)A.Because they can do the mental rewritingB.Because they are not positive of what they have to say or how to say itC.Because they believe rewriting is not worthwhileD.Be

36、cause they have to find their pages first before they write(4).What do most writers have in common?(分数:2.00)A.Spending a great deal of time plotting and draftingB.Performing all the tasks of revision at onceC.Spending most of their time reading other“s worksD.Rereading and rewriting their works七、Pas

37、sage Three(总题数:1,分数:8.00)He brought an entirely new level of style and sophistication to jazz music. Although a gifted piano player, Duke Ellington used the orchestra as his principal instrument. He considered himself a composer and arranger rather than just a musician, like Jelly Roll Morton before

38、 him. It was in 1917 when Duke began playing music professionally in Washington, D. C. Stride piano players like James P. Johnson and Willie “The Lion“ Smith influenced his piano technique. Duke led a band called The Washingtonians, which played at The Hollywood Club in Manhattan (the club was later

39、 renamed as the Kentucky Club). This band acquired a style all its own when trumpet player Bubber Miley joined it, bringing with him his unique plunger-mute style of playing. Called the “Jungle Sound,“ this sound came to be largely responsible for Ellington“s early success. A good example of this st

40、yle of playing is the song East St. Louis Toodle-Oo. In 1924, the group recorded their first album, Choo Choo (Gotta Hurry Home and Rainy Nights (Rainy Days). However, the band didn“t hit the big time until after Irving Mills became their manager and publisher in 1926. In 1927, the band rerecorded v

41、ersions of East St. Louis Toodle-Oo, then debuted two songs that would be associated with Duke the for rest of his career, Black and Tan Fantasy and Creole Love Call. Ellington“s Orchestra, unlike many of its contemporaries, was able to make the transition from 1920s hot jazz of the to 1930s swing m

42、usic. One song it played, It Don“t Mean a Thing (If It Ain“t Got That Swing), even came to define the era. What kept the Ellington Orchestra a major force in jazz was this very ability to adapt and grow with the times. The fame and influence of Ellington continued to grow throughout the 40s and 50s.

43、 His band continued to come up with jazz standards like Take the “A“ Train, Perdido, the “C“ Jam Blues, and Satin Doll. Duke wrote several religious pieces in the 1960s. He also composed The Far East Suite, then also collaborated with a highly diverse group of jazz musicians, among them Charles Ming

44、us and Max Roach with whom he played a trio.(分数:8.00)(1).What is the main topic of this passage?(分数:2.00)A.The life of Duke EllingtonB.The shift from jazz to swing musicC.The music of Duke EllingtonD.The development of jazz music(2).According to the passage, Duke Ellington worked as all of the follo

45、wing EXCEPT as a _.(分数:2.00) managerD.composer(3).Which of the following statements would the author of this passage most probably agree with?(分数:2.00)A.Duke Ellington“s resistance to change caused the collapse of his musical careerB.Duke Ellington did most of his jazz com

46、positions in collaboration with othersC.Duke Ellington“s classical compositions are his greatest contribution to musicD.Duke Ellington“s sophisticated musical style greatly influenced the jazz genre(4).All of the following statements about Duke Ellington are true EXCEPT _.(分数:2.00)A.He trained sever

47、al bands to perform his jazz musicB.He had always performed with his own bandC.He was a major influence in jazz musicD.He composed many songs that defined a certain period八、Passage Four(总题数:1,分数:8.00)The pioneers of the teaching of science imagined that its introduction into education would remove t

48、he conventionality, artificiality, and backward-lookingness which were characteristic of classical studies, but they were gravely disappointed. So, too, in their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classical authors in the original would banish at once the dull pedantry and supersti

49、tion of mediaeval scholasticism. The professional schoolmaster was a match for both of them, and has almost managed to make the understanding of chemical reactions as dull and as dogmatic an affair as the reading of Virgil“s Aeneid. The chief claim for the use of science in education is that it teaches a child something about the actual universe in which he is living in making him acquainted with the results of scientific discovery, and at the same time teaches him how to think log

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